תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

Brix: WordPress page builder


Brix is the best page builder plugin out there: thanks to its intuitive drag & drop interface and its powerful set of tools, you’ll be able to transform literally any WordPress theme into something truly awesome.

Lite vs Premium

This is the Lite version of Brix Builder. It contains all the core features of the plugin, and allows you to create great layouts in no time.

If you want more, though, a Premium version of the plugin is available on justevolve.it, adding new features and extending the basic functionality of the plug in. Premium support and regular updates are also part of the premium version.

Here are some of the features included in the Premium version:

  • NEW! Frontend drag&drop editing mode
  • Premium support
  • Full-blown responsive mode
  • Enhanced backgrounds
  • More content blocks
  • Advanced grid features
  • Enhanced column carousels
  • Custom templates import/export
  • Several built-in templates ready for use
  • More icon sets (2200+ icons)


The new shiny "Frontend editing" mode is Brix's way of showing you a live and high fidelity preview of the changes you're making to the page layout and content, displaying it exactly how a visitor would see it. Try it now in our online demo.

Works on every theme

Brix can be used with any WordPress theme and the best thing about its approach is that it doesn't lock you in. Brix doesn't rely on shortcodes: you can switch themes as many times as you like and your content will follow you, even if you disable the plugin completely.

Works on every post type

Brix can be activated on any post type. By default, it works for pages, but easy controls can make it work in other contexts as well, such as posts, portfolio items or even products.

No coding required, yet developer friendly

Brix allows you to visually compose any page or layout you can imagine with a grid-based, easy interface, without touching a single line of code.

Brix is friendly to developers too: the code is clean, efficient and well documented.


Page builders can be slow, and nobody likes heavy plugins that slow down your website. Brix is different. Content generated by Brix is constantly optimized to only load the thing that you need, the moment you need them; Brix works great with caching systems, but even without any of them, the simple fact that it doesn't rely on shortcodes, makes it quick to render.

Advanced Grid System

With Brix interface, you can precisely control even the tiniest detail of your design in a professional way thanks to the most advanced grid management system ever created.

  • Padding and margin controls. You can control spacing for every element on every device by using px, em, % or the unit you need.
  • Special column structures. Combine full width section layouts or take advantage of the unique special section feature, and quickly adjust a row’s column structure with just a couple of clicks.
  • Quickly split & merge columns. Adjust the row columns layout with just one click thanks to the innovative live split/merge controls.

SEO ready

You have full control over the markup that is generated by Brix. It’s up to you to choose the heading structure, and whether to use section tags or not; also, Brix works great with major WordPress SEO plugins like YOAST.

Built to grow

Brix has been designed to be modular and scalable and it can be extended with additional functionality and components with no hassle.

Also, we’re profoundly committed to make Brix better and better, and we’ll keep updating it regularly, extending its documentation and adding new tutorials as well.

Read more on the Brix official blog.

Want to know more? Join the Brix Community!

Help make the Brix community grow and meet other users and discuss with the team about what you’d like to see next in Brix.
Here are our official channels:

Join today! 🙂

צילומי מסך

  • The Brix grid, with column and row arrangement controls.
  • The Templates Manager, from which you'll be able to save your templates and re-use them in your pages.
  • The Brix global options screen.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Head over to the Brix welcome page, which you'll be able to find in the admin menu on the left in your admin screen
  4. After visiting the page once, you'll be able to access the configuration options for Brix from the same location in your admin.

Need more information? Check the online documentation.

שאלות נפוצות

Will it work on my theme too?

YES! Whether your theme is free or premium, Brix will integrate with it seamlessly. Since the plugin hooks on the_content, the use of such function is pretty much the only requirement there is for Brix to work.

Can I switch themes? Will I lose content in the process?

Your content will NOT be lost when switching themes, regardless of the one you choose to use. Also, since the plugin doesn't rely on shortcodes, even deactivating the Brix plugin completely will leave you with perfectly readable content in your pages.

The only thing that's not kept, are the few global options that Brix has, which can be very specific to the theme you're using.

How does support work?

Support on the plugin page on WordPress.org is completely voluntary and as such it is very limited. Feel free to post bug reports, or questions about the plugin functionality.

For more dedicated support, please consider purchasing a copy of Brix premium, which comes with premium support from the Brix staff, as well as with lots of interesting and advanced features.

How can I activate the premium version of the plugin, on top of the Lite version?

If you had activated the Lite version of the plugin, you'll need to disable it in order to unlock premium functionality.

Need more information? Check the online documentation.


28 בנובמבר 2016 1 reply
I've always loved the work of THB. This layout builder is a fantastically designed, satisfying to use plugin to help you move faster, and help clients maintain their own sites with more ease and do all that in style. The premium version is killing, too, btw.
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Visit the changelog page for a more detailed roundup of changed that happened in the development of Brix and Brix premium version.


Bug fixes

  • Added compatibility with WordPress 5.5.



  • Added compatibility with WordPress 5.0.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when using Brix with no visual editor enabled for the current user,
  • Fixed a parsing error that prevented the correct display of some embeds,
  • Fixed an issue that prevented column responsive data to be retained when updating a column.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed fatal error on plugin activation.


New features

  • Added support for revisions of Brix content.


  • Numerous UI tweaks.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed video thumbnail detection from Vimeo videos in galleries.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the tab block trigger.
  • Fixed a centering issue with the iframes in lightbox.
  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Improved spacing field functionality.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the lists advanced icon color.
  • Fixed an issue with the image block caption alignment.
  • Fixed an issue with the sections/columns color and overlay visibility.
  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed carousel display.
  • Corrected a bug in the in-view element detection engine.
  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Various UI improvements.
  • Rewritten in-view element detection engine.
  • Improved rendering for section background colors.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed accordion toggle behavior on Firefox
  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • API now points to https://justevolve.it
  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Improved the image block alignment controls.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed the feature box alignment style.
  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Added compatibility with WordPress 4.8.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Lazy loading of images in Brix.

Bug fixes

  • Password protection with content created with Brix,
  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.



  • Better loading of external assets for some components such as column carousels.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed proper dimensioning of column carousels,
  • Fixed an issue that prevented searches when inserting links using the Editor,
  • Minor bug fixes.


New features

  • Added the ability to force a content block to be aligned at the bottom of its column,
  • Added the ability to stretch a column's background to the screen edges.


  • Improved the speed and reliability when parsing the page,
  • Revamped the content block addition modal to facilitate navigation and block selection.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


New features

  • 11 new blocks!: added support for the WordPress default widgets to be used as content blocks.

Bug fixes

  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed icons search,
  • Fixed TinyMCE toolbar glitch when loaded in a modal,
  • Fixed compatibility with super-admins in multisite environment,
  • Minor bug fixes.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed compatibility with Slider Revolution.


Bug fixes

  • Safari performance improvements,
  • Minor bug fixes.


New features

  • Introduced new frontend editing mode in the premium version.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with undo/redo,
  • Minor bug fixes.

Fixed readme file.


Initial public release.