תוסף זה לא נבדק ב-3 הגרסאות הראשיות האחרונות של וורדפרס. ייתכן והתוסף כבר לא מתוחזק או נתמך על ידי יוצריו, וייתכן שיהיו לו בעיות תאימות בגרסות וורדפרס עדכניות יותר.

A11y Kit


This plugin offers you the possibility to show people accessibility configurations in your menu. This means that everyone, including people with disabilities, will be able to configure the settings (contrast, font-size, coloration, …) that help them be able to use your website.

Here is a demo.
Follow the evolution of the plugin trough the Github repository.

In order to make the plugin works, you need to create a menu first.
In your menu, you simply need to add a CSS class in this way "wpak_DISABILITY_PROPERTY".

Where to add the CSS class mentioned above ?
– In the menu you're in (Appearance > Menus > name_of_your_menu), you first click on an item you want to have the ability to change the state (accessibility menu item).
– Then, you should have the field "CSS Classes (optional)". Inside this field, you can add the class in this way : "wpak_DISABILITY_PROPERTY" (see examples from the pre-configured classes below).
– If the field "CSS Classes (optional)" is not visible, you just have to look for the "Screen Options" button in the top-right corner of the page. Then, search for the checkbox "CSS Classes" which should be checked in order for the field to be visible. Finally, return to the field and add your class.

List of the pre-configured classes


  • "wpak_color_normal" (normal state)
  • "wpak_color_dark" (dark mode)
  • "wpak_color_monochrome" (shades of gray, monochrome)
  • "wpak_color_highcontrast" (high contrast)
  • "wpak_color_lowsaturation" (low saturation)
  • "wpak_color_highsaturation" (high saturation)

Font size

  • "wpak_font_normal" (normal state)
  • "wpak_font_large" (large font-size, default: 30px)


  • "wpak_dyslexia_normal" (normal state)
  • "wpak_dyslexia_comicsans" (Comic Sans font-family)
  • "wpak_dyslexia_arial" (Arial font-family)

Reset button

  • "wpakReset" (reset all the filters)

Add an icon instead of text

You can use the field for the title to add HTML code. With HTML code, it is possible to add
– An image: <img src="link_of_your_image.png" alt="name_of_property" />
– An icon from FontAwesome or any library you want to include: <i class="fas fa-adjust"></i>

Suggested FontAwesome icons

Here is a list of the suggested icons to use for each pre-configured accessibility settings.

  • Coloration: <i class="fas fa-adjust" title="Change the coloration of the site"></i>
  • Font-size: <i class="fas fa-font" title="Change the font-size of the site"></i>
  • Font-family: <i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" title="Change the font-family of the site"></i>
  • Letter-spacing: <i class="fas fa-text-width" title="Change the letter-spacing of the site"></i>
  • Line-height: <i class="fas fa-text-height" title="Change the line-height of the site"></i>
  • Reset button: <i class="fas fa-undo" title="Reset all the accessibility configurations"></i>


If you want to add a link to your accessibility statement page, we recommend using this icon that displays perfectly
<i class="fas fa-child" title="Go to the accessibility statement page"></i>

Import a pre-generated menu

To import a pre-generated menu with already pre-configured accessibility settings, follow the instructions below.

  1. First, download the file menu-a11y.json on your computer, available in the folder SAMPLE of the plugin
  2. Install the plugin **Export Import Menus", available here
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Go to Appearance > Export/Import Menus
  5. Click on the tab Import Menus
  6. Click on Choose a file and import the menu-a11y.json file you just downloaded on your computer
  7. On the Menu Name field, feel free to name your menu (ex.: A11y topbar menu)
  8. Click on the Import Menus button
  9. Validate in Appearance > Menus that your menu has been imported correctly


If you want to use FontAwesome icons, install the plugin FontAwesome, available here

Overwritte accessibility settings (styles)

In the plugin directory, there's a file SAMPLE/style-a11y.css that contains all the CSS variables used to style the different accessibility settings of the plugin. It is possible to overwritte those variables by adding this file to the root of your theme.

  1. You need to download the style-a11y.css
  2. You add the file to the root of your theme (or child-theme)
  3. You add this code to your style.css @import "style-a11y.css";

This plugin was created and is maintained by WP inclusion, a glossary of Web accessibility terminologies.


This plugin is multilingual ready.

צילומי מסך


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload a11y-kit.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. You need to create a menu in order for the plugin to work.
  4. The trick is to simply add a CSS class in this way "wpak_DISABILITY_PROPERTY" in order to add custom styles to your accessibility settings.


12 בדצמבר 2023
great tool, i needed only contrast button for few websites in order to follow accessibility rules and it made it.just check docs and support for the plugin in order to know how to use.
23 בדצמבר 2021 2 replies
I tried to use this plugin but it needs better instructions. Simply add class "wpak_DISABILITY_PROPERTY" to what? To where? Not to the menu as there is no place to do that. Please be more explicit with instructions. Also "Deletion failed:" so there is something wrong with the ability to delete the plug from the WordPress site.
קראו את כל 2 הסקירות


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  • Fix bug on plugin removal (deletion)
  • Improve documentation (instructions) on how to configure the accessibility menu


  • Add a DEMO (URL link) of the plugin to better understand the final result


  • Fix the problem of displaying the documentation to WordPress.org


  • Export pre-generated menu in JSON file and add it as a SAMPLE
  • Documentation to import a pre-generated menu with FontAwesome icons


  • Add a better documentation to the usability of the plugin
  • Update the "dark mode" styles
  • Update the "high contrast" styles


  • Initial commit