Technical Inquiries (TIs)

The core function of HDIAC is to answer technical questions using our in-house technical personnel, vast DoD information resources, and our extensive network of subject matter experts (SMEs). HDIAC has technical staff available to conduct technical research in order to give you a head start on your analysis or study in any of our technical focus areas. We offer a free 4-hour TI research service or, for slightly larger research efforts, we offer an extended technical inquiry (ETI) service.

Technical Inquiry Features

Our TIs include the following to help you with your research:

magnifying glass
Literature Searches

A curated bibliography given a technical topic

Document Requests

Dissemination of technical reports to authorized users

User Icon
SME Referrals

Contacts and connections with relevant, technical SMEs

coworkers collaborating together on research project

Free Technical Inquiry Services

HDIAC’s free TI service offers 4 hours of free research per inquiry on any topic within our technical focus areas. Typical TI efforts may include answering technical questions, literature searches, document requests, or referrals to SMEs. Completed responses are compiled and delivered to the inquirer in less than 10 business days.


How to Submit a New Technical Inquiry

Log in to our member portal using a CAC, ECA, or PIV and then complete the New Technical Inquiry form.

Users without a CAC, ECA, or PIV can email us at [email protected] with the inquirer's name, email address, organization, active government contract number (if applicable), the technical inquiry, and any additional details.

Extended Technical Inquiry (ETI) Services

ETIs are externally funded research efforts that go slightly beyond 4 research hours. ETIs require between 5 and 160 technical hours of research, with a $50K maximum ceiling and period of performance up to 2 months.


Ready to submit a technical inquiry?

Receive free information research on technical topics

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

Filter by Technical Focus Areas

By default, only content within your selected technical focus areas is displayed throughout the site. You can update your technical focus areas in your profile or temporarily filter the content here.

Is there an annotated bibliography on atmospheric dust globally, and who are the relevant subject matter experts?

Is there an annotated bibliography on atmospheric dust globally, and who are the relevant subject matter experts?

What efforts has the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) undertaken within the past few years (or currently) to mitigate or eliminate the potential misuse of artificial intelligence in biotechnologies, bioengineering, and/or the development of biological weapons?

What efforts has the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) undertaken within the past few years (or currently) to mitigate or eliminate the potential misuse of artificial intelligence in biotechnologies, bioengineering, and/or the development of biological weapons?

Is there any empirical data for dry decontamination operational procedures?

Is there any empirical data for dry decontamination operational procedures?

Who is conducting research and development on small, wind energy generation?

Who is conducting research and development on small, wind energy generation?

Memory Effect Mitigation of an Incinerator’s Pollution Abatement System

How can the "memory effect" of an incinerator's pollution abatement system be removed after it becomes contaminated with dioxins and furans?

Behavioral and Mental Health Issues Unique to the National Guard

Is there any research on the behavioral and mental health issues unique to National Guard forces?