Conference Presentations by GÖZDE SARLAK-KRÄMER

The medium of transportation, its speed and duration utterly shape the movement of
Istanbulites ... more The medium of transportation, its speed and duration utterly shape the movement of
Istanbulites thus their perception, imagery, association and memorization of the city. In a city of such mass, even a simple journey like commuting is not merely transitional and partial. The mobility experiences -on, above or under the ground- create diverse ways of observation and interaction. Gender, socio-economic environment as well as individual characteristic reciprocally transform these experiences. Furthermore, the mode of a dweller's existence in the city as a traveler influence beyond the journeys –they have impacts on their role in their communities as family, school, work, apartment, neighborhood etc.
On this ground, this paper is an inquiry into different modes of the movement and perception of Istanbul in selected movies from 2000s: Şimdiki Zaman (2012) and Pandora’nın Kutusu (2008). In these selected movies –both directed by females- the image of the city is predominantly portrayed through the lenses of mobile characters who travel on foot, by bus or car. Istanbul isn’t merely an intriguing scenery, an enticing spectacle or a panoramic image observed from afar; but rather a place where people try to engage and develop a sense of belonging. The movement of the heroines will be explored in order to develop a sense of mental and temporal space; in a way, the psychogeography of the characters will be traced.The concept of psychogeography will provide a method to understand the individuals’ sense of belonging (or not belonging) to the city and its impact on their psyche.

Dosya , 2023
The housing crisis has affected many cities worldwide and deepened, especially with the COVID-19 ... more The housing crisis has affected many cities worldwide and deepened, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with global warming and economic and political instabilities, producing unjust living conditions that exacerbate existing socio-economic and ecological inequalities. Urban social movements tackle the housing crisis and housing (in)justice by challenging the idea that housing is a commodity and putting forward transformative political demands that position housing as a fundamental human right. But how do these social movements shape political and legal frameworks, and how can their struggles produce alternatives to -and despite- neoliberal housing policies? This article discusses the unique dynamics of housing issues in Berlin by engaging with the historical contingencies, actors and networks, political discourses, and housing policies. It also explores how the demand for the socialization of tenant movements can produce a long-term, just, and commons-oriented urban and housing policy in and beyond Berlin.
Teaching Documents by GÖZDE SARLAK-KRÄMER
Circular , 2023
The format Circular offers prospective students insights
into Urban Design research and teaching ... more The format Circular offers prospective students insights
into Urban Design research and teaching program at
HafenCity University Hamburg.

Kullanım değeri; barınma; ev; yuva; aile; özel yaşamın gizliliği; kadının ve çocuğun korunm... more Kullanım değeri; barınma; ev; yuva; aile; özel yaşamın gizliliği; kadının ve çocuğun korunması; komşu/ luk; mahalle/habitat; sosyal ağlar; toplumsalın inşası; yeniden üretim; sosyal, komünal, kooperatif, kolek- tif, enformal; dayanışma; yerinde kalma hakkı, güven/emniyet/korunma; insan hakkı; sağlık, eğitim, su, gıda, istihdam, sağlıklı çevre, yaşam hakkı; kent hakkı; iklim adaleti; sosyal adalet... Veya değişim değeri; mülkiyet; yatırım/spekülasyon; meta; finans varlığı/yatırım fonu; soylulaşma; kentsel yenileme/dönüşüm, yuvakırım; kentkırım; kapalı site, anklav; sosyal statü; ürün; inşaat, emlak, finans sektörleri, yan sektörleri; kara para; gözetim/denetim/disiplin; şiddet; makbul vatandaş; zorla tahliyeler; sosyo-mekansal ayrışma; adaletsizlik... Sayamadığımız daha nice çelişkili tanımları ama aynı zamanda geniş kapsamı, çoklu ilişkileri ve domino etkileriyle tahmin edeceğiniz üzere konuttan bahsediyoruz. Nereden baktığınıza, nerede durdu- ğunuza bağlı olarak her yanıt ve karşı-yanıtıyla aslında “Konut nedir?” sorusu çetrefil bir soru. Hem temel bir hak ama aynı zamanda bir ürün ve meta oluşunun yanı sıra hem kullanım değerini hem de değişim değerini barındırması çelişkilerinin kaynağı. Dosya’nın konutla ilgili bu sayısında yazarlarımız konutu farklı bağlamları, işlevleri ve etkileriyle irdeliyor.
Conference Presentations by GÖZDE SARLAK-KRÄMER
Istanbulites thus their perception, imagery, association and memorization of the city. In a city of such mass, even a simple journey like commuting is not merely transitional and partial. The mobility experiences -on, above or under the ground- create diverse ways of observation and interaction. Gender, socio-economic environment as well as individual characteristic reciprocally transform these experiences. Furthermore, the mode of a dweller's existence in the city as a traveler influence beyond the journeys –they have impacts on their role in their communities as family, school, work, apartment, neighborhood etc.
On this ground, this paper is an inquiry into different modes of the movement and perception of Istanbul in selected movies from 2000s: Şimdiki Zaman (2012) and Pandora’nın Kutusu (2008). In these selected movies –both directed by females- the image of the city is predominantly portrayed through the lenses of mobile characters who travel on foot, by bus or car. Istanbul isn’t merely an intriguing scenery, an enticing spectacle or a panoramic image observed from afar; but rather a place where people try to engage and develop a sense of belonging. The movement of the heroines will be explored in order to develop a sense of mental and temporal space; in a way, the psychogeography of the characters will be traced.The concept of psychogeography will provide a method to understand the individuals’ sense of belonging (or not belonging) to the city and its impact on their psyche.
Teaching Documents by GÖZDE SARLAK-KRÄMER
into Urban Design research and teaching program at
HafenCity University Hamburg.
Istanbulites thus their perception, imagery, association and memorization of the city. In a city of such mass, even a simple journey like commuting is not merely transitional and partial. The mobility experiences -on, above or under the ground- create diverse ways of observation and interaction. Gender, socio-economic environment as well as individual characteristic reciprocally transform these experiences. Furthermore, the mode of a dweller's existence in the city as a traveler influence beyond the journeys –they have impacts on their role in their communities as family, school, work, apartment, neighborhood etc.
On this ground, this paper is an inquiry into different modes of the movement and perception of Istanbul in selected movies from 2000s: Şimdiki Zaman (2012) and Pandora’nın Kutusu (2008). In these selected movies –both directed by females- the image of the city is predominantly portrayed through the lenses of mobile characters who travel on foot, by bus or car. Istanbul isn’t merely an intriguing scenery, an enticing spectacle or a panoramic image observed from afar; but rather a place where people try to engage and develop a sense of belonging. The movement of the heroines will be explored in order to develop a sense of mental and temporal space; in a way, the psychogeography of the characters will be traced.The concept of psychogeography will provide a method to understand the individuals’ sense of belonging (or not belonging) to the city and its impact on their psyche.
into Urban Design research and teaching program at
HafenCity University Hamburg.