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Haunted Michigan, Bump In The Night

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Thursday, October 27th, 2005
5:09 pm

I found this over at video geeks...great bunch of scary short films for Halloween.  Enjoy and pass em around!

 Home Video

 The Cycle (super creepy)

 The Virus

 Blood Syrup

 Oh My God



 The Thing in the Roof

 The Butcher

 Double Jeu


current mood: PMSey

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Tuesday, October 25th, 2005
9:08 am - Welcome!


I'd like to welcome you to Haunted Michigan, a group for my current
documentary, as well as a group that will be doing actual ghost hunts!!!

If you know of any homes and or places that are haunted, be sure to
share with us (especially if they are in Hillsdale County!) Also, if you know of anyone that has had an
"experience" or "ghost story" that happened to them...and is willing to
be interviewed...let me know (especially if they are in Hillsdale County!!!)

I'm Also currently in need of some people willing to help out on the documentary in regards to Camera, Lighting, Sound etc... It wouldn't be a paid position, just volunteer (with full credits given in the movie credits!)

Love and Light

current mood: creative

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Thursday, October 20th, 2005
5:48 pm - Welcome! Haunted Michigan, Bump in the night!

Hi Welcome to Haunted Michigan!

current mood: cheerful

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