
Interior of HouseZero first level. Captures work space, reception area, meeting room, and staircase.
Left: Second-floor workspace of HouseZero. Right: Exterior photo of HouseZero, a pre-1940’s house in Cambridge MA that was retrofitted into an ambitious data-driven living-laboratory
Two images side by side of robot used to create materials
Creating and improving sustainable, high-performance buildings and cities >> HouseZero, the Center’s headquarters, is a pre-1940s house in Cambridge, MA that was retrofitted into an ultra-efficiency, healthy, positive energy structure and lab with ambitious performance targets. Explore HouseZero.
Driving sustainability through design >> Through research, innovation, and collaboration, the Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities is promoting holistic change within the built environment. Discover our Center.
Using design-centric strategy to develop processes, systems, and products >> Our researchers and faculty focus on four interrelated areas of research: design and operation, high-performance materials and construction, technology adoption and diffusion, and sustainable planning. Learn about our research. 
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Downtown Kolkata, India.

The Inequality of heat

Holly Samuelson, Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities core research faculty… 

Wall in HouseZero.

HouseZero: A Zero Energy Retrofit

Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities…


Project Air

January 2025

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be…

Interior drawing of HouseZero first floor.

August 2024

CGBC researchers share findings to support data analytics of ultra-low energy building…

Urban agriculture in a French suburb.

July 2024

Natures Urbaines Exhibition Presented at the Pavillion de L’Arsenal and in Published Book…
