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    • International Finance
Fecha: 2013-06-12
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      Free Space OpticsFREE SPACE OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONWireless Communication, Free Space Optical Communication
Residents of Concord, Massachusetts, have a history of triggering important initiatives in geopolitics, American literature, and now municipal fiber optic infrastructure. After a decade of studying how to improve the town's Internet... more
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In 2015 these 24 towns, all lacking highspeed Internet access, passed borrowing authorizations totaling $38 million to build fiber connections to homes and businesses. They are members of a cooperative called Wired-West. If all the towns... more
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      EngineeringOptical fiber
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    • The Internet
In 2015 these 24 towns, all lacking highspeed Internet access, passed borrowing authorizations totaling $38 million to build fiber connections to homes and businesses. They are members of a cooperative called Wired-West. If all the towns... more
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      EngineeringOptical fiber
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    • The Internet
Esta es mi mochila. ¿Os gusta? A mí me encanta. Me la compró mamá el año pasado. Como veis, es de color gris verdoso. Las correas para sujetarla a la espalda son de color marrón. Las hebillas brillan tanto que parecen de plata. En la... more
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      Cleaner ProductionNatural Resource ManagementNatural Resource
Primer análisis sobre la oportunidad de promover Empresas B como motores de desarrollo rural: casos en Chile, Colombia y Argentina.
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Results of the second step of the action research project supported by Ford Foundation and Sistema B aimed at promoting and strengthening Empresas B with a positive rural impact in Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. Maintaining coherence... more
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      Business EthicsRural Development
Primera evaluación del fenómeno emergente Empresas B en la región (2013). Realizada en 4 países, la investigación fue coordinada por María Emilia Correa (Sistema B). Este informe recoge los hallazgos y la metodología empleada, describe... more
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“Rethinking The Bottom Line of Firm Performance as an Opportunity”, refers to the concepts of Sustainable Development and of the “triple bottom line”. The basic idea behind those concepts is that companies that want to be successful in... more
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      Triple Bottom LineRSEResponsabilidad Social EmpresarialStrategic CSR
El documento muestar la situación en 2004 del tema de RSC en países de América Latina y los principales temas de discusión en torno a él; las distintas iniciativas asociadas al tema sobre la existencia de organizaciones y redes... more
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      RSEStrategic CSRResponsabilidad SocialCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de OEA-CEPAL-YABT, “Promoción de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas en América Latina y el Caribe.” El objetivo del proyecto es definir las áreas críticas del... more
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      Organizational ChangePyMEsSustentabilidadResponsabilidad Social
On October 4, 2017, in parallel with the annual B Corp Champions Retreat, we will host the Second Annual Global B Corporation Academic Community Roundtable. This year's theme is " The Role of the Academic Community in Scaling the B Corp... more
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      Impact EvaluationSocial Impact AssessmentB Corps
The first academic conference on the New Economy and Purpose-Driven Companies, organized collaboratively by Academia B and the academic world, aims to bring together students and postgrad researchers so that they can present their... more
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      Social enterpreneurshipNew Economic ModelsSocial Enterprise Hybrid Business ModelsCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Hoy se espera que las empresas generen crecimiento económico y, además, sean actores en la solución de los problemas sociales y ambientales, que las compañías trabajen para ser las mejores PARA el mundo. Muchos empresarios comparten estas... more
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      SostenibilidadSostenibilidad Empresarial
This publication is protected by a Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license (CC-IGO 3.0 BY-NC-ND) org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/igo/legalcode) and may be reproduced for any non-commercial use... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentsThe Importance of Ethics and Values In Business Sustainability