Bob Doyle
Bob Doyle is the Information Philosopher.
His goal for the InformationPhilosopher.com website is to provide web pages on all the major philosophers and scientists who have worked on the problems of freedom, value, and knowledge. Each page has excerpts from the thinker's work and a critical analysis. The original three major sections of the website each have a history of the problem, the relevant physics, biology, cosmology, etc, and pages on the core concepts of the problem. In recent years, sections have been added on the mind, chance, and the quantum.
Bob's new Metaphysicist.com website hopes to show how information philosophy can solve many problems, puzzles, and paradoxes in metaphysics. As opposed to metaphysicians, who are today mostly analytic language philosophers, a metaphysicist can show that information is physical, but immaterial. Thoughts in minds are immaterial, yet they causally influence the actions of the material brain and body.
Bob's first philosophy book - Free Will: The Scandal in Philosophy - was published on June 19, 2011, his 75th birthday.
Phone: 617-876-5678
Address: 77 Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA
His goal for the InformationPhilosopher.com website is to provide web pages on all the major philosophers and scientists who have worked on the problems of freedom, value, and knowledge. Each page has excerpts from the thinker's work and a critical analysis. The original three major sections of the website each have a history of the problem, the relevant physics, biology, cosmology, etc, and pages on the core concepts of the problem. In recent years, sections have been added on the mind, chance, and the quantum.
Bob's new Metaphysicist.com website hopes to show how information philosophy can solve many problems, puzzles, and paradoxes in metaphysics. As opposed to metaphysicians, who are today mostly analytic language philosophers, a metaphysicist can show that information is physical, but immaterial. Thoughts in minds are immaterial, yet they causally influence the actions of the material brain and body.
Bob's first philosophy book - Free Will: The Scandal in Philosophy - was published on June 19, 2011, his 75th birthday.
Phone: 617-876-5678
Address: 77 Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA
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Drafts by Bob Doyle
Papers by Bob Doyle
Aeronautics and Space Administration by charter in September
1967 to assist in an advisory capacity in the planning and conduct
of all NASA missions to create and operate astronomical experiments in space. The scope of the Board’s activities includes:
development and review of the scientific objectives and general
strategy for space astronomy and associated ground-based astronomy; the formulation of guidelines and specific recommendations
for the design of space astronomy missions, and for the various
experiments and auxiliary equipment to be developed and used on
these missions; the continuing examination of policies relating
to the operation of these space observatories once they have been
made operational and are available for observations by the scientific community. The work of the Board encompasses the many
aspects of space astronomy including direct observations of electromagnetic radiation from astronomical sources, cosmic-ray particles and the supporting research that is necessary, but its scope
does not include the study of the Moon and planets from close
vantage point or study of the Earth.
By limiting chance to the generation of alternative possibilities, James was the first to overcome the standard two-part argument against free will, i.e., that the will is either determined or random. James gave it elements of both, to establish freedom but preserve responsibility. We show that James was influenced by Darwin’s model of natural selection, as were most recent thinkers with a two-stage model.
In view of James’s famous decision to make his first act of freedom a choice to believe that his will is free, it is most fitting to celebrate James’s priority in the free will debates by naming the two-stage model – first chance, then choice -“Jamesian” free will.
Books by Bob Doyle
invented most of its fundamentally important concepts?
In his 1905 Brownian motion paper, Einstein quantized matter,
proving the existence of atoms. His light-quantum hypothesis showed
that energy itself comes in particles (photons). He showed energy and
matter are interchangeable, E = mc2. In 1905 Einstein was first to see
nonlocality and instantaneous action-at-a-distance. In 1907 he saw
quantum “jumps” between energy levels in matter, six years before
Bohr postulated them in his atomic model. Einstein saw wave-particle
duality and the “collapse” of the wave in 1909. And in 1916 his transition
probabilities for emission and absorption processes introduced ontological chance when matter and radiation interact, making quantum
mechanics statistical. He discovered the indistinguishability and
odd quantum statistics of elementary particles in 1925 and in 1935
speculated about the nonseparability of interacting identical particles.
It took physicists over twenty years to accept Einstein’s light-quantum.
He explained the relation of particles to waves fifteen years before
Heisenberg matrices and Schrödinger wave functions. He saw
indeterminism ten years before the uncertainty principle. And he saw
nonlocality as early as 1905, presenting it formally in 1927, but was
ignored. In the 1935 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, he explored nonseparability, which was dubbed “entanglement” by Schrödinger. EPR
has gone from being ignorable to become Einstein’s most cited work:
the basis for today’s “second revolution in quantum mechanics.”
In a radical revision of the history of quantum physics, Bob Doyle
develops Einstein’s idea of objective reality to resolve several of
today’s most puzzling quantum mysteries, including the two-slit
experiment, quantum entanglement, and microscopic irreversibility.
This book introduces the Information Philosopher website, a work in progress on these classic questions in philosophy that logical positivists and analytic language philosophers thought they could dis-solve as logical puzzles, pseudo-problems, or conceptual errors.
Information philosophy is a new philosophical methodology that
goes “beyond logic and language” to the underlying information structures being created in the cosmos, in the world, in biological information-processing systems, and in the human mind - structures without which logic, language, and science would be impossible.
According to Bob Doyle, it is a scandal that academic philosophers are convincing young students, against their common sense, that mind, consciousness, free will, values, even the external world, do not exist.
To end the scandal, philosophers need to examine a new method of philosophizing, based not on language but on information. The cosmic creation process that formed the galaxies, stars, and planets, that led to life and to the evolution of the information-processing minds that created language and logic, is the process that creates objective value.
of writing about free will, we have not made very much progress.
Bob Doyle surveys the centuries, recounting the many different forms
of determinism that have been used to deny human freedom and
responsibility. Even many defenders of free will think that it remains
a metaphysical mystery, one that cannot be simply explained by basing
it on other unintelligible mysteries such as quantum mechanics, or
making it an equally mysterious gift of God.
This book is an introduction to the Freedom section of the
Information Philosopher website, a work in progress on some
classical questions in philosophy that 20th-century logical positivists
and analytic language philosophers dis-solved as pseudo-problems.
Information philosophy is a new philosophical methodology that
goes “beyond logic and language” to the underlying information
structures in the cosmos, in the world, in biological systems, and
in the human mind - structures without which logic, language, and
science would be impossible.
According to Doyle, the more serious scandal today is that academic
philosophers are convincing many young students that they are
biological machines whose actions are completely determined.
To end the scandal, philosophers need to teach a two-stage model of
free will and creativity, one that Doyle finds in the work of a dozen
philosophers and scientists going back to William James in 1884.
Doyle’s Cogito model of the mind treats human beings as an essential
part of a cosmic creation process that creates objective value.
Websites by Bob Doyle
Videos by Bob Doyle
Conference Presentations by Bob Doyle
Aeronautics and Space Administration by charter in September
1967 to assist in an advisory capacity in the planning and conduct
of all NASA missions to create and operate astronomical experiments in space. The scope of the Board’s activities includes:
development and review of the scientific objectives and general
strategy for space astronomy and associated ground-based astronomy; the formulation of guidelines and specific recommendations
for the design of space astronomy missions, and for the various
experiments and auxiliary equipment to be developed and used on
these missions; the continuing examination of policies relating
to the operation of these space observatories once they have been
made operational and are available for observations by the scientific community. The work of the Board encompasses the many
aspects of space astronomy including direct observations of electromagnetic radiation from astronomical sources, cosmic-ray particles and the supporting research that is necessary, but its scope
does not include the study of the Moon and planets from close
vantage point or study of the Earth.
By limiting chance to the generation of alternative possibilities, James was the first to overcome the standard two-part argument against free will, i.e., that the will is either determined or random. James gave it elements of both, to establish freedom but preserve responsibility. We show that James was influenced by Darwin’s model of natural selection, as were most recent thinkers with a two-stage model.
In view of James’s famous decision to make his first act of freedom a choice to believe that his will is free, it is most fitting to celebrate James’s priority in the free will debates by naming the two-stage model – first chance, then choice -“Jamesian” free will.
invented most of its fundamentally important concepts?
In his 1905 Brownian motion paper, Einstein quantized matter,
proving the existence of atoms. His light-quantum hypothesis showed
that energy itself comes in particles (photons). He showed energy and
matter are interchangeable, E = mc2. In 1905 Einstein was first to see
nonlocality and instantaneous action-at-a-distance. In 1907 he saw
quantum “jumps” between energy levels in matter, six years before
Bohr postulated them in his atomic model. Einstein saw wave-particle
duality and the “collapse” of the wave in 1909. And in 1916 his transition
probabilities for emission and absorption processes introduced ontological chance when matter and radiation interact, making quantum
mechanics statistical. He discovered the indistinguishability and
odd quantum statistics of elementary particles in 1925 and in 1935
speculated about the nonseparability of interacting identical particles.
It took physicists over twenty years to accept Einstein’s light-quantum.
He explained the relation of particles to waves fifteen years before
Heisenberg matrices and Schrödinger wave functions. He saw
indeterminism ten years before the uncertainty principle. And he saw
nonlocality as early as 1905, presenting it formally in 1927, but was
ignored. In the 1935 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, he explored nonseparability, which was dubbed “entanglement” by Schrödinger. EPR
has gone from being ignorable to become Einstein’s most cited work:
the basis for today’s “second revolution in quantum mechanics.”
In a radical revision of the history of quantum physics, Bob Doyle
develops Einstein’s idea of objective reality to resolve several of
today’s most puzzling quantum mysteries, including the two-slit
experiment, quantum entanglement, and microscopic irreversibility.
This book introduces the Information Philosopher website, a work in progress on these classic questions in philosophy that logical positivists and analytic language philosophers thought they could dis-solve as logical puzzles, pseudo-problems, or conceptual errors.
Information philosophy is a new philosophical methodology that
goes “beyond logic and language” to the underlying information structures being created in the cosmos, in the world, in biological information-processing systems, and in the human mind - structures without which logic, language, and science would be impossible.
According to Bob Doyle, it is a scandal that academic philosophers are convincing young students, against their common sense, that mind, consciousness, free will, values, even the external world, do not exist.
To end the scandal, philosophers need to examine a new method of philosophizing, based not on language but on information. The cosmic creation process that formed the galaxies, stars, and planets, that led to life and to the evolution of the information-processing minds that created language and logic, is the process that creates objective value.
of writing about free will, we have not made very much progress.
Bob Doyle surveys the centuries, recounting the many different forms
of determinism that have been used to deny human freedom and
responsibility. Even many defenders of free will think that it remains
a metaphysical mystery, one that cannot be simply explained by basing
it on other unintelligible mysteries such as quantum mechanics, or
making it an equally mysterious gift of God.
This book is an introduction to the Freedom section of the
Information Philosopher website, a work in progress on some
classical questions in philosophy that 20th-century logical positivists
and analytic language philosophers dis-solved as pseudo-problems.
Information philosophy is a new philosophical methodology that
goes “beyond logic and language” to the underlying information
structures in the cosmos, in the world, in biological systems, and
in the human mind - structures without which logic, language, and
science would be impossible.
According to Doyle, the more serious scandal today is that academic
philosophers are convincing many young students that they are
biological machines whose actions are completely determined.
To end the scandal, philosophers need to teach a two-stage model of
free will and creativity, one that Doyle finds in the work of a dozen
philosophers and scientists going back to William James in 1884.
Doyle’s Cogito model of the mind treats human beings as an essential
part of a cosmic creation process that creates objective value.