Asa D Brown
Dr. Asa Don Brown is an author, speaker, and clinician. Dr. Brown has worked as a clinician in Canada and the United States. He is a prolific author having been published in a variety of professional and popular journals, magazines, and online columns, including: Healthy Directions, American Psychiatric, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Inner Peace Parenting Magazine, and many others. Dr. Brown has had a regular monthly column with The Sober World Magazine (January 2015 - Present). In the past, he had a bimonthly column with the Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association from February 2011- February 2015. Dr. Brown has published the following books: Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work, 2016; Waiting to Live, 2010 and The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Perception and Worldview, 2008.
Dr. Asa Don Brown’s books and lectures have transformed the minds of his readers and audiences
around the world. Asa has worked as a consultation, advocate, and business facilitator in Canada and the United States. He has taught at the university and college levels. He has served a variety of professional boards including: Washington State Counseling Association, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Brain Technology & Neuroscience Research Centre, BTNRC, The Society for the Arts in Dementia Care, and a variety of others. He has consulted various forms of government; social service agencies; legal practices; educational institutions; medical practices; religious organizations; and others in the field of psychology and psychiatry. He regularly consults and engages businesses and business leaders on topics that directly affect their fields. He has had the privilege of being interviewed and a guest of a variety of television, radio, magazine, and newspaper columns.
As a volunteer, Dr. Brown is continuously seeking new ways to challenge his person. In the past year, he trained to become a New York State Firefighter. As he trained he enjoyed the challenge of learning a new academic perspective as a firefighter. He gained a better understanding of how firefighting is not what is seen on television, but it is a process of redeveloping the internal and external person.
Most of all, Dr. Brown loves being a father and a husband. Dr. Brown relishes in the time that he has to spend with his family and his wife.
Supervisors: Dr. Talaya Delaney and Dr. Collier Brown
Phone: (206) 430-2611
Address: 3439 Vestal Parkway East, PMB #177
Vestal, New York 13850
Dr. Asa Don Brown’s books and lectures have transformed the minds of his readers and audiences
around the world. Asa has worked as a consultation, advocate, and business facilitator in Canada and the United States. He has taught at the university and college levels. He has served a variety of professional boards including: Washington State Counseling Association, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Brain Technology & Neuroscience Research Centre, BTNRC, The Society for the Arts in Dementia Care, and a variety of others. He has consulted various forms of government; social service agencies; legal practices; educational institutions; medical practices; religious organizations; and others in the field of psychology and psychiatry. He regularly consults and engages businesses and business leaders on topics that directly affect their fields. He has had the privilege of being interviewed and a guest of a variety of television, radio, magazine, and newspaper columns.
As a volunteer, Dr. Brown is continuously seeking new ways to challenge his person. In the past year, he trained to become a New York State Firefighter. As he trained he enjoyed the challenge of learning a new academic perspective as a firefighter. He gained a better understanding of how firefighting is not what is seen on television, but it is a process of redeveloping the internal and external person.
Most of all, Dr. Brown loves being a father and a husband. Dr. Brown relishes in the time that he has to spend with his family and his wife.
Supervisors: Dr. Talaya Delaney and Dr. Collier Brown
Phone: (206) 430-2611
Address: 3439 Vestal Parkway East, PMB #177
Vestal, New York 13850
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Papers by Asa D Brown
a rather complex word that intersects all aspects of life. For many, the word weaver is most commonly associated with threading
material together. For others, the word weaver may be related to the weaverbird, which is part of the finch family. While for others, the
word weaver may conjure up a variety of thoughts, perceptions, impressions, and ideas, specific to bringing people together. My stories
strive to implement many aspects of this word, by meticulously layering them together to create a unique and individualized
experience. While my collection of short stories may not overlap, there is a cohesive idea of overcoming, surviving, and proving
personally resilient. The thematic intent of this collection has been to ballast as many perspectives around survival, implicit and
explicit, and to extrapolate an underlying tone of resilience, persistence, and resistance.
My thesis is a journey through the lives of a variety of characters, both human and non. It explores their angst, heartache, sorrow, and
love. As you voyage through my stories, you will witness how I have chosen to weave the very fabric of my unique stories together. The
stories are as much about the characters’ lives as they have to do with the stories themselves.
Ultimately, the ambition of each of these stories has been to drive home a similar theme of triumph, overcoming and the integrity of the
human condition. You’ll be cast into a rich environment of homesickness, nostalgia, friendship, loss, and love. My stories intend to
explore the very nature of the biopsychosocial makeup of the human experience, while also examining the intrinsic drive to prove
ISBN 9798302134622
Advisors: Dr. Talaya A. Delaney and Dr. Collier Brown
Thesis Number 31767753
Proquest Document ID 3152503153
Document URL https://www.proquest.com/docview/3152503153
Brown, A. D. (2021, August 10) “Proving resilient during a pandemic.” Beyond the Badge, The Official Publication of the Ontario Provincial Police Association, OPPA, 18, 30-31
Printed and Online editions are available - Please contact the OPPA for your copy of this publication.
#pandemic #firstresponders #police #OntarioProvincialPolice #Ontario #Canada #stigma #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalwellness #wellness #health #psychology #stigmatization #asadonbrown
Please read and share this article: https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-69-march-2021/
Brown, A. D. (2021, March 1) “The stigmatization facing first responders” International Fire Fighter, 69, 72-74 PDF Version Retrieved from https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-69-march-2021/
Printed and Online editions are available - Contributing Editor of the March 2021 Edition
#firefighters #firefighting #stigma #mentalhealth #mentalillness #stigmatization #InternationalFireFighter #asadonbrown
Retrieved from https://pao.ca/news-and-issues/pao-quarterly-magazine/
~ Featured Cover Article
~ Due to concerns over COVID-19, the physical publication of this magazine has been delayed.
Published with The Sober World
Retrieve your copy from:
Brown, A. D. (2021, January 1) “The perfect storm the onset of burnout” Retrieved from https://www.thesoberworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/jan21_issue-1.pdf - https://www.thesoberworld.com/2021/01/01/the-perfect-storm-the-onset-of-burnout/ The Sober World Magazine 10 (1) 4, 9
#burnout #social #socialisolation #lonely #loneliness #forgotten #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #LivingBeyond #asadonbrown #TheSoberWorld #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic
Please Read and Share "Loneliness and social isolation"
Brown, A. D. (2020, September 26) “Loneliness and social isolation” Oklahoma Firefighter, Official Publication of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association. 37 (7) 26 Retrieved from https://issuu.com/oklahomastatefirefightersassoc/docs/okff_sept_2020_color
Brown, A. D. (2020, September 1) “Emergency services and accountability” International Fire Fighter, 67, 50-52 PDF Version
Retrieved from https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-67-september-2020/
#accountable #accountabilitypartner #accountabilitygroup #socialdistancing #socialisolation #social #lonely #loneliness #forgotten #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #asadonbrown #IFFmagazine #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic #covid
Retrieve your copy at https://www.aaets.org/jaaets
“The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress® is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma. The Academy in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and provide standards for those who provide intervention to survivors of traumatic events.”
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 20) “First responders and addiction: Through the eyes of a first responder.” Journal of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress Retrieved from https://www.aaets.org/jaaets Summer / Fall (3) 24 - 25 ~ Featured Cover Article
#firstresponders #firefighters #police #constables #RCMP #mentalhealth #mentalwellness
#mentalhealthawareness #asadonbrown #AmericanAcademyofTraumaticStress #TheNationalCenterforCrisisManagement
Psychologs “is India’s First Psychology Magazine.” The magazine offers a wide range of knowledge about diverse topics in the field of psychology. The magazine is a premier magazine offering topics prudent to the field of psychology and the individual.
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 1) “How to move beyond our struggles?” Retrieved from https://psychologs.com/article/how-to-move-beyond-our-struggles Psychologs Magazine (New Delhi, India)
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 1) “The rise of domestic violence” Retrieved from https://issuu.com/soberworld/docs/aug20-issue and https://www.thesoberworld.com/2020/08/01/the-rise-of-domestic-violence/ The Sober World Magazine 9 (8) 4
#domesticviolence #initimatepartner #violence #abuse #spousalabuse #trauma #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #LivingBeyond #asadonbrown #TheSoberWorld #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic #covid United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)
a rather complex word that intersects all aspects of life. For many, the word weaver is most commonly associated with threading
material together. For others, the word weaver may be related to the weaverbird, which is part of the finch family. While for others, the
word weaver may conjure up a variety of thoughts, perceptions, impressions, and ideas, specific to bringing people together. My stories
strive to implement many aspects of this word, by meticulously layering them together to create a unique and individualized
experience. While my collection of short stories may not overlap, there is a cohesive idea of overcoming, surviving, and proving
personally resilient. The thematic intent of this collection has been to ballast as many perspectives around survival, implicit and
explicit, and to extrapolate an underlying tone of resilience, persistence, and resistance.
My thesis is a journey through the lives of a variety of characters, both human and non. It explores their angst, heartache, sorrow, and
love. As you voyage through my stories, you will witness how I have chosen to weave the very fabric of my unique stories together. The
stories are as much about the characters’ lives as they have to do with the stories themselves.
Ultimately, the ambition of each of these stories has been to drive home a similar theme of triumph, overcoming and the integrity of the
human condition. You’ll be cast into a rich environment of homesickness, nostalgia, friendship, loss, and love. My stories intend to
explore the very nature of the biopsychosocial makeup of the human experience, while also examining the intrinsic drive to prove
ISBN 9798302134622
Advisors: Dr. Talaya A. Delaney and Dr. Collier Brown
Thesis Number 31767753
Proquest Document ID 3152503153
Document URL https://www.proquest.com/docview/3152503153
Brown, A. D. (2021, August 10) “Proving resilient during a pandemic.” Beyond the Badge, The Official Publication of the Ontario Provincial Police Association, OPPA, 18, 30-31
Printed and Online editions are available - Please contact the OPPA for your copy of this publication.
#pandemic #firstresponders #police #OntarioProvincialPolice #Ontario #Canada #stigma #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalwellness #wellness #health #psychology #stigmatization #asadonbrown
Please read and share this article: https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-69-march-2021/
Brown, A. D. (2021, March 1) “The stigmatization facing first responders” International Fire Fighter, 69, 72-74 PDF Version Retrieved from https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-69-march-2021/
Printed and Online editions are available - Contributing Editor of the March 2021 Edition
#firefighters #firefighting #stigma #mentalhealth #mentalillness #stigmatization #InternationalFireFighter #asadonbrown
Retrieved from https://pao.ca/news-and-issues/pao-quarterly-magazine/
~ Featured Cover Article
~ Due to concerns over COVID-19, the physical publication of this magazine has been delayed.
Published with The Sober World
Retrieve your copy from:
Brown, A. D. (2021, January 1) “The perfect storm the onset of burnout” Retrieved from https://www.thesoberworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/jan21_issue-1.pdf - https://www.thesoberworld.com/2021/01/01/the-perfect-storm-the-onset-of-burnout/ The Sober World Magazine 10 (1) 4, 9
#burnout #social #socialisolation #lonely #loneliness #forgotten #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #LivingBeyond #asadonbrown #TheSoberWorld #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic
Please Read and Share "Loneliness and social isolation"
Brown, A. D. (2020, September 26) “Loneliness and social isolation” Oklahoma Firefighter, Official Publication of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association. 37 (7) 26 Retrieved from https://issuu.com/oklahomastatefirefightersassoc/docs/okff_sept_2020_color
Brown, A. D. (2020, September 1) “Emergency services and accountability” International Fire Fighter, 67, 50-52 PDF Version
Retrieved from https://iffmag.mdmpublishing.com/international-fire-fighter-magazine-issue-67-september-2020/
#accountable #accountabilitypartner #accountabilitygroup #socialdistancing #socialisolation #social #lonely #loneliness #forgotten #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #asadonbrown #IFFmagazine #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic #covid
Retrieve your copy at https://www.aaets.org/jaaets
“The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress® is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma. The Academy in collaboration with the National Center for Crisis Management aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and provide standards for those who provide intervention to survivors of traumatic events.”
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 20) “First responders and addiction: Through the eyes of a first responder.” Journal of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress Retrieved from https://www.aaets.org/jaaets Summer / Fall (3) 24 - 25 ~ Featured Cover Article
#firstresponders #firefighters #police #constables #RCMP #mentalhealth #mentalwellness
#mentalhealthawareness #asadonbrown #AmericanAcademyofTraumaticStress #TheNationalCenterforCrisisManagement
Psychologs “is India’s First Psychology Magazine.” The magazine offers a wide range of knowledge about diverse topics in the field of psychology. The magazine is a premier magazine offering topics prudent to the field of psychology and the individual.
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 1) “How to move beyond our struggles?” Retrieved from https://psychologs.com/article/how-to-move-beyond-our-struggles Psychologs Magazine (New Delhi, India)
Brown, A. D. (2020, August 1) “The rise of domestic violence” Retrieved from https://issuu.com/soberworld/docs/aug20-issue and https://www.thesoberworld.com/2020/08/01/the-rise-of-domestic-violence/ The Sober World Magazine 9 (8) 4
#domesticviolence #initimatepartner #violence #abuse #spousalabuse #trauma #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #health #resiliency #resilient #mentalwellness #LivingBeyond #asadonbrown #TheSoberWorld #addiction #addict #addictive #pandemic #covid United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)
interpersonal skills and safe working environments.
Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work, is a thoughtfully written manuscript offering key techniques for workplace conflict. Dr. Asa Don Brown's masterful way with words will offer a fresh perspective on communication and relationships. While the dynamics of conflict can create intense emotional, social, behavioral and psychological stressors; it is critically important to be prepared for the unknown and the unexpected. Dr. Brown will not only highlight key risk factors, but will offer preventive techniques designed to safeguard against potential threats. The process of communication is challenged when poor communication skills are utilized.
~ Dr. Bruce Monkhouse
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, University of Victoria
Chief of Psychology at Correctional Service of Canada, Victoria, British Columbia
Example 3 By: Asa Don Brown, Ph.D.
As a reader, I have had immense pleasure in reviewing Dr. Daniel Briggs’ latest book, The Origins of Morality. Dr. Briggs’ work will cause some to feel exasperated, while without a doubt
have others comfortable with his perspective on life. The perspectives in this book will have you intellectually chomping at the bit. Having been academically trained in theology, religion, counseling, as well as, psychology; there were many
moments in my review that I either wholeheartedly agreed, respectfully disagreed, or desired to have a lively discussion with Dr. Briggs. It is without a doubt that Dr. Briggs offers many
compelling arguments throughout the breadth of his work.
Whether you interpret the earth’s origination to be from a scripted Big Bang, an Intelligent Design, a Theist Evolution, or some Spiritually Cosmic event; the causation of the human race or the evolution of the human race, is complex indeed.
The teaching herein is fortified by a wealth of Biblical Scriptures and references, scientific arguments and laws, humanistic quandaries and perspectives, and a string of academic
conundrums. As a spiritual thinker and believer, as well as, an academically trained professional; I flip a cognitive coin while reading Dr. Briggs’ take on life, theology, science, and the
conception of human life. I have no doubt that you will find yourself on the edge of your chair debating many of the
arguments herein. It is a prolific take on life, the scientific community, and the spiritual journey.
Asa Don Brown, Ph.D., C.C.C., D. N.C.C.M., F.A.A.E.T.S.
Associate Faculty at Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia
Author for the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association
Author of "Waiting to Live;" "Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace;" and "The effects of childhood trauma on adult perception and worldview."
Author for the "Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association" and for "The Sober World Magazine"
Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work, is a thoughtfully written manuscript offering key techniques for workplace conflict. Dr. Asa Don Brown’s masterful way with words will offer a fresh perspective on communication and relationships. While the dynamics of conflict can create intense emotional, social, behavioral
and psychological stressors; it is critically important to be prepared for the unknown and the unexpected. Dr. Brown will not only highlight key risk factors, but will offer preventive techniques designed to safeguard against potential threats. The process of communication is challenged when poor communication skills are utilized.
Asa Don Brown has dedicated his life to serving his community and humanity. He explores each of his endeavors with a great amount of zeal, passion, and fortitude. As a leading thinker in the field of psychology, spirituality, management, and government; Dr. Brown has an undoubted ability to reach people. As a lecturer, professor, and clinician, he has been continuously sought out for his expertise, wisdom, and insight. Dr. Brown’s ability to reach others through effective communication and empowerment will inspire and transform your way of thinking.
and worldview.
Why are you Waiting to Live?
interpersonal skills and safe working environments.
Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work, is a thoughtfully written manuscript offering key techniques for workplace conflict. Dr. Asa Don Brown’s masterful way with words will offer a fresh perspective on communication and relationships. While the dynamics of conflict can create intense emotional, social, behavioral
and psychological stressors; it is critically important to be prepared for the unknown and the unexpected. Dr. Brown will not only highlight key risk factors, but will offer preventive techniques designed to safeguard against potential threats. The process of communication is challenged when poor communication skills are utilized.
Asa Don Brown has dedicated his life to serving his community and humanity. He explores each of his endeavors with a great amount of zeal, passion, and fortitude. As a leading thinker in the field of psychology, spirituality, management, and government; Dr. Brown has an undoubted ability to reach people. As a lecturer, professor, and clinician, he has
been continuously sought out for his expertise, wisdom, and insight. Dr. Brown’s ability to reach others through effective communication and empowerment will inspire and transform your way of thinking.
inspirational and motivational speaker, author, and personal
life coach. He will discuss his latest book, Waiting to Live,
his doctoral research on The effects of childhood trauma on
adult perception and worldview, as well as his professional
and personal pursuits.
“Human Trafficking is not only an injustice to the victim, but it is an injustice to the families and friends of that victim.” ~ Dr. Asa Don Brown
#Halloween #kids #feeling #children #families #family #holidays #cultures #celebrations #CBC @CBC #CBCCrossCountryCheckup @asadonbrown
Cross Country Checkup, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC
interview featuring Dr. Asa Don Brown
- Asa Don Brown
Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work
by Dr. Asa Don Brown
Dr. Asa Don Brown's book "Interpersonal Skills" will be featured at this event.
In an era where impersonal technology has assumed a larger role in communication, Dr. Brown has written a highly relevant book that has implications for any individual seeking to cultivate strong and meaningful relationships with others. ~ Dr. Tony Mann
Co-interviewee, Actress Breann Johnson #RedWingMovie
Article Posted by Davinder Singh Chauhan
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Dariya 5 News
5 Dariya News
(A Leading Newspaper of The Region)
in Punjabi, Hindi & English
5 Dariya News
#1817/A, Preet Nagar, Randhawa Road, Kharar
Dist. SAS Nagar (Mohali) 140301, Punjab (India)
Mob: 99148 10266
- See more at: http://www.5dariyanews.com/news/149155-Vestal-Author-Helps-Readers-To-Develop-Interpersonal-Skills-AtWork-Through-New-Psychology-Book#sthash.PFG0k6wE.dpuf
CounseLion - Penn State University
by Laura Anne Copley
"Childhood Trauma Does Not Come in One Single Package." ~ Dr. Asa Don Brown
The benefits of smiling are limitless.
- Dr. Asa Don Brown
BTNRC is established to accomplish the following:
1 To conduct scientific research, studies, and investigations in the fields of Brain Technology, Neuroscience, Psychology. Parapsychology, Sociology, and Human & Life Sciences.
2 To engage in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and to undertake research on behalf of governments, public and private sector agencies.
3 To share specific and interdisciplinary knowledge among the scientific community worldwide, and to network with other organizations to create a collaborative environment in promoting scientific research and towards such purposes hold local and International Congresses.
4 To foster excellence and innovation in dissemination of knowledge, publish journals, manuals, and other print media including e-Journals to communicate its findings and share with professional network worldwide.
Russ Kane
Siobhain (Vonnie) Crosbie
Dave Sleet
Dr. Asa Don Brown
Principles in Western Countries".
Conference: International Mental Health Fair 2021
Health, Aging, and the Creative Arts,
Invited Speaker
~ Dr. Bruce Monkhouse
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, University of Victoria
Chief of Psychology at Correctional Service of Canada, Victoria, British Columbia
Your discussion format exudes modern simplicity of a TV host who keeps the audience tuned without distraction. Your eye to detail makes it furthermore attractive.
In today’s world of very fast pace technology, administration and management of human resources is a key pillar for successful function of any venture. We need an experienced managerial team that is fully conversant with inter-personal skills, employability, and the application of skills in order to sustain a happy and satisfied workforce. My personal experience in the field coaxes me to say that this book contains all what is needed to create a modern day fully pleasant workplace atmosphere of respect and sense of belonging. A fully motivated workforce equipped with modern technology is the need of the day and your book can be a great help in this regard. This book is a unique source material and can be a major contributory factor for success. Dr. Brown’s book, in my opinion, is a gem of a “Workplace Bible” as a reference book in daily use. I wish Godspeed for your meaningful effort.
~ Surinderpal Rathor, B.A.
Former City Councilman and Deputy Mayor
~ Dr. Bruce Monkhouse
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, University of Victoria
Chief of Psychology at Correctional Service of Canada, Victoria, British Columbia
Brown, Asa Don. 2025. The Weaver of Stories. Master's thesis, Harvard University Division of Continuing Education.
The title of this short story collection is The Weaver of Stories. Why, The Weaver of Stories? The word weaver is not a simple word, it is a rather complex word that intersects all aspects of life. For many, the word weaver is most commonly associated with threading material together. For others, the word weaver may be related to the weaverbird, which is part of the finch family. While for others, the word weaver may conjure up a variety of thoughts, perceptions, impressions, and ideas, specific to bringing people together. My stories strive to implement many aspects of this word, by meticulously layering them together to create a unique and individualized experience. While my collection of short stories may not overlap, there is a cohesive idea of overcoming, surviving, and proving personally resilient. The thematic intent of this collection has been to ballast as many perspectives around survival, implicit and explicit, and to extrapolate an underlying tone of resilience, persistence, and resistance. My thesis is a journey through the lives of a variety of characters, both human and non. It explores their angst, heartache, sorrow, and love. As you voyage through my stories, you will witness how I have chosen to weave the very fabric of my unique stories together. The stories are as much about the characters’ lives as they have to do with the stories themselves. Ultimately, the ambition of each of these stories has been to drive home a similar theme of triumph, overcoming and the integrity of the human condition. You’ll be cast into a rich environment of homesickness, nostalgia, friendship, loss, and love. My stories intend to explore the very nature of the biopsychosocial makeup of the human experience, while also examining the intrinsic drive to prove victorious.
ISBN 9798302134622
Advisors: Dr. Talaya A. Delaney and Dr. Collier Brown
Thesis Number 31767753
Proquest Document ID 3152503153
Document URL https://www.proquest.com/docview/3152503153