Papers by Arif Winarno, ST., MT

CFD Letters, Nov 28, 2023
The fisheries sector is one of the potential sectors that contribute to Indonesia's state income,... more The fisheries sector is one of the potential sectors that contribute to Indonesia's state income, but it has often been neglected. Almost all fishing boats still use diesel engines as the main power source to propel the boat. The use of this type of fuel has an impact on increasing the level of air pollution such as CO2, SO2, and NOX in the atmosphere. However, research to reduce ship pollution, especially the combination of propulsion system for fishing boats using engines and sails, is rarely carried out. This study aims to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of fishing vessels on the north coast of Java due to the application of numerical variations in laying sails using Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD). The numerical simulation results show that the placement of sails in each model variation results in a change in the fluid flow pattern from bow to stern which can contribute to fuel efficiency. From the comparison of the three models, the most effective placement of sails is at the bow of the ship.
Jurnal Borneo Informatika dan Teknik Komputer, Oct 29, 2023

International journal of marine engineering innovation and research, Sep 13, 2023
The Mayangan Beach Fisheries Port (BFP) in Probolinggo City is a fishing port that was establishe... more The Mayangan Beach Fisheries Port (BFP) in Probolinggo City is a fishing port that was established using a combination of funds from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget and Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget of East Java province and Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget of Probolinggo city. Equipped with basic and functional facilities to support various fishing activities, fishing vessels generally use a mechanical propulsion system driven by a diesel engine. The results of the government's decision to increase fuel prices by IDR 8,000/liter, were then supported by a survey which showed that fishermen needed as much as 110 liters of fuel for a journey of approximately one hour for one trip, with these conditions making fishermen, especially in the Mayangan district, Probolinggo very objection by increasing the price of fuel that will be used to go to sea, so that with the problems complained of by fishermen on the Mayangan coast, Probolinggo about rising fuel prices, this refers to researchers planning a hybrid propulsion system to reduce consumption of the use of fuel that will be used for purse seine fishing boats. The results showed that the main engine specifications for the Mitsubishi ship were 6D24-Mpt (A) with 228 Kw power, then the Yanmar Ytg 15 Tlv generator, while the electric motor specifications that would be used were Weg Tru Metric 132 Kw / 175 HP, as well as batteries for storing battery energy which had specifications J185-Agm Vrla Agm / Non-Spillable. The difference in fuel consumption in the conventional system and the hybrid system looks quite significant. Using a hybrid propulsion system can produce fuel savings of up to 30% when compared to using a conventional engine. Keywords⎯ Electric motor, fishing boat purse seine, hybrid propulsion system,

International journal of marine engineering innovation and research, Oct 22, 2023
The continuous flow of marine debris in the sea has been a problem until now. Previous research o... more The continuous flow of marine debris in the sea has been a problem until now. Previous research on garbage collection vessels was conducted in calm water conditions, without waves and waves due to wind. This is different from the real conditions in the sea which are choppy and bumpy. In addition, research on the effect of wave length and amplitude on marine debris collection on garbage collection vessels does not yet exist. This study aims to determine the effect of wave length and amplitude on velocity contours, flow patterns, and ship resistance. The ship uses a circular hollow wing conveyor. Modelling using Rhinocheros software, then numerical simulation using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). Verification of the simulation process uses grid independent by varying the mesh size, then validation of the results is done by comparing with previous experimental research. The results show that the best velocity contour in front of the conveyor is at a ship speed of 1.028 m/s (2 knots) using an amplitude of 0.5 T and a wavelength of 0.5 L. The velocity value in front of the conveyor is 1.551 m/s. This affects the speed of collecting marine debris. This affects the speed of collecting marine debris. The model that has a laminar flow pattern at the bow and at the stern is a speed of 1 knot at an amplitude variation of 0.1 T and a wavelength of 0.1 L. This is the best because it is easy to collect garbage. The smallest drag is the speed of 0.514 m/s (1 knot) at amplitude variation of 0.1 T and wavelength of 0.1 L. At this condition, the fuel consumption is the least. Thus, the greater the wavelength and amplitude of the waves the greater the drag and the smaller the speed.

Propeller adalah salah satu bagian kapal yang digerakkan oleh mesin, yang mempunyai fungsi untuk ... more Propeller adalah salah satu bagian kapal yang digerakkan oleh mesin, yang mempunyai fungsi untuk mendapatkan gaya dorong bagi laju kapal sehingga propeller harus mampu menahan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada blade akibat beban hidrodinamik. Propeller dibedakan menjadi dua jenis salah satunya yaitu Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP). Kecepatan pada kapal tidak terlepas dari desain propeller yang baik agar mendapatkan gaya dorong (thrust) optimal yang dihasilkan oleh gerak propeller. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena sering terjadinya losses dan terjadi retakan pada daun propller. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai thrust optimum propeller dari analisa model variasi sudut rake yang dibuat sehingga dapat diketahui dari variasi model tersebut manakah yang memiliki nilai thrust dan torque tertinggi serta untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai thrust yang dihasilkan dari variasi model B-Series dan Kaplan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). Hipotesa dari studi simulasi variasi yang sudut berpengaruh pada nilai daya dorong kapal serta, nilai perbandingan thrust dan pola aliran serta kontur tersebut di dapatkan dari model dengan parameter analisis dimensi dan putaran yang sama dan mendapatkan nilai efisiensi tertinggi diperoleh pada model propeller B-Series dan Kaplan dengan variasi sudut rake yang maksimum.

IOP conference series, 2022
Ship operation has a huge demand due to the ability to achieve a low-cost operation with big carg... more Ship operation has a huge demand due to the ability to achieve a low-cost operation with big cargo density worldwide. Meanwhile, the ship fuel is the highest cost of the operational spending thus increasing the fuel consumption efficiency is required. Alternative fuels have been proposed to achieve it over decades of research. Indonesia, as a maritime country, also encourages the shipowner to accept the alternative fuel application. However, apply a new type of fuel directly to the existing ships is very complicated. This study aims to contribute the future direction with the author’s perspective of the implementation of the alternative fuel in Indonesia. Gas fuel type is chosen as the main case on this point of view. There are several gas fuels that are evaluated based on the maturity level of the research study case, such as natural gas and hydrogen. Moreover, the possibility of gas fuel type implementation in Indonesia is also studied. In the last, the future of natural gas and hydrogen fuels is discussed.

BAITA Engineering: Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
The study aims to design a system that utilizes the flow of seawater as a source of electrical en... more The study aims to design a system that utilizes the flow of seawater as a source of electrical energy and determine the power generated from the turbine in the seawater flow utilization system. The system is designed using two models with the same specifications, each with an inlet cross-sectional area of 0.12 m2. The Francis turbine, with a turbine height specification of 0.3 m and a diameter of 0.576 m, is used to rotate the turbine blades, which can then be used to turn a generator to produce electricity for the power needs of a 6500 DWT tanker. The flow rate results show that the highest speed in the envelope of the seawater flow utilization system is 4,820 m/s with a water discharge of 0,578 m3/s. The power generated from one turbine from the system is 5,508 kW, while the electrical power generated is 4,710 kW. The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method will be used to examine the velocity of fluid flow passing through the envelope of the seawater flow utilization system.
International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME)

Saintara : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Maritim
Propulsi kapal nelayan tradisional di daerah Mayangan Probolinggo biasanya hanya berdasarkan kese... more Propulsi kapal nelayan tradisional di daerah Mayangan Probolinggo biasanya hanya berdasarkan kesediaan di pasaran dan kecocokan dengan poros kapal yang dipakai, tanpa memperhatikan faktor hambatan dan gaya dorong yang dihasilkan kapal. Sehingga ditengarai banyak kekurangan terutama dalam segi thrust (gaya dorong). Upaya untuk meningkatkan gaya dorong kapal dapat dengan memasang alat berupa kort nozzle yang disebut Energy Saving Device (ESD) pada propeller. Pada penelitian kali ini akan dikaji tentang pemilihan kort nozzle dan menganalisa model agar mendapatkan bentuk kort nozzle yang dapat menaikan gaya dorong (thrust) pada kapal ikan purse seine dengan variasi pemilihan jenis kort nozzle menggunakan kort nozzle shuskin tipe B, Shushkin tipe C dan kort nozzle tipe 37. Analisa dilakukan dengan metode simulasi menggunakan software Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). Hasil simulasi software computational fluid dynamic (fluent) menunjukkan dari masing-masing model kapal dengan kort nozzl...
International Journal on Engineering Applications (IREA)

Journal of Marine-Earth Science and Technology
In this paper an attempt has been made to assess how effective waste-collecting use catamaran shi... more In this paper an attempt has been made to assess how effective waste-collecting use catamaran ship with conveyor in the front. Numerical investigation based on Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) for predicting the flow pattern characteristics, velocity contour, and ship resistance. The focus of the present study is the impact of catamaran ship hull front shape on waste collection in calm water through the numerical methods. The three variations of the front of the hull used are symmetrical hull type, inner flat, and outer flat. It is done using speed variations of 1 to 4 knots. The results show inner flat hull catamaran has the smallest total resistance value than others. In addition, analysis of the flow pattern in front of catamaran shows that outer flat hull catamaran is the easiest to make waste closer to conveyor. From analysis of velocity contours shows that outer flat hull catamaran also has fastest to make the waste close to conveyor.

Suatu kapal khususnya pada kapal cepat dengan ukuran kecil ketika dioperasikan akan mengalami kon... more Suatu kapal khususnya pada kapal cepat dengan ukuran kecil ketika dioperasikan akan mengalami kondisi saat kapal diam dan bergerak pada kecepatan rendah, kapal cepat (planing boat) tersebut memiliki sifat sebagai layaknya lambung displasemen (displacement hull). Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh kapal selama ini adalah masalah hambatan atau tahanan kapal. Tahanan kapal dapat dikurangi dengan memvariasikan desain bentuk lambung kapal yang lebih ramping serta penambahan hidrofoil pada lambung kapal agar bagian lambung kapal yang bergesekan dengan air dapat dikurangi secara signifikan. Prinsipnya tahanan terbesar dari kapal terletak pada luas permukaan kulit lambung kapal yang berada di bawah air atau sering disebut luas permukaan basah (WSA = Wetted Surface Area). Pada penilitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan Hidrofoil pada laju aliran variasi jumlah chine. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) dan perh...

Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan
The increase in ocean waste continues to grow from year to year, especially plastic and solid was... more The increase in ocean waste continues to grow from year to year, especially plastic and solid waste. Various ocean waste collection ships using conveyors exist, both in the form of designs and already in operation, but there has been no research on how many hulls are suitable for ocean waste collectors. This study aims to choose between the three-ship models, namely monohull type U, catamaran type inner flat hull, and trimaran type symmetrical. Assessment is based on ship resistance which relates to fuel consumption and flow distribution relates to ocean waste collection. This research uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method which produces resistance, fluid flow velocity contours, and fluid flow patterns. Numerical simulation is based on Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS). The turbulent model uses the standard k-epsilon equation. Then the volume of fluid sub-models used is open channel flow. The number of eulerian phases is two. Moreover, formulation of the volume fracti...
Prosiding Seminakel, Jan 25, 2019
Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Hang Tuah, 2016
Prosiding Seminakel, Jan 25, 2019
Prosiding Seminakel, 2019
Prosiding Seminakel, 2019
Prosiding Seminakel, 2019
Prosiding Seminakel, Jan 25, 2019
Papers by Arif Winarno, ST., MT