Papers by Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan
National Policy Framework for Prevention of Violent Extremism in Pakistan is a background researc... more National Policy Framework for Prevention of Violent Extremism in Pakistan is a background research which was used for Draft National Policy on the subject which is in process of approval

I am hugely grateful to a large number of people for making this journey possible. First and fore... more I am hugely grateful to a large number of people for making this journey possible. First and foremost, my wife Victoria Jane Lee and our daughters Iris Lee Khan & Zara Lee Khan who have put up with years of my absence whilst I complete the work. Their support has been unwavering. To my family, my loving parents, brothers and sisters; without their support I would never have been in a position to start, let alone finish this endeavour of learning. And my friends, who I cherish most, and who keep me motivated in public service, this work and in my personal life. Academically, I offer my greatest thanks for the enormous support given to me over the four years period from my supervisor Professor Shabbar Jaffry who led me through this journey with huge encouragement, affection and personal support. Also, Professor James McCalman, who was always there to put me back on the right track where I drifted in my research. They offered their collective expertise which was extremely valuable in improving this work. Organizationally, my thanks to Pakistan Police and Punjab Safe Cities Authority which have been a source of tremendous support to me over the years as it has helped me to succeed in my career. To the organisations in which I worked, those who have granted access and my research subjects, a huge thank you for letting me work with you. To all concerned, I am hugely grateful for your collective support in helping me achieve what has been a lifelong goal. Thank you.

Suicide attacks 1 are a terrorist tactic aimed to gain broader political objectives 2 and have mo... more Suicide attacks 1 are a terrorist tactic aimed to gain broader political objectives 2 and have mostly taken place in armed conflicts of non international character. 3 Preventing Suicide attacks is considered to be impossible. I disagree with the notion because suicide attacks may have much higher chances of success but it is not impossible to check the phenomenon. There are many cases in which suicide attackers were identified, arrested or killed before they could reach their target and detonate the explosive material. However, prevention of such attack needs a strategic response rather a tactical detection only. In this paper, I will suggests that checking the motivational basis of terrorists; denying them opportunities for attacks; and thwarting their operational capacity should be main goals of a strategy to prevent the suicide attacks and other terrorist activities in Pakistan. On October 23, 1982, operationally first most successful and politically significant suicide attack to...
This article analyses the US’ policy of drone attacks in Pakistan. It explores the claims and cou... more This article analyses the US’ policy of drone attacks in Pakistan. It explores the claims and counter-claims about their effectiveness and the charge that they are counterproductive. The issues regarding civilian casualties, political consequences and limitations of the policy from the human rights perspective, which outweighs any other consideration, are also examined. The US should revisit its counterterrorism tactics and work closely with other states like Pakistan as a partner in a common strategy to combat terrorism while respecting human rights and the international law.
The Nation, 2021
Motorcycles are increasing disproportionately in Pakistani urban centres and causing traffic mana... more Motorcycles are increasing disproportionately in Pakistani urban centres and causing traffic management issues. There is need to check this trend for better traffic flow and preventing congestion which leads to environmental degradation.
Daily The Nation, 2021
This opinion article sheds light about prevalence of cctv surveillance in Pakistan from security,... more This opinion article sheds light about prevalence of cctv surveillance in Pakistan from security, governance to elections. Recent cases of violation of privacy rights of people call for constitutional amendment and legal framework for criminalising violation of privacy rights of people.
ARUP Website, 2018
This piece by ARUP Consultants, UK talks about the Project and quotes Akbar Nasir Khan as Project... more This piece by ARUP Consultants, UK talks about the Project and quotes Akbar Nasir Khan as Project Director. 29.12.2019, 2019
This Urdu Column is about Akbar Nasir khan and his work as Project Director of PPIC3 Centre Lahor... more This Urdu Column is about Akbar Nasir khan and his work as Project Director of PPIC3 Centre Lahore. Writer is Mr Mansoor Afaq, a renowned poet and intellectual who is a senior opinion maker and writes for Daily Jang, Urdu Daily.
The Nation 30.12.2019, 2019
This opinion article talks about surveillance and privacy issue in Pakistan and need to enforce t... more This opinion article talks about surveillance and privacy issue in Pakistan and need to enforce this right in the country.
The Nation, 2019
This piece talks about how media can help in creating awareness in cases of child abuse. Punjab P... more This piece talks about how media can help in creating awareness in cases of child abuse. Punjab Police has focussed on this issue and has resulted in reuniting 380 children in last one month after sad incident of serial killing of Chunian in district Kasur.
The Nation, 2019
This article analyses broadly what Police has learnt since 2002 after promulgation of Police orde... more This article analyses broadly what Police has learnt since 2002 after promulgation of Police order 2002 and now they need to do business change at Police Station level being accountable to elected representatives rather to the other groups of bureaucrats.
Registration of First Information Report for crimes in Pakistan is a challenge for complainants. ... more Registration of First Information Report for crimes in Pakistan is a challenge for complainants. It can be made easy by accepting every phone call on 15 Emergency Call System of Police as FIR. Investigation and paper work should be started if occurrence is verified by the Investigating Officer. We need to think about it.
Integrated Criminal Justice System, 2019
This piece highlights need and possibility of integrating four pillars of criminal justice system... more This piece highlights need and possibility of integrating four pillars of criminal justice system ie. Courts, prisons, prosecution and Police through technological advancement to increase efficiency and cut costs in Pakistan.
Akbar Nasir Khan and Daal Chaawal, 2019
A newspaper opinion piece by Mr. Anwar Haqqie a journalist who has written about forthcoming movi... more A newspaper opinion piece by Mr. Anwar Haqqie a journalist who has written about forthcoming movie and views about my poetry.
E-Challan is an innovation in Traffic Management of Lahore City where Red Light signal violators ... more E-Challan is an innovation in Traffic Management of Lahore City where Red Light signal violators are sent fine tickets to the registered address with the Excise and Taxation Department of Punjab. PSCA uses cameras to intelligently catch the violations and for collection of fines. This is proved a success in managing traffic in Lahore so far.
Jamana Al Tamimi Assistant Editor of Gulf News covers Punjab Safe Cities Authority project of Lah... more Jamana Al Tamimi Assistant Editor of Gulf News covers Punjab Safe Cities Authority project of Lahore.
The Nation, 2018
Methods of providing security are changing. This piece advocates that Police, traffic and counter... more Methods of providing security are changing. This piece advocates that Police, traffic and counter terrorism are interlinked and modern technology is useful to work in an integrated manner for urban centers through Punjab Safe Cities Authority framework in Pakistan. This model is under replication in other major urban centres of Punjab and Pakistan at the moment with support of the governments. These projects aim to change the business of model and culture of Policing in Pakistan and similar environments elsewhere.
Lahore will be first smart city of Pakistan. Technology is being used to improve the services and... more Lahore will be first smart city of Pakistan. Technology is being used to improve the services and foremost among them is security and safety of people living in urban centers where most of the political and economic activities take place.
A brief interview by ARUP Consulting Magazine published from UK about Safe Cities Project Lahore.
Papers by Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan