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I love this game... Please let me know if it's still being updated

(1 edit) (+1)

Wonderful story start, although I'd like to ask if it is still being worked on?


already fall in love with andreas


Is this still updating? Just curious.

I loveee the writing and format!! Definitely looking forward to any future updates <3


I really hope this isn't abandoned, it's such a unique premise and so well written 

This is Amazing!!:D

Can't wait for more :)


the pronouns are a bit much but i enjoyed it


I appreciated the pronouns. Very helpful for people who use neopronouns.

(1 edit) (+7)(-12)

I don't understand what that means 


neopronouns are pronouns that aren't typically used - essentially any pronoun outside of he/him, she/her, and they/them. a lot of people use them, for reasons varying from queerness to 'their native language uses 'it' as the usual pronoun' to just liking the way it sounds.

having several options presented as selectable buttons rather than just having he/him, she/her, and then 'fill in your own' is also a signifier that the creator respects these pronouns without treating them like an afterthought. this is the first game i've seen with more pronouns than the usual, and it made me happy that people who use different pronouns who play this game will be able to have themselves be referred to the way they want to be referred to rather than fit themselves into a box that doesn't quite fit.

essentially, you personally not needing an option doesn't make those options unnecessary or disruptive, in the same way that you personally may not need curb ramps to get on and off the sidewalk but other people do.

Hey, this seems to be really good and interesting so far! I really wanna see how it keeps going!


LİTERALLY CANT WAIT FOR MORE , also seeing the xe xem pronouns made me smile wide!! good job!!!!

really good so far! the ui looks great and i cant wait for more :D

This is really good! I'm excited to keep up with the updates!!

thank you so much! i have a lot of fun things planned for the future.


this is so aesthetic??? incredible story, i cant wait to see how it develops!! good luck!!


thank you so much! best of luck on your wip too!