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Six new non-cannabinoid constituents were isolated from a high potency Cannabis sativa L. variety, namely 5-acetoxy-6-geranyl-3-n-pentyl-1,4-benzoquinone (1), 4,5-dihydroxy-2,3,6-trimethoxy-9,10dihydrophenanthrene (2),... more
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      PhytochemistryComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyBiological Sciences
Eleven new cannabinoid esters, together with three known cannabinoid acids and ∆ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (∆ 9 -THC), were isolated from a high-potency variety of Cannabis satiVa. The structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic... more
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      Natural ProductsComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyPharmacognosy
This paper presents a speech-based speaker identification system and an efficient approach for selection of acoustic parameters closely related to the vocal track shape of the speaker. Speech endpoint detection algorithm is developed in... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisSpeech RecognitionSpeaker IdentificationFeature Extraction
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and trends in hepatitis B infection among blood donors attending the Transfusion Medicine Unit at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia. A retrospective... more
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      MalaysiaHepatitis BPublic health systems and services researchRetrospective Studies
Beekeeping delivers the rural people with sources of income, dietary use, pollination service and social benefit. In spite of the benefits obtained from beekeeping, farmer’s resistivity to adopt the recommended modern beekeeping... more
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Majority of Ethiopian farmers have been using traditional way of agricultural practices which persist to low productivity. To solve these problems, governmental and non-governmental organizations have made efforts to bring about change... more
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      BusinessProductivityAgricultureAgricultural extension
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Background: The capacity of the recombinant Vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 as a single agent to efficiently treat different human or canine cancers has been shown in several preclinical studies. Currently, its human safety and efficacy are... more
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Rice is an important crop introduced recently in Tselemti district. This study identified the production and associated constraints of upland rice in Tselemti district of Northern Ethiopia. Data were collected from primary and secondary... more
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      GeographyProduction economicsConstraintsupland rice
Background: Rice cultivation is a new practice to Tselemti district of Tigray region, Ethiopia. Adoption of rice technologies is very slow in spite of its potential in the area. This research intended to identify factors affecting... more
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Moringa is a highly valued plant that is mostly grown in arid and semi-arid areas which used for food, medication and industrial purposes. This study investigates the factors affecting Moringa plant cultivation among farmers in Northern... more
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      GeographyAgricultural ScienceMoringa
Frontline demonstration of herbicide was conducted in four districts of Tigray Region with objective of improving productivity of unit area and enhancing the income of farming community. Technology demonstration followed by perception... more
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      MathematicsProductivityAgricultureAgricultural Science
Due to its erratic nature of rainfall and anthropogenic factors, water is becoming a scarce resource in the Tigray region of Northern Ethiopia. Optimum crop yield is not achievable because of excessive moisture stress. As a method for... more
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      MathematicsPerceptionIrrigationSustainable Water Resources Management
The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the intensity of use of improved bread wheat package adoption in the study area. Two kebeles was selected randomly among the potentially wheat producing kebeles in each selected... more
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      BusinessAgricultural EconomicsBiologyProductivity
To determine the growth and productivity of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) at north western zone of Tigray during the 2006 & 2007 cropping season under irrigation conditions, a field experiment was done which consisted of 3 released hot... more
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      MathematicsHorticulturePepperRandomized Block design
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is a cereal crop resilient to adverse climatic conditions. Tef is the most important crop that serves as human food and has a great contribution to food security in Ethiopia, but grain yields are low.... more
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      GeographyBiologyAgricultureFood Security
This paper examines the factors affecting in adoption of improved agricultural technologies in sorghum production in Tigray region, Ethiopia. A total of 284 farm households drawn from three districts of the region were included in the... more
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      BusinessAgricultureProduction economicsSorghum
This paper examines the factors affecting in adoption of improved agricultural technologies in sorghum production in Tigray region, Ethiopia. A total of 284 farm households drawn from three districts of the region were included in the... more
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      BusinessAgricultureProduction economicsSorghum
There is limited information on the perception of the performance of farmers’ saved seed (FSS) despite enormous effort to address the farmers with improved and quality seed. The paper therefore presents perception of farmers, researchers,... more
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