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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringE-learning
This study assesses the role of mobile phone in information seeking of fish markets in two woreda of Gambella regional state. The main objective of the study was to assess the role of mobile phone in information seeking of fish market... more
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    • IS Adoption
—Pharmacy handles all the medicine needed in the hospital that consists of vast amount of records. These produce large scale of datasets that are complex to manage and thereby need tools and technique to easily process, interpret,... more
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      Data MiningBig Data Analytics
Abstract—The ever increasing users’ information need of electronic resources forced librarians to increase their effort of collecting, organizing, preserving and disseminating huge amount of electronic materials, which require... more
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Simulation-based training techniques, tools, and strategies can be applied in designing structured learning experiences, as well as be used as a measurement tool linked to targeted teamwork competencies and learning objectives. An... more
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      Information SecuritySimulation-Based Learning
ICT has brought unprecedented changes and transformation to banks such as online banking, mobile banking, branch networking, automated teller machine (ATM)and Point of sale services. In Ethiopia, in particular to the government-owned... more
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    • ICT adoption
In many higher education institutions in particular in Africa including Ethiopia proper attendance monitoring is a very important criteria in providing quality to promote student satisfaction. Biometric technology offers an advanced... more
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    • Machine Learning
Money is a non-negotiable, indispensable commodity in every person's life. The possession of money in itself is a resource and the usage of it can help acquire resources. Most of the things we use daily have monetary value, whether... more
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    • Internet of Things (IoT)
Concrete blocks or hollow blocks are widely used in the community for building infrastructure, functioning as a necessity for shelter. However, the Philippines is also known to experience various natural disasters such as earthquakes and... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningBig Data AnalyticsComputer Science and Information Technology
The ever increasing users' information need of electronic resources forced librarians to increase their effort of collecting, organizing, preserving and disseminating huge amount of electronic materials, which require state-of-the-art... more
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      Computer ScienceLibrary ScienceSemantic Web technology - OntologiesCloud Computing
ICT has brought unprecedented changes and transformation to banks such as online banking, mobile banking, branch networking, automated teller machine (ATM)and Point of sale services. In Ethiopia, in particular to the government-owned... more
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      BusinessICT adoption
Students require a great deal of information from colleges such as admission notices, timetables, events details, assessments etc. Currently, this information is provided to students through college website. The information present on... more
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      Computer ScienceHigher Education
In many higher education institutions in particular in Africa including Ethiopia proper attendance monitoring is a very important criteria in providing quality to promote student satisfaction. Biometric technology offers an advanced... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningComputer Applications
Today the rapid advances in electronic technologies have resulted in a variety of new and inexpensive control capabilities. The rapid rise of the internet and accessibility of computer resources also led to the concept of Open Source... more
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      Computer ScienceRemote SensingMicrocontrollerInternet of Things (IoT)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is information system that integrates departments and functions across an organization into one computer system to streamline all the organizational process. Thus, each department across the organization... more
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      EngineeringEnergy efficiency in wireless networks and green communications
Ethiopian Higher Educational Institution (EHEI) established an ICT Directorate office for each public universities, colleges and institute, with the same supervisory level as Dean of Colleges, Faculty and Institute to implement and... more
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    • Higher Education
A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based, interactive information system, i.e. it inherits the qualities about information systems in general. The term interactive implies that there is an exchange between the system and the... more
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For a construction project to be completed successfully there must be an effective and efficient utilization of resources. One of these resources is human resource which includes women worker. This research focus on the effectiveness... more
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    • Engineering
Risk management has long been a topic worth pursuing, and indeed several industries are based on its successful applications, insurance companies and banks being the most notable. Data Mining (DM) - is one of the most effective... more
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    • Computer Science