Papers by Birhanu Sintayehu

Humaniora, Nov 30, 2020
The research's objectives were to assess the extent to which principals and supervisors practice ... more The research's objectives were to assess the extent to which principals and supervisors practice ethical code of conduct in leading teachers in primary schools, identify differences among leaders related to their personal characteristics, and identify immoral practices leaders experience in the schools. The research participants were 120 principals, 63 supervisors, and 62 teachers selected using stratified and available sampling techniques. The quantitative data obtained through questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the research reveal that school leaders are moderately ethical in their schools' administration. There is no significant difference in the dimensions of ethical leadership practice with reference to positions and fields of study school leaders possess. However, there is a significant difference in experience in a leadership position and academic qualification as well as between males and females. Teachers perceive that school leaders use mainly deception, abuse, harassment of subordinates, diminished dignity of employees, and breach of the agreement. It is suggested that school leaders should have professional scaffolding and training in fostering ethical leadership behavior to lead schools successfully. Those interested may conduct more detailed research considering secondary schools.
International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2021
Using multisite case studies in four European countries, the purpose of this paper was to explore... more Using multisite case studies in four European countries, the purpose of this paper was to explore school leaders and teachers views on School Self Evaluation (SSE), its role in school improvement and the capacity of schools to engage with the process. Evidence derived from the study suggests that although there is a consensus among school leaders concerning the potential utility of SSE; across some countries, there were also concerns relating to implementing the process and the potential misuse of SSE outcomes. When this was not the case, it is apparent that governments have driven the process with clearly defined legislation and defining the SSE agenda and outcomes to dispel school leaders' apprehensions regarding the balance between SSE for accountability or school improvement.

Проведены исследования образцов керамического композиционного материала, созданного на основе туг... more Проведены исследования образцов керамического композиционного материала, созданного на основе тугоплавких соединений редких и редкоземельных металлов (гафния, тантала и др.). Исследования выполнены в аэродинамической трубе ВАТ-104 ЦАГИ в условиях, моделирующих полет высокоскоростного летательного аппарата в верхних слоях атмосферы. Температура образцов при испытаниях составляла 1900–2800 К. Образцы хорошо выдержали испытания в высокоскоростном потоке воздушной плазмы. Средний унос массы исследованных образцов составил 1,01% за время испытания (800 с). Проведен анализ изменения состава и структуры поверхности образцов в процессе испытаний с помощью электронной микроскопии и рентгенофазового анализа. Ключевые слова: керамический композиционный материал, редкие и редкоземельные металлы, воздействие потока плазмы, термохимическая устойчивость, каталитическая активность, излучательная способность, ресурс.

This study aimed to investigate the implementation of COVID-19 protection protocols and its impli... more This study aimed to investigate the implementation of COVID-19 protection protocols and its implication on teaching-learning process in schools of Werabe administrative town. A concurrent embedded research design and mixed approach were used to carry out the current study and collect data in that order. To conduct the study, 140 teachers, 12 principals, and 6 supervisors were selected by simple random, purposive, and availability sampling techniques respectively. To gather the data, a questionnaire, semi-structured interview, observation checklist, focus group discussion, and document analysis were used. The analysis of quantitative data was carried out by using mean and multiple regressions, while qualitative data was analysed through thematic description and word narration. The results showed that COVID-19 protection protocols were not strictly implemented as per the standards set by both Ministry of Education and the World Health Organization. In addition, the study exposed school community-related factors like reluctance in keeping physical distancing (mean ¼ 4.28, Beta ¼ 0.29, p < 0.05) and resource-related factors like shortage of thermometer (mean ¼ 2.85, Beta ¼ 0.25, p < 0.05) are significantly affecting the implementation of COVID-19 protection protocols. The findings further indicated that the school-community related and the resource-related factors directly affected the classroom teaching-learning process, render students' families and education sectors for additional financial expenses. Therefore, encouraging communication and coordination among education actors, families, learners, and health communities need to be re-strengthened, and the implementation of protection protocols has to be enforced. 1. Introduction Corona virus is a highly contagious pandemic disease that was initially discovered on 31 December 2019 in China, Wuhan province (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020a) and was officially declared as a global pandemic by the WHO in

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 2019
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parental involvement and studen... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic achievement in Model Primary and Secondary School of Haramaya University, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Correlational research design was employed to carry out the current study. Questionnaire interview and document analysis were employed to was employed to collect the data from selected respondents. The sample consists of 52 parents and 60 students purposively selected. The students were selected by their academic rank which means 50% were high achievers whereas below50% were lower achievers from the 8th, 10th and 12th grades. Parents of 30 top scoring and 30 low scoring students were selected purposively. Parental involvement was measured by using self-developed questionnaire with 10 items and eight interview guide questions were used, and students’ academic achievement was measured by their recorded scores by their respective grades in the past three years four intervi...
International Journal of Educational Research Open

Elsevier , 2022
The study examined the impact of the institutional crisis on the process of teaching-learning at ... more The study examined the impact of the institutional crisis on the process of teaching-learning at Haramaya University. The researchers adopted survey research design. An explanatory mixed approach was employed to collect quantitative data first and then qualitative data to explain the quantitative results. A questionnaire, key informant interviews, and field visit were the instruments used to collect the data. The study participants were 45 faculty members/instructors, 40 students, 27 department heads/program coordinators, four deans/associate deans, and five peace & security officers. Simple random, availability, and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the study participants. The researchers used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze quantitative data. In addition, qualitative data was analyzed thematically to substantiate on quantitative findings. The findings indicated that the leaders of Haramaya University have better competence on a political frame than structural, human resource, and symbolic frames. In addition to this, the findings of the study showed that on-campus demonstrations, boycotts of cafeteria services and class, students withdrawl, dropout, ethnocentrism, psychosocial problems, destruction of material resources, and high staff turnover are the major consequence that mostly affected the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it would be advisable if leaders are vigilant to manage the crises that disrupt the teaching and learning proces which in turn hampers the realization of institutional objectives.

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2020
This study aimed to critically examine the power sources and influences of school principals in s... more This study aimed to critically examine the power sources and influences of school principals in secondary schools of Eastern Ethiopia. A descriptive survey research design was employed to carry out the study. The participants of the study were 145 teachers, 78 principals, and 41 supervisors who were selected by using stratified and random sampling techniques. The researcher adopted descriptive and inferential statistics to make sound interpretations of data. The results revealed that school principals were mostly used expert, legitimate, and reward sources of power. Likewise, school principals have predominantly exercised a positional basis of power rather than personal power. There was a significant statistical difference in power sources of school principals regarding positions, gender, and service years. The findings also showed that school principals dominantly practiced proactive influencing tactics. Moreover, findings indicated that subordinates carried out school principals&#...

Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs suggests that human beings cannot reach the level of se... more Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs suggests that human beings cannot reach the level of self-actualization in the event that their basic needs are not properly fulfilled, i.e., physiological needs and needs related to security. This study is an effort to test the theory against the living standard of instructors of Haramaya University (the researchers explore where academic staff are leveled). A qualitative approach was employed to make an empirical investigation of living conditions of instructors in this particular university and its implication on imparting quality education. To do so, the study was attempted from a phenomenographic viewpoint by identifying four themes of conceptions of living standards of academic staff. These include (1) salary, (2) housing, (3) job security, and (4) self-esteem. The findings of the study revealed that, among other things, poor living conditions of higher education staff, rising living cost, inadequate monthly salaries, derisory housing ...

American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Objectives. Evolution of human maternal investment strategies is hypothesized to be tied to biolo... more Objectives. Evolution of human maternal investment strategies is hypothesized to be tied to biological constraints and environmental cues. It is likely, however, that the socioecological context in which mothers' decisions are made is equally important. Yet, a lack of studies examining maternal investment from a cross-cultural, holistic approach has hindered our ability to investigate the evolution of maternal investment strategies. Here, we take a systems-level approach to study how human life history characteristics, environments, and socioecology influence maternal investment in their children. Materials and Methods. We test how infant age and sex, maternal age, parity, and child loss, and the composition of a child's cooperative breeding network are associated with maternal investment across three small-scale (hunter-gatherer, horticultural, and agropastoral), sub-Saharan populations (N=212). Naturalistic behavioral observations also enable us to illustrate the breadth and depth of the human cooperative breeding system. Results. Results indicate that infant age, maternal age and parity, and an infant's cooperative childcare network are significantly associated with maternal investment, controlling for population. We also find that human allomaternal care is conducted by a range of caregivers, occupying different relational, sex, and age categories. Moreover, investment by allomothers is widely distributed. Discussion. Our findings illustrate the social context in which children are reared in contemporary smallscale populations, and in which they were likely reared throughout our evolutionary history. The diversity of the caregiving network, coupled with life history characteristics, is predictive of maternal investment strategies, demonstrating the importance of cooperation in the evolution of human ontogeny.

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parental involvement and studen... more The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parental involvement and students' academic achievement in Model Primary and Secondary School of Haramaya University, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Correlational research design was employed to carry out the current study. Questionnaire interview and document analysis were employed to was employed to collect the data from selected respondents. The sample consists of 52 parents and 60 students purposively selected. The students were selected by their academic rank which means 50% were high achievers whereas below50% were lower achievers from the 8 th , 10 th and 12 th grades. Parents of 30 top scoring and 30 low scoring students were selected purposively. Parental involvement was measured by using self-developed questionnaire with 10 items and eight interview guide questions were used, and students' academic achievement was measured by their recorded scores by their respective grades in the past three years four interview guide questions were employed. The first finding was that there was statistically significant positive relationship between parental involvement and students' academic achievement, (r=0.64, p<0.01). The second finding was that the portrayed students who ranked from 1 st to 10 th from grades 8, 10 and 12 were highly involved, supported and followed by their parents on their education. The third finding was that students who were scored below 50% and ranked last 10's from perspective grades were children whose families were less encouraged and involved. In general, parents' involvement in supporting their students to boost their academic achievement is moderate. It is recommended that more detailed studies can be conducted in the future in different areas as well as country wide.
Papers by Birhanu Sintayehu