Papers by Abdulmuen Mohammed Ibrahim
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), May 22, 2024
doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by pee... more doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, Dec 3, 2023
Grace D and Knight-Jones T ( ) Potential food safety risks in tomato value chains in urban settin... more Grace D and Knight-Jones T ( ) Potential food safety risks in tomato value chains in urban settings of Eastern Ethiopia: a qualitative investigation.

Russian Law Journal, Apr 6, 2023
Food consumption is one of the most important components in ensuring household food security. How... more Food consumption is one of the most important components in ensuring household food security. However, there are practices and beliefs that some foods are detrimental to health among low-income people, which affects food consumption in the household. This situation is directly related to nutrition policy. This study aims to investigate the food consumption households in the rural areas of Kedah State, to fulfill the national nutrition policy of Malaysia. The study centers on rural Kedah State, specifically the municipalities of Kubang Pasu, Baling, Pendang, Alor Setar, and Kuala Muda. The technique of stratified random sampling was used to choose 225 rice growers from the rural regions of the chosen districts. SPSS 25 and food intake results scores were used to analyze the information. The results of the reading revealed that food consumption among farmers was low with a value of less than 29.9. Almost the total food intake for each food category is low except for beverages that have a high value of above 80. The study also found that this group believes that some foods have an impact on health. The study suggests that the government should sensitize the rural population in particular to eat balanced foods. At the same time, the restructuring of the primary school curriculum and syllabus needs to be holistic so that awareness of nourishment and fitness can be raised in early childhood education.
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Apr 6, 2024
doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by pee... more doi: medRxiv preprint NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.

Frontiers in Nutrition
Agriculture, and particularly livestock and animal source foods, has been closely linked to impro... more Agriculture, and particularly livestock and animal source foods, has been closely linked to improvements in human nutrition. Production, income, and women’s empowerment improve household food security and child nutritional outcomes in interacting ways. Khat production in Eastern Ethiopia is changing the economic and livelihood landscape for communities that have traditionally relied upon small-scale mixed agriculture and livestock production. How this shifting livelihood landscape and the empowerment of women in these communities are affecting nutritional outcomes has not been investigated. Using cross-sectional data collected during formative research for the Campylobacter Genomics and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (CAGED) project, we developed models to examine the roles of livelihood activities, including livestock production, staple crop production, and khat production, and women’s empowerment in child nutrition outcomes. Survey participants were randomly selected mothers of...
Cogent Social Sciences, Dec 5, 2022

BMJ Open
IntroductionUndernutrition is an underlying cause of mortality in children under five (CU5) years... more IntroductionUndernutrition is an underlying cause of mortality in children under five (CU5) years of age. Animal-source foods have been shown to decrease malnutrition in CU5. Livestock are important reservoirs for Campylobacter bacteria, which are recognised as risk factors for child malnutrition. Increasing livestock production may be beneficial for improving nutrition of children but these benefits may be negated by increased exposure to Campylobacter and research is needed to evaluate the complex pathways of Campylobacter exposure and infection applicable to low-income and middle-income countries. We aim to identify reservoirs of infection with Campylobacter spp. of infants in rural Eastern Ethiopia and evaluate interactions with child health (environmental enteric dysfunction and stunting) in the context of their sociodemographic environment.Methods and analysisThis longitudinal study involves 115 infants who are followed from birth to 12 months of age and are selected randomly ...

International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 2014
Inequality in academic performance exists between females and males in most parts of Ethiopia par... more Inequality in academic performance exists between females and males in most parts of Ethiopia particularly in rural areas. Many challenges have been made by the government to avoid the gap between two sexes but it has not reached the end goal. So, the objectives of the study were to assess the current status of the academic performance of females in grade seven and eight and to identify the factors that affect the academic performance of females in the study area. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected during the survey from primary as well as secondary sources to achieve the objectives of this research. For this study 130 respondents were selected by simple random techniques and interviewed for the purpose of the study. Structured survey questionnaires, guided interviews, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions were also applied to collect data. To analysis, data qualitative techniques such as tabulation and cross-tabulation, summarization, categorizati...
近年的研究发现,一氧化氮(NO)具有抗黏附作用。本研究通过吸入NO治疗急性肺损伤(ALI)大鼠,观察肺组织细胞间黏附分子(ICAM)-1表达的变化,探讨WX的作用机制,为临床应用吸入NO治疗AL... more 近年的研究发现,一氧化氮(NO)具有抗黏附作用。本研究通过吸入NO治疗急性肺损伤(ALI)大鼠,观察肺组织细胞间黏附分子(ICAM)-1表达的变化,探讨WX的作用机制,为临床应用吸入NO治疗ALI提供理论依据。

Veterinary Medicine International, 2022
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2018 to May 2019 in Bishoftu and Dukem in cen... more A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2018 to May 2019 in Bishoftu and Dukem in central part of Ethiopia. The objectives of the present study were to isolate and identify S. aureus, E. coli, and Salmonella from dairy cattle, personnel, and equipment at farms. In addition to this, antimicrobial resistance profiles of the isolates were determined. A total of 607 samples consisting of fresh cow milk (125), fecal sample (211), nasal swab (211), pooled milkers’ hand swabs (20), pooled floor swabs (20), and tank milk (20) samples were collected from 20 dairy farms, which included 211 animals. Structured questionnaire was designed and administered to dairy farm owners and dairy food consumers to assess their consumption behavior and antibiotics usage. The samples were examined for the presence of S. aureus, E. coli, and Salmonella following standard techniques and procedures outlined by the International Organization for Standardization. Subsequently, 62 (15.7%) of S. aureus ...
Problem Statement In the global south, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, development of the agric... more Problem Statement In the global south, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, development of the agricultural sector is important to achieving significant economic development. However, development of the agricultural sector dominated by smallholder farmers faces complex challenges such as poverty, food and nutrition insecurity, and climate change while sustaining the natural ecosystem (Leeuwis & van den Ban, 2004; Anandajayasekeram et al, 2008). Further, the spread of commercialization, trade liberalization, and technological advancement have created both opportunities and challenges for smallholder livelihoods (Rivera and Alex, 2008).

Journal of Education and Practice, 2015
The objectives of the study were to assess the current status of the academic performance of fema... more The objectives of the study were to assess the current status of the academic performance of females in grade seven and eight and to study how perception of parents affect the academic performance of female students in Kutto Sorfella Primary School, Sodo Zuria Woreda, SNNPR, Ethiopia. To achieve the objectives of this research both qualitative and quantitative data were collected during the survey from primary as well as secondary sources. For this study 23 household heads were selected by simple random techniques and interviewed for the purpose of the study. Instruments of data collection included structured survey questionnaire, guided interviews, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. To analysis data qualitative techniques such as summarization, and categorization were used but concerning to quantitative data, the computer software; SPSS16 version was used. The other specific methods of data analysis such as tabulation and cross-tabulation were also used. Computa...

The objectives of the study were to assess the current status of the academic performance of fema... more The objectives of the study were to assess the current status of the academic performance of females in grade seven and eight and to study how perception of parents affect the academic performance of female students in Kutto Sorfella Primary School, Sodo Zuria Woreda, SNNPR, Ethiopia. To achieve the objectives of this research both qualitative and quantitative data were collected during the survey from primary as well as secondary sources. For this study 23 household heads were selected by simple random techniques and interviewed for the purpose of the study. Instruments of data collection included structured survey questionnaire, guided interviews, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. To analysis data qualitative techniques such as summarization, and categorization were used but concerning to quantitative data, the computer software; SPSS-16 version was used. The other specific methods of data analysis such as tabulation and cross-tabulation were also used. Comput...

Suitable irrigation method with application level is essential for adaptation and adoption in the... more Suitable irrigation method with application level is essential for adaptation and adoption in the areas where water resources are limited. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to test the performance of alternate furrow irrigation (AFI or FFI) and convectional furrow irrigation (CFI) with three water application level on crop, yield response, water use efficiency and cost benefit analysis of cabbage. The experiment had two factors, factorial design arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with nine treatments of three replicate. The treatment namely three furrow Irrigation method alternative Furrow Irrigation (AFI), Fixed Furrow Irrigation (FFI) and Convectional Furrow Irrigation methods (CFI) and three application levels full (100%), three forth 75% and half 50% of full ETc (crop water requirement). The result shows CWUE, IWUE and EWP were highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by both IMs and ALs. The highest and the lowest mean crop and irrigation water use e...

Veterinary Medicine International
Meat is the most valuable livestock product since it is one of the main sources of protein for hu... more Meat is the most valuable livestock product since it is one of the main sources of protein for human consumption. Meat quality can be evaluated according to the following parameters: pH, amount of lactic acid, volatile fatty acids, bounded water, solubility of proteins, color, and tenderness. The meat composition and physical properties of muscles have been characterized for ensuring improved eating quality. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to review the major chemical compositional and physicochemical properties of meat and, at the same time, its quality attributes and factors that affect quality of meat. A number of structural features of meat as connective tissue, muscle fibers, and tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone are visible in joint meat examined through naked eyes. Water is quantitatively the most important component of meat comprising up to 75% of weight. Meat is also composed of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other important ingredients. Qua...

Veterinary Medicine International, 2021
The aim of the current study was to assess the major animal health problems and their impact on b... more The aim of the current study was to assess the major animal health problems and their impact on beef cattle production in Doba district of West Harerghe Zone, Ethiopia. The study area was purposively selected, and a simple random sampling method was used to selected households' fatteners from each kebele and interviewed using structured questionnaires. The present study showed that the overall prevalence of the diseases was internal and external parasite 93.3%, bloat 53.3%, black leg 71.1%, pasteurolosis 71.8%, wound 71.8%, FMD 22.2%, and anthrax 13.33% which affect fattening cattle, respectively, in the study area. All the respondents (100%) involved in the study were experienced with deworming of their animals to protect from parasites. But, only 46.7% and 42.2% of the respondents have accessed veterinary services with limited regularity and vaccination program, respectively, in the study area. Hence, the beef cattle fatting sector should be supported through considering allev...

One Health Outlook, Mar 23, 2020
Background: Childhood stunting and malnutrition condemn millions of people globally to a life of ... more Background: Childhood stunting and malnutrition condemn millions of people globally to a life of disadvantage and cognitive and physical impairment. Though increasing egg consumption is often seen as an important solution for low and middle income countries (including Ethiopia), emerging evidence suggests that greater exposure to poultry feces may also inhibit child growth due to the effects of enteric bacteria, especially Campylobacter, on gut health. Methods: In this rapid ethnographic study, we explored village poultry production, child dietary practices, and environmental hygiene conditions as they relate to Campylobacter risk and intervention in 16 villages in Haramaya Woreda, Eastern Ethiopia. Results: In the study area, we found that women assumed primary responsibility to care for both chickens and children: in feeding, housing, and healthcare. Most chickens were free-range local indigenous breeds, and flock sizes were small and unstable due to epidemics, seasonal trends, reproductive patterns, and lack of food. Generally, eggs were seen as "too luxurious" to be eaten, and were predominantly sold at local markets for scarce cash, despite high malnutrition rates. Local narratives of extreme poverty, social dietary norms, parental fatalism, and lack of "dietary consciousness" (as it was called) were invoked to explain this. We found that homesteads were highly contaminated with human and animal feces. Although community members viewed chicken feces and poultry gastrointestinal contents as particularly noxious in comparison to other animals because of their feeding behaviour, they did not relate them to any particular disease. Shared human-animal housing and childcare practices place children at high risk of exposure to enteric bacteria from animal manure, despite daily routines designed to manage the domestic landscape.
Papers by Abdulmuen Mohammed Ibrahim