Åke Finne
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Papers by Åke Finne
Design/methodology/approach – The study takes a multi-qualitative approach involving a small (N=19) but rich sample. Data collection and analysis were triangulated to reduce researcher biases.
Findings – The study provides key dimensions for understanding consumers’ perceptions of luxury fashion brands and self-gifting motives (self- and socially-orientated). The findings reveal that reflections from others are part of the self-gifting phenomenon. It appeared that although self-orientated benefits and personally-orientated motives trigger the self-gifting act, the act of actually purchasing explicitly luxury brands for oneself as a gift may be triggered by other-orientated benefits and socially-orientated motives. The findings also imply that luxury holds a self-orientated aspect; luxury brands are not only purchased for socially-orientated reasons but also for reasons related to oneself. In addition, the findings discuss the act of shopping, where the act can be perceived as a luxury experience and overrun the importance of the brand.
Practical implications – The findings provide insights to consumers’ gifting behaviour that may be valuable for retailers and fashion marketers as they plan for marketing activities related to their customers’ self-gifting.
Originality/value –Self-gifting represents a view of gifting that remains under-researched. This study uncovers the motives for gifting oneself with luxury fashion brands, a further sub-area in need for more investigation.
Keywords: household goods, gifts, luxury items, self-gifting
Samtidigt sänder olika myndigheter olika signaler, där KEVA kräver 45 studiepoäng av studenterna och en annan finansieringsnyckel poängterar 55 sp. Olika morötter skapar
förvirring. I denna förvirring ska universiteteten leverera utbildning av hög kvalitet. För att greppa detta måste begreppet kvalitet granskas bredare än den snäva kontaktytan
lärare–student. Det behövs en vidare syn på kvalitet.
Design/methodology/approach – The study takes a multi-qualitative approach involving a small (N=19) but rich sample. Data collection and analysis were triangulated to reduce researcher biases.
Findings – The study provides key dimensions for understanding consumers’ perceptions of luxury fashion brands and self-gifting motives (self- and socially-orientated). The findings reveal that reflections from others are part of the self-gifting phenomenon. It appeared that although self-orientated benefits and personally-orientated motives trigger the self-gifting act, the act of actually purchasing explicitly luxury brands for oneself as a gift may be triggered by other-orientated benefits and socially-orientated motives. The findings also imply that luxury holds a self-orientated aspect; luxury brands are not only purchased for socially-orientated reasons but also for reasons related to oneself. In addition, the findings discuss the act of shopping, where the act can be perceived as a luxury experience and overrun the importance of the brand.
Practical implications – The findings provide insights to consumers’ gifting behaviour that may be valuable for retailers and fashion marketers as they plan for marketing activities related to their customers’ self-gifting.
Originality/value –Self-gifting represents a view of gifting that remains under-researched. This study uncovers the motives for gifting oneself with luxury fashion brands, a further sub-area in need for more investigation.
Keywords: household goods, gifts, luxury items, self-gifting
Samtidigt sänder olika myndigheter olika signaler, där KEVA kräver 45 studiepoäng av studenterna och en annan finansieringsnyckel poängterar 55 sp. Olika morötter skapar
förvirring. I denna förvirring ska universiteteten leverera utbildning av hög kvalitet. För att greppa detta måste begreppet kvalitet granskas bredare än den snäva kontaktytan
lärare–student. Det behövs en vidare syn på kvalitet.