Hampton University
Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
1] Mechanical (forced convective) and free convective turbulent heat and momentum transfer in the lower atmosphere of a terrestrial planet has some dependence on the roughness characteristics of the surface, often quantified in terms of a... more
1] Atmospheric models suggest that infrared heating due to water ice clouds over the tropics of Mars during early northern summer has a significant impact on the thermal structure of the tropics at cloud level and of the middle atmosphere... more
1] The vertical distribution of dust in Mars' atmosphere is a critical unknown in the simulation of its general circulation and a source of insight into the lifting and transport of dust. Zonal average vertical profiles of dust opacity... more
1] The vertical distribution of dust in Mars's atmosphere is a critical and poorly known input in atmospheric physical and chemical models and a source of insight into the lifting and transport of dust and general vertical mixing in the... more
1] Retrievals of temperature, dust, and water ice from data collected by the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) illustrate for the first time the seasonal and diurnal variability of both the thermal structure... more
1] The first systematic observations of the middle atmosphere of Mars (35-80km) with the Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) show dramatic patterns of diurnal thermal variation, evident in retrievals of temperature and water ice opacity. At the... more
at altitudes above about 30 km. General circulation models for Mars 1-6 are similar to those developed for weather and climate forecasting on Earth and require more martian observations to allow testing and model improvements. However,... more
The structure and dynamics of the Martian lower and middle atmosphere as observed by the Mars Climate Sounder: 1. Seasonal variations in zonal mean temperature, dust and water ice aerosols Journal Article How to cite: McCleese, D. J.;... more
PLANETARY SCIENCE DECADAL SURVEY 2013-2023. WHITE PAPER. Jupiter Atmospheric Science in the Next Decade. Leigh N. Fletcher 1* , G. Orton 1 , T. Stallard 2 , K. Baines 1 , KM Sayanagi 3 , FJ Martin-Torres 1 , M. Hofstadter ...
The present OSS (Outer Solar System) mission continues a long and bright tradition by associating the communities of fundamental physics and planetary sciences in a single mission with ambitious goals in both domains. OSS is an M-class... more
We describe a mission concept for a stand-alone Titan airplane mission: Aerial Vehicle for In-situ and Airborne Titan Reconnaissance (AVI-ATR). With independent delivery and direct-to-Earth communications, AVI-ATR could contribute to... more
Hubble Space Telescope observations revealed that Saturn's equatorial jet at the cloud level blows at ∼275 m s −1 today, approximately half the ∼470 m s −1 wind during the Voyager flybys in 1980-1981. Radiative transfer calculations... more