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The Scientific Revolution marks a stark shift in society's understanding of nature and how it works. However, this shift has done more than simply change the face of how we go about studying nature and natural objects; it changed the... more
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The Scientific Revolution marks a stark shift in society's understanding of nature and how it works. However, this shift has done more than simply change the face of how we go about studying nature and natural objects; it changed the... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryPhilosophy of Music
To​ ​ ask​ ​ the​ ​ question​ ​ " Is​ ​ metaphysics​ ​ possible " ​ ​ seems​ ​ to​ ​ me​ ​ to​ ​ suggest​ ​ that​ ​ I​ ​ have​ ​ some knowledge​ ​ concerning​ ​ the​ ​ existence​ ​ or​ ​ non-existence​ ​ of​ ​ a​ ​ metaphysical​ ​ realm,​... more
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I agree with Robbert Van den Berg that Plotinus endorses Socratic intellectualism, but I challenge his view that Plotinus rejects the phenomenon of akrasia. According to Van den Berg, the only form of akrasia acknowledged by Plotinus is a... more
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      PlotinusFree WillMetaphysics of Free Will and Moral ResponsibilityAncient Greek Philosophy
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      AristotleNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyCategory TheorySimplicius
At Enchiridion §32, Epictetus raises the question of whether, and under what conditions, one should consult the art of divination (μαντική). Epictetus’ answer, along with Simplicius’ commentary on the passage four centuries later,... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyDivinationStoicismAncient Philosophy
Review of: Philoponus, On Aristotle: Posterior Analytics 1.19-34. Translated by Owen Goldin & Marije Martijn. Bloomsbury, 2012. Pp. vi + 217. Philoponus, On Aristotle: Physics 4.1-5. Translated by Keimpe Algra & Johannes van Ophuijsen.... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyAristotle's CommentatorsNeoplatonismCommentary Traditions
3000 word commissioned entry on "Secularization and De-Secularization" for Brill's Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (eds. Robert A. Segal, Kocku von Stuckrad), 2015. Entry abstract: Secularization is the decrease of either religion... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionPhilosophy
Simplicius is well regarded today as an insightful, comprehensive, detailed, sometimes repetitive, but generally useful and reliable interpreter of Aristotle. How he reads other authors though – with the possible exception of the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyPlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyAncient Philosophy