Work in progress... |
[27 Oct 2008|06:52pm] |
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Since everyone else is, I thought I'd share too! Here are some pics of my yard... I've been working on it off & on for the last few weeks. I'll also post more of my house later this week, once I get more done.
I know, I know. But, better late than never! (X-Posted Everywhere! Sorry!) ( Click for Pumpkins!Collapse )
HALLOWEEN station |
[04 Sep 2008|09:30am] |
I wasn't sure if you all were aware, but AOL radio has a halloween station. It's pretty rad. it plays all halloween themed songs as well as some stories and such.
Halloween candy... |
[03 Sep 2008|07:10pm] |
A couple of days ago I happened to be in local Walgreens and saw a bag of Hershey's 'Candy Corn' kisses ...they look good...I'm dying to try them but wondered if anyone has had them before?
[28 Jan 2008|11:41am] |
I was just wondering if there was anyone here from the Southern Hemisphere, like myself, who has plans for the Autumn Equinox in April? I'm thinking of having an apple, pumpkin, spice and nut laden dinner with my sister. If I can find any decent pumpkins I might do a bit of pumpkin carving as well. Anyone got any other ideas?
All Hallow's Eve at Whiskey's |
[31 Oct 2007|09:23pm] |
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I recently discovered voice posting, so I thought I would share a ghost story I wrote several years ago. I cannot figure out the a href thing, so I'll just invite you all to view my personal journal for the story, should you be so inclined.
Happy Halloween!
EDIT: Thank you to seeitbloom for helping me with the links!
Part 1. Part 2.
Our Costumes |
[27 Oct 2007|12:41pm] |
So now our costumes are complete....This is what I'm going as this year....Phantom Mime... 
and My Love's.....Dark Vixen... 
[26 Oct 2007|10:31pm] |
Hi, this is kind of an emergency question... but is there anything to substitute for caster sealer when you go to put it on prosthetics? I know it's kind of an in general question but I figure a lot of you would know about this stuff. I need to use it for horns and ears. I noticed I don't have any caster sealer and forgot to get some at the store...and I'm planning to leave for the Texas Ren Faire like... at 5/6 am next morning... so if anyone can answer my question before then, awesome. If not, I guess I'll have to do without it or something.
One of our costumes... |
[22 Oct 2007|02:31pm] |
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actually it's My Love's costume...gonna pick mine up Fri. Prolly going with the gothic Vamp theme as well..

Halloween Icons |
[20 Oct 2007|12:49pm] |

01-13 It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown 14-61 Various BTVS Halloween episodes
Icons can be found here at guacamole_queen.
New candy corn flavors |
[08 Sep 2007|10:27am] |
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I happen to be in Walgreen's with my girlfriend today and noticed that they had two new flavors of cany corn that I'd not seen before...
Carmel & Chocolate carmel...
looked good...I Shall be buying it soon...
Halloween Pics! |
[10 Nov 2006|02:35am] |
Halloween Pics!
I hope everyone had a great time this year! I have been enjoying everyone's pictures, and now that I got (some of) mine, I thought I would share them. They are quite large, so this link takes you to the gallery.
[31 Oct 2006|08:14am] |

Happy Halloween! |
[26 Oct 2006|01:19pm] |
Hey guys,
Check out this hilarious parody video I found on Youtube. Click away for a snapshot of what’s ‘IN’ for Halloween and what NOT to shoot.
-- Shirley
(x-posted to all halloween fans :)
[12 Oct 2006|09:56am] |
I was wondering if anyone else here collects the Halloweenie Beanie Babies? So far I have Frankenteddy, Fraidy Cat, Goulianne, Hocus Pocus, Count Dracula, Haunt and Quivers. Last year my friend in America alsosent me a little Merlin, Prunella and Ghosters. I really want to get Shivers, Scard-e and Tricky.
Does anyone have pictures of their Halloweenie Beanie Baby collection?