Papers by Sophia Barinova

Turkish Journal of Botany
Different populations of epiphytic lichens were studied in a microsite in Lower Nahal Keziv, West... more Different populations of epiphytic lichens were studied in a microsite in Lower Nahal Keziv, Western Upper Galilee, Israel, which is designated as an "Evolution Canyon" (EC) II. In all, 24 lichen species from 5 orders, 11 families, and 17 genera were registered, about one third of them (7 species) for the first time in Israel. Species richness was higher on the warmer, drier, climatically more fluctuating and biotically more heterogeneous south-facing slope (SFS). Most lichens of EC II were mesophytic and photo-indifferent species; however, humid and shaded habitats of the north-facing slope (NFS) and valley bottom (VB) were characterised by a dominance of moderately photophytic species and a high frequency of hygrophytic species, while dry and sun-exposed habitats of the SFS were characterised by a dominance of very photophytic and xerophytic species. In all, 6 environmental variables were evaluated at the research site. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to determine the influence of these ecological variables on lichen diversity and morpho-anatomic characteristics of the lichens in EC II.

Theoretical and Applied Ecology
The article describes the distribution of the diversity of cyanobacteria in 51 Eurasian floras in... more The article describes the distribution of the diversity of cyanobacteria in 51 Eurasian floras in the gradient of environmental factors. Environmental factors in order to analyze the strength of their impact on the community of cyanobacteria were divided into two main groups. The first group represents local factors that are distinguished by the instability of exposure, short duration, and wide amplitude. This group includes organic and toxic anthropogenic pollution and temperature. They are related to the seasonality and the intensity of using the catchment area. Cyanobacteria increases in productivity but reduces the species richness in the gradient of increasing influence of the first group of factors. The second group combines factors of global long-term macroecological stability associated with the latitude and altitude of the aquatic habitat. We took for analysis cyanobacterial floras in a latitudinal gradient from Israel to the Arctic, as well as in a gradient of height from 4 to 4213 m above sea level in the Caucasus and the Pamir. A group of global climatic factors, such as a decrease in the average annual temperature at high latitudes, an increase in insolation at high altitudes, has a stimulating effect on the diversity of cyanobacteria and at the same time increases their intraspecific variability. The index of intraspecific variation (Ssp/Sp Index) increase in the gradient of the latitude of habitat and altitude that indicates the release of intraspecific variability and can serve as an indicator of climatic stress and the surviving of cyanobacteria under climatic instability and local pollution

International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture, 2017
Paper presents the review of problems in the algal Teratogenesis and demonstrates the samples of ... more Paper presents the review of problems in the algal Teratogenesis and demonstrates the samples of aberrant forms generation in freshwater environment. Diversity of aberrant forms in green, diatom algae and cyanobacteria are demonstrated. In cyanobacteria was revealed aberrant forms in Microcystis and Woronichinia as enlarges of cell size and losses of gas vesicles. Green algae Ulothrix was found as dimorphic thalluses in filamentous and coccoid forms. Different diatom species were presented in diverse deformation of shells contour as well as the fine structure aberrance. Causes of teratogenesis were investigated, and revealed that absence of dissolved oxygen in water and decrease in water pH are critical factors for cyanobacteria and green algae aberrancy. But some diatom species were formed ugly cells under influence of sum of factors related to the technogenical pollution by heavy metals and boron. Therefore, these deformations of cells in diatom, green algae, and cyanobacteria can be used for bioindication of environment change.

Водные биоресурсы и среда обитания, 2018
Аннотация. В статье представлен методический подход к интегральной оценке токсического влияния ра... more Аннотация. В статье представлен методический подход к интегральной оценке токсического влияния разнообразных токсикантов на фотосинтезирующие организмы. Охарактеризованы токсические соединения, воздействующие на водные организмы в целом и на процесс фотосинтеза белков в частности. В основе расчета нового индекса WESI лежит представление об остаточных концентрациях питательных элементов азота и фосфора в случае подавления токсическими элементами фотосинтетического процесса, а именно активности хлорофилла. Расчет индекса WESI проводится с использованием простой формулы по результатам классифицирования до ранга концентраций нитратного азота или фосфатов и индексов сапробности S. Показана модель проведения экологической классификации по экосистемным представлениям в целях расчета индекса WESI. Даны классификационные таблицы с экологической точки зрения по 9 рангам. Представлено описание разработанного Индекса состояния экосистемы WESI, подробная методика расчета и указаны примеры применения индекса на различных водных объектах Евразии. Показан путь применения индекса WESI в мониторинге и экологическом картографировании, а также критерии его изменения для системы принятия решений при оценке состояния водного объекта и для сохранения разнообразия организмов в условиях токсического воздействия на первичных продуцентов.
Expert Opinion on Environmental Biology, 2013

Natural Resources and Conservation, 2013
Genetic diversity of Chara populations found in Israeli Negev Desert streams was analyzed using a... more Genetic diversity of Chara populations found in Israeli Negev Desert streams was analyzed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in 31 individuals. The adjacent streams Avdat and Aqev were used as study sites in the Ein Avdat National Park. A Jaccard phylogenetic tree, based on 468 loci, showed clear separation between four Chara species: C. vulgaris, C. contraria, C. gymnophylla and Chara sp. The last two species served as out groups from the Northern Israel. In both C. vulgaris and C. contraria, genetic differences were found between the populations originating in the two streams: higher private loci number (80 vs. 24 in C. vulgaris and 58 vs. 25 in C. contraria) and polymorphic loci level (45% vs. 23% in C. vulgaris and 39% vs. 21% in C. contraria) were found in Avdat compared to Aqev. The genetic divergence revealed within and between the two streams is presumably adaptive and determined by natural selection associated with ecological stress. Sunlight intensity, water level and pH were found to be the main ecological variables associated with species clustering, through selection, in the varying ecology of the sampling stations along each of the streams. Evidence for gene flow between and within the streams was found using the structure analysis, suggesting that sampling sites condition is the regulating factor for oospores establishing, and hence, gene flow occurs more often between sampling sites with similar ecological conditions.

Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016
Abstract Ecological analysis of 77 phytoplankton species preferences in the Songhua River upper r... more Abstract Ecological analysis of 77 phytoplankton species preferences in the Songhua River upper reaches was doing in purpose to assess the river water quality dynamic with using of bio-indication methods implemented in first time for China. Results show that studied part of the river can be divided into two different parts — upper stations between Fullness Dam above Jilin settlement and below Jilin up to Zhenjiang port. Algal community structure and species richness are dramatically change with increasing number of species and productivity of community. The water chemistry show increasing of total suspending solids after the Jilin accompanied input of phosphates and nitrates where agriculture doing impact of the river water quality. Bio-indication characterized the river upper reaches as inhabit by rich phytoplankton community prefer photosynthetic type of nutrition on the upper stations and enriched by facultative heterotrophic taxa in the lower stations, and water as low-alkaline, low-saline, middle oxygenated, with increasing of nutrients and organic pollution down the river, where change from mesotrophic to eutrophic state. The major variables that impacted algal diversity were the nutrient-related such as nitrates and phosphates concentration. The water quality was dramatically changed from low polluted Class III in upper stations to polluted Classes IV and V in lower stations. Indices of the photosynthesis activity (WESI) revealed low-toxicity impact in all studied part of the river but indices of saprobity show high self-purification capacity down the river.

Natural Resources and Conservation, 2013
Genetic diversity of Chara populations found in Israeli Negev Desert streams was analyzed using a... more Genetic diversity of Chara populations found in Israeli Negev Desert streams was analyzed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in 31 individuals. The adjacent streams Avdat and Aqev were used as study sites in the Ein Avdat National Park. A Jaccard phylogenetic tree, based on 468 loci, showed clear separation between four Chara species: C. vulgaris, C. contraria, C. gymnophylla and Chara sp. The last two species served as out groups from the Northern Israel. In both C. vulgaris and C. contraria, genetic differences were found between the populations originating in the two streams: higher private loci number (80 vs. 24 in C. vulgaris and 58 vs. 25 in C. contraria) and polymorphic loci level (45% vs. 23% in C. vulgaris and 39% vs. 21% in C. contraria) were found in Avdat compared to Aqev. The genetic divergence revealed within and between the two streams is presumably adaptive and determined by natural selection associated with ecological stress. Sunlight intensity, water level and pH were found to be the main ecological variables associated with species clustering, through selection, in the varying ecology of the sampling stations along each of the streams. Evidence for gene flow between and within the streams was found using the structure analysis, suggesting that sampling sites condition is the regulating factor for oospores establishing, and hence, gene flow occurs more often between sampling sites with similar ecological conditions.

Natural Resources and Conservation, 2016
The ancient locality of charophytes is described from the Sindyanna pool, Upper Jordan River Basi... more The ancient locality of charophytes is described from the Sindyanna pool, Upper Jordan River Basin, Golan Heights region of Israel. The associated algal diversity was revealed, and ecological assessment of aquatic environment was obtained with bio-indication methods. Algal community was represented by fifty four species one of which is charophyte macroalga Chara globularis Thuiller. The Chara was found in mass growths in the studied pool. Bio-indication and chemical variables characterize the pool environment as eutrophic, low-to middle organically polluted, belonging to water quality Class III. Fifty five species-indicators in community reflect water quality as fresh, temperate temperature, low-to middle alkaline, and enough saturated with oxygen. Seasonality of algal community and water quality show a higher organic pollution in summer caused by livestock grazing impact. Anoxia, high water pH, increasing of nitrates enrichments in dry period together with decreasing of species richness and index WESI which reflect some of toxicity impact, can be result of water pollution. We recommend for monitoring the ancient Sindyanna natural aquatic object in the Upper Jordan River Basin, and Chara globularis as indicator-species of ecosystem resistance to pollution.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2008
In our study we investigated two polluted rivers of Eurasia from silicate and carbonate regions. ... more In our study we investigated two polluted rivers of Eurasia from silicate and carbonate regions. We revealed an algal diversity consisting of 184 algal species and cyanoprokaryotes in the Rudnaya River, and 175 in the Qishon River. The distributions of species over the 7 higher taxa were very similar for both rivers with diatom prevealing. Bioindicational analysis in respect salinity, acidification, oxygenation, and organic pollution show that the water is cleaner and the diversity is higher in the Rudnaya River than in the Qishon River. The indices of saprobity S ranged similar. The impact of pollution on Rudnaya River increases downstream. In tha case of Qishon River, the impact of pollution decreases downstream.As a result of CCA, we revealed biosensors group sensitive to borates and fluorides in the case of Rudnaya River and these were: Ankistrodesmus acicularis, А. angustus, Scenedesmus acuminatus, Lyngbya kuetzingii, Neidium ampliatum, and Sellaphora rectangularis. In the case of Qishon River, Audouinella pygmaea, Characium ornithocephalum, and Chamaesiphon amethystinus were found as biosensor species. We found that algal biodiversity is more sensitive to technogenic pollution in the silicate province being more tolerant to the same organic pollutants in the carbonate province. Therefore, the combination of bioindicational methods and statistics are effective for determination of the main factors influencing algal diversity, indicators or biosensing species for the most important environmental variables.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2008
In our study we investigated two polluted rivers of Eurasia from silicate and carbonate regions. ... more In our study we investigated two polluted rivers of Eurasia from silicate and carbonate regions. We revealed an algal diversity consisting of 184 algal species and cyanoprokaryotes in the Rudnaya River, and 175 in the Qishon River. The distributions of species over the 7 higher taxa were very similar for both rivers with diatom prevealing. Bioindicational analysis in respect salinity, acidification, oxygenation, and organic pollution show that the water is cleaner and the diversity is higher in the Rudnaya River than in the Qishon River. The indices of saprobity S ranged similar. The impact of pollution on Rudnaya River increases downstream. In tha case of Qishon River, the impact of pollution decreases downstream.As a result of CCA, we revealed biosensors group sensitive to borates and fluorides in the case of Rudnaya River and these were: Ankistrodesmus acicularis, А. angustus, Scenedesmus acuminatus, Lyngbya kuetzingii, Neidium ampliatum, and Sellaphora rectangularis. In the case of Qishon River, Audouinella pygmaea, Characium ornithocephalum, and Chamaesiphon amethystinus were found as biosensor species. We found that algal biodiversity is more sensitive to technogenic pollution in the silicate province being more tolerant to the same organic pollutants in the carbonate province. Therefore, the combination of bioindicational methods and statistics are effective for determination of the main factors influencing algal diversity, indicators or biosensing species for the most important environmental variables.

African Journal of Biotechnology, 2013
The diatoms are very important component for aquatic ecosystems. Turkey has a rich lake potential... more The diatoms are very important component for aquatic ecosystems. Turkey has a rich lake potential and many of the lakes have high level of endemism. For this reason, the Great Lota Lake was investigated between October 2000 and October 2001 in sampling periods of approximately per 15 days from one station. Totally, 104 diatom taxa were identified and used for ecological analysis by statistic methods. Chronological analysis, indication in respect to temperature, habitat preferences, streaming and oxygenation, organic pollution by Pantle-Buck and Watanabe's saprobity system, N-uptake metabolism, and trophic states were evaluated, and the aquatic ecosystem state index (WESI) was calculated. As a result, the diatoms in the lake preferred temperate, low saline and alkaline water. The saprobity is oligoand betamesosaprobic when, the trophic state is eutrophic condition according to Van Dam's system.
Hydrobiological Journal, 2015
The theory, practice, and methodology of bioindication and assessment of the ecological state of ... more The theory, practice, and methodology of bioindication and assessment of the ecological state of aquatic ecosystems were elaborated on the basis of long-term investigations of continental water bodies and watercourses of the countries of the Former Soviet Union and of the other countries of Europe, Asia, and Middle East. The ecological state of aquatic ecosystems was assessed in terms of abiotic and biotic components. Original indices and system of ecological mapping were put forward. The methods of the indication of the influence of climatic changes on the diversity of algae, and also integral tables essential to classify water quality from the ecological point of view, are presented.
Hydrobiological Journal, 2013
The ecological state of the middle section of the Southern Bug River was assessed using the compr... more The ecological state of the middle section of the Southern Bug River was assessed using the comprehensive approach. Relationship between the characteristics of phytoplankton (species number, diversity, numbers, and biomass) and the content of inorganic compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water of the studied section of the river was analyzed. The factors significantly influencing phytoplankton species number were not revealed. However, several stations invite further monitoring.
Hydrobiological Journal, 2013
The ecological state of the middle section of the Southern Bug River was assessed using the compr... more The ecological state of the middle section of the Southern Bug River was assessed using the comprehensive approach. Relationship between the characteristics of phytoplankton (species number, diversity, numbers, and biomass) and the content of inorganic compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water of the studied section of the river was analyzed. The factors significantly influencing phytoplankton species number were not revealed. However, several stations invite further monitoring.

Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 2020
The study aimed to define the classes in the Heavy Metals Section of the Regional Environmental R... more The study aimed to define the classes in the Heavy Metals Section of the Regional Environmental Ranking System based on long-term data (1997-2017). When distinguishing water quality classes, the following factors were taken into account: background content of heavy metals, content of heavy metals in water bodies exposed to different levels and character of anthropogenic pollution, and response of biological communities to toxic pollution of their natural habitats. According to the proposed classification, the non-contaminated water of Сlass 1 contains the following: Cd<0.2, Cu<2.5, Zn<4, Pb<3, Cr<0.5, and Ni<0.5 μg dm-3. Class 2 water is characterized by Cd<0.5, Cu<6, Zn<6, Pb<7, Cr<1, and Ni<2 μg dm-3 content. Moderately polluted water of Class 3 contains Cd<3, Cu<10, Cr<10, Ni<10, Zn<20, and Pb<20 μg dm-3. Concentrations of all heavy metals increase proportionally and exceed 30-100 μg dm-3 in the most polluted water of Class 6....
British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2016
Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the ecological status of the Kolsay high mountain lakes ... more Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the ecological status of the Kolsay high mountain lakes according to their hydrochemical parameters and structure of phytoplankton communities and reveal the altitude climatic condition impact. Study Design: We implemented bio-indication and diverse statistical methods, which represent some new approaches in freshwater algal diversity analysis.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2015
We analysed relationships of chemical and biological variables with the help of statistics for ph... more We analysed relationships of chemical and biological variables with the help of statistics for phytoplankton communities of seven lakes in the Regional Landscape Park "Slavyansky Resort", Ukraine that were studied during 2007-2013. Lake communities were divided into two groups: northern deep lakes Ripne, Veysove, Garache, and Slipne under high salinity and organic load influence, and southern shallow lakes Levadne, Chervone, and Lake under influence of mineral ions and organic load. Abundance and biomass fluctuated synchronously and correlated with species richness in deep lakes but not in shallow lakes. Two types of communities were revealed: (1) low species-rich communities in moderate conductivity waters and low-organic load, and (2) species rich communities in high conductivity and organic load waters. We found salinity indicator Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodor. in deep northern lakes with CCA. Adlafia minuscula (Grunow in Van Heurck) Lange-Bert. in Lange-Bert. et Genkal and Chaetoceros muelleri Lemmerm. were bio-indicators of high salinity and alkalinity, and biosensors of acidic water in shallow southern lakes. Cyclotella stelligera (Cleve et Grunow) Van Heurck and Navicula gregaria Donkin were indicators of silica and biosensors of carbonates. Therefore, water conductivity and pH, which were closely related to organic pollution, were found as major regulators of phytoplankton in studied lakes.

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2008
The provision of uniform, artificial substrates for periphytic colonization has a long history, a... more The provision of uniform, artificial substrates for periphytic colonization has a long history, and it is the most widespread of all the techniques applied to study algal periphyton activity. The Yarqon River is one of the largest coastal rivers in Israel. An experiment for the determination of algal vegetative activity in the artificial pools, using the glass method, from the Yarqon River stations was conducted during the period from 8.11.06 till 6.12.06. During the experiment we revealed the colonization's speed of substrates and the activity of self-purification processes at different stations of river. The artificial colonization of substrates by algae during the rainy period takes about 2-3 weeks. Chlorophyll, which was used as a trophic marker, revealed ultra-oligotrophic or oligotrophic levels in pool I. At pools II and III levels were either oligo-mesotrophic or eutrophic. These results corresponded to the gradient of organic matter in each experimental pool.The algal diversity found on glass slides represented about 10-15 species for each pool. During the experiment, cells from pool I were about 1-2.5 µm 3 , and at pool Ii cells were about 0.1-1.4 µm 3. The increase of the ecosystem's entropy is indicative of environmental stress. This criterion, which is based on diversity dynamics, cell counts, and biomass may be used for monitoring the quality of water and aquatic ecosystems in the rivers of Israel.

Aquatic Biology Research, 2014
ABSTRACT First study of microscopic algae from plankton and periphyton of the Işıklı Lake (Wester... more ABSTRACT First study of microscopic algae from plankton and periphyton of the Işıklı Lake (Western Anatolia) together with zooplankton species has been used for ecological assessment of the lake environment by bio-indication methods. Chara hispida (L.) Hartm has been found as major biomass forming species in the lake. Altogether 24 species of diatoms are described, photographed and used for water quality assessment. Zooplankton community was species rich and presented by 24 species from Rotifera (14), Cladocera (8), and Copepoda (2). Mostly from them (20) are indicators of organic pollution. The bio-indication on the base of algae and planktonic invertebrates shows that the Işıklı Lake has mainly oligotrophic state with trend to mesotrophic state, fresh, low alkaline, and low to middle organic pollution. Saprobity index S of zooplankton community (1.62) was greater than S of algae (1.13) and reflect oligo-to mesotropic state and low to middle organic pollution, Class II of Water Quality. The Işıklı Lake recommended for including it to the list of Turkish protected areas with regularly monitoring of chemical and biological variables and watershed protection.
Papers by Sophia Barinova