University of Haifa
Zinman Institute of Archaeology
This article focuses on Stratum V, Stratum VA-IVB, and Stratum IVA at Megiddo. The try nature of Stratum V is revealed , showing it to be an important multiphased city, complete with two palatial buildings, one of which has similarities... more
In this brief response, the author replies to David Ussishkin’s comments, reiterating in particular that an analysis of the stratigraphy of Iron Age Megiddo and Samaria cannot be judged solely via the available published material,... more
The re-excavation of Stairway 2153 and the investigation of Yadin’s proposed second water system at Megiddo.
The excavation of the area surrounding the tomb excavated by Schumacher in the center of the Tell. A reassessment of the tomb and its date of construction and use.