University of Haifa
National Security Studies Department
The aim of this paper is to propose a model of an enduring rivalry as a learning process within a comparative psychological-cognitive theory between states, and state and non-state actor conflicts and draw conclusions about the perception... more
Threat perception is a central diagnostic element in the manage ment of security objectives and foreign policy. At the level of Grand strategy planning the scope of threat perceptions is equivalent to the maximal scope of the definition... more
The use of cyber capabilities by state actors to manage different types of conflicts increases asymmetrical violent scenarios. CBRNe terrorism becomes a weapon of the weak because it provides a relational advantage. This paradox is... more
Rusland lijkt bezig met een come-back als zwaargewicht in de internationale arena. Hamas wordt door Moskou uitgenodigd voor besprekingen, Rusland neemt het voortouw in de onderhandelingen met Iran over kernenergie, Gazprom sluit de... more
Putin is pushing his Eurasian Union as an alternative to the EU. Marcel de Haas explains how the EU can win this game WRI T TEN BY
Every week leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe's role in the world. The answer is simple and complicated at the same time: yes, there is a way, if we take a... more