University of Haifa
Department of Jewish History and Thought
Moshe Lavee (University of Haifa), "The Samaritan may be included - Another look at the Samaritans in Talmudic Literature", offers an innovative approach towards the Samaritans in rabbinic literature. he shows the crucial role of the... more
Rav Yosef Rosh Ha-Seder (died ~1211) left us many lists of books he was occupied with - both real volumes of books as well as his own writing fantasies. His lists are a faithful mirror of the literary trends of his time. In this article I... more
The article analyzes a unique version of the midrashic list of the verses describing the descent of the Shekhinah. This unique list is documented in an unnoticed Genizah fragment of a Siddure. A model for analyzing lists of verses is... more
The article describe the Francois at Nicola Grandchamp Fondation Project for the study of Reception of Haggaic Midrash in the Genizah. The variety of relevant sources are classified and identified, and two examples of lists of verses that... more
The article follows the variation of the exegetical narrative concerning the birth of Isaac, in the context of the perception of non-Jews. It claims for a significant difference between the early presentation in early rabbinic sources... more
Moshe Lavee (Haifa) compares the traditions from the two divergent rabbinic milieus of Late Antiquity—Babylon and the land of Israel (Palestine), and by uncovering the work of late redactors and transmitters, he is able to portray the... more
Tractate Yebamoth of the Babylonian Talmud contains a long unit devoted to the procedure of conversion (Yeb 46a–48b). Form analysis of the unit reveals its design as a ‘tractate within a tractate.’ The unit is a collection of discussions... more
The article present four comparative studies of rabbinic narratives that refer to the 'other': woman, gentiles, slaves, etc: (1) The Stories of Dama Ben netinah in the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds. (2) The stories of Rabban Gamliel... more
This article proposes a reconstruction of the Babylonian perspective on the relations of R. Hiyya and Rabbi. We argues that shared motifs, structures and expressions justify reading a group of scattered traditions and stories as if they... more
Tractate Bekhorot discusses the laws of sanctification of the firstborn. As such it is a fascinating site for gender-oriented readings of rabbinic literature. One of the goals of a feminist commentary to Tractate Bekhorot is to reveal the... more
A pre-academic article of mine, suggesting a reading of acollection of narratives about euphemisms in Bavli Pesahim. My reading points out the function of language and other means of expressions, such as non verbal communication in... more
The lecture was given in the context of inter-religious dialogue. Therefore, the beginning and the end are devoted to expressions of my personal views and ethics. The core of the scholarly argument in the lecture is as such. The rabbinic... more
Dieser Vortrag wurde im Rahmen eines interreligiösen Dialogs gehalten. Am Anfang und am Ende finden sich daher einige persönliche Bemerkungen über meine Sichtweise und Ethik. Die wissenschaftliche Argumentation des Vortrages ist die... more
This article surveys the various attestations of a Midrashic enumeration of twelve different merits of marriage, which was found in the Cairo Genizah. This list is shown to be a late expansion of earlier and shorter lists documented in... more
יום רביעי, י"ד שבט, 15/1 מצפור ע"ש אביבה וסמי עופר, קומה 30 9.00 התכנסות 9.30 פתיחה וברכות אברהם מלמד, הקתדרה ע"ש וולפסון משה לביא, המרכז לחקר הגניזה 11.30 מושב ראשון: מדרש והאגדה - 9.45 במסירותיהם יו"ר: איל בן אליהו עדן הכהן -... more
The article traces the building blocks of the rabbinic concept of Nohaide laws as they appear in Jubillees, the Temple Scroll and the Genesis Apocryphon: the commandments given to Noah or by him to his sons; the motif of blaimng the sons... more
Applying a social interaction approach to the study of the reception of different literary genres, this article focuses on an unnoticed Judeo-Arabic Genizah fragment whose contents deal with the relative cultural value of midrash and... more
--- a sound track of the lecture is found in the link --- Midrashic fragmenst from the Cairo Genizah enable us to trace the development and evolution of... more