Suddenly, you're awake under water.
You don't panic though, in fact, you're exceedingly calm… You reach out and break the soft walls around you, and tumble to the floor in a mess. Around you, winged people look down on you in surprise. You try to tell them your name, but you don't know…
"Don't worry", one of them tells you, "you’ll remember in a few days… welcome to Haibane Hollow."
P R E M I S E / O U T L I N E
Haibane Hollow is a lovely little town; shops dot the quiet streets, townsfolk smile to one another as they pass by, greenery litters the spaces between the buildings… and some of the towns people have wings.
Winged people are called Haibane. They arrive in white cocoons, with no clue of who they are or how they arrived. The only memory they have is a fuzzy dream which they later come to realize is a vision of their own death.
The fuzzy memory doesn't last long, though. Within twenty-four hours of breaching the cocoon, their wings sprout. All fresh wings begin grey, but within the span of one to three weeks, they begin to change. Those of pure hearts are blessed with varying degrees of white feathers, while those who are stained with evil are darkened with different shades of black. Some Haibane's wings never change, and are solidified grey. But as the color becomes what it is meant to be, the memories return. Memories of life, and death.
Every Haibane is someone who had died, and for whatever reason, could not move on. They've been brought into the walled town of Haibane Hollow in hopes of calming their unsettled spirits. However, depending on your wings, you may experience Haibane Hollow in many different ways! The White Feathers are highly trusted, and treated wonderfully by the townsfolk. Black Feathers are often feared, and people shy away as they walk down the streets. No one quite knows how to treat the Grey Feathers…
And sometimes, past the walls that surround Haibane Hollow, storm clouds begin to gather, clouds that swirl vibrant colors, clouds that just have to be warning of more than a natural storm. The townspeople board the windows, but the Haibane all feel a draw to the approaching storm… almost magnetic, as if it resonates with their very wings…
A - F E W - F A Q S
1. You say multi-fandom, but what does that mean? It means ALL fandoms. They can be anime/manga fandoms, but we also welcome TV fandoms, video game fandoms, movie fandoms, even book fandoms! We love them all!
2. So what are the rules on pairings in this thing? Uh, there aren't any? Both players need to consent to being in the pairing, obviously. Besides that, free-for-all! Yaoi, yuri, het, whatever~ Just make sure you put warnings on anything explicit and member-lock it! If you're not sure how to do that, contact Jessa or Dai and we can teach you or do it for you, depending on which you prefer. :) You can find our contact information in the 'Meet the Mods' section~
3. How many characters is each player allowed? Currently the limit is set at 4. We may change this in the future. If it does change, we'll let everyone know. :)
4. What about my character's stuff? When your character fully recovery their memory, a chest full of their belongings is delivered to their room. They can have things like clothes, weapons, accessories... but nothing that wouldn't fit in the chest like, oh say, a gundam ^_~ If you're not sure if something is allowed, just ask!~
If you have anymore questions, don't feel shy! Jessa and Dai will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the game or even other players. Just make sure the question hasn't already been answered in the 'Game Explanation' section, 'The Rules' section, or here on the profile. Also, this place is Jessa's brain-baby, so Dai might end up directing you to her if the question is something she's not sure about. :)
We strive to give you a very friendly, very open setting to play with your muses in. After all, this is a game. It is for fun. And that's all there is to it.
A - W A R N I N G
Because of the nature of this role-play, players under the age of 16 are not encouraged to join. Any and all logs or journals with explicit content on them will be locked and flagged with adult content to discourage younger readers. Again, this community and the corresponding log community is highly likely to have adult content. Players under the age of 16 are not encouraged to join and, if they do, are highly discouraged from reading/participating in locked and flagged content.