Papers by Pinar Gozen Ercan

er ne kadar insancil sebeplerle guc kullanimi (diger bir deyisle insancil askeri mudahale) uzerin... more er ne kadar insancil sebeplerle guc kullanimi (diger bir deyisle insancil askeri mudahale) uzerine tartismalar yeni olmasa da, bunlar Soguk Savas doneminden bu yana insan haklarinin uluslararasi boyutta korunmasi- na verilen onemin artmasiyla zenginlesmistir. 1990larda yasanan buyuk olcekli insan haklari ihlalleri karsisinda yapilan mudahaleler ve zaman zaman tepkisiz kalinmasi sonucunda uluslararasi hukuk ve politika literaturle- rinde onemli bir yer edinen insancil mudahale tartismalari koruma sorumlulugu kavraminin ortaya cikmasiyla yeni bir yon kazanmistir. Halihazirda koruma sorumlulugu cercevesinde Guvenlik Konseyi yetkilendirmesiyle ve son care olarak uygulanacak bir yontem olarak nitelendirilen insancil mudahale hala devletlerce bireysel ya da kolektif olarak uluslararasi platformda bir arac olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bu baglamda gerek akademik gerekse de siyasi platformda tek tarafli olarak ya da Guvenlik Konseyi yetkilendirmesi olmaksizin gerceklestirilen insan- cil mudahale...

European Review, 2019
In 2013, in light of the mass atrocity cases in Libya and Syria, the Foreign Affairs Committee of... more In 2013, in light of the mass atrocity cases in Libya and Syria, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament recommended ‘to reconfirm the EU’s commitment to R2P [Responsibility to Protect] by adopting an interinstitutional “Consensus on R2P”’. Despite such reaffirmation, the Union’s role in implementing R2P remains an open-ended question. To date, the EU’s contribution to R2P has rarely been studied. In our attempt to contribute to the literature, approaching the issue from an ethical perspective, we aim to answer the following questions: what are the existing capacities of the EU in contributing to R2P; and what can the EU do to be a more responsible actor in the future? After identifying the existing capacities of the Union, we analyse what the EU can do to make the international community more responsible in the future given that we have already left behind the first decade of the norm, which was characterized by inconsistent implementation. Finally, we conclude tha...

Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2014
Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibilit... more Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibility to protect (R2P) in 2005 marked the milestone of a common understanding for responding to mass atrocities. In light of the transformations that R2P has gone through, while some in the mounting literature have been arguing that R2P is a developing legal norm, others have grown more critical of the concept. In the absence of a consensus regarding R2P's status, this article contributes to the literature by arguing that, rather than remaining a slogan or becoming a legal norm, R2P has evolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour for states individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishing between the stages of the norm's construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P's evolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as the documents adopted within the UN.
International Affairs, 2017
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2018
Bu makalenin tüm hakları Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği'ne aittir. Önceden yazılı izin al... more Bu makalenin tüm hakları Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği'ne aittir. Önceden yazılı izin alınmadan hiç bir iletişim, kopyalama ya da yayın sistemi kullanılarak yeniden yayımlanamaz, çoğaltılamaz, dağıtılamaz, satılamaz veya herhangi bir şekilde kamunun ücretli/ücretsiz kullanımına sunulamaz. Akademik ve haber amaçlı kısa alıntılar bu kuralın dışındadır. Aksi belirtilmediği sürece Uluslararası İlişkiler'de yayınlanan yazılarda belirtilen fikirler yalnızca yazarına/yazarlarına aittir. UİK Derneğini, editörleri ve diğer yazarları bağlamaz.

Alternatif Politika, 2017
The responsibility to protect (R2P) norm was adopted under the auspices of the United Nations twelve years ago. Based on the assumption that R2P has not yet achieved the capacity to change states' practice, in this article, the content and scope of R2P are analysed on the basis of feminist critiques of the norm, and issues for potential development are assessed. From a gender perspective, it is known that Women, Peace and Security scholars and practitioners approach the responsibility to protect with caution because of its close relation to the humanitarian intervention doctrine. Accordingly, in the first section, the normative transformation from a right to intervene into a responsibility to protect will be analysed in order to highlight the core differences. Following this, core points of feminist critiques of R2P in the current literature will be reviewed. In the third section, through a content analysis of the R2P specific reports vis-à-vis the understanding put forth in the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, it will be argued that R2P is not yet a sufficiently gender-aware approach, although it reflects the transformation from a militarist understanding towards a protective and preventive one. In light of feminist critiques, the penultimate section of the article discusses what else is needed for further normative evolution of R2P.
Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) çatısı altında ilk on yılını dolduran koruma sorumluluğu normunun mevcut haliyle devletlerin pratiğini değiştirecek kapasiteye henüz ulaşmadığı önermesinden yola çıkarak bu makalede koruma sorumluluğunun içeriği ve kapsamı feminist bir perspektiften eleştirilmekte ve üzerinde çalışılması gereken konular irdelenmektedir. Toplumsal cinsiyet yönünden koruma sorumluluğu "Kadınlar, Barış ve Güvenlik" (Women, Peace and Security) akademisyenleri ve pratisyenlerince insani müdahale doktrinine yakınlığı nedeniyle çekinceyle yaklaşılan bir norm olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle, ilk bölümde insani müdahaleden koruma sorumluluğuna olan normatif dönüşüm ele alınacak ve iki kavram arasındaki temel farklılıklar irdelenecektir. İkinci bölümde, mevcut literatürde koruma sorumluluğu normuna dair feminist eleştirilerin temel noktaları irdelenecektir. Üçüncü bölümde ise militarist bir anlayıştan korumacı ve önleyici bir anlayışa yönelinmiş olmasına karşın koruma sorumluluğu normunda toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir dönüşümün yetersiz kaldığı, mevcut koruma sorumluluğu üzerine raporların feminist perspektiften içerik analizi yapılarak, BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin 1325 sayılı kararında vurgulanan anlayışla kıyaslanarak ortaya konacaktır. Son olarak ikinci on yılına giren koruma sorumluluğunun normatif gelişimi için hangi konular çerçevesinde çalışmaların yapılabileceği feminist eleştiriler ışığında tartışılacaktır.

Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibilit... more Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibility to protect (R2P) in 2005 marked the milestone of a common understanding for responding to mass atrocities. In light of the transformations that R2P has gone through, while some in the mounting literature have been arguing that R2P is a developing legal norm, others have grown more critical of the concept. In the absence of a consensus regarding R2P’s status, this article contributes to the literature by arguing that, rather than remaining a slogan or becoming a legal norm, R2P has evolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour for states individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishing between the stages of the norm’s construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P’s evolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as the documents adopted within the UN.

Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Oct 2014
Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibilit... more Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibility to protect (R2P) in 2005 marked the milestone of a common understanding for responding to mass atrocities. In light of the transformations that R2P has gone through, while some in the mounting literature have been arguing that R2P is a developing legal norm, others have grown more critical of the concept. In the absence of a consensus regarding R2P’s status, this article contributes to the literature by arguing that, rather than remaining a slogan or becoming a legal norm, R2P has
evolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour for states individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishing between the stages of the norm’s construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P’s evolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as the documents adopted within the UN.

Hacettepe Hukuk Fakultesi Dergisi, Jun 1, 2013
Albeit the debate on the use of force for humanitarian purposes (i.e. humanitarian military inter... more Albeit the debate on the use of force for humanitarian purposes (i.e. humanitarian military intervention) is not new, it has been flourishing since the early years of the Cold War as a result of the increasing importance placed on the international protection of human rights. After gaining a prominent place in the international law and politics literatures, with cases of action and inaction/indifference in the 1990s, the question of (and the need for) undertaking intervention to stop mass atrocities took a new turn with the introduction of the “responsibility to protect” (RtoP) understanding. Now also enlisted as a measure within the RtoP framework but only as a last resort and to be undertaken with Security Council authorisation, humanitarian (military) intervention continues to be adopted individually or collectively by states in their international conduct. In this vein, its unilateral or unauthorised practices continue to create controversy in the political and academic platforms.
Primarily with the military interventions in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, then most recently with the intervention in Libya, the debates on the legitimacy, legality and lawfulness of the controversial doctrine of humanitarian intervention once again gained momentum. In the light of these developments, this article analyses the doctrine of humanitarian intervention in relation to international law with a specific focus on the questions of lawfulness and legality. To this end, it first traces the normative roots of the idea of undertaking military intervention on humanitarian grounds, and then, analyses the current legal framework. Finally, through an overview of cases in the post-Charter era, it tries to reveal how state practice alongside the legal understandings and debates led to the construction of the RtoP norm.
Books by Pinar Gozen Ercan
This study examines the relevance of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in responding to humanit... more This study examines the relevance of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in responding to humanitarian challenges across the world. In proposing a number of revisionist alternatives, Ercan proposes a way forward for R2P, particularly regarding its Second and Third Pillars. Despite the debate shifting from a right to intervene towards a responsibility to protect, the conceptual and systemic limitations imposed on R2P via its institutionalisation have hampered its ability to consolidate change. In light of this, Ercan argues that R2P cannot make a positive contribution towards changing the international system without first being equipped with new powers.
Papers by Pinar Gozen Ercan
The responsibility to protect (R2P) norm was adopted under the auspices of the United Nations twelve years ago. Based on the assumption that R2P has not yet achieved the capacity to change states' practice, in this article, the content and scope of R2P are analysed on the basis of feminist critiques of the norm, and issues for potential development are assessed. From a gender perspective, it is known that Women, Peace and Security scholars and practitioners approach the responsibility to protect with caution because of its close relation to the humanitarian intervention doctrine. Accordingly, in the first section, the normative transformation from a right to intervene into a responsibility to protect will be analysed in order to highlight the core differences. Following this, core points of feminist critiques of R2P in the current literature will be reviewed. In the third section, through a content analysis of the R2P specific reports vis-à-vis the understanding put forth in the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, it will be argued that R2P is not yet a sufficiently gender-aware approach, although it reflects the transformation from a militarist understanding towards a protective and preventive one. In light of feminist critiques, the penultimate section of the article discusses what else is needed for further normative evolution of R2P.
Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) çatısı altında ilk on yılını dolduran koruma sorumluluğu normunun mevcut haliyle devletlerin pratiğini değiştirecek kapasiteye henüz ulaşmadığı önermesinden yola çıkarak bu makalede koruma sorumluluğunun içeriği ve kapsamı feminist bir perspektiften eleştirilmekte ve üzerinde çalışılması gereken konular irdelenmektedir. Toplumsal cinsiyet yönünden koruma sorumluluğu "Kadınlar, Barış ve Güvenlik" (Women, Peace and Security) akademisyenleri ve pratisyenlerince insani müdahale doktrinine yakınlığı nedeniyle çekinceyle yaklaşılan bir norm olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle, ilk bölümde insani müdahaleden koruma sorumluluğuna olan normatif dönüşüm ele alınacak ve iki kavram arasındaki temel farklılıklar irdelenecektir. İkinci bölümde, mevcut literatürde koruma sorumluluğu normuna dair feminist eleştirilerin temel noktaları irdelenecektir. Üçüncü bölümde ise militarist bir anlayıştan korumacı ve önleyici bir anlayışa yönelinmiş olmasına karşın koruma sorumluluğu normunda toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir dönüşümün yetersiz kaldığı, mevcut koruma sorumluluğu üzerine raporların feminist perspektiften içerik analizi yapılarak, BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin 1325 sayılı kararında vurgulanan anlayışla kıyaslanarak ortaya konacaktır. Son olarak ikinci on yılına giren koruma sorumluluğunun normatif gelişimi için hangi konular çerçevesinde çalışmaların yapılabileceği feminist eleştiriler ışığında tartışılacaktır.
evolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour for states individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishing between the stages of the norm’s construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P’s evolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as the documents adopted within the UN.
Primarily with the military interventions in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, then most recently with the intervention in Libya, the debates on the legitimacy, legality and lawfulness of the controversial doctrine of humanitarian intervention once again gained momentum. In the light of these developments, this article analyses the doctrine of humanitarian intervention in relation to international law with a specific focus on the questions of lawfulness and legality. To this end, it first traces the normative roots of the idea of undertaking military intervention on humanitarian grounds, and then, analyses the current legal framework. Finally, through an overview of cases in the post-Charter era, it tries to reveal how state practice alongside the legal understandings and debates led to the construction of the RtoP norm.
Books by Pinar Gozen Ercan
The responsibility to protect (R2P) norm was adopted under the auspices of the United Nations twelve years ago. Based on the assumption that R2P has not yet achieved the capacity to change states' practice, in this article, the content and scope of R2P are analysed on the basis of feminist critiques of the norm, and issues for potential development are assessed. From a gender perspective, it is known that Women, Peace and Security scholars and practitioners approach the responsibility to protect with caution because of its close relation to the humanitarian intervention doctrine. Accordingly, in the first section, the normative transformation from a right to intervene into a responsibility to protect will be analysed in order to highlight the core differences. Following this, core points of feminist critiques of R2P in the current literature will be reviewed. In the third section, through a content analysis of the R2P specific reports vis-à-vis the understanding put forth in the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, it will be argued that R2P is not yet a sufficiently gender-aware approach, although it reflects the transformation from a militarist understanding towards a protective and preventive one. In light of feminist critiques, the penultimate section of the article discusses what else is needed for further normative evolution of R2P.
Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) çatısı altında ilk on yılını dolduran koruma sorumluluğu normunun mevcut haliyle devletlerin pratiğini değiştirecek kapasiteye henüz ulaşmadığı önermesinden yola çıkarak bu makalede koruma sorumluluğunun içeriği ve kapsamı feminist bir perspektiften eleştirilmekte ve üzerinde çalışılması gereken konular irdelenmektedir. Toplumsal cinsiyet yönünden koruma sorumluluğu "Kadınlar, Barış ve Güvenlik" (Women, Peace and Security) akademisyenleri ve pratisyenlerince insani müdahale doktrinine yakınlığı nedeniyle çekinceyle yaklaşılan bir norm olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle, ilk bölümde insani müdahaleden koruma sorumluluğuna olan normatif dönüşüm ele alınacak ve iki kavram arasındaki temel farklılıklar irdelenecektir. İkinci bölümde, mevcut literatürde koruma sorumluluğu normuna dair feminist eleştirilerin temel noktaları irdelenecektir. Üçüncü bölümde ise militarist bir anlayıştan korumacı ve önleyici bir anlayışa yönelinmiş olmasına karşın koruma sorumluluğu normunda toplumsal cinsiyet odaklı bir dönüşümün yetersiz kaldığı, mevcut koruma sorumluluğu üzerine raporların feminist perspektiften içerik analizi yapılarak, BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin 1325 sayılı kararında vurgulanan anlayışla kıyaslanarak ortaya konacaktır. Son olarak ikinci on yılına giren koruma sorumluluğunun normatif gelişimi için hangi konular çerçevesinde çalışmaların yapılabileceği feminist eleştiriler ışığında tartışılacaktır.
evolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour for states individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishing between the stages of the norm’s construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P’s evolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as the documents adopted within the UN.
Primarily with the military interventions in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, then most recently with the intervention in Libya, the debates on the legitimacy, legality and lawfulness of the controversial doctrine of humanitarian intervention once again gained momentum. In the light of these developments, this article analyses the doctrine of humanitarian intervention in relation to international law with a specific focus on the questions of lawfulness and legality. To this end, it first traces the normative roots of the idea of undertaking military intervention on humanitarian grounds, and then, analyses the current legal framework. Finally, through an overview of cases in the post-Charter era, it tries to reveal how state practice alongside the legal understandings and debates led to the construction of the RtoP norm.