Books by Burcu Hatiboglu

OPUS, 2022
This article focuses on how social innovation activities were developed in the urban context duri... more This article focuses on how social innovation activities were developed in the urban context during the Covid 19 pandemic, through systematic literature review and content analysis. The literature search was carried out between June and September 2021 on the Web of Science database. 64 articles reached from the database were filtered by applying exclusion-inclusion criteria. After examining the article abstracts, it was determined that 23 articles were closely related to the research subject. Using the NVIVO qualitative analysis program, key features of social innovation in the urban context during COVID 19 were analyzed (in terms of being value-based, social needs/problem-oriented, change-oriented). The research findings are discussed in three subtitles , revealing the "basic values", "prominent social problems/needs and solution proposals" and "main stakeholders" of social innovation in the context of urban policies during the pandemic. The results of the analysis have shown that the understanding of social innovation in the urban context during COVID 19 has been associated with collective values and focused on the responsibilities of local governments for the realization of social human rights. In this framework, attention is drawn to the opportunities for the implementation of participatory democracy at the level of local governments.
International Social Work, 2023
The aim of this study is to understand the phenomenon of isolation due to COVID-19 through the le... more The aim of this study is to understand the phenomenon of isolation due to COVID-19 through the lens of a feminist perspective. It focuses on daily life experiences of oppressed individuals living in Çankaya, whose spatial, socio-cultural, and political positions intersect with their age, disability, and gender. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 37 people, of different ages, disabilities, and gender statements. Findings show that multi-dimensional oppressions and discriminations have undermined solidarity relations and result in more profound loneliness. The results highlight that new social work approaches involving intersectional feminist consciousness of oppressions need to be developed.

Bu belge, Denge ve Denetleme Ağı (DDA)'nın "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Anaakımlaştırma Programı"nın ve bu... more Bu belge, Denge ve Denetleme Ağı (DDA)'nın "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Anaakımlaştırma Programı"nın ve bu kapsamda geliştirilen "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eylem Planı"nın hayata geçmesi sürecini somutlaştırmak için hazırlanmıştır. "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Anaakımlaştırma Programı"nın ve "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eylem Planı"nın uygulanması süreci, DDA Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Çalışma Grubu öncülüğünde sürdürülmektedir. Belgenin temel amacı, Denge ve Denetleme Ağı'nın (DDA) hem iç işleyiş, hem de dış dünyayla etkileşimindeki süreçlerde ve gerçekleştirdiği tüm çalışmalarda uygulanmak üzere toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini önceleyen bir yaklaşım geliştirmesini sağlamaktır. Böylece, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin denge ve denetleme perspektifinden ele alınarak, ağın her düzeyinde benimsenmesini, somutlaşmasını, görünür olmasını ve temel kriterler çerçevesinde hesap verilebilir olmasını sağlayacak toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği anaakımlaştırma programının temellerini atmak hedeflenmektedir. 2 Çalıştaya katılım sağlayan STÖ'ler: STGM, CEİD, KAOS GL, Uçan Süpürge Derneği, SIDA, LİSTAG, 3 Sözleşme, 1 Ağustos 2014'te Türkiye'de yürürlüğe girmiştir. 4 Avrupa Konseyi Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Strateji Belgesi (2018-2023) için bakınız: 16807b58eb 5 UN-Women belgesi için bakınız: Capacity_AssessmentTool_En.pdf 6 Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği için Avrupa Enstitüsü belgesi için bakınız: 7 SIDA belgesi için bakınız
Altındağ‟da Dönüşen Yoksul Kadın Deneyimleri Üzerinden “Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş Gecekondu” / “Once ... more Altındağ‟da Dönüşen Yoksul Kadın Deneyimleri Üzerinden “Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş Gecekondu” / “Once upon a time-gecekondu” over the experiences of poor women transforming in Altındağ (2017)
Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Kongresi, 2017
ÇAĞIL ÖNGEN, ÖZGE SANEM ÖZATEŞ GELMEZ ve BURCU HATIBOĞLU EREN (2017). Sosyal Hizmet Eğitiminde Ya... more ÇAĞIL ÖNGEN, ÖZGE SANEM ÖZATEŞ GELMEZ ve BURCU HATIBOĞLU EREN (2017). Sosyal Hizmet Eğitiminde Yaratıcı Drama kullanımı: Sosyal Hizmetin Değer Temeli Üzerine Atölye Çalışması, Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Kongresi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Hizmet Bölümü, Ankara.
ÇAĞIL ÖNGEN, ÖZGE SANEM ÖZATEŞ GELMEZ and BURCU HATIBOĞLU EREN (2017). Using Creative Drama in Social Work Education: A Workshop on Value Base of Social Work, International Social Work Congress, Hacettepe Üniversity The Department of social Work, Ankara.
Eskişehir Üni. Yayınları, 2017
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). Philosophical Bases of Social Work Education, Anadolu University
HATIBOĞLU... more HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). Philosophical Bases of Social Work Education, Anadolu University
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). Sosyal Hizmet Etiğinin Felsefi Temelleri içinde Sosyal Hizmet Etiği, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: Eskişehir.
Avrupa Konseyi/Council of Europe, 2017
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). “Modül 11: Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği, Farklılık ve Arabuluculuk” içinde T... more HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). “Modül 11: Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği, Farklılık ve Arabuluculuk” içinde Temel Arabulucuk Eğitimi Eğitimci Kitabı, Türkiye’de Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Uygulamalarının Geliştirilmesi Projesi, Avrupa Konseyi yayını: Ankara.
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). “Chapter 11: Gender equality, differences and mediation” in Basic Mediation Education Book for Trainers, Council of Europe: Ankara.
gece kitaplığı, 2018
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2018). “Different Country Samples of Social Work Education” in Social Work Educati... more HATIBOĞLU, B. (2018). “Different Country Samples of Social Work Education” in Social Work Education (eds: Özgür Altındağ and Aslıhan Aykara), Gece Kitaplığı: Ankara.
1) aile arabuluculuğu ve hukuk arabuluculuğu uygulamalarında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği konuları... more 1) aile arabuluculuğu ve hukuk arabuluculuğu uygulamalarında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği konularıyla ilgili farkındalığın artırılması, 2) cinsiyet eşitliği ilkelerinin temel arabuluculuk eğitim müfredatıyla ilişkili eğitim programlarına entegre edilmesinin sağlanması ve 3) Aile arabuluculuğu eğitim programlarında cinsiyet duyarlı bir uygulama için gerekli altyapının oluşturulması.
Papers by Burcu Hatiboglu

OPUS Journal of Society Research, Mar 28, 2022
This article focuses on how social innovation activities were developed in the urban context duri... more This article focuses on how social innovation activities were developed in the urban context during the Covid 19 pandemic, through systematic literature review and content analysis. The literature search was carried out between June and September 2021 on the Web of Science database. 64 articles reached from the database were filtered by applying exclusion-inclusion criteria. After examining the article abstracts, it was determined that 23 articles were closely related to the research subject. Using the NVIVO qualitative analysis program, key features of social innovation in the urban context during COVID 19 were analyzed (in terms of being value-based, social needs/problem-oriented, change-oriented). The research findings are discussed in three subtitles , revealing the "basic values", "prominent social problems/needs and solution proposals" and "main stakeholders" of social innovation in the context of urban policies during the pandemic. The results of the analysis have shown that the understanding of social innovation in the urban context during COVID 19 has been associated with collective values and focused on the responsibilities of local governments for the realization of social human rights. In this framework, attention is drawn to the opportunities for the implementation of participatory democracy at the level of local governments.

OPUS Journal of Society Research
The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding on women’s access to urban... more The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding on women’s access to urban welfare/social services issues and solutions for developing gender sensitive urban welfare/social services. The mixed research were conducted in Çankaya, Ankara, based on the principles of feminist methodology to answer to how the rights to access to urban services of women residents could be achieved by regarding their satisfaction of the urban social services and their daily urban life experiences? Different tools in qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect and generate data. Integrated findings that are based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis were presented into two parts; which includes socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and the effective and accessible urban social services for women in Çankaya. It was identified that urban infrastructure and welfare/social services of Çankaya could not respond to the gender nee...

OPUS-Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding on women's access to urban... more The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive understanding on women's access to urban welfare/social services issues and solutions for developing gender sensitive urban welfare/social services. The mixed research were conducted in Çankaya, Ankara, based on the principles of feminist methodology to answer to how the rights to access to urban services of women residents could be achieved by regarding their satisfaction of the urban social services and their daily urban life experiences? Different tools in qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect and generate data. Integrated findings that are based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis were presented into two parts; which includes socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and the effective and accessible urban social services for women in Çankaya. It was identified that urban infrastructure and welfare/social services of Çankaya could not respond to the gender needs of women living here and caused to their dissatisfaction about the existing urban services and municipal activities. In conclusion, a new perspective were recommended for developing that focuses on the transformation of gender relations within space and urban services based on the principles of being "free of charge", "accessible", "inclusive", "safe and secure", "empowering", "healthy" and "right-based".

Bu calisma, neoliberalizmin kent uzerindeki etkisinin yogun olarak hissedildigi 2000’li yillarda ... more Bu calisma, neoliberalizmin kent uzerindeki etkisinin yogun olarak hissedildigi 2000’li yillarda Aktas mahallesinde baslatilan gecekondu donusum sureci uzerinden Yenidogan ve Cincin Baglari’nin gelecegine iliskin soylenebilecekleri kesfetmeyi amaclamaktadir. Sozlu tarih ve derinlemesine gorusmeler gibi etnografik arastirma tekniklerinden yararlanilarak elde edilen veriler, Yenidogan ve Cincin Baglari’ndaki neoliberal kentlesme surecinin yoksullar acisindan “yerinden edilme” ve “evsizlik”le sonuclandigina iliskin bilgiler iceriyor. Bununla beraber, gecekondu donusum surecinin yarattigi olumsuzluklar, toplumsal cinsiyet esitsizlikleriyle butunleserek kadinlarin deneyimledigi yoksullugu ve esitsizligi agirlastiriyor. Sonuc olarak, Yenidogan ve Cincin baglarinin gelecegi, yoksullarin ve ozellikle kadinlarin, yerinden edilme sureci ve toplumsal cinsiyet esitsizlikleriyle bicimlenen yasamlarinda sosyal politikalarla ne kadar ve nasil desteklenecegine bagli gorunuyor.

Makalenin amaci, insani ihtiyaclarin degerlendirilmesi konusunda sosyal calismanin temelini olust... more Makalenin amaci, insani ihtiyaclarin degerlendirilmesi konusunda sosyal calismanin temelini olusturan insan haklari ve sosyal adalet degerleri uzerinden gelistirilen uc modeli ve bu cercevede gelistirilen feminist katkilari incelemektir. Bu acidan oncelikle sosyal calisma literaturunde siklikla yer alan Maslow (1954)’un ‘Ihtiyaclar Hiyerarsisi Modeli’ne getirilen elestiriler ve bu elestiriler uzerinden gelistirilen Max-Neef (1991)’in ‘Insani Ihtiyaclar ve Giderilmesi Matrisi’ ve Peet ve Bossel (2000)’in ‘Etik Sistem Modeli’ degerlendirilmistir. Insani ihtiyaclarin analizini insan haklari ve sosyal adalet degerleriyle butunlestirerek ele alan bu yaklasimlar, sosyal calismanin temel mesleki degerleriyle dogrudan iliskileri dolayisiyla tercih edilmistir. Daha sonrasinda ise, insani ihtiyaclarin ele alinisinagetirilen feminist elestiriler uzerinden Sen (2004)’in ‘temel ozgurlukler’ ve Nussbaum (2000)’un ‘yapabilirlikler’ yaklasimi ile Birlesmis Milletler’in ‘pratik ve stratejik toplumsa...
International Social Work
The aim of this study is to understand the phenomenon of isolation due to COVID-19 through the le... more The aim of this study is to understand the phenomenon of isolation due to COVID-19 through the lens of a feminist perspective. It focuses on daily life experiences of oppressed individuals living in Çankaya, whose spatial, socio-cultural, and political positions intersect with their age, disability, and gender. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 37 people, of different ages, disabilities, and gender statements. Findings show that multi-dimensional oppressions and discriminations have undermined solidarity relations and result in more profound loneliness. The results highlight that new social work approaches involving intersectional feminist consciousness of oppressions need to be developed.

City & Community, 2018
This article argues for the need to understand gendered dimensions of space in a contextualized w... more This article argues for the need to understand gendered dimensions of space in a contextualized way. It investigates residential space in three different types of housing settings of the poor, namely, a peripheral squatter neighborhood coded by rurality, a central slum neighborhood coded by criminality, and the housing estates in squatter/slum renewal projects coded by middle–class urbanity. Based on two field studies conducted in Ankara, Turkey's capital, it challenges the feminine–private versus masculine–public dichotomy: With women's presence inside the neighborhood, the squatter area was a “feminine space,” whereas, with the violent control of neighborhood spaces by local men, the slum area was a “masculine space.” Through its association with urban modernity, the public/private divide was enforced in the housing estates. While in the first housing estate, women's informal practices in its public spaces “feminized” and “ruralized” the estate, in the second housing e...

Education as Change, 2019
This qualitative research was based on structured small-group work conducted with 34 undergraduat... more This qualitative research was based on structured small-group work conducted with 34 undergraduate social work students. It aimed to reveal students’ understandings of their personal values and modes of evaluation, their views regarding the value base of social work, and the possible influence of their personal values on professional practice. The data was collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, self-reflective diaries and a semi-structured focus-group discussion. During the study, it was seen that the students had difficulties when talking about their personal values. Yet, whenever they did talk about them, they saw that their values were actually not their own, but were socially constructed by the dominant cultural and moral norms. Prejudices based on the hegemonic cultural codes and norms, hidden in the form of personal values, are the biggest handicaps in the development of a professional identity. Thus, the values of social work are extremely important because they a...
Books by Burcu Hatiboglu
ÇAĞIL ÖNGEN, ÖZGE SANEM ÖZATEŞ GELMEZ and BURCU HATIBOĞLU EREN (2017). Using Creative Drama in Social Work Education: A Workshop on Value Base of Social Work, International Social Work Congress, Hacettepe Üniversity The Department of social Work, Ankara.
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). Sosyal Hizmet Etiğinin Felsefi Temelleri içinde Sosyal Hizmet Etiği, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: Eskişehir.
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). “Chapter 11: Gender equality, differences and mediation” in Basic Mediation Education Book for Trainers, Council of Europe: Ankara.
Papers by Burcu Hatiboglu
ÇAĞIL ÖNGEN, ÖZGE SANEM ÖZATEŞ GELMEZ and BURCU HATIBOĞLU EREN (2017). Using Creative Drama in Social Work Education: A Workshop on Value Base of Social Work, International Social Work Congress, Hacettepe Üniversity The Department of social Work, Ankara.
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). Sosyal Hizmet Etiğinin Felsefi Temelleri içinde Sosyal Hizmet Etiği, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları: Eskişehir.
HATIBOĞLU, B. (2017). “Chapter 11: Gender equality, differences and mediation” in Basic Mediation Education Book for Trainers, Council of Europe: Ankara.
Burcu HATİBOĞLU EREN (2017). New Research Areas for Social Work: Accessing Justice for Women, International Social Work Congress, Hacettepe Üniversity The Department of social Work, Ankara.
HATİBOĞLU, BURCU, TAŞDEMİR-AFŞAR, SELDA. ÖZATEŞ-GELMEZ ÖZGE SANEM, (2018). (Social) Cooperatives as an Opportunity/A Form of Women Solidarity: Terra Development Cooperative, DEKAUM II. International Women Congress II, 4-5 October 2018, İzmir.
ÖZATEŞ-GELMEZ ÖZGE SANEM, HATİBOĞLU, BURCU, TAŞDEMİR-AFŞAR, SELDA. (2018). Form Shelter To Life: Practıce For Empowering Women Living in Battered Women’s Shelters, DEKAUM II. International Women Congress II, 4-5 October 2018, İzmir.