Published author and Lecturer. Analysis of Free Trade blocs, the green revolutions, civil and civic society, U.S. governmental affairs and Mexico. Philanthropy: George Soros & Rockefeller, and Romania.
History and impact of globalization on society. Bright and Dark sides of Globalization: http://olgaandrassy.blogspot.com
Books: http://www.olgalazin.com
Supervisors: Dr James W Wilkie, Dr Ivan Berend, Dr Carlos Alberto Torres, Dr Richard Wise UCLA, and Dr Richard Weiss UCLA
Phone: 3102082244
Address: 10811 ashton ave 101, LA, CA
History and impact of globalization on society. Bright and Dark sides of Globalization: http://olgaandrassy.blogspot.com
Books: http://www.olgalazin.com
Supervisors: Dr James W Wilkie, Dr Ivan Berend, Dr Carlos Alberto Torres, Dr Richard Wise UCLA, and Dr Richard Weiss UCLA
Phone: 3102082244
Address: 10811 ashton ave 101, LA, CA
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InterestsView All (30)
Videos by DR. OLGA M LAZIN
This book is about defining Statism, statist intervention, anti-statism, since colonial times (Aztec Empire/Traco-Geti Empires) to present. Copyright @ 2021 Dr Olga M. Lazin
ISBN: 978-1-63848-986-3
This Book Is About: how our 2 countries ended up in the pockets of cons.
From Pre-Colonial Times to 2021 in an On-Going World Context: “Statism,” “Anti- Statism,” “Active State,” and “State Capitalism.In Mexico & Romania”
With a 2020 Postscript
HOW President Vicente Fox Made Genaro García Luna (GGL) Chief of Mexico’s “FBI” (2001-2006); and HOW President Felipe Calderón Made GGL Mexico’s Secretary of National Security (2006-2012); HOW GGL (2016-2020) established GLAC as Master Mexican Private-Eye Company (Tacitly approved by Presidents Peña Nieto, during (2016-2218 and AMLO 2019-2020), with former FBI and CIA Agents on His of Board Directors.
While Living in Miami as a U.S. Resident), GGL was Arrested in 2020 and being tried in a U.S. Federal Court In
Dr Olga Magdalena Lazin Presentation
In Paperback Format ISBN 978-1956736854 ebook cu 978-1-63848-606-0 si ISBN #978-1-63848-988-7 (Hardcover).
In 2015, she was featured on TV Azteca in Mexico, as an electoral observer where she reported on free and fair elections in Mexico City.
In Guadalajara, at the Book Expo, she has been featured on Radio and TV, with her book presentation on Decentralized Globalization in 2017.
Dr. Lazin is now well-known and participated at the recent Los Angeles Book Fair as the prized author of Regency Press. She had been toasted at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival, and Frankfurt Book Fair in September. Also, she has spoken at UCLA and at PROFMEX events about how to become a bestselling author. Thus she has inspired many to continue their research and writing. And she helps without charge young graduating students learn how to advance their work in academia.
Dr. Olga has served as Vice-President of PROFMEX (USA non-profit), and had been listed since 1990 with PROFMEX Journal, a 501(C)3 nonprofit organisation. [16] , as .well as Research & Development Director in 1989
Additionally, she has given talks on how to become a best-selling book at PROFMEX Conferences, and UCLA American-Romanian Academy events. She has motivated many to continue their studies and writing as a result.
She is a shortlisted nominee for the Inspirational Women Forum and Leadership Awards. [2] and is being mentioned in the LA TImes Magazine, B2B, November 2022. More info: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html
References : Prof. Dr JAMES W. WILKIE
T. 310-570-3702 (USA)
This book is about defining Statism, statist intervention, anti-statism, since colonial times (Aztec Empire/Traco-Geti Empires) to present.
Copyright @ 2021 Dr Olga M. Lazin
ISBN: 978-1-63848-986-3
This Book Is About: how our 2 countries ended up in the pockets of cons.
From Pre-Colonial Times to 2021 in an On-Going World Context: “Statism,” “Anti- Statism,” “Active State,” and “State Capitalism.In Mexico & Romania”
With a 2020 Postscript
HOW President Vicente Fox Made Genaro García Luna (GGL) Chief of Mexico’s “FBI” (2001-2006); and HOW President Felipe Calderón Made GGL Mexico’s Secretary of National Security (2006-2012); HOW GGL (2016-2020) established GLAC as Master Mexican Private-Eye Company (Tacitly approved by Presidents Peña Nieto, during (2016-2218 and AMLO 2019-2020), with former FBI and CIA Agents on His of Board Directors.
While Living in Miami as a U.S. Resident), GGL was Arrested in 2020 and being tried in a U.S. Federal Court In New York for Having Taken Many Millions of Dollars in Bribes from El Chapo and His Sinaloa Cartel to arrange Smuggling Billions of Dollars of Drugs.
All Four Presidents said: “Really Surprised”.
How Mexico Compares to Romania, in Europe. Follow the author, on Twitter: @olgamlazin Instagram: #drolgalazin, on FB: drolgalazin Books: Author's Personal BOOKS
Olga Lazin is a prolific author specialized in historical, academic, nonfiction.
She has coined the term "decentralized globalization" with reference to decentralization of political power, from centralized, and planned economy, to decentralized devolution of power to regional and localities level. Originally from Transylvania, Romania,
My Book TITLES on Amazon: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ppaJhJz5hXpd79sg8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ppaJhJz5hXpd79sg8
CYCLES (P. 31)......................................................................... 38
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Acest proces trebuie să înceapă devreme, chiar înainte de a primi o indicație că ar putea încerca să te strângă. Opțiunile din afara casetei necesită adesea timp pentru a se dezvolta. Presupunând că totul va fi bine te pune într-o poziție de pierdere.
Formând afacerea
Chiar dacă NU vă aflați într-o poziție de monopol, există încă modalități de a modela afacerea care vă poate ajuta. Poate structura tranzacției să afecteze prețul? Certitudinea unui acord pe termen lung va reduce costul, de exemplu? Sau puteți grupa articole - cumpărând nu numai articolul monopol, ci și alte produse pe care le furnizează pe care le puteți obține în altă parte - creând o achiziție mai mare pentru un cost unitar mai mic?
În esență, te întrebi: ce poți face pentru a fi un partener mai atractiv? Apoi, folosiți acest lucru pentru a uniformiza negocierea, astfel încât să existe o anumită pârghie de ambele părți.
Ce trebuie făcut în timpul negocierii:
Lui Daniela Ionita Ivascu, e necesar ca sa sublinieze ecuația încrederii, pe care o explică astfel: credibilitate, plus fiabilitate, plus intimitate, toate împărțite de intenții egoiste.
În esență, încrederea este suma percepției lor despre profesionalismul dvs., indiferent dacă vă respectați promisiunile și calitatea relației dvs., cu numitorul modului în care vă percep comportamentul. Cu alte cuvinte, te îngrijești mai întâi de tine sau vei fi un jucător de echipă alături de ei?
Fenomenul psihologic al aversiunii împotriva pierderii va însemna că vor acorda o valoare mai mare ceea ce ar putea pierde decât ceea ce ar putea câștiga. Utilizarea acestor cunoștințe înseamnă că vă puteți structura negocierea într-un mod care să ofere ambele beneficii ambelor părți. Este treaba ta să îi faci să creadă că sunt mai bine cu tine decât fără tine.
Chiar și în acele situații în care credeți că nu ar putea fi nimic de negociat, există întotdeauna spațiu pentru a găsi acel rezultat optim care oferă ceva ambelor părți, este doar un caz de a fi pregătiți, creativi și înțelegători.
This book is about defining Statism, statist intervention, anti-statism, since colonial times (Aztec Empire/Traco-Geti Empires) to present. Copyright @ 2021 Dr Olga M. Lazin
ISBN: 978-1-63848-986-3
This Book Is About: how our 2 countries ended up in the pockets of cons.
From Pre-Colonial Times to 2021 in an On-Going World Context: “Statism,” “Anti- Statism,” “Active State,” and “State Capitalism.In Mexico & Romania”
With a 2020 Postscript
HOW President Vicente Fox Made Genaro García Luna (GGL) Chief of Mexico’s “FBI” (2001-2006); and HOW President Felipe Calderón Made GGL Mexico’s Secretary of National Security (2006-2012); HOW GGL (2016-2020) established GLAC as Master Mexican Private-Eye Company (Tacitly approved by Presidents Peña Nieto, during (2016-2218 and AMLO 2019-2020), with former FBI and CIA Agents on His of Board Directors.
While Living in Miami as a U.S. Resident), GGL was Arrested in 2020 and being tried in a U.S. Federal Court In
Dr Olga Magdalena Lazin Presentation
In Paperback Format ISBN 978-1956736854 ebook cu 978-1-63848-606-0 si ISBN #978-1-63848-988-7 (Hardcover).
In 2015, she was featured on TV Azteca in Mexico, as an electoral observer where she reported on free and fair elections in Mexico City.
In Guadalajara, at the Book Expo, she has been featured on Radio and TV, with her book presentation on Decentralized Globalization in 2017.
Dr. Lazin is now well-known and participated at the recent Los Angeles Book Fair as the prized author of Regency Press. She had been toasted at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival, and Frankfurt Book Fair in September. Also, she has spoken at UCLA and at PROFMEX events about how to become a bestselling author. Thus she has inspired many to continue their research and writing. And she helps without charge young graduating students learn how to advance their work in academia.
Dr. Olga has served as Vice-President of PROFMEX (USA non-profit), and had been listed since 1990 with PROFMEX Journal, a 501(C)3 nonprofit organisation. [16] , as .well as Research & Development Director in 1989
Additionally, she has given talks on how to become a best-selling book at PROFMEX Conferences, and UCLA American-Romanian Academy events. She has motivated many to continue their studies and writing as a result.
She is a shortlisted nominee for the Inspirational Women Forum and Leadership Awards. [2] and is being mentioned in the LA TImes Magazine, B2B, November 2022. More info: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html
References : Prof. Dr JAMES W. WILKIE
T. 310-570-3702 (USA)
This book is about defining Statism, statist intervention, anti-statism, since colonial times (Aztec Empire/Traco-Geti Empires) to present.
Copyright @ 2021 Dr Olga M. Lazin
ISBN: 978-1-63848-986-3
This Book Is About: how our 2 countries ended up in the pockets of cons.
From Pre-Colonial Times to 2021 in an On-Going World Context: “Statism,” “Anti- Statism,” “Active State,” and “State Capitalism.In Mexico & Romania”
With a 2020 Postscript
HOW President Vicente Fox Made Genaro García Luna (GGL) Chief of Mexico’s “FBI” (2001-2006); and HOW President Felipe Calderón Made GGL Mexico’s Secretary of National Security (2006-2012); HOW GGL (2016-2020) established GLAC as Master Mexican Private-Eye Company (Tacitly approved by Presidents Peña Nieto, during (2016-2218 and AMLO 2019-2020), with former FBI and CIA Agents on His of Board Directors.
While Living in Miami as a U.S. Resident), GGL was Arrested in 2020 and being tried in a U.S. Federal Court In New York for Having Taken Many Millions of Dollars in Bribes from El Chapo and His Sinaloa Cartel to arrange Smuggling Billions of Dollars of Drugs.
All Four Presidents said: “Really Surprised”.
How Mexico Compares to Romania, in Europe. Follow the author, on Twitter: @olgamlazin Instagram: #drolgalazin, on FB: drolgalazin Books: Author's Personal BOOKS
Olga Lazin is a prolific author specialized in historical, academic, nonfiction.
She has coined the term "decentralized globalization" with reference to decentralization of political power, from centralized, and planned economy, to decentralized devolution of power to regional and localities level. Originally from Transylvania, Romania,
My Book TITLES on Amazon: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ppaJhJz5hXpd79sg8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ppaJhJz5hXpd79sg8
CYCLES (P. 31)......................................................................... 38
AFTER 1521T............................................................................ 00
MAINTAIN STATUS QUO.............................................................. 00
Acest proces trebuie să înceapă devreme, chiar înainte de a primi o indicație că ar putea încerca să te strângă. Opțiunile din afara casetei necesită adesea timp pentru a se dezvolta. Presupunând că totul va fi bine te pune într-o poziție de pierdere.
Formând afacerea
Chiar dacă NU vă aflați într-o poziție de monopol, există încă modalități de a modela afacerea care vă poate ajuta. Poate structura tranzacției să afecteze prețul? Certitudinea unui acord pe termen lung va reduce costul, de exemplu? Sau puteți grupa articole - cumpărând nu numai articolul monopol, ci și alte produse pe care le furnizează pe care le puteți obține în altă parte - creând o achiziție mai mare pentru un cost unitar mai mic?
În esență, te întrebi: ce poți face pentru a fi un partener mai atractiv? Apoi, folosiți acest lucru pentru a uniformiza negocierea, astfel încât să existe o anumită pârghie de ambele părți.
Ce trebuie făcut în timpul negocierii:
Lui Daniela Ionita Ivascu, e necesar ca sa sublinieze ecuația încrederii, pe care o explică astfel: credibilitate, plus fiabilitate, plus intimitate, toate împărțite de intenții egoiste.
În esență, încrederea este suma percepției lor despre profesionalismul dvs., indiferent dacă vă respectați promisiunile și calitatea relației dvs., cu numitorul modului în care vă percep comportamentul. Cu alte cuvinte, te îngrijești mai întâi de tine sau vei fi un jucător de echipă alături de ei?
Fenomenul psihologic al aversiunii împotriva pierderii va însemna că vor acorda o valoare mai mare ceea ce ar putea pierde decât ceea ce ar putea câștiga. Utilizarea acestor cunoștințe înseamnă că vă puteți structura negocierea într-un mod care să ofere ambele beneficii ambelor părți. Este treaba ta să îi faci să creadă că sunt mai bine cu tine decât fără tine.
Chiar și în acele situații în care credeți că nu ar putea fi nimic de negociat, există întotdeauna spațiu pentru a găsi acel rezultat optim care oferă ceva ambelor părți, este doar un caz de a fi pregătiți, creativi și înțelegători.
Free Markets, U.S. Foundations, and the Rise of Civil and Civic Society from Rockefeller’s Latin America to Soros’ Eastern Europe
University of Guadalajara Press, UCLA Program on Mexico, PROFMEX, and Juan Pablos Editores, 2007
http://calstatela.academia.edu/DROLGALAZIN/Books/1392031/Globalization_Positive_and_Negative_Aspects (Spanish); and
http://www.profmex.org/mexicoandtheworld/volume21/5EarlySummer2016/Decentralized_Globalization_Dr_Lazin.pdf (English)
Second Book: The Positive and Negative Sides of Globalization. Lados Obscuros y Brillantes de
la Globalización (Co-author, James Wilkie) Publishers Same as First Book,
Done in Hungary, Budapest.
Some intriguing ideas about a revolution in Machete? I can only see a great plot! It kind of urges migrants to start killing la migra, vigilantes and senators. You know, like O'reilly said it: "abortionist murderer, who cannot be permitted to exist" about a gynecologist, thus instigating people to kill the doctor. Which really happened. As a historian, I do not condone this kind of ideas. I have already crossed The WALL. But this movie finally makes a point! If all the work in our restaurants, hotels, and hospitals is being done by mexican or hungarian immigrants; why is it that we do not let them in the country? Once they are already here, as the humiliated hungarian house guard says it in the movie!
The girls did a great job too, reminding me of the revolutionaries in the latin tradition (1910)! Most awesome love story! And the Senator (Robert deNiro) fried on his own electrical fence! What an irony!
Best movie ever: seems to have beeen produced by Edward Olmos, but it is actually Directed by Robert Rodriguez.
A social and historical survey of Chicano population in the U.S.A. Chicano Studies, I taught at West Los Angeles College. 2010
Go see it! it is all about worker's mobility! I love Danny Trejo; soo cute.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Dr Olga Lazin's Blog]
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 07:53:04 +0200
From: Dorin Stef <[email protected]>
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