? ?


Bruce: Don't spout your anti-semetic, anti- American hate to me anymore.This is the second time. I know you can't remember the first time. I AM NOT AMERICAN!!! I am Canadian. It's a completely differnt country with a completely different set of politics.You know nothing about it. And your horrible display at the bar complaining about American issues abroad proves it. Don't ever yell out in a bar and laugh in my face again about americans killing people abroad. I have got issues with that but I am not representing the country as I am not a citizen. No matter how many times you pretend and talk to me as if I am one, I am not. You know nothing about me or my politics or my countries politics. Stop with your bullshit conspiracy theories. I love a good debate as much as the next person, but it might be nice to start by not insulting a persons nationality. A word of advice for the future.
Stop asking me questions that no one can answer and say that this is evidence for your claims. If you don't have anything but questions that can't be answered than you have nothing. I'm sorry that's life. If you can't back it up shut up. You made me amazingly angry and honestly the alcohol didn't help. I haven't encountered your kind of stupid in a long time and frankly the night was going too well for me to have been prepared for it. Don't think for a second that this was some sort of victory for your conspiracy side of the argument. I didn't leave because I couldn't argue my point, I left because there is only so much stupid I can handle in one day and you filled the quota.


stolen form kwanboa, made me smile

How to Win a Fight With a Conservative is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Liberal Identity:

You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.


I can't believe I still have livejournal.... i now contemplate continuing to write in it...
" and we will probably go to hell,
and that is our great reward,
for being the royal canadian kilted yaksmen!!"

ah classic Ren and Stimpy!!!

It's alive ....ALIVE


I'm still alive. I'm at work on my break so this won't be a long post. Anyhoo, life is pretty decent, single again, don't ask is was painful. and work is awesome. Worried about soem of my friendships cause I've been like crazy busy ;lately and it's been hard to keep up with everything. But my life is starting to straighten out again so hopefully it will all make sense soon. decided to stay on my prescript of iron pills and birth control and I've decided to go see If I can't find a competent cousellor again. OY issues. reliving them sucks.

yaeh so I'll have more time to update again so don't drop me from your list, if yoiuy havent already.


tee hee

<td align="center" style="background: #000000; color: #FFFFFF;">Heather's Random Movie Quote:

'Get out of the water!'

- Sean Brody, Jaws

Take this quiz at</td>
I've changed my journal to friends only.


holy happy heather hutchings

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