Papers by Michael P M Mhlanga
Curriculum change is a key educational process that can boost the innovative capacity of the educ... more Curriculum change is a key educational process that can boost the innovative capacity of the education institution. This paper sought to investigate factors that guide curriculum change in secondary education in Zimbabwe. It was prompted by continuous changes in the curriculum of education institutions which include primary, secondary schools universities, polytechnical colleges and teachers' colleges. Key terms will be defined.
QUESTION Critically analyse the effectiveness of the Island Biogeography theory in explaining spe... more QUESTION Critically analyse the effectiveness of the Island Biogeography theory in explaining species diversity. Biogeography is the study of the temporal and spatial distribution of plants and animals across the planet. Island biogeography is concerned with how these processes occur in insular areas, as exemplified by true oceanic islands but can applied to nature reserves, mountain tops and desert oasis. This paper seeks to present the principle concepts of island biogeography theory and to discuss if it explains species diversity adequately.
Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged... more Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having persuaded the crowds, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead. But when the disciples gathered about him, he rose up and entered the city, and on the next day he went on with Barnabas to Derbe. When they had preached the gospel to
The presence of visual elements in today’s teaching and learning is increasing as the integration... more The presence of visual elements in today’s teaching and learning is increasing as the integration of images and visual presentations with text in textbooks, instructional manuals, classroom presentations, and computer interfaces broadens. Research reported in educational literature demonstrates that using visuals in teaching results in greater degree of learning. The basic premise of this body of research is the concept of visual literacy, introducing visual literacy and stratagems to teach it in secondary schools.

The concepts of nature and nurture shape the development of human beings. This write up sets out ... more The concepts of nature and nurture shape the development of human beings. This write up sets out to assess the nature nurture debate, pinpointing the effects each has on the development of children. Terms that will be defined are nature nurture debate, nature and nurture.
Feldman (2009) defines the nature nurture debate as the issue of the degree to which environment and hereditary factors influence the behaviour. According to Flanagan (2002) nature refers to behavioural or physical traits found in a developing child that are due to genetic factors. Feldman (2009:39) says “nature refers to hereditary factors, characteristics and tendencies that influence development.” Thus nature can be defined as inborn characteristics such as generic diseases evident in a developing child. Santrock (2004) defines nurture as environmental factors that have an influence on the development of a human being. According to Bernstein (2011) nurture refers to all environmental influence, after the birth of a child that affects development. Hence nurture can be called post natal factors that influence development of people.

Global citizenship education (GCE) „highlights essential functions of education related to the fo... more Global citizenship education (GCE) „highlights essential functions of education related to the formation of citizenship [in relation] with globalization. It is a concern with the relevance of knowledge, skills and values for the participation of citizens in, and their contribution to, dimensions of societal development, which are linked at local and global levels. It is directly related to the civic, social and political socialization function of education, and ultimately to the contribution of education in preparing children and young people to deal with the challenges of today‟s increasingly interconnected and interdependent world‟. Global citizenship education (GCE) inspires action, partnerships, dialogue and cooperation through formal and non-formal education. GCE applies a multifaceted approach employing concepts, methodologies and theories from related fields, including human rights education, peace education, education for sustainable development and education for international understanding. It promotes an ethos of curiosity, solidarity and shared responsibility. There are also overlapping and mutually reinforcing objectives, approaches and learning outcomes with these and other education programmes, such as intercultural education and health education.
Papers by Michael P M Mhlanga
Feldman (2009) defines the nature nurture debate as the issue of the degree to which environment and hereditary factors influence the behaviour. According to Flanagan (2002) nature refers to behavioural or physical traits found in a developing child that are due to genetic factors. Feldman (2009:39) says “nature refers to hereditary factors, characteristics and tendencies that influence development.” Thus nature can be defined as inborn characteristics such as generic diseases evident in a developing child. Santrock (2004) defines nurture as environmental factors that have an influence on the development of a human being. According to Bernstein (2011) nurture refers to all environmental influence, after the birth of a child that affects development. Hence nurture can be called post natal factors that influence development of people.
Feldman (2009) defines the nature nurture debate as the issue of the degree to which environment and hereditary factors influence the behaviour. According to Flanagan (2002) nature refers to behavioural or physical traits found in a developing child that are due to genetic factors. Feldman (2009:39) says “nature refers to hereditary factors, characteristics and tendencies that influence development.” Thus nature can be defined as inborn characteristics such as generic diseases evident in a developing child. Santrock (2004) defines nurture as environmental factors that have an influence on the development of a human being. According to Bernstein (2011) nurture refers to all environmental influence, after the birth of a child that affects development. Hence nurture can be called post natal factors that influence development of people.