drafts by susan ariel aaronson
Challenge, 1994
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). But GATT is not an international organization like the Wor... more Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). But GATT is not an international organization like the World Bank or the United Nations. It has no members-only contracting parties. It does not have a charter or treaty status. It is simply a multilateral agreement. The Truman Administration built this international agreement on the Trade Agreements Act (TAA), which delegated authority to the President to conduct bilateral negotiations to reduce specific tariffs. These bilateral concessions were then generalized to other GATT contracting ...
Management Education and Competitiveness: Europe, Japan, and the United States, Jul 31, 1996
American graduate schools of business are peculiar academic animals. They do not really resemble ... more American graduate schools of business are peculiar academic animals. They do not really resemble either of their parents-the business world or the ivory tower. Their faculty must find a delicate balance between research that advances learning and knowledge and research that serves the interests of capital. As a result, each graduate school of business has evolved its own mix of academic and business culture. Although each school is unique, many graduate schools of business in the United States share an approach to education ...
Susan Ariel Aaronson global trade liberalization under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Bu... more Susan Ariel Aaronson global trade liberalization under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Bush administration made it harder to ensure that trade advanced access to jobs and opportunities for the bulk of the world's people, rather than just for those living in the specific countries with whom he chose to negotiate. As the United States approaches a presidential transition, neither trade nor human rights has become a leading campaign issue. But both are important for the US government and the American people to consider. Under ...
Notes, Apr 1, 2009
In the past year, the unthinkable has happened: yesterday's record profitmaking investment b... more In the past year, the unthinkable has happened: yesterday's record profitmaking investment banks are today's bankruptcies and bank holding companies. 1 American International Group (aig), prominent us and uk banks including Citigroup and Lloyds, us mortgage buyers Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and car giants General Motors and Chrysler have all desperately sought refuge in government financial assistance. The term “too big to fail,” which had ...
The International Economy, Feb 25, 2012
Abstract: This article examines the objectives and trade strategjes policymakers are using when t... more Abstract: This article examines the objectives and trade strategjes policymakers are using when they use trade agreements to govern the Internet. Often when we use the Internet we are trading. I show that although policymakers use the rhetoric of Internet freedom, they are most concerned about maintaining their local firms comparative advantage when they make trade decisions regarding Internet freedom and regulation.
Abstract: Trade has been an important factor in United States from the 17th century to the presen... more Abstract: Trade has been an important factor in United States from the 17th century to the present day. The United States was born out of a trade dispute with Great Britain. From the moment the founders first set pen to paper, trade has helped spur US economic growth. This booklet covers trade topics such as policy, perspectives, difference in nations trading, workers rights, barriers, equity issues, consumers outlook, governments involvement, trade disputes, trade impact on the environment, and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( ...
In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominent individuals from the developing world ... more In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominent individuals from the developing world took a forceful position. Bhagwati, the world's preeminent trade economist, and his co-signatories argued that labor rights should not be linked to the WTO or to any other trade agreement. To these men and women, labor rights were non trade issues and should not be allowed to "contaminate" trade rules. 1 UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as well as and trade officials from Thailand and the Philippines seconded this point of view. 2
The rise of graduate business schools occurred during a period of enormous growth, followed by dr... more The rise of graduate business schools occurred during a period of enormous growth, followed by dramatic decline, in the fortunes of American business. During the 15 years following World War II, corporate recruiters increasingly turned to graduates of America's business chools to staff their flourishing operations. These MBA (Masters in Business Administration)-educated managers changed the way Americans did business. 2 Their impressive credentials enabled them to get hired and promoted to management positions ...

In this article, I focus on the potential trade spillovers of Chinese policies to maintain employ... more In this article, I focus on the potential trade spillovers of Chinese policies to maintain employment. Chinese leaders are determined to maintain employment and have long ignored employment laws that could empower workers. But in 2007, China reformed its labor laws and allowed wide public comment. The new laws enhanced protections for workers, but the consensus among scholars, NGOs, and the US State Department is that these labor laws, like earlier laws, are unevenly and rarely enforced. I argue that Chinese failure to enforce these laws breach its WTO obligations. WTO members could use GATT Article XXIII, which establishes a "right of redress" for changes in domestic policy that systematically erode market access commitments even if no explicit GATT rule has been violated. Used creatively, this strategy could enable WTO member states to encourage China to do a better job of enforcing its labour laws.
Enterprise and Society
Page 1. Access Provided by your local institution at 05/17/10 4:50PM GMT Page 2. 164 REVIEWS Rona... more Page 1. Access Provided by your local institution at 05/17/10 4:50PM GMT Page 2. 164 REVIEWS Ronald Seavoy. Origins and Growth of the Global Economy: From the Fifteenth Century Onward. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003. 275 pp. ISBN 0-275-97912-1, $70.95. ...
drafts by susan ariel aaronson