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      BusinessEconomicsBusiness HistoryMBA
Herein, we examine how the United States and the European Union (the EU) use trade agreements to advance the free flow of information and to promote digital rights online. In the 1980s and 1990s, after US policymakers tried to include... more
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    • The Internet
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      Global Business and Human RightsBusiness and human rights
Scholars and policymakers have long believed that the interdependence encouraged by trade relations encourages trust and peaceful relations. In this article, we examine the role of the GATT/WTO (and the trade it supposedly encourages) in... more
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    • International Trade
This article looks at whether WTO membership prods member states to improve governance in so doing reduce corruption
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      International TradeWTO Trade TopicsCorruption
This book examines how US trade policy might be made more transparent, accountable, and democratic in the 21st century
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    • US trade policy
Scholars and policymakers have long believed that the interdependence encouraged by trade relations encourages trust and peaceful relations. In this article, we examine the role of the GATT/WTO (and the trade it supposedly encourages) in... more
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      International RelationsConflictInterstate and Intrastate WarWorld Trade Organization
As the major players in globalization, firms often operate in states where human rights may not be respected. Without direct intent, firms may be complicit in human rights violations. In 2008, John Ruggie, the United Nations (UN) Special... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsGlobal GovernanceUnited Nations
Executive Summary: A growing number of nations including Canada, Chile, the EU, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the US, now include labor rights provisions in their free trade agreements. But we don't yet know if such links... more
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When Americans went to the polls in 2008, they cast their ballot for the more deliberative and creative candidate. Voters wanted change and Barack Obama delivered. Despite the cumulative pressure of multiple crises, from two wars to an... more
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Abstract: The Big Five Oil Companies—ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips, BP, and Royal Dutch Shell—are among the world's most influential and profitable companies. This article explores the extent to which these companies act... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
I. Overview of Paper The world's most misunderstood international organization, the World Trade Organization, or WTO sits in a grand palace on the shores of Lake Geneva. The grandeur of the building stands in stark contrast to the... more
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In 1999, economist Jagdish Bhagwati and 98 other prominent individuals from the developing world took a forceful position. Bhagwati, the world's preeminent trade economist, and his co-signatories argued that labor rights should not... more
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      Working PapersBilateral trade
At first glance, the Congressman from Kentucky and the Congressman from Missouri don't seem to have much in common. The Kentuckian, Henry Clay lived in the beginnings of the industrial age. He struggled to foster compromise among... more
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      Terms of TradeInternational and Comparative Political EconomyRegional integration and human development