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Please do not cite without author's permission As a field, education is remarkably susceptible to hype. Spend any amount of time reading recent articles on pedagogy, educational blogs, or popular news stories about education and you will... more
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The Community of Inquiry model has become one of the most common frameworks for designing online and hybrid courses. Substantial literatures have developed around its three ele- ments: cognitive, social, and teaching presence—though the... more
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      PedagogyCommunity of InquiryUnderstanding by Design (UbD)Constittuional Law
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      LawPolitical ScienceSupreme CourtAmicus Curiae
After a project of this size, an author finds himself deep in emotional and intellectual debt. To Tim Johnson, my advisor, I owe innumerable thanks for inviting me to collaborate on a project about amici, letting me turn that project into... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceSupreme CourtAmicus Curiae