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Cool game, especially liked the alchemy table style of upgrading, would have loved to see more attack affecting upgrades like the triple shot tho.
My main gripe would be the player can't quick travel from each portal and has to go thru heaven each time instead.

I played it on steam, but donated here instead of buying the soundtrack which should give the devs a bigger cut.


Really great game, just got it on gog too (thanks for releasing there). I only have one issue, and it's some stutter/slowdown, no matter which of the graphic options i tweak. Could you help with this? maybe addeing an option to reduce particles or the 3d effect the platforms have below them?


Been playing quite a bit today and I have to say this is a really well developed game, I decided to donate cause you deserve it, if I could give more I would, honestly really really great work



A great clone of Enter the Gungeon with mechanics from Hollow Knight. The visual component and the music are very pleasant.


Really fun!