Evaluasi terhadap kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja sangat diperlukan oleh perguruan ti... more Evaluasi terhadap kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja sangat diperlukan oleh perguruan tinggi agar tidak terdapat jarak antara dunia pendidikan tinggi dengan dunia kerja nyata yang ada di masyarakat. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh perguruan tinggi dalam melakukan tracer study adalah pada saat pengumpulan data. Beberapa perguruan tinggi masih melakukan pengumpulan data secara manual dengan cara menyebar kertas kuisioner dan wawancara melalui telepon terhadap alumni dan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu Pengembangan layanan E-Tracer Study yang lengkap, yang dapat memberikan informasi bagi perguruan tinggi untuk kepentingan perbaikan kurikulum, penelusuran alumni secara detail serta mengetahui kepuasan pengguna lulusan perguruan tinggi.
Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbp... more Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbps terus meningkat sampai teknologi 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) berkecepatan 10 Gbps berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi eCommerce, media sosial, platform video dan meeting online juga semakin tinggi. Lokasi perangkat 2G sampai 5G berada dalam satu lokasi yang sama berdampak pada penggunaan perangkat dan jalur transmisi yang sama pula, sehingga utilisasi transmisi cepat mengalami congestion. Untuk mengatasi congestion digunakan metode Link Aggregation (LAG) untuk menambah kapasitas antara koneksi Indoor Unit (IDU) dengan router. Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas implementasi LAG digunakan kerangka kerja Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES). Dari evaluasi kerangka kerja PIECES dapat disimpulkan dengan implementasi LAG kapasitas link bertambah dari 1x1 Gbps menjadi 2x1 Gbps, congestion turun dari 68,07% menjadi 34,60%, performance meningkat 50% dan throughput meningkat 10,63 Mbps.
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach for data collection and measurement: by using Alexa and Majestic SEO. Data analysis using the Pearson Chi-square for social media ownership that using data ordinal and independent t test for examining effects of social media on website popularity. The study revealed that majority of the social media users used Facebook, then followed by Twitter. There are also most significant differences for result of popularity by Alexa Rank and visibility by Majestic SEO in universities whether used social media or no.
Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of... more Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of academic information for students. The subject of this research is in the form of web-based management alumnus Career Center with specific sub domain. Colleges that already have a Career Center only 34 of the 264 colleges as sample. Type the service the most are information jobs, while others are still rarely available as a forum of alumni and career consultation. Ownership Career Center contributed to the popularity of college website. Providing services such as communication and consultation career impact on the popularity of the Career Center website.
Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academ... more Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academic society. This study took as many as 80 universities in the Webometrics ranking of repositories in the Southeast Asia region. The tools used in this research is Google for number of web page and Google Scholar for number of document paper repository and Ahrefs for referring page, backlink and reffering domain. The result of this study, Eprints is the most widely used tools in higher education, as many as 37 higher educations (46,25%). Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November got the highest score in number of web page in Google (2.010.000), Bogor Agricultural University Scientific Repository got the highest score for number of document paper (44.300). University of Sumatera Utara Repository got the highest score for reffering page (82588) and backlink (86421). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository got the highest score for reffering domain (532).
Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian... more Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian culture to be forwarded to the next generation in order to understand Minangkabau language. To introduce Minangkabau Language, it can be through learning applications, namely media that can be used to convey material content that involves mobile devices such as Android-based phones. Minangkabau Language Learning in Indonesia through Android can be an interactive learning tool that can increase the learning interest of the Indonesia people, especially the Minangkabau community, to better understand the Minangkabau language. The method used is observation, interview, library study to create a data base for the design of the Minangkabau language learning application based on Android. The result of this research is the application of Minangkabau language learning based on Android which is useful for Indonesian society especial the Minangkabau community. The appearance for this application consists of some main menus such as Vocabulary Menu, Dialogues Menu, Folklore menu, Minangkabau language material menu and verse & Proverb menu which makes it easy to learn the Minangkabau language efficiently and effectively.
Information technology and communication is indeed used as a benchmark for the progress of a coun... more Information technology and communication is indeed used as a benchmark for the progress of a country. One application of information and communication technology is internet use in the community. In addition to having a positive impact, technological developments have become a medium for cyber crime and the spread of negative content. At present, the government of the Republic of Indonesia is trying to block negative content on the internet. As of January 2019, based on the page https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id, 780,586 negative content has been blocked. The most blocked is pornographic content, which is 773,517 websites. One solution to recognize and study content that is indicated by pornography is to build a corpus indicated by pornographic content using natural language processing to support the government in its efforts to protect the public regarding access to websites that are indicated by pornographic content. The research was conducted by crawling on 20 websites that indicated as a pornography content from https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id, developing the corpus that indicated as a pornography content with natural language processing(NLP) and vectorization of words on the corpus results. The results of the study were identification of content indicated by pornography based on the corpus built.
Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbp... more Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbps terus meningkat sampai teknologi 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) berkecepatan 10 Gbps berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi eCommerce, media sosial, platform video dan meeting online juga semakin tinggi. Lokasi perangkat 2G sampai 5G berada dalam satu lokasi yang sama berdampak pada penggunaan perangkat dan jalur transmisi yang sama pula, sehingga utilisasi transmisi cepat mengalami congestion. Untuk mengatasi congestion digunakan metode Link Aggregation (LAG) untuk menambah kapasitas antara koneksi Indoor Unit (IDU) dengan router. Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas implementasi LAG digunakan kerangka kerja Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES). Dari evaluasi kerangka kerja PIECES dapat disimpulkan dengan implementasi LAG kapasitas link bertambah dari 1x1 Gbps menjadi 2x1 Gbps, congestion turun dari 68,07% menjadi 34,60%, performance meningkat 50% dan throughput meningkat 10,63 Mbps.
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach fo...
Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academ... more Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academic society. This study took as many as 80 universities in the Webometrics ranking of repositories in the Southeast Asia region. The tools used in this research is Google for number of web page and Google Scholar for number of document paper repository and Ahrefs for referring page, backlink and reffering domain. The result of this study, Eprints is the most widely used tools in higher education, as many as 37 higher educations (46,25%). Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November got the highest score in number of web page in Google (2.010.000), Bogor Agricultural University Scientific Repository got the highest score for number of document paper (44.300). University of Sumatera Utara Repository got the highest score for reffering page (82588) and backlink (86421). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository got the highest score for reffering domain (532).
Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of... more Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of academic information for students. The subject of this research is in the form of web-based management alumnus Career Center with specific sub domain. Colleges that already have a Career Center only 34 of the 264 colleges as sample. Type the service the most are information jobs, while others are still rarely available as a forum of alumni and career consultation. Ownership Career Center contributed to the popularity of college website. Providing services such as communication and consultation career impact on the popularity of the Career Center website.
Quality competence of worker the present do not meet labor market criteria and the low level of l... more Quality competence of worker the present do not meet labor market criteria and the low level of labor productivity, the lack of communication between the labor market with education, changing of socio-economic structure and global political influence labor market, the development of science and technology very rapidly lead to fundamental changes in terms of qualifications, competencies and requirements for entering the workforce. Tracer Study results can be used by universities to determine the success of the educational process that has been done towards their students. Therefore, universities need a technology services to support the optimization of the use of tracer study. One of that is the use of a website to facilitate the conduct tracer study. Most services tracer study provides information to college, like year graduated, got a job waiting period, the first salary to work, first job, the relevance of the curriculum to the work, and compliance with the major areas of work tak...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2019)
Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian... more Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian culture to be forwarded to the next generation in order to understand Minangkabau language. To introduce Minangkabau Language, it can be through learning applications, namely media that can be used to convey material content that involves mobile devices such as Android-based phones. Minangkabau Language Learning in Indonesia through Android can be an interactive learning tool that can increase the learning interest of the Indonesia people, especially the Minangkabau community, to better understand the Minangkabau language. The method used is observation, interview, library study to create a data base for the design of the Minangkabau language learning application based on Android. The result of this research is the application of Minangkabau language learning based on Android which is useful for Indonesian society especial the Minangkabau community. The appearance for this application consists of some main menus such as Vocabulary Menu, Dialogues Menu, Folklore menu, Minangkabau language material menu and verse & Proverb menu which makes it easy to learn the Minangkabau language efficiently and effectively.
Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun situs web SMAN 4 Jakarta yang dapat digunakan sebagai med... more Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun situs web SMAN 4 Jakarta yang dapat digunakan sebagai media penyebaran informasi, promosi, dan komunikasi sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk mencari informasi bagi para siswa, alumni, dan para calon siswa dan juga sebagai media promosi untuk menarik minat para calon siswa agar mau bersekolah di SMA tersebut. Penulis membangun web ini dengan pendekatan model fisik yang berupa model prototype yang berupa rancangan struktur navigasi, rancangan tampilan, rancangan database, membangun situs web, evaluasi situs web serta revisi dari hasil evaluasi.
Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih ter... more Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih terjajaki (traceable). Di samping visualisasi, dibutuhkan juga deskripsi dari visualisasi. Pada fase requirement engineering, kadangkala terjadi inkonsistensi penyampaian informasi. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan visualisasi dan dokumentasi informasi secara otomatis dan konsisten untuk menelusuri penyebab ketidakpuasan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu perangkat bantu agar memperoleh visualisasi dan dokumentasi secara otomatis dan konsisten. Dengan dikembangkannya perangkat bantu untuk visualisasi dan pendeskripsian informasi LWBA dengan menggunakan metode BBSDM diharapkan penyajian informasi menjadi lebih baik secara otomatis.
Folklore known to the public as a source of learning will make learning more meaningful because s... more Folklore known to the public as a source of learning will make learning more meaningful because studying folklore can spread positive cultural influences by realizing that cultural differences have many advantages to enrich the nation's cultural heritage in recognizing local wisdom and also can provide benefits in language learning. Folklore is part of cultural and historical richness owned by the Indonesian Nation. In general, folklore is one of the old oral literary genres called the fairy tale of the archipelago. The purpose of this learning as an alternative source of language learning materials through folklore to seek the creation of media during the learning process. The research method used is survey method, Focussed Group Discussion, questionnaire list, application design and implementation (e-book). This study uses the approach of literature and language; synergize with the disciplines of computer science/ information technology, especially informatics and information ...
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach fo...
Evaluasi terhadap kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja sangat diperlukan oleh perguruan ti... more Evaluasi terhadap kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia kerja sangat diperlukan oleh perguruan tinggi agar tidak terdapat jarak antara dunia pendidikan tinggi dengan dunia kerja nyata yang ada di masyarakat. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh perguruan tinggi dalam melakukan tracer study adalah pada saat pengumpulan data. Beberapa perguruan tinggi masih melakukan pengumpulan data secara manual dengan cara menyebar kertas kuisioner dan wawancara melalui telepon terhadap alumni dan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu Pengembangan layanan E-Tracer Study yang lengkap, yang dapat memberikan informasi bagi perguruan tinggi untuk kepentingan perbaikan kurikulum, penelusuran alumni secara detail serta mengetahui kepuasan pengguna lulusan perguruan tinggi.
Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbp... more Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbps terus meningkat sampai teknologi 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) berkecepatan 10 Gbps berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi eCommerce, media sosial, platform video dan meeting online juga semakin tinggi. Lokasi perangkat 2G sampai 5G berada dalam satu lokasi yang sama berdampak pada penggunaan perangkat dan jalur transmisi yang sama pula, sehingga utilisasi transmisi cepat mengalami congestion. Untuk mengatasi congestion digunakan metode Link Aggregation (LAG) untuk menambah kapasitas antara koneksi Indoor Unit (IDU) dengan router. Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas implementasi LAG digunakan kerangka kerja Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES). Dari evaluasi kerangka kerja PIECES dapat disimpulkan dengan implementasi LAG kapasitas link bertambah dari 1x1 Gbps menjadi 2x1 Gbps, congestion turun dari 68,07% menjadi 34,60%, performance meningkat 50% dan throughput meningkat 10,63 Mbps.
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach for data collection and measurement: by using Alexa and Majestic SEO. Data analysis using the Pearson Chi-square for social media ownership that using data ordinal and independent t test for examining effects of social media on website popularity. The study revealed that majority of the social media users used Facebook, then followed by Twitter. There are also most significant differences for result of popularity by Alexa Rank and visibility by Majestic SEO in universities whether used social media or no.
Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of... more Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of academic information for students. The subject of this research is in the form of web-based management alumnus Career Center with specific sub domain. Colleges that already have a Career Center only 34 of the 264 colleges as sample. Type the service the most are information jobs, while others are still rarely available as a forum of alumni and career consultation. Ownership Career Center contributed to the popularity of college website. Providing services such as communication and consultation career impact on the popularity of the Career Center website.
Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academ... more Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academic society. This study took as many as 80 universities in the Webometrics ranking of repositories in the Southeast Asia region. The tools used in this research is Google for number of web page and Google Scholar for number of document paper repository and Ahrefs for referring page, backlink and reffering domain. The result of this study, Eprints is the most widely used tools in higher education, as many as 37 higher educations (46,25%). Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November got the highest score in number of web page in Google (2.010.000), Bogor Agricultural University Scientific Repository got the highest score for number of document paper (44.300). University of Sumatera Utara Repository got the highest score for reffering page (82588) and backlink (86421). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository got the highest score for reffering domain (532).
Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian... more Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian culture to be forwarded to the next generation in order to understand Minangkabau language. To introduce Minangkabau Language, it can be through learning applications, namely media that can be used to convey material content that involves mobile devices such as Android-based phones. Minangkabau Language Learning in Indonesia through Android can be an interactive learning tool that can increase the learning interest of the Indonesia people, especially the Minangkabau community, to better understand the Minangkabau language. The method used is observation, interview, library study to create a data base for the design of the Minangkabau language learning application based on Android. The result of this research is the application of Minangkabau language learning based on Android which is useful for Indonesian society especial the Minangkabau community. The appearance for this application consists of some main menus such as Vocabulary Menu, Dialogues Menu, Folklore menu, Minangkabau language material menu and verse & Proverb menu which makes it easy to learn the Minangkabau language efficiently and effectively.
Information technology and communication is indeed used as a benchmark for the progress of a coun... more Information technology and communication is indeed used as a benchmark for the progress of a country. One application of information and communication technology is internet use in the community. In addition to having a positive impact, technological developments have become a medium for cyber crime and the spread of negative content. At present, the government of the Republic of Indonesia is trying to block negative content on the internet. As of January 2019, based on the page https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id, 780,586 negative content has been blocked. The most blocked is pornographic content, which is 773,517 websites. One solution to recognize and study content that is indicated by pornography is to build a corpus indicated by pornographic content using natural language processing to support the government in its efforts to protect the public regarding access to websites that are indicated by pornographic content. The research was conducted by crawling on 20 websites that indicated as a pornography content from https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id, developing the corpus that indicated as a pornography content with natural language processing(NLP) and vectorization of words on the corpus results. The results of the study were identification of content indicated by pornography based on the corpus built.
Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbp... more Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbps terus meningkat sampai teknologi 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) berkecepatan 10 Gbps berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi eCommerce, media sosial, platform video dan meeting online juga semakin tinggi. Lokasi perangkat 2G sampai 5G berada dalam satu lokasi yang sama berdampak pada penggunaan perangkat dan jalur transmisi yang sama pula, sehingga utilisasi transmisi cepat mengalami congestion. Untuk mengatasi congestion digunakan metode Link Aggregation (LAG) untuk menambah kapasitas antara koneksi Indoor Unit (IDU) dengan router. Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas implementasi LAG digunakan kerangka kerja Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES). Dari evaluasi kerangka kerja PIECES dapat disimpulkan dengan implementasi LAG kapasitas link bertambah dari 1x1 Gbps menjadi 2x1 Gbps, congestion turun dari 68,07% menjadi 34,60%, performance meningkat 50% dan throughput meningkat 10,63 Mbps.
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach fo...
Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academ... more Paper repository at higher education is a collection of scientific articles created by the academic society. This study took as many as 80 universities in the Webometrics ranking of repositories in the Southeast Asia region. The tools used in this research is Google for number of web page and Google Scholar for number of document paper repository and Ahrefs for referring page, backlink and reffering domain. The result of this study, Eprints is the most widely used tools in higher education, as many as 37 higher educations (46,25%). Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November got the highest score in number of web page in Google (2.010.000), Bogor Agricultural University Scientific Repository got the highest score for number of document paper (44.300). University of Sumatera Utara Repository got the highest score for reffering page (82588) and backlink (86421). Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository got the highest score for reffering domain (532).
Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of... more Utilization of the Internet in higher education focus on the learning process or the provision of academic information for students. The subject of this research is in the form of web-based management alumnus Career Center with specific sub domain. Colleges that already have a Career Center only 34 of the 264 colleges as sample. Type the service the most are information jobs, while others are still rarely available as a forum of alumni and career consultation. Ownership Career Center contributed to the popularity of college website. Providing services such as communication and consultation career impact on the popularity of the Career Center website.
Quality competence of worker the present do not meet labor market criteria and the low level of l... more Quality competence of worker the present do not meet labor market criteria and the low level of labor productivity, the lack of communication between the labor market with education, changing of socio-economic structure and global political influence labor market, the development of science and technology very rapidly lead to fundamental changes in terms of qualifications, competencies and requirements for entering the workforce. Tracer Study results can be used by universities to determine the success of the educational process that has been done towards their students. Therefore, universities need a technology services to support the optimization of the use of tracer study. One of that is the use of a website to facilitate the conduct tracer study. Most services tracer study provides information to college, like year graduated, got a job waiting period, the first salary to work, first job, the relevance of the curriculum to the work, and compliance with the major areas of work tak...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2019)
Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian... more Introducing Minangkabau language is very necessary to be done as an effort to preserve Indonesian culture to be forwarded to the next generation in order to understand Minangkabau language. To introduce Minangkabau Language, it can be through learning applications, namely media that can be used to convey material content that involves mobile devices such as Android-based phones. Minangkabau Language Learning in Indonesia through Android can be an interactive learning tool that can increase the learning interest of the Indonesia people, especially the Minangkabau community, to better understand the Minangkabau language. The method used is observation, interview, library study to create a data base for the design of the Minangkabau language learning application based on Android. The result of this research is the application of Minangkabau language learning based on Android which is useful for Indonesian society especial the Minangkabau community. The appearance for this application consists of some main menus such as Vocabulary Menu, Dialogues Menu, Folklore menu, Minangkabau language material menu and verse & Proverb menu which makes it easy to learn the Minangkabau language efficiently and effectively.
Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun situs web SMAN 4 Jakarta yang dapat digunakan sebagai med... more Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun situs web SMAN 4 Jakarta yang dapat digunakan sebagai media penyebaran informasi, promosi, dan komunikasi sehingga dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk mencari informasi bagi para siswa, alumni, dan para calon siswa dan juga sebagai media promosi untuk menarik minat para calon siswa agar mau bersekolah di SMA tersebut. Penulis membangun web ini dengan pendekatan model fisik yang berupa model prototype yang berupa rancangan struktur navigasi, rancangan tampilan, rancangan database, membangun situs web, evaluasi situs web serta revisi dari hasil evaluasi.
Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih ter... more Visualisasi dalam requirement engineering dibutuhkan agar penyebab permasalahan menjadi lebih terjajaki (traceable). Di samping visualisasi, dibutuhkan juga deskripsi dari visualisasi. Pada fase requirement engineering, kadangkala terjadi inkonsistensi penyampaian informasi. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan visualisasi dan dokumentasi informasi secara otomatis dan konsisten untuk menelusuri penyebab ketidakpuasan. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu perangkat bantu agar memperoleh visualisasi dan dokumentasi secara otomatis dan konsisten. Dengan dikembangkannya perangkat bantu untuk visualisasi dan pendeskripsian informasi LWBA dengan menggunakan metode BBSDM diharapkan penyajian informasi menjadi lebih baik secara otomatis.
Folklore known to the public as a source of learning will make learning more meaningful because s... more Folklore known to the public as a source of learning will make learning more meaningful because studying folklore can spread positive cultural influences by realizing that cultural differences have many advantages to enrich the nation's cultural heritage in recognizing local wisdom and also can provide benefits in language learning. Folklore is part of cultural and historical richness owned by the Indonesian Nation. In general, folklore is one of the old oral literary genres called the fairy tale of the archipelago. The purpose of this learning as an alternative source of language learning materials through folklore to seek the creation of media during the learning process. The research method used is survey method, Focussed Group Discussion, questionnaire list, application design and implementation (e-book). This study uses the approach of literature and language; synergize with the disciplines of computer science/ information technology, especially informatics and information ...
Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of i... more Social media has become something that is important to enhance social networking and sharing of information through the website. Social media have not only changed social networking, they provide a valuable tool for social organization, activism, political, healthcare and even academic relations in the university. The researchers conducted present study with objectives to a). examine the academic use of social media by universities, b). measure the popularity and visibility of social media owned by universities. This study was delimited to the universities in Indonesia. The population of the study consisted both on public and private universities. The sample size comprised totally of 264 universities that their ranks included both in Webometrics and 4ICU in July 2012 edition. The social media which was examined included Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, LinkedIn, Youtube, Wikipeda, Blogs, social network community owned by the university and Open Course Ware. This study used an approach fo...
Papers by Reza Chandra