Articles by Fatih Damlıbağ

Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, Dec 28, 2018
Nuri Şeker founded Uşak Sugar Factory in 1926. He targeted to produce Turkish sugar from beet.Thu... more Nuri Şeker founded Uşak Sugar Factory in 1926. He targeted to produce Turkish sugar from beet.Thus, he wanted to easily ensure this need of Turkish people. He also planned to provide a regular source of income to poor peasants. He established a company and began to collect capital for the factory. Czechoslovak Skoda firm provide technology to the factory. After inauguration, Uşak Sugar Factory met water supply and agricultural pest problem. Nuri Şeker also had to teach newly sugar beet cultivation to peasants. In contrary to all difficulties, factory started its operations and sugar production was steadily increased. But Nuri Şeker faced with financial difficulties, because experience years in sugar production increased factory’s debts. As a result of these debts, government decided to liquidate the factory’s company. Nationalization was practiced on 6 August 1931. During the liquidation process, rights of public partners became main argument point. Later, government decided to pay face values of public partners’ shares. Eventually, links of private entrepreneurs were totally severed from Uşak Sugar Factory.

Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, Oct 2018
Pamuklu dokuma Osmanlı Devleti’nde geniş bir pazara sahipti. Uzun yıllar
kendi iç pazarını kontro... more Pamuklu dokuma Osmanlı Devleti’nde geniş bir pazara sahipti. Uzun yıllar
kendi iç pazarını kontrol eden Osmanlı üreticileri, ihracat pazarlarına da mal satmaktaydı. XVII. yüzyılın sonlarında Hint pamuklularının rekabetiyle karşılaşan Osmanlı üreticileri, bundan çok fazla etkilenmemiştir. Fakat Sanayi Devrimi sonrası, İngiliz pamuklu dokuma ürünleri Osmanlı üreticilerini büyük ölçüde sarsmıştır. Üretim miktarlarında ve istihdam rakamlarında ciddi kayıplar yaşanmıştır. Bu yüzden pamuklu dokuma ürünlerine, cari açığı büyük ölçüde arttıran ciddi rakamlar ödenmektedir. II. Abdülhamid iktidarında ise, bu alanda yatırım yapacak özel girişimcilerin desteklenmesi uygun bulunmuştur. İktidarın uygun tutumu ve ülkedeki önemli sayılabilecek hammadde kaynakları sonrası, üç ortak İstanbul’da kurulacak bir fabrika için imtiyaz talebinde bulunmuşlardır. Yapılan görüşmeler sonrası bu fabrika için 20 yıllık bir imtiyaz verilmiştir. Fabrikanın çalıştırılması için “Yün ve Pamuk İpliği ve Akmişe
Vesaire İmaline Mahsus Anonim Osmanlı Şirketi” adıyla bir şirket kurulmuştur. II. Abdülhamid şirketin hisselerinden satın alarak, kurulacak fabrikaya olan desteğini belirtmiştir. Fabrika İngiliz sermayesi ile 1890 yılında Yedikule’de kurulmuştur. İmtiyazında geniş bir ürün yelpazesi olmasına rağmen, üretimini pamuk ipliği üzerine yoğunlaştırmıştır. Faaliyetini Cumhuriyet dönemine de taşıyan Yedikule Pamuk İpliği Fabrikası, başarılı bir girişim olarak kabul edilebilir.

Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Oct 19, 2018
During the 1929 Economic Crisis, prices of agricultural products decreased much more than industr... more During the 1929 Economic Crisis, prices of agricultural products decreased much more than industrial products. Turkey, as an agricultural product exporter could not afford its importation under these new conditions. For the financial structure of Turkey, self sufficiency was seen as the most convenient solution. In this period, the Turkish government
aimed at importing substitution in sugar production. But for achieving this, Turkey needed some additional investments. For the capital needs of these investments, government primarily evaluated foreign contribution. But Turkish banks provided necessary capital to sugar industry, with the leadership of İş Bankası. German and Czechoslovak contribution also supplied machinery and technical assistance to Turkish sugar industry. Government deeply investigated possible investment places, to reach the most appropriate conditions. At last, Turkey founded two new sugar factories with their own financial sources in 1933 and 1934. Eskişehir Sugar Factory was the third factory in Turkey and Turhal Sugar Factory
became fourth investment in this field. Government unified the whole sugar production of Turkey in 1935, in order to reduce production costs. From this date, Turkey experienced rapid expansion in both beet agriculture and sugar industry. In this article, the state centered sugar
production investments were evaluated under the different financial conditions of the 1929 Economic Crisis. For the time period, subject would be investigated up to the early 1940’s.

Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sep 8, 2017
Andraeas Sigismond Marggraf discovered sugar from beet, instead of historically important cane. A... more Andraeas Sigismond Marggraf discovered sugar from beet, instead of historically important cane. Although commercial potential; beet sugar did not attract attention of entrepreneurs for fifty years, up until to Napoleonic Wars. But later, due to the war and commerce difficulties, beet sugar production was rapidly spread in Continental Europe. After France, Germany and Austria, beet sugar crossed Atlantic and reached USA. From the middle of 19th century up to 1930’s, competition in between beet and cane sugar continuously lasted. In this fierce competition, sometimes beet and sometimes cane became successful. As to Turkey, newly establishing sugar industry was founded over sugar beet, because of climatic and geographic conditions. Turkish government enacted supporting laws to promote new entrepreneurs to sugar industry. With encouraging attitude of government, Mehmet Şakir Kesebir and his friends founded a company to build and manage Alpullu Sugar Factory in 1925. Factory was established with German technology. Thracian peasants were educated for cultivation of sugar beet to supply raw material needs. This new but profitable agriculture type was quickly become popular among Thracian villagers. On the other hand, factory management tried to attain a strong place in local market. After ten years operation, factory was nationalized by establishment of Turkish Sugar Industries Incorporation.

Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2016
Constantin Fahlberg invented saccharin during the end of 1870’s. Saccharin was a product that it ... more Constantin Fahlberg invented saccharin during the end of 1870’s. Saccharin was a product that it has strong sweetening power. Potential to sugar substitute and support of German government were provided to enlarge its market rapidly. But due to its chemical origin, some medical concerns were shown towards this product. Some doctors thought that usage of saccharin caused health problems. Due to these medical concerns, many European governments banned or restricted the entrance of this product to their countries. Fahlberg thought that his product did not
deserve these critiques. According to him, critiques were originated from shaken interests of sugar by Ottoman doctors. In front of this situation, approach of Ottoman State towards saccharin happened within three stages. In the first stage, Ottoman officials did not foresee a risky situation for the usage of saccharin as a substitute for sugar. Because saccharin is a chemical drug for diabetes disease and sugar prices were very convenient. As to second stage, critiques to saccharin were taken into account. High sugar prices of this period were caused some probable risks of food fraud according to officials. Additionally, medical studies of the period provided more information about probable risks of saccharin. As a result of this situation, Ottoman State applied quantitative restrictions in saccharin import. In addition, the product could be only brought by pharmacists. Third period of saccharin in Ottoman State happened within compelling conditions of World War I. After extreme increases in sugar prices; there was an excessive demand for illegal usage of saccharin, because sugar almost disappeared from market. In front of this situation, official permission was given to saccharin usage with some restrictions.

Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Aug 26, 2016
This article aims to explain market relations of a single company, which operated in ice producti... more This article aims to explain market relations of a single company, which operated in ice production sector. In order to provide a proper market, Ottoman State’s efforts as a market regulator will be discussed against the demands of Bomonti Ice Company and his rivals. Historically ice is a demanded commodity. But only after the second half of 19th century, this
demand could be substantially met with invention of artificial ice production. Due to ice had a large market, many entrepreneurs wanted to act in this sector. In this process, Bomonti Ice Company became the prominent actors of the market. Bomonti brothers seized the privilege
of Salim Ağa. In their activities, they faced two different competitions. First rivals were snow collecting artisans. They prepared precipitation from winter and sold in summer for a long time. These artisans’ claims about Bomonti Ice Company were not accept by Ottoman State.
Company’s second rival was the other opponents who wanted to produce artificial ice like him. But in this point, Bomonti Ice Company became the opposition part. Company thought that his production monopoly had been violated. But their objections in this field were partly accepted by the state. State intervened to the artificial ice producers in a commercial scale. On the contrary to privilege contract, the state did not interfere with the manufacturers who produce ice for their own use.

Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, Oct 2015
In contrary to capitalist Europe, Ottoman State had a very different socio-
cultural background. ... more In contrary to capitalist Europe, Ottoman State had a very different socio-
cultural background. This situation greatly affected to look of economic
life, where establishment of aristocratic class purposefully prevented by
the state. Ottoman State gave priority to society’s benefits; instead of some specific groups’ profit. But emerging of the Industrial Revolution caused many problems over societal structure. Under new circumstances, small scale producers began not to gain their livelihoods, because of increasing competition of bigger factories. Moreover existing mentality of Ottoman State hardened the adaptation of changing economic structure. In this point, the state wanted to protect artisan scale producers against increasing industrial competition. In addition new entrepreneurs were obliged some social responsibilities, to lessen the societal effects of changing economic life.

Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 2015
The process of industrialization in late Ottoman State was tested by
the strong European competit... more The process of industrialization in late Ottoman State was tested by
the strong European competition. The trade agreements with European countries restricted the policy instruments to implement industrial
development. These agreements prohibited that the Ottoman State could
not raise the custom duty rates on its own. The present article studies the
establishment and function of Hamidiye Paper Factory within the
framework of this specific economic situation. This factory was the lastly
founded paper factory of Ottoman State. Serkurena Osman Bey was the
founder of the factory; his initial intention was to set up, a printing press.
But there was a great difficulty in front of this venture, because nearly all
paper imported from Europe. For this reason, he gave priority to found
a modern paper factory. At the end of the interviews with state for this
aim, privilege contract was signed which showed rights and
responsibilities to found a new factory. Next step became the
establishment of a company to accumulate capital. Construction process
of the factory lasted approximately seven years. The factory started its
operation in 1893. The Ottoman State gave demand support from state
offices to this factory, in order to gain competition power. However, the
factory was able to operate only 6-7 months, because of experienced
disputes with company of machine supplier. After the proclamation of
the Second Constitutional Era, English partner Edwin Pears wanted to
reopen long time closed factory. His negotiations with the Ottoman
authorities took more than two years, due to the problematic financial
state of the factory and some taxation problems. Although the consent
was finally achieved, Edwin Pears’ intention to revive the factory failed.
The outbreak of World War I, in which England involved in the
opponent camp, prepared the end of the factory.

Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 2014
Ottoman State changed to look over economy after Tanzimat. No
longer only financial concerns, but... more Ottoman State changed to look over economy after Tanzimat. No
longer only financial concerns, but economic thoughts also began to
consider. For this reason, state started to improve country’s industrial
structure. Although allocating huge budget and showing efforts to achieve industrialization, there were emerged some problems
for this target. In addition to these, state entered some wars in this
period. Because of these wars, state treasury met great difficulties to
finance industry. As a result of this situation starting from 1880’s, private
sector began to gain more place and importance in Ottoman
industrialization. To support private sector in the way of
industrialization, state gave some tax exemptions to entrepreneurs for
technology transfer and raw material. Other than these, additional tax
privileges were given to entrepreneurs to support them. But over time
some abuses began to emerge. Because of this situation, state felt to need
to have some control mechanisms. In order to be brought advance
technology to country, industry administration began to examine
demands of technology transfer. Ottoman State only supported the most
advanced technology of that time which was steam power. Tax
exemption allocated machines which had this technology. For the other
important problem which was raw material, tax refund method would be
implemented. The aim of this method was to check the usage of tax
privileges for production, not for commercial purposes. Shortly
Ottoman State had principle to support entrepreneurs which produced
by using modern technology.

Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 2016
Historically only sugar source plant was sugar cane. For the
Ottoman Empire, this situation did n... more Historically only sugar source plant was sugar cane. For the
Ottoman Empire, this situation did not also differ. Especially sugar cane
cultivator southern provinces were main sugar providing areas of the
Ottoman Empire. But with 17th century, strong American competition
considerably diminished Ottoman sugar production. Hereafter, sugar
became imported goods for Ottoman people. But invention of sugar
extraction from beet took attention of many entrepreneurs to this sector.
Primarily sugar had already great market in the Ottoman Empire.
Moreover sugar beet cultivation has much more advantages than sugar
cane. Beet requires less irrigation and it was resistant to lower
temperatures. That means many regions of the Ottoman Empire could
be opened sugar production. In this article, time period was held quite a
long; because sugar manufacturing was not very common activity in the
Ottoman Empire in this period. In general, sugar production
entrepreneurs could be divided in to two parts. In the beginning, Dimitri
Efendi, Davutoğlu Karabet and Monsieur Michel planned to establish
their factories in İstanbul and İzmir for transportation facilities and
closeness to main consumption centers. But after 1890’s, new
entrepreneurs took into account raw material needs in their investment
plans. All newly chosen places were either former cultivation centers or
very convenient places for sugar cane or beet agriculture. This attitude
was very important, because sugar production was completely dependent
to rapid raw material flow in that time and also today. The Ottoman
Empire granted every possible facility to sugar producers to decrease
trade deficit. As to entrepreneurs, some of them remained on paper. But
Monsieur Michel founded a factory for experimentation. Rauf Pasha
started beet cultivation and sent them to analyze for learning sugar content. But in general, sugar production entrepreneurs were not
successful. Because sugar remained an important part of import, up to
end of the Ottoman Empire.

Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, Jun 2016
Sanayi Devrimi sonrası çevresel kaynaklar aşırı ölçüde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.
Başlangıçta di... more Sanayi Devrimi sonrası çevresel kaynaklar aşırı ölçüde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.
Başlangıçta dikkate alınmasa da, değişen üretim süreçlerinin çevre
ve toplum sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri önemli boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Kirlilik problemi
karşısında, öncelikle dönemin önemli sanayi ülkelerinin tutumu ortaya konacaktır.
Sonrasındaysa Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu alandaki çabaları sergilenecektir. 1862
gibi erken bir tarihte, Osmanlı Devleti çevre koruma hükümlerini içeren detaylı bir
kanun çıkarmıştır. Devlet Sabit Buhar Makinelerine Mahsus Nizamname ile sanayicilerin
çalışma şartlarını ve çevreyle olan ilişkilerini düzenlemiştir. Devlet sanayi
tesislerinin kurulmasını önemli görse de, çevre ve insan sağlığını korumayı ihmal
etmemiştir. Girişimcilerin faaliyette bulunacakları yerlerin, meskûn mahallere çok
yakın olması onaylanmamıştır. Ayrıca halkın bu noktadaki şikâyetleri dikkate
alınmıştır. Fakat faaliyetteki tesisler de araştırılmıştır. Taşıdıkları riskler değerlendirilmiş
olup, önlenmesi için çaba sarf edilmiştir. Fakat etrafa zarar vermeleri
devam ederse, Osmanlı Devleti kapatılmaları için bir tereddüt göstermemiştir.

İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2015
In contrary to Europe, Ottoman State intentionally p... more COMPETITION REGULATIONS IN OTTOMAN INDUSTRY
In contrary to Europe, Ottoman State intentionally prevented to establishment
of aristocracy and bourgeois class. Economic policies were designed
to sustain the presence of a strong middle class. But system began to
shake during 1820’s, because of intensifying European competition. Later
signed Balta Limanı Trade Agreement even severed the competition. As a
result of this situation, how could increase the competition power of local
production was the main problem of this era. Artisan scale producers wanted
to be protected with social motivation, against private factories which
their numbers increased after 1880’s. Newly established factories were
banned to interfere to activities of artisans. But proper functioning of the
market did not neglect, while artisans protecting. In order to increase the
competition power of industrial production, Ottoman State tried to establish
demand support to raw material producers and Ereğli coal mines for
local fuel. At the last part of the article, local factories will be mentioned
which they wanted to apply modern production facilities. In order to increase
their competition power, state thought that private sector had to be
supported. For this reason tax exemptions were granted them. In addition
to this, state tried to give demand support to local factories.

İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2014
Ottoman State firstly assessed the entrepreneurs of artificial ice
production, within privilege system. Later when the availability of ice
production machines increased, Ottoman State also permitted to found ice
factories out of privilege system. But in this article, artificial ice producers
within privilege system are the main target. In this system, state granted
monopoly rights to entrepreneurs under specific conditions, for factory
production. For the beginning point of the article, establishment reasons
of privilege system will be explained. Later main principles of privilege
system will be mentioned, with some examples of other sectors. At the last,
privileged ice industry enterprises will be evaluated within three headlines.
When privileged ice factory founders were mentioned, their demands and
interviews with government were narrated. Later privilege contracts which
were regulated newly establishing industrial plants were compared. At the
last, entrepreneurs’ activities were mentioned during post privilege period,
with their successes and failures. For three enterprises in ice production
sector, Salim Ağa and partnership in İzmir could found factories and
companies. But Numan Efendi who was the last privilege owner did not
put planned factories into practice.

Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 2011
During historical process, Western ... more COTTON PRODUCTION FOR EXPORT IN WESTERN ANATOLIA (1860-1870)
During historical process, Western Anatolia was an important cotton and cotton textile producer. In the beginning of 19th century, this region lost its special feature with the machination of Industrial Revolution and dense European competition especially English one. Cotton production of the region reduced a level which barely met the local need. This paper covered a period between 1860 to 1870 in which American Civil War inserted English cotton textile industry in a raw material crisis. In this paper, how region and Ottoman Empire responded and benefited from this crisis was researched. When the war began, English textile industry met the 80% of its raw material need from USA. Heavily dependence of one source for raw material worried a group of cotton factory owners and they founded Manchester Cotton Supply Association in 1857. When the war stopped the transportation of raw material, association wanted to find a solution for this situation. Then, MCSA organized many activities in different countries to raise cotton production. Association gave agricultural education and machinery support to cotton producers in the region. Cotton producers of the region began dense cotton production, because of high cotton prices stemmed from the withdrawal of USA from market. There was 6000 bales cotton production in 1861, two years later it rose ten times. Much of the production was exported to England. Ottoman State brought cotton seed from first Egypt, and later USA to distribute cotton farmers. In addition, the cotton producers were received some tax exemptions. Custom treaty of 1861 would result a decrease in tax ratio from 8% to 2%. As a result, in the 1860-1870 Western Anatolia restarted cotton production for importing with the dense efforts of England and some incentives from Ottoman State. But from now on this production mainly consisted of raw materials not finished products.

İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2012
Sanayi Devrimi sonrası üretim süreçlerinde yaşanan krizler neticesinde, Osmanlı Devleti ekonomide... more Sanayi Devrimi sonrası üretim süreçlerinde yaşanan krizler neticesinde, Osmanlı Devleti ekonomide rekabeti canlandırmak için bir şeyleri değiştirmek gerektiğini anlamıştır. Ülke ekonomisi yeni şartlara uyum sağlamak zorundadır. 1840'lardan sonra bu amaç için; uyguladığı politikalarda sadece mali değil, iktisadi faktörleri de dikkate almaya başlamıştır. Üretim süreçlerinde ilerleme sağlayabilmek için devlet, sanayileşme alanında öncülük etmiştir. İyi niyetli ve gayretli bu çabalar sonucunda bazı sınaî yatırımlar gerçekleşmişse de, sanayileşmede uzun süreli bir başarı kazanılamamıştır. Bu başarısızlığın sebepleri ise; kamu ağırlıklı sanayileşmede yaşanan hatalar, 1860'lardan itibaren artan dış borç ve teknoloji geliştirememektir. Bu durumda devrin finansman zorluklarının da etkisiyle, devlet sanayileşmeyi özel sektöre devretmiştir. 1880'lerde ağırlık kazanmaya başlayan fabrika imtiyaz sisteminde, sınaî yatırım yapacak özel sektörü teşvik için Osmanlı Devleti bu girişimcilere bazı ayrıcalıklar tanımıştır. Sınırları kesin olarak belirlenmiş bir bölgede ve belirli bir süre için, bu girişimcilere fabrikasyon üretiminde tekel hakkı tanınmıştır. Bu girişimciler bazı ilave vergi ayrıcalıklarıyla de desteklenmiştir.
Book Chapters by Fatih Damlıbağ
Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences, 2017
This volume is a collection of empirical and theoretical research papers in the social sciences r... more This volume is a collection of empirical and theoretical research papers in the social sciences regarding the Balkans and the Near East written by researchers from several different universities and institutions. The studies include a wide range of topics from economic, financial, political, agricultural, sociological, international relations to historical, cultural, and feminist issues in the region of the Balkan and Near East. The book is aimed at educators, researchers, and students interested in the Balkan and Near Eastern countries.
Antik Çağ'dan XXI. Yüzyıla Büyük İstanbul Tarihi, 2015
Symposium Papers by Fatih Damlıbağ

Elektrik 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında topluma pek çok yenilikler getirmiştir. Bu yenilikler ikti... more Elektrik 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında topluma pek çok yenilikler getirmiştir. Bu yenilikler iktisadi
gelişim için önemli bir potansiyel doğurmuştur. Bu dönemde özellikle aydınlatma ve ulaştırma için,
pek çok alanda elektrik ve elektrikli makineler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Girişimciler ve uluslar bu
alandaki yeniliklerin tanıtımı için, uluslararası sergiler düzenlemişlerdir. Osmanlı Devleti de bu yeni
teknik gelişmeler noktasında, girişken bir tutum sergilemiştir. Bu yeniliklerin ülke içine alınabilmesi
için, Osmanlı Devleti bilgi seviyesinin arttırılmasını önemsemiştir. Bu noktada uluslararası elektrik
sergilerine, Osmanlı Devleti çeşitli şekillerde katılım sağlamıştır. Osmanlı hükümeti bu sergilere
zaman zaman sadece temsilciler göndermiştir. Bazen de hükümet bununla yetinmemiştir. Osmanlı
yetkilileri ülke içinde bazı elektrikli aletler üreterek, bu tarz organizasyonlara katkı sağlamak
istemiştir. Bu tebliğde Osmanlı Devleti’nin katıldığı, 1881 Paris, 1883 Viyana ve 1893 Chicago
Uluslararası Sergileri incelenmiştir.
Sultan Abdülaziz ve Dönemi Sempozyumu, 2014
Articles by Fatih Damlıbağ
kendi iç pazarını kontrol eden Osmanlı üreticileri, ihracat pazarlarına da mal satmaktaydı. XVII. yüzyılın sonlarında Hint pamuklularının rekabetiyle karşılaşan Osmanlı üreticileri, bundan çok fazla etkilenmemiştir. Fakat Sanayi Devrimi sonrası, İngiliz pamuklu dokuma ürünleri Osmanlı üreticilerini büyük ölçüde sarsmıştır. Üretim miktarlarında ve istihdam rakamlarında ciddi kayıplar yaşanmıştır. Bu yüzden pamuklu dokuma ürünlerine, cari açığı büyük ölçüde arttıran ciddi rakamlar ödenmektedir. II. Abdülhamid iktidarında ise, bu alanda yatırım yapacak özel girişimcilerin desteklenmesi uygun bulunmuştur. İktidarın uygun tutumu ve ülkedeki önemli sayılabilecek hammadde kaynakları sonrası, üç ortak İstanbul’da kurulacak bir fabrika için imtiyaz talebinde bulunmuşlardır. Yapılan görüşmeler sonrası bu fabrika için 20 yıllık bir imtiyaz verilmiştir. Fabrikanın çalıştırılması için “Yün ve Pamuk İpliği ve Akmişe
Vesaire İmaline Mahsus Anonim Osmanlı Şirketi” adıyla bir şirket kurulmuştur. II. Abdülhamid şirketin hisselerinden satın alarak, kurulacak fabrikaya olan desteğini belirtmiştir. Fabrika İngiliz sermayesi ile 1890 yılında Yedikule’de kurulmuştur. İmtiyazında geniş bir ürün yelpazesi olmasına rağmen, üretimini pamuk ipliği üzerine yoğunlaştırmıştır. Faaliyetini Cumhuriyet dönemine de taşıyan Yedikule Pamuk İpliği Fabrikası, başarılı bir girişim olarak kabul edilebilir.
aimed at importing substitution in sugar production. But for achieving this, Turkey needed some additional investments. For the capital needs of these investments, government primarily evaluated foreign contribution. But Turkish banks provided necessary capital to sugar industry, with the leadership of İş Bankası. German and Czechoslovak contribution also supplied machinery and technical assistance to Turkish sugar industry. Government deeply investigated possible investment places, to reach the most appropriate conditions. At last, Turkey founded two new sugar factories with their own financial sources in 1933 and 1934. Eskişehir Sugar Factory was the third factory in Turkey and Turhal Sugar Factory
became fourth investment in this field. Government unified the whole sugar production of Turkey in 1935, in order to reduce production costs. From this date, Turkey experienced rapid expansion in both beet agriculture and sugar industry. In this article, the state centered sugar
production investments were evaluated under the different financial conditions of the 1929 Economic Crisis. For the time period, subject would be investigated up to the early 1940’s.
deserve these critiques. According to him, critiques were originated from shaken interests of sugar by Ottoman doctors. In front of this situation, approach of Ottoman State towards saccharin happened within three stages. In the first stage, Ottoman officials did not foresee a risky situation for the usage of saccharin as a substitute for sugar. Because saccharin is a chemical drug for diabetes disease and sugar prices were very convenient. As to second stage, critiques to saccharin were taken into account. High sugar prices of this period were caused some probable risks of food fraud according to officials. Additionally, medical studies of the period provided more information about probable risks of saccharin. As a result of this situation, Ottoman State applied quantitative restrictions in saccharin import. In addition, the product could be only brought by pharmacists. Third period of saccharin in Ottoman State happened within compelling conditions of World War I. After extreme increases in sugar prices; there was an excessive demand for illegal usage of saccharin, because sugar almost disappeared from market. In front of this situation, official permission was given to saccharin usage with some restrictions.
demand could be substantially met with invention of artificial ice production. Due to ice had a large market, many entrepreneurs wanted to act in this sector. In this process, Bomonti Ice Company became the prominent actors of the market. Bomonti brothers seized the privilege
of Salim Ağa. In their activities, they faced two different competitions. First rivals were snow collecting artisans. They prepared precipitation from winter and sold in summer for a long time. These artisans’ claims about Bomonti Ice Company were not accept by Ottoman State.
Company’s second rival was the other opponents who wanted to produce artificial ice like him. But in this point, Bomonti Ice Company became the opposition part. Company thought that his production monopoly had been violated. But their objections in this field were partly accepted by the state. State intervened to the artificial ice producers in a commercial scale. On the contrary to privilege contract, the state did not interfere with the manufacturers who produce ice for their own use.
cultural background. This situation greatly affected to look of economic
life, where establishment of aristocratic class purposefully prevented by
the state. Ottoman State gave priority to society’s benefits; instead of some specific groups’ profit. But emerging of the Industrial Revolution caused many problems over societal structure. Under new circumstances, small scale producers began not to gain their livelihoods, because of increasing competition of bigger factories. Moreover existing mentality of Ottoman State hardened the adaptation of changing economic structure. In this point, the state wanted to protect artisan scale producers against increasing industrial competition. In addition new entrepreneurs were obliged some social responsibilities, to lessen the societal effects of changing economic life.
the strong European competition. The trade agreements with European countries restricted the policy instruments to implement industrial
development. These agreements prohibited that the Ottoman State could
not raise the custom duty rates on its own. The present article studies the
establishment and function of Hamidiye Paper Factory within the
framework of this specific economic situation. This factory was the lastly
founded paper factory of Ottoman State. Serkurena Osman Bey was the
founder of the factory; his initial intention was to set up, a printing press.
But there was a great difficulty in front of this venture, because nearly all
paper imported from Europe. For this reason, he gave priority to found
a modern paper factory. At the end of the interviews with state for this
aim, privilege contract was signed which showed rights and
responsibilities to found a new factory. Next step became the
establishment of a company to accumulate capital. Construction process
of the factory lasted approximately seven years. The factory started its
operation in 1893. The Ottoman State gave demand support from state
offices to this factory, in order to gain competition power. However, the
factory was able to operate only 6-7 months, because of experienced
disputes with company of machine supplier. After the proclamation of
the Second Constitutional Era, English partner Edwin Pears wanted to
reopen long time closed factory. His negotiations with the Ottoman
authorities took more than two years, due to the problematic financial
state of the factory and some taxation problems. Although the consent
was finally achieved, Edwin Pears’ intention to revive the factory failed.
The outbreak of World War I, in which England involved in the
opponent camp, prepared the end of the factory.
longer only financial concerns, but economic thoughts also began to
consider. For this reason, state started to improve country’s industrial
structure. Although allocating huge budget and showing efforts to achieve industrialization, there were emerged some problems
for this target. In addition to these, state entered some wars in this
period. Because of these wars, state treasury met great difficulties to
finance industry. As a result of this situation starting from 1880’s, private
sector began to gain more place and importance in Ottoman
industrialization. To support private sector in the way of
industrialization, state gave some tax exemptions to entrepreneurs for
technology transfer and raw material. Other than these, additional tax
privileges were given to entrepreneurs to support them. But over time
some abuses began to emerge. Because of this situation, state felt to need
to have some control mechanisms. In order to be brought advance
technology to country, industry administration began to examine
demands of technology transfer. Ottoman State only supported the most
advanced technology of that time which was steam power. Tax
exemption allocated machines which had this technology. For the other
important problem which was raw material, tax refund method would be
implemented. The aim of this method was to check the usage of tax
privileges for production, not for commercial purposes. Shortly
Ottoman State had principle to support entrepreneurs which produced
by using modern technology.
Ottoman Empire, this situation did not also differ. Especially sugar cane
cultivator southern provinces were main sugar providing areas of the
Ottoman Empire. But with 17th century, strong American competition
considerably diminished Ottoman sugar production. Hereafter, sugar
became imported goods for Ottoman people. But invention of sugar
extraction from beet took attention of many entrepreneurs to this sector.
Primarily sugar had already great market in the Ottoman Empire.
Moreover sugar beet cultivation has much more advantages than sugar
cane. Beet requires less irrigation and it was resistant to lower
temperatures. That means many regions of the Ottoman Empire could
be opened sugar production. In this article, time period was held quite a
long; because sugar manufacturing was not very common activity in the
Ottoman Empire in this period. In general, sugar production
entrepreneurs could be divided in to two parts. In the beginning, Dimitri
Efendi, Davutoğlu Karabet and Monsieur Michel planned to establish
their factories in İstanbul and İzmir for transportation facilities and
closeness to main consumption centers. But after 1890’s, new
entrepreneurs took into account raw material needs in their investment
plans. All newly chosen places were either former cultivation centers or
very convenient places for sugar cane or beet agriculture. This attitude
was very important, because sugar production was completely dependent
to rapid raw material flow in that time and also today. The Ottoman
Empire granted every possible facility to sugar producers to decrease
trade deficit. As to entrepreneurs, some of them remained on paper. But
Monsieur Michel founded a factory for experimentation. Rauf Pasha
started beet cultivation and sent them to analyze for learning sugar content. But in general, sugar production entrepreneurs were not
successful. Because sugar remained an important part of import, up to
end of the Ottoman Empire.
Başlangıçta dikkate alınmasa da, değişen üretim süreçlerinin çevre
ve toplum sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri önemli boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Kirlilik problemi
karşısında, öncelikle dönemin önemli sanayi ülkelerinin tutumu ortaya konacaktır.
Sonrasındaysa Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu alandaki çabaları sergilenecektir. 1862
gibi erken bir tarihte, Osmanlı Devleti çevre koruma hükümlerini içeren detaylı bir
kanun çıkarmıştır. Devlet Sabit Buhar Makinelerine Mahsus Nizamname ile sanayicilerin
çalışma şartlarını ve çevreyle olan ilişkilerini düzenlemiştir. Devlet sanayi
tesislerinin kurulmasını önemli görse de, çevre ve insan sağlığını korumayı ihmal
etmemiştir. Girişimcilerin faaliyette bulunacakları yerlerin, meskûn mahallere çok
yakın olması onaylanmamıştır. Ayrıca halkın bu noktadaki şikâyetleri dikkate
alınmıştır. Fakat faaliyetteki tesisler de araştırılmıştır. Taşıdıkları riskler değerlendirilmiş
olup, önlenmesi için çaba sarf edilmiştir. Fakat etrafa zarar vermeleri
devam ederse, Osmanlı Devleti kapatılmaları için bir tereddüt göstermemiştir.
In contrary to Europe, Ottoman State intentionally prevented to establishment
of aristocracy and bourgeois class. Economic policies were designed
to sustain the presence of a strong middle class. But system began to
shake during 1820’s, because of intensifying European competition. Later
signed Balta Limanı Trade Agreement even severed the competition. As a
result of this situation, how could increase the competition power of local
production was the main problem of this era. Artisan scale producers wanted
to be protected with social motivation, against private factories which
their numbers increased after 1880’s. Newly established factories were
banned to interfere to activities of artisans. But proper functioning of the
market did not neglect, while artisans protecting. In order to increase the
competition power of industrial production, Ottoman State tried to establish
demand support to raw material producers and Ereğli coal mines for
local fuel. At the last part of the article, local factories will be mentioned
which they wanted to apply modern production facilities. In order to increase
their competition power, state thought that private sector had to be
supported. For this reason tax exemptions were granted them. In addition
to this, state tried to give demand support to local factories.
Ottoman State firstly assessed the entrepreneurs of artificial ice
production, within privilege system. Later when the availability of ice
production machines increased, Ottoman State also permitted to found ice
factories out of privilege system. But in this article, artificial ice producers
within privilege system are the main target. In this system, state granted
monopoly rights to entrepreneurs under specific conditions, for factory
production. For the beginning point of the article, establishment reasons
of privilege system will be explained. Later main principles of privilege
system will be mentioned, with some examples of other sectors. At the last,
privileged ice industry enterprises will be evaluated within three headlines.
When privileged ice factory founders were mentioned, their demands and
interviews with government were narrated. Later privilege contracts which
were regulated newly establishing industrial plants were compared. At the
last, entrepreneurs’ activities were mentioned during post privilege period,
with their successes and failures. For three enterprises in ice production
sector, Salim Ağa and partnership in İzmir could found factories and
companies. But Numan Efendi who was the last privilege owner did not
put planned factories into practice.
During historical process, Western Anatolia was an important cotton and cotton textile producer. In the beginning of 19th century, this region lost its special feature with the machination of Industrial Revolution and dense European competition especially English one. Cotton production of the region reduced a level which barely met the local need. This paper covered a period between 1860 to 1870 in which American Civil War inserted English cotton textile industry in a raw material crisis. In this paper, how region and Ottoman Empire responded and benefited from this crisis was researched. When the war began, English textile industry met the 80% of its raw material need from USA. Heavily dependence of one source for raw material worried a group of cotton factory owners and they founded Manchester Cotton Supply Association in 1857. When the war stopped the transportation of raw material, association wanted to find a solution for this situation. Then, MCSA organized many activities in different countries to raise cotton production. Association gave agricultural education and machinery support to cotton producers in the region. Cotton producers of the region began dense cotton production, because of high cotton prices stemmed from the withdrawal of USA from market. There was 6000 bales cotton production in 1861, two years later it rose ten times. Much of the production was exported to England. Ottoman State brought cotton seed from first Egypt, and later USA to distribute cotton farmers. In addition, the cotton producers were received some tax exemptions. Custom treaty of 1861 would result a decrease in tax ratio from 8% to 2%. As a result, in the 1860-1870 Western Anatolia restarted cotton production for importing with the dense efforts of England and some incentives from Ottoman State. But from now on this production mainly consisted of raw materials not finished products.
Book Chapters by Fatih Damlıbağ
Symposium Papers by Fatih Damlıbağ
gelişim için önemli bir potansiyel doğurmuştur. Bu dönemde özellikle aydınlatma ve ulaştırma için,
pek çok alanda elektrik ve elektrikli makineler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Girişimciler ve uluslar bu
alandaki yeniliklerin tanıtımı için, uluslararası sergiler düzenlemişlerdir. Osmanlı Devleti de bu yeni
teknik gelişmeler noktasında, girişken bir tutum sergilemiştir. Bu yeniliklerin ülke içine alınabilmesi
için, Osmanlı Devleti bilgi seviyesinin arttırılmasını önemsemiştir. Bu noktada uluslararası elektrik
sergilerine, Osmanlı Devleti çeşitli şekillerde katılım sağlamıştır. Osmanlı hükümeti bu sergilere
zaman zaman sadece temsilciler göndermiştir. Bazen de hükümet bununla yetinmemiştir. Osmanlı
yetkilileri ülke içinde bazı elektrikli aletler üreterek, bu tarz organizasyonlara katkı sağlamak
istemiştir. Bu tebliğde Osmanlı Devleti’nin katıldığı, 1881 Paris, 1883 Viyana ve 1893 Chicago
Uluslararası Sergileri incelenmiştir.
kendi iç pazarını kontrol eden Osmanlı üreticileri, ihracat pazarlarına da mal satmaktaydı. XVII. yüzyılın sonlarında Hint pamuklularının rekabetiyle karşılaşan Osmanlı üreticileri, bundan çok fazla etkilenmemiştir. Fakat Sanayi Devrimi sonrası, İngiliz pamuklu dokuma ürünleri Osmanlı üreticilerini büyük ölçüde sarsmıştır. Üretim miktarlarında ve istihdam rakamlarında ciddi kayıplar yaşanmıştır. Bu yüzden pamuklu dokuma ürünlerine, cari açığı büyük ölçüde arttıran ciddi rakamlar ödenmektedir. II. Abdülhamid iktidarında ise, bu alanda yatırım yapacak özel girişimcilerin desteklenmesi uygun bulunmuştur. İktidarın uygun tutumu ve ülkedeki önemli sayılabilecek hammadde kaynakları sonrası, üç ortak İstanbul’da kurulacak bir fabrika için imtiyaz talebinde bulunmuşlardır. Yapılan görüşmeler sonrası bu fabrika için 20 yıllık bir imtiyaz verilmiştir. Fabrikanın çalıştırılması için “Yün ve Pamuk İpliği ve Akmişe
Vesaire İmaline Mahsus Anonim Osmanlı Şirketi” adıyla bir şirket kurulmuştur. II. Abdülhamid şirketin hisselerinden satın alarak, kurulacak fabrikaya olan desteğini belirtmiştir. Fabrika İngiliz sermayesi ile 1890 yılında Yedikule’de kurulmuştur. İmtiyazında geniş bir ürün yelpazesi olmasına rağmen, üretimini pamuk ipliği üzerine yoğunlaştırmıştır. Faaliyetini Cumhuriyet dönemine de taşıyan Yedikule Pamuk İpliği Fabrikası, başarılı bir girişim olarak kabul edilebilir.
aimed at importing substitution in sugar production. But for achieving this, Turkey needed some additional investments. For the capital needs of these investments, government primarily evaluated foreign contribution. But Turkish banks provided necessary capital to sugar industry, with the leadership of İş Bankası. German and Czechoslovak contribution also supplied machinery and technical assistance to Turkish sugar industry. Government deeply investigated possible investment places, to reach the most appropriate conditions. At last, Turkey founded two new sugar factories with their own financial sources in 1933 and 1934. Eskişehir Sugar Factory was the third factory in Turkey and Turhal Sugar Factory
became fourth investment in this field. Government unified the whole sugar production of Turkey in 1935, in order to reduce production costs. From this date, Turkey experienced rapid expansion in both beet agriculture and sugar industry. In this article, the state centered sugar
production investments were evaluated under the different financial conditions of the 1929 Economic Crisis. For the time period, subject would be investigated up to the early 1940’s.
deserve these critiques. According to him, critiques were originated from shaken interests of sugar by Ottoman doctors. In front of this situation, approach of Ottoman State towards saccharin happened within three stages. In the first stage, Ottoman officials did not foresee a risky situation for the usage of saccharin as a substitute for sugar. Because saccharin is a chemical drug for diabetes disease and sugar prices were very convenient. As to second stage, critiques to saccharin were taken into account. High sugar prices of this period were caused some probable risks of food fraud according to officials. Additionally, medical studies of the period provided more information about probable risks of saccharin. As a result of this situation, Ottoman State applied quantitative restrictions in saccharin import. In addition, the product could be only brought by pharmacists. Third period of saccharin in Ottoman State happened within compelling conditions of World War I. After extreme increases in sugar prices; there was an excessive demand for illegal usage of saccharin, because sugar almost disappeared from market. In front of this situation, official permission was given to saccharin usage with some restrictions.
demand could be substantially met with invention of artificial ice production. Due to ice had a large market, many entrepreneurs wanted to act in this sector. In this process, Bomonti Ice Company became the prominent actors of the market. Bomonti brothers seized the privilege
of Salim Ağa. In their activities, they faced two different competitions. First rivals were snow collecting artisans. They prepared precipitation from winter and sold in summer for a long time. These artisans’ claims about Bomonti Ice Company were not accept by Ottoman State.
Company’s second rival was the other opponents who wanted to produce artificial ice like him. But in this point, Bomonti Ice Company became the opposition part. Company thought that his production monopoly had been violated. But their objections in this field were partly accepted by the state. State intervened to the artificial ice producers in a commercial scale. On the contrary to privilege contract, the state did not interfere with the manufacturers who produce ice for their own use.
cultural background. This situation greatly affected to look of economic
life, where establishment of aristocratic class purposefully prevented by
the state. Ottoman State gave priority to society’s benefits; instead of some specific groups’ profit. But emerging of the Industrial Revolution caused many problems over societal structure. Under new circumstances, small scale producers began not to gain their livelihoods, because of increasing competition of bigger factories. Moreover existing mentality of Ottoman State hardened the adaptation of changing economic structure. In this point, the state wanted to protect artisan scale producers against increasing industrial competition. In addition new entrepreneurs were obliged some social responsibilities, to lessen the societal effects of changing economic life.
the strong European competition. The trade agreements with European countries restricted the policy instruments to implement industrial
development. These agreements prohibited that the Ottoman State could
not raise the custom duty rates on its own. The present article studies the
establishment and function of Hamidiye Paper Factory within the
framework of this specific economic situation. This factory was the lastly
founded paper factory of Ottoman State. Serkurena Osman Bey was the
founder of the factory; his initial intention was to set up, a printing press.
But there was a great difficulty in front of this venture, because nearly all
paper imported from Europe. For this reason, he gave priority to found
a modern paper factory. At the end of the interviews with state for this
aim, privilege contract was signed which showed rights and
responsibilities to found a new factory. Next step became the
establishment of a company to accumulate capital. Construction process
of the factory lasted approximately seven years. The factory started its
operation in 1893. The Ottoman State gave demand support from state
offices to this factory, in order to gain competition power. However, the
factory was able to operate only 6-7 months, because of experienced
disputes with company of machine supplier. After the proclamation of
the Second Constitutional Era, English partner Edwin Pears wanted to
reopen long time closed factory. His negotiations with the Ottoman
authorities took more than two years, due to the problematic financial
state of the factory and some taxation problems. Although the consent
was finally achieved, Edwin Pears’ intention to revive the factory failed.
The outbreak of World War I, in which England involved in the
opponent camp, prepared the end of the factory.
longer only financial concerns, but economic thoughts also began to
consider. For this reason, state started to improve country’s industrial
structure. Although allocating huge budget and showing efforts to achieve industrialization, there were emerged some problems
for this target. In addition to these, state entered some wars in this
period. Because of these wars, state treasury met great difficulties to
finance industry. As a result of this situation starting from 1880’s, private
sector began to gain more place and importance in Ottoman
industrialization. To support private sector in the way of
industrialization, state gave some tax exemptions to entrepreneurs for
technology transfer and raw material. Other than these, additional tax
privileges were given to entrepreneurs to support them. But over time
some abuses began to emerge. Because of this situation, state felt to need
to have some control mechanisms. In order to be brought advance
technology to country, industry administration began to examine
demands of technology transfer. Ottoman State only supported the most
advanced technology of that time which was steam power. Tax
exemption allocated machines which had this technology. For the other
important problem which was raw material, tax refund method would be
implemented. The aim of this method was to check the usage of tax
privileges for production, not for commercial purposes. Shortly
Ottoman State had principle to support entrepreneurs which produced
by using modern technology.
Ottoman Empire, this situation did not also differ. Especially sugar cane
cultivator southern provinces were main sugar providing areas of the
Ottoman Empire. But with 17th century, strong American competition
considerably diminished Ottoman sugar production. Hereafter, sugar
became imported goods for Ottoman people. But invention of sugar
extraction from beet took attention of many entrepreneurs to this sector.
Primarily sugar had already great market in the Ottoman Empire.
Moreover sugar beet cultivation has much more advantages than sugar
cane. Beet requires less irrigation and it was resistant to lower
temperatures. That means many regions of the Ottoman Empire could
be opened sugar production. In this article, time period was held quite a
long; because sugar manufacturing was not very common activity in the
Ottoman Empire in this period. In general, sugar production
entrepreneurs could be divided in to two parts. In the beginning, Dimitri
Efendi, Davutoğlu Karabet and Monsieur Michel planned to establish
their factories in İstanbul and İzmir for transportation facilities and
closeness to main consumption centers. But after 1890’s, new
entrepreneurs took into account raw material needs in their investment
plans. All newly chosen places were either former cultivation centers or
very convenient places for sugar cane or beet agriculture. This attitude
was very important, because sugar production was completely dependent
to rapid raw material flow in that time and also today. The Ottoman
Empire granted every possible facility to sugar producers to decrease
trade deficit. As to entrepreneurs, some of them remained on paper. But
Monsieur Michel founded a factory for experimentation. Rauf Pasha
started beet cultivation and sent them to analyze for learning sugar content. But in general, sugar production entrepreneurs were not
successful. Because sugar remained an important part of import, up to
end of the Ottoman Empire.
Başlangıçta dikkate alınmasa da, değişen üretim süreçlerinin çevre
ve toplum sağlığı üzerindeki etkileri önemli boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Kirlilik problemi
karşısında, öncelikle dönemin önemli sanayi ülkelerinin tutumu ortaya konacaktır.
Sonrasındaysa Osmanlı Devleti’nin bu alandaki çabaları sergilenecektir. 1862
gibi erken bir tarihte, Osmanlı Devleti çevre koruma hükümlerini içeren detaylı bir
kanun çıkarmıştır. Devlet Sabit Buhar Makinelerine Mahsus Nizamname ile sanayicilerin
çalışma şartlarını ve çevreyle olan ilişkilerini düzenlemiştir. Devlet sanayi
tesislerinin kurulmasını önemli görse de, çevre ve insan sağlığını korumayı ihmal
etmemiştir. Girişimcilerin faaliyette bulunacakları yerlerin, meskûn mahallere çok
yakın olması onaylanmamıştır. Ayrıca halkın bu noktadaki şikâyetleri dikkate
alınmıştır. Fakat faaliyetteki tesisler de araştırılmıştır. Taşıdıkları riskler değerlendirilmiş
olup, önlenmesi için çaba sarf edilmiştir. Fakat etrafa zarar vermeleri
devam ederse, Osmanlı Devleti kapatılmaları için bir tereddüt göstermemiştir.
In contrary to Europe, Ottoman State intentionally prevented to establishment
of aristocracy and bourgeois class. Economic policies were designed
to sustain the presence of a strong middle class. But system began to
shake during 1820’s, because of intensifying European competition. Later
signed Balta Limanı Trade Agreement even severed the competition. As a
result of this situation, how could increase the competition power of local
production was the main problem of this era. Artisan scale producers wanted
to be protected with social motivation, against private factories which
their numbers increased after 1880’s. Newly established factories were
banned to interfere to activities of artisans. But proper functioning of the
market did not neglect, while artisans protecting. In order to increase the
competition power of industrial production, Ottoman State tried to establish
demand support to raw material producers and Ereğli coal mines for
local fuel. At the last part of the article, local factories will be mentioned
which they wanted to apply modern production facilities. In order to increase
their competition power, state thought that private sector had to be
supported. For this reason tax exemptions were granted them. In addition
to this, state tried to give demand support to local factories.
Ottoman State firstly assessed the entrepreneurs of artificial ice
production, within privilege system. Later when the availability of ice
production machines increased, Ottoman State also permitted to found ice
factories out of privilege system. But in this article, artificial ice producers
within privilege system are the main target. In this system, state granted
monopoly rights to entrepreneurs under specific conditions, for factory
production. For the beginning point of the article, establishment reasons
of privilege system will be explained. Later main principles of privilege
system will be mentioned, with some examples of other sectors. At the last,
privileged ice industry enterprises will be evaluated within three headlines.
When privileged ice factory founders were mentioned, their demands and
interviews with government were narrated. Later privilege contracts which
were regulated newly establishing industrial plants were compared. At the
last, entrepreneurs’ activities were mentioned during post privilege period,
with their successes and failures. For three enterprises in ice production
sector, Salim Ağa and partnership in İzmir could found factories and
companies. But Numan Efendi who was the last privilege owner did not
put planned factories into practice.
During historical process, Western Anatolia was an important cotton and cotton textile producer. In the beginning of 19th century, this region lost its special feature with the machination of Industrial Revolution and dense European competition especially English one. Cotton production of the region reduced a level which barely met the local need. This paper covered a period between 1860 to 1870 in which American Civil War inserted English cotton textile industry in a raw material crisis. In this paper, how region and Ottoman Empire responded and benefited from this crisis was researched. When the war began, English textile industry met the 80% of its raw material need from USA. Heavily dependence of one source for raw material worried a group of cotton factory owners and they founded Manchester Cotton Supply Association in 1857. When the war stopped the transportation of raw material, association wanted to find a solution for this situation. Then, MCSA organized many activities in different countries to raise cotton production. Association gave agricultural education and machinery support to cotton producers in the region. Cotton producers of the region began dense cotton production, because of high cotton prices stemmed from the withdrawal of USA from market. There was 6000 bales cotton production in 1861, two years later it rose ten times. Much of the production was exported to England. Ottoman State brought cotton seed from first Egypt, and later USA to distribute cotton farmers. In addition, the cotton producers were received some tax exemptions. Custom treaty of 1861 would result a decrease in tax ratio from 8% to 2%. As a result, in the 1860-1870 Western Anatolia restarted cotton production for importing with the dense efforts of England and some incentives from Ottoman State. But from now on this production mainly consisted of raw materials not finished products.
gelişim için önemli bir potansiyel doğurmuştur. Bu dönemde özellikle aydınlatma ve ulaştırma için,
pek çok alanda elektrik ve elektrikli makineler kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Girişimciler ve uluslar bu
alandaki yeniliklerin tanıtımı için, uluslararası sergiler düzenlemişlerdir. Osmanlı Devleti de bu yeni
teknik gelişmeler noktasında, girişken bir tutum sergilemiştir. Bu yeniliklerin ülke içine alınabilmesi
için, Osmanlı Devleti bilgi seviyesinin arttırılmasını önemsemiştir. Bu noktada uluslararası elektrik
sergilerine, Osmanlı Devleti çeşitli şekillerde katılım sağlamıştır. Osmanlı hükümeti bu sergilere
zaman zaman sadece temsilciler göndermiştir. Bazen de hükümet bununla yetinmemiştir. Osmanlı
yetkilileri ülke içinde bazı elektrikli aletler üreterek, bu tarz organizasyonlara katkı sağlamak
istemiştir. Bu tebliğde Osmanlı Devleti’nin katıldığı, 1881 Paris, 1883 Viyana ve 1893 Chicago
Uluslararası Sergileri incelenmiştir.