Converting a WordPress single site to a Multisite subsite can really test your patience levels, especially if you are unfamiliar with the multisite structure. Previously I have shown how to convert a Multisite subsite to a single site. This guide walks you through step by step to convert a WordPress single site to a multisite subsite using WP-CLI and bash tools.
If it any point you struggle with this and want a WordPress single site converted to a multisite subsite for you then feel free to get in touch on Codeable.
Convert WordPress Single Site to Multisite Subsite with WP-CLI and bash
Here in this hypothetical example the single site is
stored in this path
I want to convert the guides single site to a subsite for the multisite
with this path
Create a temporary folder to store the single site converted to subsite
mkdir -p /tmp/
Prepare Multisite for New Subsite
Enter your multisite root
, usually in a similar path to below, remember to change your multisite path (
cd /var/www/
Before getting a list of all subsites here is the basic structure of the folders
Info | Subsite 1 Values | Subsites > 1 Values |
blog_id | 1 | 2 |
Database prefix | wpb_ | wpb_2_ |
Plugins folder | wp-content/plugins | wp-content/plugins |
Themes folder | wp-content/themes | wp-content/themes |
Uploads folder | wp-content/uploads | wp-content/uploads/sites/2/ |
Create a new subsite with WP-CLI
wp site create --slug=guides
You will get this formatted output below which provides critical info for converting the WordPress single site to subsite correctly.
Site 2 created:
Get some display information about your multisite installation
wp site list
The blog_id
is 2
which the database prefix is made up for the url
| blog_id | url | last_updated | registered |
| 1 | | 2017-02-14 16:09:14 | 2017-01-31 11:35:34 |
| 2 | | 2017-02-21 21:30:15 | 2017-01-31 11:37:04 |
Putting it together the full database prefix for the new guides subsite is wpb_2_
Extracting Database from Single Site and Converting to Subsite
WP-CLI allows you to export database tables specific to each subsite by simulating that the request came from the subsite’s URL.
Enter your single site installation, here /var/www/
cd /var/www/
wp db export --skip-plugins --skip-themes /tmp/singlesite.sql --allow-root
Get the WordPress database prefix from the single site wp-config.php
with grep
grep "table_prefix" wp-config.php
Here wpb_
is the database prefix
Take note of your database prefix here! It will be used in future steps
$table_prefix = 'wpb_';
In case your multisite uses a different database prefix make sure to get that one as well
grep "table_prefix" /var/www/
The subsite database prefix is made up of the multisite prefix wpb_
and the blog_id
(subsite id) 2
for the
multisite’s subsite
This sed command will replace the database table names replacing the single site prefix with the multisite prefix and blog_id then create a new .sql file
sed "s#wpb_#wbp_2_#g" /tmp/singlesite.sql > /tmp/guides-subsite.sql
If you are copying the database – regardless of your blog_id
– to a remote location you can gzip it so it’s much smaller
gzip /tmp/ -c > /tmp/
Packaging WordPress wp-content Folder
We need to compress these folders and extract them to the new multisite installation later
- WordPress plugins
- WordPress themes
- WordPress wp-content uploads which contains images, videos etc for that subsite
Compressing the plugins is done from the multisite
root folder
tar -czf /tmp/ -C /var/www/ .
Similarly, compressing the themes folder is done from the multisite
root folder
tar -czf /tmp/ -C /var/www/ .
The wp-content uploads folder can be packaged using this tar command
tar -czf /tmp/ -C /var/www/ .
Now you have 3 tar files containing the essential components for your WordPress multisite subsite.
The database has both an sql and gzipped version
These tars will be extracted to the single site in the next section.
Restore Converted Single Site to Subsite
We need to perform the following tasks to make the converted single site to a multisite subsite
- Import the WordPress database from single site to subsite
- Extract wp-content tars from single site to subsite
- Fix permissions if necessary
Import WordPress Database from Single Site to Subsite
Enter multisite
installation with your WordPress files, here it is
cd /var/www/
Import database for the subsite and import it into the WordPress single site installation
wp db import /tmp/
If you happen to have additional problems you may want to read the advanced database search and replacement guide for WordPress.
Extract wp-content to Subsite
Extract the themes.tar.gz
to your new single site installation
tar -xf /tmp/ -C /var/www/
Next, extract the plugins.tar.gz
to your new single site installation
tar -xf /tmp/ -C /var/www/
Finally, extract the uploads.tar.gz
to your new single site installation
The wp-content uploads folder is specific for the subsite using 2
as your blog_id
(subsite id) for the 2 subfolder
in the uploads/sites
tar -xf /tmp/ -C /var/www/
Fix permissions, if www-data isn’t the owner’s user
and group
change them to the correct values.
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
sudo find /var/www/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
sudo find /var/www/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
The last thing to do is handle the users tables as outlined by Delicious Brains.
tar Directory without Storing Absolute Paths
WP-CLI db tables command
Delicious Brains – Converting Single Site to Multisite Subsite