Nova Hedwigia, 2021
<jats:p> A revision of twenty-eight type collections of Psilocybe is presented. Description... more <jats:p> A revision of twenty-eight type collections of Psilocybe is presented. Descriptions of thetypes were completed with characteristics not previously mentioned such as the presence of pseudorhizain the stipe, pileocystidia, caulocystidia and pleurocystidia, as well as the subhymeniumtype and the arrangement of the hyphae in the pileus trama. From this review, only five species: P.aztecorum, P. caerulescens, P. hoogshagenii, P. mexicana and P. muliercula are recognized, leavingthe others as synonyms of these five. In addition, P. hoogshagenii was an invalid name and hereis formally validated. This mushroom is distinguished from the other species of Psilocybe by thepapillate pileus, subrhomboid basidiospores and the presence of two forms of pleurocystidia. </jats:p>

Mycotaxon, 2012
ABSTRACT Abstract — Sixteen type and some additional specimens representing fifteen species assig... more ABSTRACT Abstract — Sixteen type and some additional specimens representing fifteen species assigned to Helvella were studied with the aim of providing new data for their improved delimitation and recognition. Specimens were received on loan from DAOM, FH, H, K, MA, MICH, S and UPS. A synoptic key to the studied species is provided to contribute to a better understanding of the genus and the taxonomy of the morphospecies. Original descriptions are emended to include data on the anatomy of the apothecial excipulum and stipe layers, apothecium and stipe reactivity to Melzer’s reagent, and ascospore ornamentation. Reasons are given for maintaining H. subglabra, H. atra, H. griseoalba, and H. costifera as independent taxa and for considering Helvella hyperborea a synonym of H. costifera. Previously imprecise descriptive terms are clarified. Key words — Ascomycota, holotype, isotype, lectotype, revision
The diversity of lignicolous agaric fungi is poorly known in Mexico. This group of fungi is respo... more The diversity of lignicolous agaric fungi is poorly known in Mexico. This group of fungi is responsible for the primary decomposition of wood, providing mineral elements that allow the nutrient cycles. The objective of this work was to reveal and confirm some lignicolous species present in Mexico with both morphological and molecular data. Thirteen species of eight genera, belonging to six families of lignicolous agaricoid fungi of the Agaricales were recorded, discussed, and illustrated, of which 11 are new records for Mexico. Considering our results, we confirm that Mexico is a Nearctic and Neotropical convergence zone of fungal taxa from both regions.

IMA Fungus, 2019
The relationship between humans and nature is defined by culture. Accordingly, the use, conceptio... more The relationship between humans and nature is defined by culture. Accordingly, the use, conceptions, and perceptions of resources differ among cultural groups, even among those inhabiting the same region or those who come into contact with the same biota. In particular, mushrooms evoke a wide range of sentiments. During ethnobiological tours in Mexico, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 37 individuals of each community, from ten Wixarika and mestizo communities, living in the same locality and sharing similar resources, in the municipality of Villa Guerrero in northern Jalisco, Mexico. Furthermore, informal interviews with four Wixarika and five mestizo key informants were conducted. The topics treated were regarding the traditional nomenclature and classification, uses, and knowledge of mushrooms and related practices. Wixarika names of 37 mushroom species with edible, medicinal, and recreational uses were recorded. In addition, the Wixaritari were found to associate ...

Many species of Ganoderma exhibit a high phenotypic plasticity. Hence, particularly among them, t... more Many species of Ganoderma exhibit a high phenotypic plasticity. Hence, particularly among them, the morphological species concept remains difficult to apply, resulting in a currently confused taxonomy; as a consequence, the geographical distribution range of many species also remains very uncertain. One of the areas with a strong uncertainty, as far as morphological species concept is concerned, is the Neotropics. It is common that names of species described from other regions, mainly from northern temperate areas, have been applied to Neotropical species. The aim of the present study was to determine which species might lay behind the G. weberianum complex in the Neotropics, using morphological studies and phylogenetic inferences based on both single (ITS) and multilocus (ITS, rpb2, and tef1-α) sequences. The results indicated that G. weberianumsensu Steyaert, which is the usually accepted concept for this taxon, was absent from the Neotropics. In this area, G. weberianumsensu Stey...
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2001
Se presenta una clave dicotómica de 21 especies de Pluteus Fr. registradas en Nueva Galicia, Méxi... more Se presenta una clave dicotómica de 21 especies de Pluteus Fr. registradas en Nueva Galicia, México, como parte de los resultados obtenidos del estudio realizado del género Pluteus en la región. Se comentan brevemente las 21 especies y se mencionan los materiales examinados.
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2007
Se suman tres nuevos registros del género Pluteus Fr. para la micobiota mexicana: Pluteus amphicy... more Se suman tres nuevos registros del género Pluteus Fr. para la micobiota mexicana: Pluteus amphicystis, P. martinicensis y P. oligocystis. Las dos primeras especies pertenecen a la sección Pluteus y la última a la sección Celluloderma. Se describen además P. atromarginatus y P. salicinus, ambas de la sección Pluteus, que previamente sólo se habían listado para los estados de Jalisco e Hidalgo, respectivamente. Se registra a P. atromarginatus por primera vez para Veracruz.
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2006
Gymnopilus tuxtlensis fue descrito a partir de ejemplares recolectados en la región de Los Tuxtla... more Gymnopilus tuxtlensis fue descrito a partir de ejemplares recolectados en la región de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México. En este trabajo se estudiaron más de 20 materiales recolectados recientemente o depositados en herbarios, con lo que se amplía su distribución conocida en México al registrarla de Jalisco, y se cita por primera vez de América del Sur, con base en especímenes de Colombia y Venezuela. Esta especie crece en regiones tropicales y es muy ca-racterística por su basidioma pequeño, de color amarillo-mostaza, con una base estrigosa, por presentar pleurocistidios grandes y de forma característica, y queilocistidios más pequeños.
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2014
Se presentan 233 taxa (especies y variedades) de hongos (229 macromicetes y cuatro micromicetes) ... more Se presentan 233 taxa (especies y variedades) de hongos (229 macromicetes y cuatro micromicetes) de la región de Tapalpa, Jalisco. El material estudiado fue recolectado en los años 2000 al 2003, principalmente en bosques de Pinus y Quercus. Se examinaron además otros ejemplares depositados en el Herbario IBUG provenientes de dicha área. Se registran por primera vez de Jalisco 21 taxa. Doscientos cinco especies (88%) pertenecen a Basidiomycota, 22 (9.5%) a Ascomycota y 6 (2.5%) a Myxomycota. Éste constituye el primer inventario micológico de la zona.
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 1988
Acta Botanica Mexicana, 2005
Se presenta un inventario preliminar de los hongos, la mayor parte de ellos macroscópicos, del mu... more Se presenta un inventario preliminar de los hongos, la mayor parte de ellos macroscópicos, del municipio de San Sebastián del Oeste, Jalisco, estudiados a través de tres años. El área está cubierta por bosques de pino, encino, mesófilo de montaña, tropical caducifolio y subcaducifolio, con algunas zonas agrícolas. De los 583 ejemplares estudiados, se determinaron 216 especies, de ellas 89.4% corresponde a Basidiomycota, 8.8% a Ascomycota, 1.3% a Myxomycota, y 0.5% a Deuteromycota. 35 registros son nuevos para Jalisco y 2 especies se citan por primera vez para México: Amanita roseitincta (Murrill) Murrill y Ramaria abietina (Pers. : Fr.).
Bulletin du Jardin botanique national de Belgique / Bulletin van de National Plantentuin van België, 1994
ABSTRACT Micropsalliota subalpina Guzmán &amp; Heinem. nov. sp. est décrit des pentes de la N... more ABSTRACT Micropsalliota subalpina Guzmán &amp; Heinem. nov. sp. est décrit des pentes de la Nevado de Colima, à 2250 m, dans l&#39;Etat de Jalisco, au Mexique. C&#39;est la troisième espèce du genre connue du Mexique.
Tropical mycology: volume 1, macromycetes, 2001