Papers by Ernesto López-Uriarte
Bulletin of Marine Science -Miami-
Hubbs' octopus Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953 is reported at 24 localities along the Pacific coast... more Hubbs' octopus Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953 is reported at 24 localities along the Pacific coast of Mexico. The distribution of the species, previously recorded in the Gulf of California (28º55N, 113º32W) and in Melaque (southern coast of Jalisco) , is extended south to Salina Cruz, Oaxaca (16º10N, 95º14W). Specimens were captured in the intertidal and subtidal zones to depths of 30 m. This is the principal target species in the octopus fisheries of this vast region.

Bulletin of Marine Science, 2009
The reproductive biology of Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953, was studied along the central Mexican ... more The reproductive biology of Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953, was studied along the central Mexican pacific from 1998 to 2000. In the majority of the months (15), the sex ratio was 1:1. The ratio of males to females decreased consistently with respect to size, weight, and sexual maturity, probably related to vertical migrations of females from deeper to shallow areas, the search of better feeding areas before reproduction, and nesting behavior of females. The dorsal mantle length and the total body weight of individuals at first maturity were 115 mm and 758 g for females, and 70 mm and 320 g for males. Three maturity stages were recognized for females (maturing, mature, and spawning and/or already spawned) and three for males (immature, maturing, and mature). The females have low potential fecundity (mean ± Sd = 172.05 ± 85.15 oocytes/female) and small oocytes (mean = 1.79 ± 0.14 mm), compared to other species of Octopus. The mean (±Sd) potential fecundity of males was 65.92 ± 34.34 spermatophores/male. As in other Octopus spp., O. hubbsorum spawns throughout the year. however, potential fecundity of males and the number of mature and spawning females increased significantly during the cool-dry season. The presence of a constant mature population may be related to generally warm conditions during most of the year.

costas de Chiapas y Oaxaca, México. Se presentan las especies de bivalvos y gasterópodos de inter... more costas de Chiapas y Oaxaca, México. Se presentan las especies de bivalvos y gasterópodos de interés comercial, y con potencial de aprovechamiento, registradas en nueve localidades costeras y 55 de la plataforma continental de Chiapas y el sur de Oaxaca, durante los meses de marzo a junio de 2004. En las localidades costeras los registros se hicieron mediante busqueda directa durante recorridos en las playas rocosas y arenosas, esteros y lagunas c o s t e r a s . E n l a p l a t a f o r m a continental se efectuaron arrastres con redes camaroneras abordo del barco camaronero FIPESCO 63. Se estimó la abundancia relativa de cada especie en todas las localidades y se clasificaron de acuerdo a los diferentes hábitats y ambientes, profundidad y los principales usos de estos moluscos en la región. Se obtuvieron 164 especies en total, de las cuales 31 especies de bivalvos y 16 de gasterópodos son consideradas de interés comercial o potencial en la región. Destacan por su riqueza específica ocho bivalvos del género Abstract Bivalves and gasteropods (Mollusca) of comercial and potential importance from Chiapas and Oaxaca coasts, Mexico. This study presents the species of bivalves and gastropods of commercial interest and potential use registered in nine coastal localities and 55 stations of the continental shelf of Chiapas and southern Oaxaca, Mexico from march to june, 2004. In the coastal localities, the mollusks were searched directly in the rocky and sandy beaches, estuaries and coastal lagoons. In the continental shelf, the collections were made with a trawling net on board of the shrimp vessel FIPESCO 63. The relative abundance of each species was estimated for all localities according to the habitat, environment, depth and their use by men in the region. A total of 164 species were obtained from which 31 bivalves and 16 gastropods are of commercial or potential interest. The most diverse genera are Anadara (eight species) and Oliva (three species). In the coastal localities, the most abundant s p e c i e s w e r e A n a d a r a aequatorialis, A. bifrons, Résumé Bivalves et gastéropodes (Mollusca) de commercial et potentiel importance de la côte du Chiapas et d'Oaxaca, Mexique. Se présentent les espèces de bivalves et gastéropodes d'intérêt commercial et avec potentiel d'utilisation enregistrées dans neuf localités côtières et 55 de la plateforme continentale de Chiapas et le sud d'Oaxaca, Mexique, pendant les mois de mars à juin 2004. Dans les localités côtières les registres ont été faits par recherche directe pendant des parcours dans les plages rocheuses et sablonneuses, estuaires et lacunes côtières. Dans la plateforme continentale on a effectué des entraînements avec des réseaux pêcheurs de crevettes à bord du bateau pêcheur de crevettes FIPESCO 63. A été estimé l'abondance relative de chaque espèce dans toutes les localités et ils ont été classés en accord avec les différents habitats et atmosphères, profondeur et les principales utilisations de ces mollusques dans la région. On a obtenu 164 espèces en total, dont 31 espèces de bivalves et de 16 de gastéropodes sont considérées d'intérêt commercial ou

Hidrobiológica: [revista del Departamento de Hidrobiología]
En este estudio se describe la estructura y variación temporal del ensamble de peces asociados al... more En este estudio se describe la estructura y variación temporal del ensamble de peces asociados al arrecife coralino de Playa Mora, Jalisco, México. El registro de especies se realizó mediante censos visuales en banda de 50 x 5 m, en tres diferentes épocas del año (templado-seca, cálido-húmeda y cálido-seca). Se registró un total de 5,689 peces de 64 especies. Las familias mejor representadas por su riqueza de especies fueron Labridae (7) y Pomacentridae (6). Me-diante el índice de valor biológico se determinó que las especies dominantes fueron Thalassoma lucasanum, Stegastes acapulcoensis, Microspathodon dorsalis y Prionurus punctatus. Los ensambles de peces por riqueza específica y grupos tróficos presentaron cambios temporales. La época templado-seca presentó la mayor riqueza y abundancia de peces. La composición por categorías tróficas estuvo representada principalmente por peces carnívoros, los cuales fueron dominantes en el arrecife. Las especies carnívoras, carnívoras coralívo...

Journal of Marine Biology, 2009
The taxonomic composition of 160 species of bivalves and gastropods recorded in the Gulf of Tehua... more The taxonomic composition of 160 species of bivalves and gastropods recorded in the Gulf of Tehuantepec is presented with information on their habitat and distribution along 10 different localities of the shoreline and 42 stations of the continental shelf. The species were on sandy and rocky beaches, coastal lagoons, estuaries, mangroves, rocky breakwaters of ports, and shallow subtidal areas (14-47 m depth). A total of 78 bivalve species and 82 gastropod species were recorded. Most of these were associated with sandy and rocky beaches and breakwaters of ports. The estuaries host 30 species and the coastal lagoons only two. In the shallow subtidal there were 18 gastropod species and 40 bivalve species representing 36.3% of all. This study adds 24 bivalve species and 29 gastropod species not recorded in previous studies for a total count of 213 species (102 bivalves and 111 gastropods) for Gulf of Tehuantepec.

Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2013
Resumen. Cuarenta especies de equinodermos fueron recolectadas en las zonas intermareal y submare... more Resumen. Cuarenta especies de equinodermos fueron recolectadas en las zonas intermareal y submareal somero de 14 sitios de bahía Chamela. Destacan 7 nuevos registros para la costa de Jalisco. Los análisis de escalonamiento multidimensional no métrico y el índice de similitud de Jaccard permitieron identificar grupos y entidades aisladas de acuerdo a la contribución y frecuencia de las especies de 4 clases de equinodermos en los sitios de la bahía y en otras localidades del Pacífico tropical mexicano (PTM). La mayor similitud se presentó con las localidades del golfo de California. Los índices de distinción taxonómica promedio (Δ + ) y su variación (Λ + ) fueron utilizados para analizar la diversidad de equinodermos en los niveles de especie, género, familia, orden y clase para cada sitio de la bahía y para distintas localidades del PTM de acuerdo al número de jerarquías taxonómicas de alto orden y la variabilidad en su diversidad taxonómica. La riqueza de especies de Chamela representa el 20% de la diversidad total de equinodermos de las zonas intermareal y submareal somero del PTM, lo que indica su importancia en la contribución a la diversidad taxonómica de la región.
Veliger, 2010
The diet and feeding habits of Octopus hubbsorum were analyzed using 226 individuals obtained fro... more The diet and feeding habits of Octopus hubbsorum were analyzed using 226 individuals obtained from commercial artisan catches in the Central Mexican Pacific from July, 1999, to August, 2000. Organisms ranged from 43 mm to 230 mm in dorsal mantle ...

Environmental Management, 2013
The popularity of ecotourism in the marine protected areas of Mexico has increased over the last ... more The popularity of ecotourism in the marine protected areas of Mexico has increased over the last 10 years; in particular there is a large development of a SCUBA diving industry in the Mexican Pacific including Isabel Island. Given the risks associated with human activity in the marine environments around this island, we propose two ecotourism management strategies: (1) the creation and use of underwater trails, and (2) the estimation of the specific tourism carrying capacity (TCC) for each trail. Six underwater trails were selected in sites that presented elements of biological, geological, and scenic interest, using information obtained during field observations. The methodology used to estimate the TCC was based upon the physical and biological conditions of each site, the infrastructure and equipment available, and the characteristics of the service providers and the administrators of the park. Correction factors of the TCC included elements of the quality of the visit and the threat and vulnerability of the marine environment of each trail (e.g., divers' expertise, size and distance between groups of divers, accessibility, wind, coral coverage). The TCC values ranged between 1,252 and 1,642 dives/year/trail, with a total of 8,597 dives/year for all six trails. Although these numbers are higher than the actual number of recreational visitors to the island (*1,000 dives per year), there is a need for adequate preventive management if the diving sites are to maintain their esthetic appeal and biological characteristics. Such management might be initially directed toward using only the sites and the TCC proposed here.

Biodiversity and Conservation, 2011
Additive partitioning was applied to variation in reef fish spatial diversity at Isla Isabel Nati... more Additive partitioning was applied to variation in reef fish spatial diversity at Isla Isabel National Park, Nayarit state, Mexico, and to identify the environmental and spatial variables that best explains it. Analyses included expected and observed species curves, rare species analysis, additive partitioning of alpha-and beta-diversity, and canonical redundancy analysis. A total of 10,517 individuals were recorded from 75 species and 33 reef fish families, representing 85% of expected richness. Species richness beta-diversity was dependent on the site scale, while the alpha-diversity of the Shannon diversity was most significant at the transect scale. Canonical partitioning showed species richness and Shannon diversity was explained by spatially-structured environmental components. Variation in species composition and abundance was explained by a purely environmental component. Therefore, elements of habitat structure (especially corals), topographic complexity, and refuge availability determine fish species diversity. Our results suggest that greater emphasis is required to conserve sites that promote b-diversity, increasing fish spatial diversity. In Isla Isabel, these sites would be mostly those located at eastern and southern of protected sides, where coral reef patches are well represented. The
… de Guadalajara, México.[ …, 2008
Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento con fines de lucro, por cualqui... more Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este documento con fines de lucro, por cualquier medio: impreso o electrónico. La persona física o moral que sin autorización por escrito de los editores fotocopie, grabe, almacene en algún sistema o transmita a medios electrónicos, magnéticos o mecánicos dicha información, quedará sujeta a las sanciones legales aplicables.

Resumen. Se informa sobre la ampliación del ámbito de distribución sur de dos especies de escafóp... more Resumen. Se informa sobre la ampliación del ámbito de distribución sur de dos especies de escafópodos hasta las costas de Jalisco y Colima, México. Las muestras fueron obtenidas con una draga Van Veen a profundidades entre 41 y 75 m en sustratos de tipo arena media, limo arenoso y limo arcilloso. Estas especies son: 1) Dentalium neohexagonum Sharp y Pilsbry, 1897, anteriormente con límites de distribución desde Bahía Monterey, California hasta Isla Tiburón, Golfo de California a profundidades de 7-256 m; se recolectó en tres localidades de la costa de Jalisco a profundidades de 72-75 m en sustratos limo arenoso y limo arcilloso; 2) Gadila fusiformis Pilsbry y Sharp, 1898, antes registrada en Monterey, California, en San Carlos, Sonora y en Cabo San Lucas y el Golfo de California a profundidades de 7-365 m; se recolectó en dos localidades de Colima y Jalisco, a profundidades de 41 y 73 m en sustratos de arena media y limo arcilloso, respectivamente. Además, se amplía la distribución vertical de Cadulus albicomatus Dall, 1890, anteriormente registrada entre los 733-3050 m, fue recolectada en tres localidades a 41, 48 y 73 m de profundidad. Se presentan valores de abundancia y frecuencia relativa en las estaciones para todas estas especies.

revista científica
Se describe la composición específica y la estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bénti... more Se describe la composición específica y la estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bénticos del sublitoral somero de Punta La Rosada, localizada en la parte central de Bahía Chamela, Jalisco. Los muestreos se realizaron durante enero de 2007 en 4 sitios someros (7-10 m de profundidad) ubicados a una distancia aproximadamente de 50 m de la línea de costa. En cada sitio se efectuaron cuadrantes sobre un transecto en banda de 50 m utilizando buceo SCUBA. Sólo se consideraron las especies conspicuas. Se registraron 61 especies de macroinvertebrados y 9 especies de macroalgas. La mayor riqueza correspondió a moluscos con 25 especies y equinodermos con 16. Los demás grupos tuvieron un número menor: crustáceos (9), cnidarios (8) y poliquetos (3). La abundancia y número de especies está en relación con la heterogeneidad del fondo marino de la zona somera, la cual se caracteriza por sustratos mixtos estables de tipo rocoso, arena media y colonias coralinas dispersas que proporcionan refugio en sus cavidades y grietas; además, de ser sustratos adecuados para la fijación de especies sésiles. Al mismo tiempo, esta es una zona dinámica a causa de la exposición a las corrientes. Introducción L a Bahía Chamela, localizada en el Pacífico central mexicano, presenta condiciones favorables para el desarrollo de una biodiversidad marina importante. La bahía tiene una geomorfología litoral muy variada que incluye farallones, acantilados, morros, playas de canto rodado, playas arenosas de bolsillo, además de dos islas principales y numerosos islotes. La dinámica de las corrientes superficiales locales está relacionada de manera estrecha a fuertes variaciones estacionales . Por otro lado, el fondo marino es muy diverso, con sustratos de tipo rocoso arenoso o mixto ) que incrementan la disponibilidad de microambientes.

American Malacological Bulletin, 2008
A survey for bivalves was conducted at 25 sampling stations on the Mexican Central Pacific shelf ... more A survey for bivalves was conducted at 25 sampling stations on the Mexican Central Pacific shelf off Jalisco and Colima, during the summer of 1988. The bivalves were sampled with a Van Veen grab at 16 stations with medium sand, sandy silt, and silty clay substrata at depths between 18 and 112 m. A total of 5,196 individuals belonging to 59 genera and 95 species of bivalves were found. A systematic list is provided with the relative abundance and density (individuals/m 2 ) for each species and information on depth, type of substratum, bottom water temperature, and oxygen concentration for each station. The twelve most common species (>100 individuals/station) in descending order of abundance were: The bathymetric patterns in the abundance and species composition of the bivalve community and their relationship to environmental parameters are discussed. The structure of the assemblages differed with depth, with peak abundances and species richness (1) between 24 and 40 m with medium sand and sandy silt substrata and (2) at intermediate depths between 71 and 74 m, with sandy silt and silty clay substrata. The species characterizing shallow, intermediate, and deep zones were the most abundant or those exclusive of each zone. Diversity, dominance, and evenness decreased at the deeper stations. The distinctive species composition of these zones may be the result of variation in depth, oxygen concentration, and substratum.

The popularity of ecotourism in the marine protected areas of Mexico has increased over the last ... more The popularity of ecotourism in the marine protected areas of Mexico has increased over the last 10 years; in particular there is a large development of a SCUBA diving industry in the Mexican Pacific including Isabel Island. Given the risks associated with human activity in the marine environments around this island, we propose two ecotourism management strategies: (1) the creation and use of underwater trails, and (2) the estimation of the specific tourism carrying capacity (TCC) for each trail. Six underwater trails were selected in sites that presented elements of biological, geological, and scenic interest, using information obtained during field observations. The methodology used to estimate the TCC was based upon the physical and biological conditions of each site, the infrastructure and equipment available, and the characteristics of the service providers and the administrators of the park. Correction factors of the TCC included elements of the quality of the visit and the threat and vulnerability of the marine environment of each trail (e.g., divers' expertise, size and distance between groups of divers, accessibility, wind, coral coverage). The TCC values ranged between 1,252 and 1,642 dives/year/trail, with a total of 8,597 dives/year for all six trails. Although these numbers are higher than the actual number of recreational visitors to the island (*1,000 dives per year), there is a need for adequate preventive management if the diving sites are to maintain their esthetic appeal and biological characteristics. Such management might be initially directed toward using only the sites and the TCC proposed here.
Papers by Ernesto López-Uriarte