આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.

Serpwars Mobile CTA


Welcome to SERPWARS, where we focus on simple and effective solutions for your marketing needs. Our WordPress plugin helps you manage your marketing campaigns more efficiently. It’s easy to use, integrates smoothly with your existing setup, and supports your efforts to improve engagement and conversions. Working with the SERPWARS growth marketing agency team, you gain access to tools that help you streamline your marketing processes, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Need additional support? Reach out to SERPWARS with any questions regarding setup, customization, or usage of our tools. We are here to help ensure that your experience is smooth and beneficial. Contact us anytime; our team is committed to providing you with the answers and assistance you need.


  1. First make sure you’ve got WordPress installed somewhere, like yourdomain.com
  2. Install your plugin as below (you probably know how!)
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  4. Use the menu to go to the mobile cta listings: Mobile CTA >

Automatic Install From WordPress Dashboard

  1. Login to your the admin panel
  2. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Search Mobile CTA
  4. Click install and activate respectively.

Manual Install From WordPress Dashboard

If your server is not connected to the Internet, then you can use this method-

  1. Download the plugin by clicking on the orange button above. A ZIP file will be downloaded.
  2. Login to your site’s admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload.
  3. Click choose file, select the plugin file and click install

Install Using FTP

If you are unable to use any of the methods due to internet connectivity and file permission issues, then you can use this method-

  1. Download the plugin by clicking on the red button above.A ZIP file will be downloaded.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Launch your favorite FTP client. Such as FileZilla, FireFTP, CyberDuck etc. If you are a more advanced user, then you can use SSH too.
  4. Upload the folder to wp-content/plugins/
  5. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  6. Navigate to Plugins -> Installed
  7. Activate the plugin

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

Nothing here right now.


આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



  • Fixed button hover issues
  • Removed All Types of button that is not used
  • Changed ADVANCE to ADVANCED?
  • Removed Google tag manager on the container options
  • Removed Class and id
  • changed the options for Content Layout from Layout 1 and Layout 2 to Side Icon and Top Icon
  • combined the tabs CONTENT and STYLING
  • moved the CONTAINER OPTIONS for Content Layout and Content Width under the CONTENT tab
  • move the CONTAINER OPTIONS for Content Layout and Content Width under the CONTENT tab
  • Renamed option to be “Show Only On Specific Page”
  • presets are displayed by default
  • Custom Preset Added
  • Button for adding custom button removed
  • Button Nane Instead of title
  • Changed the submenu name to “Buttons”
  • Aligned Fields


  • Preset #1 Revision Done (Left aligned and fas phone default)
  • hover formatting fixed
  • Used blue on selecting/selected Components
  • the extra margin for container has been fixed
  • Revisions on presets to set the container width to ‘auto’


  • Switch Preset1 and Preset2
  • Changed The Shape of the icon picker
  • Change #4184F4 color for all the accents instead of the green colors
  • removed extra spaces on the left and right in the plugin
  • fix the issue on Showing buttons on specific Pages
  • fix checkbox revisions ,inconsistent preset issue , border not working issue
  • and removed some old codes that is no longer used
  • Also it does send an event to GA when buttons are clicked


  • Initial Release

  • List versions from most recent at top to oldest at bottom.