Papers by Niklas Pramling

Early Child Development and Care, 2013
With the current expansion of digital tools, the media used for narration is changing, challengin... more With the current expansion of digital tools, the media used for narration is changing, challenging traditional literacies in educational settings. The present study explores what kind of activities emerge when six-year-old children in a preschool class write a digital story, using a word processor and speechsynthesised feedback computer software. Empirical material was collected in a primary school that participates in a larger community project on writing with digital technology. The focus of the study is on how the storytelling activity is mediated by the technologies and the participants (teacher and children). The results show that the digital tools used, in part, directed the children away from narrating, instead turning their attention to negotiations of division of labour and literate conventions. The latter were also at the forefront of the teacher’s contributions to the children’s activity. Despite these circumstances, the children succeed in accomplishing the instructed task of collaboratively composing a story.
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development
International Handbook of Early Childhood Education

Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
In this empirical study, we analyse how five-year-old children are socialised into particular int... more In this empirical study, we analyse how five-year-old children are socialised into particular interpretive practices indicative of a literate mind. The data come from translation activities where children with their teacher listen to and then talk about how to understand the lyrics to a popular children’s song. The setting is a Finnish–Swedish immersion programme, where Finnish-speaking children are immersed in Swedish. Three such activities were audio recorded. These are analysed according to the principles of Interaction Analysis, that is, how participants sequentially respond to each other’s communicative actions. Theoretically, the study is informed by a sociocultural perspective, highlighting how intramental function, such as reasoning and problem-solving, are contingent on intermental communication. How participating children are introduced to literate distinctions and concepts of interpreting text is therefore premised to be critical to their emerging literate interpretive sk...

International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriat... more adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the book's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Educare - vetenskapliga skrifter
In this study, we discuss dramatizing as a form of play-responsive teaching in early childhood ed... more In this study, we discuss dramatizing as a form of play-responsive teaching in early childhood education. Based on empirical observation, the purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge-building through offering possibilities for children to make sense of scientific knowledge by engaging in mutual fantasizing about certain fundamental processes and concepts in chemistry. The empirical foundation consists of interviews conducted with eleven 6-year-old children after they had participated in a workshop at a culture center for children where they dramatized certain chemistry concepts and processes. Theoretically, dramatizing is understood as role play in an imaginary dimension (as if) and learning is conceptualized in terms of the appropriation of cultural tools and practices. Based on our analysis, we argue that central to dramatizing (and in general, play-responsive teaching) is how participants distinguish, relate and shift between engaging with the phenomena and the processe...

BARN - Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
I artikeln teoretiseras ett undervisningsbegrepp relevant för förskolans verksamhet. Teoretiskt g... more I artikeln teoretiseras ett undervisningsbegrepp relevant för förskolans verksamhet. Teoretiskt grundas detta begreppsliggörande i såväl ett evolutionärt som i ett pedagogiskt-psykologiskt perspektiv. Några centrala teoretiker vi bygger på är Barnett, Rommetveit, Tomasello och Vygotskij. Vi lokaliserar grunden till undervisning i människors tendens att göra sådant de själva sett/insett synligt också för andra. Institutioner såsom förskolan och skolan förstås här som sätt för samhället att främja bevarandet av ackumulerande erfarenheter hos den växande generationen, något som gör undervisning centralt. Vi ger empiriska exempel på hur språkundervisning kan gestalta sig i dagens förskola; aktiviteter som vi analyserar utifrån de teoretiska begrepp vi introducerar. Några av de begrepp vi skriver fram för att teoretisera undervisning mer allmänt och språkundervisning mer specifikt i förskolan är responsivitet, kommunikativa praktiker, spänningsfältet mellan intersubjektivitet och alterit...
In the present study we investigate empirically how six to seven-year-old children with their tea... more In the present study we investigate empirically how six to seven-year-old children with their teachers take on the challenge of translating the lyrics of a children’s song from Finnish to English, analyzing how translation is collaboratively constituted by the participants. The study is informed by translanguaging theory and a sociocultural perspective on learning. The results show that the children respond to the challenge to translate through talking about
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 2016
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2016
The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2015
Early Years an International Journal of Research and Development, Feb 8, 2012
... (GEM Anscombe, Trans.) View all references) notion of 'family resemblances', we can... more ... (GEM Anscombe, Trans.) View all references) notion of 'family resemblances', we can expect some of ... was mainly considered to take place in special activities, special moments often organised ... Three lessons (of about 40 minutes each) aimed at facilitating the children's music ...
Hur utvecklas barns estetiska förmåga i förskola och skola? Hur får man det estetiska att växa oc... more Hur utvecklas barns estetiska förmåga i förskola och skola? Hur får man det estetiska att växa och bli ett pedagogiskt mål i sig, i stället för att bara använda det som ett medel för att förbättra andra förmågor? Den här boken ger nya perspektiv på arbetet med att utveckla barn inom ...
Resultatdialog 2009 Aktuell Forskning Om Larande Vetenskapsradets Rapportserie 2 2009, 2009
Early Child Development and Care, Jul 18, 2007
Page 1. This article was downloaded by: [ ] On: 05 July 2011, At: 00:54 Publisher: Routledge Info... more Page 1. This article was downloaded by: [ ] On: 05 July 2011, At: 00:54 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK ...
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Sep 1, 2011
In this empirical study, the appropriation of a symbolic skill by a five-year old child is analys... more In this empirical study, the appropriation of a symbolic skill by a five-year old child is analysed. His evolving production and understanding are investigated through his sign-making and his explanations of these when speaking with a researcher. The child is studied in his home. A contrasting case of another child of the same age also making graphical signs in his
Bedomning For Larande En Grund For Okat Kunnande Forskning Om Undervisning Och Larande, 2010
Page 33. 31 INGrID PraMlING SaMUElSSON & NIklaS PraMlING Vad betyder barns perspektiv för utv... more Page 33. 31 INGrID PraMlING SaMUElSSON & NIklaS PraMlING Vad betyder barns perspektiv för utvärdering och utveckling? Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson & Niklas Pramling I ETT GLOBALT UTBILDNINGSPERSPEKTIV är ...
Forskning Om Undervisning Och Larande, 2014
Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2014
Papers by Niklas Pramling