Henrik Bogdan
Henrik Bogdan, Professor in Religious Studies at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg. His main areas of research are Western esotericism, New Religious Movements, and Freemasonry. He is the Secretary of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE), editor of Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism (Oxford University Press), and co-editor of Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities (Palgrave Macmillan)
Book Series Editor: Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism, published by Oxford University Press
Book Series Co-Editor, with James R. Lewis: Palgrave Studies in New and Alternative Spiritualities, published by Palgrave Macmillan
Associate Editor: The Pomegranate, The International Journal of Pagan Studies
Book Review Editor: Aries, Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism
Book Series Editor: Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism, published by Oxford University Press
Book Series Co-Editor, with James R. Lewis: Palgrave Studies in New and Alternative Spiritualities, published by Palgrave Macmillan
Associate Editor: The Pomegranate, The International Journal of Pagan Studies
Book Review Editor: Aries, Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism
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Books by Henrik Bogdan
The Bibliography is lavishly illustrated. A first section of colour plates consists essentially of plates selected from Kenneth Grant’s work over the decades; also included are some previously-unseen items. A second section of colour plates reproduces the front covers of some of these scarcer published works, as well as a selection of the flyers for the books issued at the time of publication.
With a substantial Introduction by Henrik Bogdan surveying the development of Grant’s published work, a Preface by Steffi Grant and a Foreword by Martin P. Starr, this book is sure to become the standard volume of reference for details of Grant’s work
Contributors are: Søren Bak-Jensen, Kristian Bjørkelo, Henrik Bogdan, Robert Carleson, Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell, Gina Dahl, Asbjørn Dyrendal, Carl-Michael Edenborg, Morten Fink-Jensen, Liselotte Frisk, Susanne Gieser, Ingvild Gilhus, Kennet Granholm, Fredrik Gregorius, Olav Hammer, Jan-Erik Ebbestad Hansen, Jan Bertil Heilund, Titus Hjelm, Nils G. Holm, Thomas Karlsson, Siv-Ellen Kraft, Jesper Kragh, Håkan Lejon, Kjell Lekeby, Fabian Linde, Kjersti Løken, Tomas Mansikka, Tonje Mehren, Kirstine Munk, Jaakko Närvä, René Dybdal Pedersen, Benjamin Weber Pedersen, Jonathan Peste, Einar Petander, Jesper Aagaard Petersen, Mikael Rothstein, Jacob Senholt, Jole Shackelford, Tom Sjöblom, Jussi Sohlberg, Sara Thejls, Søren Feldtfos Thomsen, Geir Uldal, Jane Williams-Hogan, Geir Winje, Susanna Åkerman, and Andreas Önnerfors.
The study of the ideas and practices associated with occultism is a rapidly growing branch of contemporary scholarship. However, most research has focused on English and French speaking areas and has not addressed the wider spread and significance of occultism. Occultism in a Global Perspective presents a broad international overview. Essays range across the German magical order of the Fraternitas Saturni, esoteric Satanism in Denmark, sexual magic in Colombia and the reception of occultism in modern Turkey, India and the former Yugoslavia. As any other form of cultural practice, the occult is not isolated from its social, discursive, religious, and political environment. By studying occultism in its global context, the book offers insights into the reciprocal relationships that colour and shape regional occultism.
1. Introduction: Occultism in a Global Perspective, Henrik Bogdan and Gordan Djurdjevic
2. Locating the West: Problematizing the Western in Western Esotericism and Occultism, Kennet Granholm
3. The Magical Order of the Fraternitas Saturni, Hans Thomas Hakl
4. ‘In communication with the powers of darkness’: Satanism in turn-of-the-century Denmark, and its use as a legitimating device in present-day esotericism, Per Faxneld
5. Hidden Wisdom in the Ill-Ordered House: A Short Survey of Occultism in Former Yugoslavia, Gordan Djurdjevic
6. Occultism and Christianity in Twentieth Century Italy: Tommaso Palamidessi’s Christian Magic, Francesco Baroni
7. Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, and the Global Phenomenon of Esoteric Hitlerism, Arthur Versluis
8. Sexual Magic and Gnosis in Colombia: Tracing the Influence of G.I. Gurdjieff on Samael Aun Weor, PiereLuigi Zoccatelli
9. Occultism in an Islamic Context: The Case of Modern Turkey From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Time, Thierry Zarconne
10. Reception of Occultism in India: The Case of the Holy Order of Krishna, Henrik Bogdan
11. Transnational Necromancy: W. B. Yeats, Izumi Kyôka, and neo-nô as Occultic Stagecraft, Emily Somers
12. An Australian Original: Rosaleen Norton and her Magical Cosmology, Nevill Drury
This volume is the first comprehensive examination of one of the twentieth century's most distinctive iconoclasts. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a study in contradictions. Born into a fundamentalist Christian family and educated at Cambridge, he was vilified as a traitor, drug addict, and debaucher, yet revered as perhaps the most influential thinker in contemporary esotericism. Moving beyond the influence of contemporary psychology and the modernist understanding of the occult, Crowley declared himself the revelator of a new age of individualism. Crowley's occult bricolage, Magick, was an eclectic combination of spiritual exercises drawn from Western European magical ceremonies and Indic sources for meditation and yoga. This journey of self-liberation culminated in harnessing sexual power as a magical discipline, a "sacrilization of the self" as practiced in Crowley's mixed masonic group, the Ordo Templi Orientis. The religion Crowley created, Thelema, legitimated his role as a charismatic revelator and herald of a new age of freedom. Aleister Crowley's lasting influence can be seen in the counter-culture movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s and in many forms of alternative spirituality and popular culture. The essays in this volume offer crucial insight into Crowley's foundational role in the study of Western esotericism, new religious movements, and sexuality.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Foreword - Wouter J. Hanegraaff
1. Introduction - Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr
2. The Sorcerer and His Apprentice: Aleister Crowley and the Magical Exploration of Edwardian Subjectivity - Alex Owen
3. Varieties of Magical Experience: Aleister Crowley's Views on Occult Practice - Marco Pasi
4. Envisioning the Birth of a New Aeon: Dispensationalism and Millenarianism in the Thelemic Tradition - Henrik Bogdan
5. The Great Beast as a Tantric hero: The Role of Yoga and Tantra in Aleister Crowley's Magick - Gordan Djurdjevic
6. Continuing Knowledge from Generation unto Generation: The Social and Literary Background of Aleister Crowley's Magick - Richard Kaczynski
7. Aleister Crowley and the Yezidis - Tobias Churton
8. The Frenzied Beast: The Phaedran Furores in the Rites and Writings of Aleister Crowley - Matthew D. Rogers
9. Aleister Crowley: Freemason! - Martin P. Starr
10. ''The One Thought that was not Untrue'': Aleister Crowley and A. E. Waite - Robert R. Gilbert
11. The Beast and the Prophet: Aleister Crowley's Fascination with Joseph Smith - Massimo Introvigne
12. Crowley and Wicca - Ronald Hutton
13. Through the Witch's Looking Glass: The Magick of Aleister Crowley and the Witchcraft of Rosaleen Norton - Keith Richmond
14. The Occult Roots of Scientology? L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley and the Origins of the World's Most Controversial New Religion - Hugh Urban
15. Satan and the Beast. The Influence of Aleister Crowley on Modern Satanism - Asbjørn Dyrendal
Rune Axelsson: "Förord"
Tom C. Bergroth: "Svenska Frimurare Ordens Arkiv och Bibliotek"
Henrik Bogdan: "Att forska om det hemliga: problem eller möjligheter?"
R. A. Gilbert: "The History of Quatuor Coronati Lodge and the Rise of the "Authentic" School of Masonic Research" J.A.M. Snoek: "Printing Masonic Secrets - Oral and Written Transmission of the Masonic Tradition"
Martin P. Starr: "Halls of Learning - American Masonic Research in Review"
Andreas Önnerfors: "Behovet av akademisk forskning om det svenska frimureriet"
Papers by Henrik Bogdan
The Bibliography is lavishly illustrated. A first section of colour plates consists essentially of plates selected from Kenneth Grant’s work over the decades; also included are some previously-unseen items. A second section of colour plates reproduces the front covers of some of these scarcer published works, as well as a selection of the flyers for the books issued at the time of publication.
With a substantial Introduction by Henrik Bogdan surveying the development of Grant’s published work, a Preface by Steffi Grant and a Foreword by Martin P. Starr, this book is sure to become the standard volume of reference for details of Grant’s work
Contributors are: Søren Bak-Jensen, Kristian Bjørkelo, Henrik Bogdan, Robert Carleson, Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell, Gina Dahl, Asbjørn Dyrendal, Carl-Michael Edenborg, Morten Fink-Jensen, Liselotte Frisk, Susanne Gieser, Ingvild Gilhus, Kennet Granholm, Fredrik Gregorius, Olav Hammer, Jan-Erik Ebbestad Hansen, Jan Bertil Heilund, Titus Hjelm, Nils G. Holm, Thomas Karlsson, Siv-Ellen Kraft, Jesper Kragh, Håkan Lejon, Kjell Lekeby, Fabian Linde, Kjersti Løken, Tomas Mansikka, Tonje Mehren, Kirstine Munk, Jaakko Närvä, René Dybdal Pedersen, Benjamin Weber Pedersen, Jonathan Peste, Einar Petander, Jesper Aagaard Petersen, Mikael Rothstein, Jacob Senholt, Jole Shackelford, Tom Sjöblom, Jussi Sohlberg, Sara Thejls, Søren Feldtfos Thomsen, Geir Uldal, Jane Williams-Hogan, Geir Winje, Susanna Åkerman, and Andreas Önnerfors.
The study of the ideas and practices associated with occultism is a rapidly growing branch of contemporary scholarship. However, most research has focused on English and French speaking areas and has not addressed the wider spread and significance of occultism. Occultism in a Global Perspective presents a broad international overview. Essays range across the German magical order of the Fraternitas Saturni, esoteric Satanism in Denmark, sexual magic in Colombia and the reception of occultism in modern Turkey, India and the former Yugoslavia. As any other form of cultural practice, the occult is not isolated from its social, discursive, religious, and political environment. By studying occultism in its global context, the book offers insights into the reciprocal relationships that colour and shape regional occultism.
1. Introduction: Occultism in a Global Perspective, Henrik Bogdan and Gordan Djurdjevic
2. Locating the West: Problematizing the Western in Western Esotericism and Occultism, Kennet Granholm
3. The Magical Order of the Fraternitas Saturni, Hans Thomas Hakl
4. ‘In communication with the powers of darkness’: Satanism in turn-of-the-century Denmark, and its use as a legitimating device in present-day esotericism, Per Faxneld
5. Hidden Wisdom in the Ill-Ordered House: A Short Survey of Occultism in Former Yugoslavia, Gordan Djurdjevic
6. Occultism and Christianity in Twentieth Century Italy: Tommaso Palamidessi’s Christian Magic, Francesco Baroni
7. Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, and the Global Phenomenon of Esoteric Hitlerism, Arthur Versluis
8. Sexual Magic and Gnosis in Colombia: Tracing the Influence of G.I. Gurdjieff on Samael Aun Weor, PiereLuigi Zoccatelli
9. Occultism in an Islamic Context: The Case of Modern Turkey From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Time, Thierry Zarconne
10. Reception of Occultism in India: The Case of the Holy Order of Krishna, Henrik Bogdan
11. Transnational Necromancy: W. B. Yeats, Izumi Kyôka, and neo-nô as Occultic Stagecraft, Emily Somers
12. An Australian Original: Rosaleen Norton and her Magical Cosmology, Nevill Drury
This volume is the first comprehensive examination of one of the twentieth century's most distinctive iconoclasts. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a study in contradictions. Born into a fundamentalist Christian family and educated at Cambridge, he was vilified as a traitor, drug addict, and debaucher, yet revered as perhaps the most influential thinker in contemporary esotericism. Moving beyond the influence of contemporary psychology and the modernist understanding of the occult, Crowley declared himself the revelator of a new age of individualism. Crowley's occult bricolage, Magick, was an eclectic combination of spiritual exercises drawn from Western European magical ceremonies and Indic sources for meditation and yoga. This journey of self-liberation culminated in harnessing sexual power as a magical discipline, a "sacrilization of the self" as practiced in Crowley's mixed masonic group, the Ordo Templi Orientis. The religion Crowley created, Thelema, legitimated his role as a charismatic revelator and herald of a new age of freedom. Aleister Crowley's lasting influence can be seen in the counter-culture movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s and in many forms of alternative spirituality and popular culture. The essays in this volume offer crucial insight into Crowley's foundational role in the study of Western esotericism, new religious movements, and sexuality.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Foreword - Wouter J. Hanegraaff
1. Introduction - Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr
2. The Sorcerer and His Apprentice: Aleister Crowley and the Magical Exploration of Edwardian Subjectivity - Alex Owen
3. Varieties of Magical Experience: Aleister Crowley's Views on Occult Practice - Marco Pasi
4. Envisioning the Birth of a New Aeon: Dispensationalism and Millenarianism in the Thelemic Tradition - Henrik Bogdan
5. The Great Beast as a Tantric hero: The Role of Yoga and Tantra in Aleister Crowley's Magick - Gordan Djurdjevic
6. Continuing Knowledge from Generation unto Generation: The Social and Literary Background of Aleister Crowley's Magick - Richard Kaczynski
7. Aleister Crowley and the Yezidis - Tobias Churton
8. The Frenzied Beast: The Phaedran Furores in the Rites and Writings of Aleister Crowley - Matthew D. Rogers
9. Aleister Crowley: Freemason! - Martin P. Starr
10. ''The One Thought that was not Untrue'': Aleister Crowley and A. E. Waite - Robert R. Gilbert
11. The Beast and the Prophet: Aleister Crowley's Fascination with Joseph Smith - Massimo Introvigne
12. Crowley and Wicca - Ronald Hutton
13. Through the Witch's Looking Glass: The Magick of Aleister Crowley and the Witchcraft of Rosaleen Norton - Keith Richmond
14. The Occult Roots of Scientology? L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley and the Origins of the World's Most Controversial New Religion - Hugh Urban
15. Satan and the Beast. The Influence of Aleister Crowley on Modern Satanism - Asbjørn Dyrendal
Rune Axelsson: "Förord"
Tom C. Bergroth: "Svenska Frimurare Ordens Arkiv och Bibliotek"
Henrik Bogdan: "Att forska om det hemliga: problem eller möjligheter?"
R. A. Gilbert: "The History of Quatuor Coronati Lodge and the Rise of the "Authentic" School of Masonic Research" J.A.M. Snoek: "Printing Masonic Secrets - Oral and Written Transmission of the Masonic Tradition"
Martin P. Starr: "Halls of Learning - American Masonic Research in Review"
Andreas Önnerfors: "Behovet av akademisk forskning om det svenska frimureriet"