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      Gender StudiesJournalismTelevision StudiesElites (Political Science)
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    • Gender Media
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Konsumentverket Barn i reklam fr.1n vaggan till ton.1r 1 O Mallar och m3nniskor Konsrollsfostran borjar i vaggan 12 Att vaxa upp i en konsumtionskultur 15 Reklam till barn Reklam till barn forr och nu 20 Hur skildras barn i reklam? 22... more
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M ånga människor gillar viss reklam, som de nära 60 miljoner människor som såg Volvo Lastvagnars reklamfilm Epic split första månaden den fanns tillgänglig på nätet. . samtidigt finns en starkt negativ attityd, som sveriges annonsörer... more
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The Nordic region is well known for having gender equality as a hallmark of society. In the media sector, however, the male dominance persists in many areas, both in the industry itself and in the output. However, in the Nordic region... more
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      Gender StudiesJournalismFilm StudiesComputer Games Technology
The persistence of negative gender stereotypes, even in more gender-equal and progressive Scandinavian countries, has been pointed out as an obstacle to the achievement of gender equality. Gender equality is a fundamental condition for... more
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Medierna kan förklara och förändra världen. Sverige har liksom de flesta nordiska länder en självbild av att vara ett jämställt samhälle. När det kommer till medieområdet är den bilden inte lika självklar. I dagspressens styrelserum är... more
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    • Journalism
Gender equality and freedom of expression are integral parts of human rights, and you cannot have one without the other. Yet they are often talked about as separate values and rights.. Gender equality has been an important component of... more
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    • Press Freedom
This is the Swedish national report from the fifth Global Media Monitoring Project. It also includes voices from editors on how news can become more gender balanced. Nyheter handlar om att välja. Fortfarande väljs kvinnor bort. Kvinnor... more
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      Gender and MediaNews Analysis
Den svenska journalistkåren kom sommaren 2007. Det var ett bokprojekt som engagerade många forskare vid JMG och som gav en bred belysning av den svenska journalistkåren. Det är också syftet med Svenska journalister 1989-2011. Men nu har... more
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Feminist journalists have come to expect special resistance, and even threats, from men's groups as part of their work as journalists. However, the biggest threats might not originate in men's groups' activities. A big threat currently... more
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      JournalismHate Speech
In the common search to safeguard freedom of expression, one aspect has been less discussed than others, commercial influences on free speech. The important distinction between journalism and advertising, emphasized in both legislation... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismMedia Law
The controlling function of the media is essential for freedom of expression in a democratic society. One of the preconditions of this controlling function is independence in relation not only to the state but also in relation to... more
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Blurring the Lines: Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of Expression focuses on challenges from the market to free speech and how free speech can be protected, promoted and developed when lines between journalism and advertising... more
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      JournalismMedia EthicsPress FreedomFreedom of Expression (Law)
Abstr act Although countries protect and promote freedom of expression in different ways, free speech can be understood to have two basic aspects in democratic constitutional systems: non-censorship and diversity of voices. This article... more
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    • Freedom of Expression (Law)