Papers by Rukhshanda Anjum
Waves in Random and Complex Media, Apr 27, 2022
The convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) is modified and implemented for one-step leapfro... more The convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) is modified and implemented for one-step leapfrog hybrid implicit-explicit finite-difference time-domain (HIE-FDTD) method. Its stability is verified in a semi-analytical way and its effectiveness is demonstrated numerically. It is shown that even when time step size is large, the absorbing performance of CPML is still very good. Index Term-Convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML), hybrid implicit-explicit finite-difference time-domain (HIE-FDTD), one-step leapfrog.
AIMS Mathematics
In this work, we will examine the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy $ k $-ideals in the context of ... more In this work, we will examine the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy $ k $-ideals in the context of right $ k $-weakly regular hemirings. We will investigate the properties of these ideals and how they relate to other concepts such as fuzzy prime $ k $-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy prime $ k $-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy right pure $ k $-ideals, and purely prime intuitionistic fuzzy $ k $-ideals in hemirings. We will also explore how the regularity of a $ k $-weakly regular hemiring can be characterized through its intuitionistic fuzzy $ k $-ideals.
AIMS Mathematics
Fuzzy topological indices are getting attention these days due to their vast applications in dail... more Fuzzy topological indices are getting attention these days due to their vast applications in daily life. In crisp case, topological indices are beneficial in chemical graph theory but as far as fuzzy graph theory is concerned, fuzzy topological indices are useful in identifying human trafficking, and multi-criteria decision-making environments. In this paper, we have computed the fuzzy topological indices such as the first and second fuzzy Zagreb indices, Randic index, and Harmonic index for the $ Pz_{n} $ pizza graph. We have found generalized results for the above-mentioned structure.

Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences
The association of micro inance and entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as a tool for the... more The association of micro inance and entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as a tool for the socioeconomic development of dawdling regions. By contrast, most of the studies on the micro level have primarily focused on poverty alleviation and spending of loans on living standards and reached con licting indings. Evidence on the impact of micro inance on entrepreneurial development in different regions has con licting results. There is growing academic interest in geographical variations and a consensus that geographical disparities exist. This paper investigates the impact of micro inance programs offered by government and non-government organizations on the pro itability, employment and sales growth of microenterprises operating in Pakistan. Using a sample of borrowers (treatment group) and respondents on the waiting list (control group) operating microenterprises, we provide evidence that the impact on the proitability of microenterprises is positive, with a higher mark for NGO borrowers. Moreover, the study's novelty compares the microenterprise industry and the indings that using loans in service sector business makes individuals more likely to move from a low-wage labourer to a more pro itable entrepreneurship status. Our indings will help policymakers and academics identify the most relevant intervention areas.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015
The convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) is modified and implemented for one-step leapfro... more The convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) is modified and implemented for one-step leapfrog hybrid implicit-explicit finite-difference time-domain (HIE-FDTD) method. Its stability is verified in a semi-analytical way and its effectiveness is demonstrated numerically. It is shown that even when time step size is large, the absorbing performance of CPML is still very good. Index Term-Convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML), hybrid implicit-explicit finite-difference time-domain (HIE-FDTD), one-step leapfrog.
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
The main aim of this research is to introduce Left h − Clifford Semi-rings. Using some basic prop... more The main aim of this research is to introduce Left h − Clifford Semi-rings. Using some basic properties of h − regular semi-rings we shall investigate several properties of Left h − Clifford semi-rings and their characterizations. We will also establish that a semi-group Q will be a Left Clifford Semi-group iff the semi-group P (Q) of all subsets of Q is a Left h − Clifford Semiring. Also, this research will investigate the distributive congruences of regular semi-rings.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Topological index is a numerical parameter which characterizes the topology of the molecular stru... more Topological index is a numerical parameter which characterizes the topology of the molecular structure. Topological indices are a very prominent part of the study of chemical structures in which properties of organic or inorganic compounds are under observation and calculated such as physical properties, chemical reactivity, or biological activity. Most of the topological indices of molecular graph-based structure which depends on vertex degrees have been visualized. In this study, we compute some degree-based topological indices of zirconium tetrachloride Z n C l 4 m , n .
Journal of Function Spaces, 2022
Fuzzy graph theory was invented by Rosenfeld. It is the extension of the work of L.A. Zadeh on fu... more Fuzzy graph theory was invented by Rosenfeld. It is the extension of the work of L.A. Zadeh on fuzzy sets. Rosenfeld extracted the fuzzy-related concepts using the graph theoretic concepts. Topological indices for crisp theory have already been discussed in the literature but these days, topological index-related fuzzy graphs are much popular. Fuzzy graphs are being used as an application in different fields of sciences such as broadcast, communications, producing, social network, man-made reasoning, data hypothesis, and neural systems. In this paper, we have computed some fuzzy topological indices such as first and second Zagreb indices, Randic index, and harmonic index of fuzzy chemical graph named phenylene.
Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 2020
The purpose of this study is to initiate the notion of anti fuzzy left (resp. right, bi-, general... more The purpose of this study is to initiate the notion of anti fuzzy left (resp. right, bi-, generalized bi-, (1,2)-) ideals in non-associative and non-commutative ordered semigroups. We characterize different classes of non-associative and non-commutative ordered semigroups in terms of such ideals.
Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Graph energy is an invariant that is derived from the spectrum of the adjacency matrix of a graph... more Graph energy is an invariant that is derived from the spectrum of the adjacency matrix of a graph. Graph energy is actually the absolute sum of all the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a graph i.e. E = ∑ i = 1 n λ i , and the Estrada index of a graph G is elaborated as EE G = ∑ i = 1 n e λ i , where, λ 1 , λ 2 , … , λ n are the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of a graph. In this paper, energy E G and Estrada index EE G of different molecular structures are obtained and also established inequalities among the exact and estimated values of energies and Estrada index of TUC 4 C 8 nanosheet and naphthalene.

Journal of Function Spaces, 2022
In practise, intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs) are particularly useful for describing ambiguous... more In practise, intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs) are particularly useful for describing ambiguous data. We look at multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems with a prioritising relationship between the parameters. The concept of a priority degree is presented. The aggregation operators (AOs) are formed by assigning nonnegative real numbers to stringent priority levels, known as priority degrees. As a result, we construct “intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized averaging operator with priority degrees” and “intuitionistic fuzzy prioritized geometric operator with priority degrees,” which are both prioritized operators. The attributes of the existing method are frequently compared to those of other current approaches, stressing the superiority of the provided work over other methods now in use. In addition, the impact of priority degrees on the overall result is thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, in the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) context, a decision-making strategy is proposed ba...
Journal of Chemistry, 2022
Topological indices are such numbers or set of numbers that describe topology of structures. Near... more Topological indices are such numbers or set of numbers that describe topology of structures. Nearly 400 topological indices are calculated so far. The prognostication of physical, chemical, and biological attributes of organic compounds is an important and still unsolved problem of computational chemistry. Topological index is the tool to predict the physicochemical properties such as boiling point, melting point, density, viscosity, and polarity of organic compounds. In this study, some degree-based molecular descriptors of hydrocarbon structure are calculated.
Int. J. Fuzzy Log. Intell. Syst., 2021
We initially introduce the concepts of an m-right (m-left) hyperideal and an m-hyperideal in a hy... more We initially introduce the concepts of an m-right (m-left) hyperideal and an m-hyperideal in a hypergroupoid. The ideas behind an m-factor and a generalized m-factor are then introduced. Next, we demonstrate the existence and important properties of these sub-hyperstructures through theorems and examples. We then define the m-right (m-left) consistent, m-consistent, m-intra-consistent, and m-simple hypergroupoids. Finally, we demonstrate that practical problems in biology, such as ABO blood group genetics, can be studied by defining these hypergroupoid substructures.
The Korean Journal of Mathematics, 2020
In this article, we initially present the concept of the fuzzy generalized $m$-bi-ideals in semig... more In this article, we initially present the concept of the fuzzy generalized $m$-bi-ideals in semigroups, then making use of their important types like prime, semiprime and strongly fuzzy generalized $m$-bi-ideals, we give the important characterizations of the semigroups. We also characterize the $m$-regular and $m$-intraregular semigroups using the properties of the irreducible and strongly irreducible fuzyy generalized $m$-bi-ideals.
Journal of Mathematics, 2021
In this manuscript, the theory of constant picture fuzzy graphs (CPFG) is developed. A CPFG is a ... more In this manuscript, the theory of constant picture fuzzy graphs (CPFG) is developed. A CPFG is a generalization of constant intuitionistic fuzzy graph (CIFG) and a special case of picture fuzzy graph (PFG). Additionally, the article includes some basic definitions of CPFG such as totally constant picture fuzzy graphs (TCPFGs), constant function, bridge of CPFG, and their related results. Also, an application of CPFG in Wi-Fi network system is discussed. Finally, a comparison of CPFG is established with that of the CIFG which exhibits the superiority of the proposed idea over the existing ones is discussed.

Kuwait Journal of Science, 2021
Sensitivity Analysis of the most advanced four compartmental mathematical model explaining solute... more Sensitivity Analysis of the most advanced four compartmental mathematical model explaining solute kinetic in the hemodialysis patients was performed on the basis of the data collected from six patients with different Body Mass Indices (BMIs). The toxin concentration in all compartments increases with the decrease in the BMIs of the patients. The clearance rate, kclear, and the volume of extracellular compartment, VE, are the most sensitive while the volume of the muscle tissue compartment, VMT, and the clearance rate, kMT, are the least sensitive parameters during dialytic interval. The production rate, G, and the volume of the extracellular compartment, VE, are the most sensitive while kclear and kE, AT are the least sensitive parameters of all parameters during the interdialytic interval. The overall production rate, G, remains more sensitive than the clearance rate, kclear during one complete cycle.
AIMS Mathematics, 2020
The objective of this paper is to study the ordered $h$-regular semirings by the properties of th... more The objective of this paper is to study the ordered $h$-regular semirings by the properties of their ordered $h$-ideals. It is proved that each $h$-regular ordered semiring is an ordered $h$-regular semiring but the converse does not follow. Important theorems relating to basic properties of the operator clousre and $h$-regular semirings are given. It is also proved that each regular ordered semiring is an ordered $h$-regular semiring but the converse does not hold. The classifications of the left and the right ordered $h$-regular semirings and the left and the right ordered $h$-weakly regular semirings are also presented.
In this paper we characterize those hemirings for which each right h-ideal is idempotent. We also... more In this paper we characterize those hemirings for which each right h-ideal is idempotent. We also characterize those hemirings for which each right fuzzy h-ideal is idempotent. We have given the concept of right pure h-ideals, purely prime h-ideals, fuzzy right pure h-ideals and fuzzy purely prime h-ideals and characterize hemirings by these ideals. 2010 AMS Classification: 03G10, 03G25, 08A2
Journal of Function Spaces, 2021
In this article, we establish the idea of falling fuzzy k -ideals in hemirings through the fallin... more In this article, we establish the idea of falling fuzzy k -ideals in hemirings through the falling shadow theory and fuzzy sets. We shall express the relations between fuzzy k -ideals and falling fuzzy k -ideals in hemirings. In particular, we shall establish different characterizations of k -hemiregular hemirings in the perfect positive correlation and independent probability space by means of falling fuzzy k -ideals.
Papers by Rukhshanda Anjum