My math homework this week was frustrating, so instead of doing it, I fiddled with Nero and Windows Movie Maker.
That Gits video I babbled about before is still on my hard drive, so it got to be one of the first things played with. I was also on a YouTube uploading spree, so that got video got split up and put on YouTube as well.
I have some invites for, a torrent site that features mostly Pearl Jam.
If you would like an invite, leave a comment here with your e-mail address, or send me an e-mail [my address: [email protected]] with the address that you would use.
Note: Hotmail or Wah-hoo (yahoo) e-mail addresses are not currently accepted by the site.
I just realized that I haven't been exploiting the features of paid accounts as much as I should. :P
The question of favourite band has been asked before, but I'm really curious about what are some of the favourite lesser known "grunge" bands are around here, so the four poplir bands are taken out of the running of the second question.
The last questions comes from that the community is currently telling us that teh Avocado was released four months, one week ago. Perhaps a change is in order.
Using that site, you can download YouTube video (like, for example, the video of The Gits in Hype! :D). With Google Videos, a download link is already played in the cache when you load the video to play.
To play the files, though, a .flv player is needed. For some reason, after downloading a video, I needed to type in the ".flv" extention in the file name to get it to work properly.
School started this week, so I forgot to post anything on Tuesday (the 22nd) for Layne Staley's 39th birthday, but there's another birthday that I didn't forget.
Mia Zapata of The Gits would have turned 41 today.
Everyone should have a little Gits lovefest tonight. :D
Adding to my post yesterday, I should add that if anyone needs help with the torrent stuff or where on the site the download is, just ask me. It took me forever to transfer that video, and it must be spread around!
Now, idle offer that everyone will probably ignore: If anyone else enjoys collecting bootlegs, here is my bootleg list; contact me if interested for a trade.
Head's up: I uploaded the video of The Gits' last show on to It's a smallish DVD download (2.43 GB); it's easy enough to sign up for an account on that site, too, so you can grab it if you want.
None of you guys would happen to have any Malfunkshun mp3's you'd be able to send me would you? They're one of the only bands I seem to be missing at the moment. I've got the others. The Meat Puppets, Green River, Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chain, Nirvana, 7 Year Bitch...Just need Malfunkshun. Any help would be appreciated.
Last night, I stumbled upon this petition. It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally got what their problem was.
Eljay seems to want to move toward being more MySpacey. Their last news post neither confirms nor denies that rumour. SixApart is also launching Vox, which seems to have no real purpose beside being yet another thinly disguised MySpace clone and an alternative to Eljay.
If the unthinkable happens, and Eljay does go the way of MySpace, many will be fleeding this site. The biggest alternative spot seems to be Greatest Journal. If any of you ever jump ship to that site, I set up a grunge_cult community there, in case you'd be interested in that. I'm still working on prettifying it, but it is up.
I also put one on Caleida, but I'm only on that site to stalk one particular user, and that place is not as cool as Greatest Journal.
I don't know the seat numbers (have yet to look at them), but 2 relatives can't make it to Pearl Jam in Washington DC (7:30PM) at the Verizon Ctr. tonight. If there are any local fans in the Baltimore, Annapolis, DC area that want to meet in Annapolis to pick them up in person...
Email soupjams at ASAP.
Price paid $70 each, 2 tkts - will sell for $100 both, can meet you half-way between Annapolis and DC if needed.
The PJ video says that it is free until June 1st, but Google video caches to the hard drive (you can save it if you want), and it is on other sites, so I don't know what is up with that.
And a head's up: if you are interested and haven't seen it, an audience recording of one of PJ's Chicago shows (from about a week ago) is up Zomb Torrents and Youkan Torrents.
OK, that stuff put in, so this post isn't totally off-topic.
I asked the people on my frenz list this, but no one answered, and it's driving me crazy.
I downloaded some bootlegs of a band called Pork: an all-female punkish band from Texas.
None of the shows have a setlist, but I figured out those, with the exception of five songs. Unless the band has some songs that I don't know about, these mystery songs are covers, and Google is not helping me. The songs: