Papers by Eman Mousavinejad

2015 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC), 2015
The steer-by-wire (SbW) system, in which the conventional mechanical linkage between the steering... more The steer-by-wire (SbW) system, in which the conventional mechanical linkage between the steering wheel and the front wheel is removed, is capable of acting as an actuator for the active front steering system enhancing vehicle handling performance and safety. Several control strategies have been utilized to control the front wheel subsystem, which is the main part of the SbW system, and the steering response of SbW in the presence of system uncertainties and external disturbance has been improved; however, improvement of the controller transient response is not considered in most of these control strategies. In this paper a nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) control method for the front wheel subsystem is first established. The NFTSM technique aims to provide a fast transient response for the front wheel tracking controller in the existence of system uncertainties and disturbance including the tire self-aligning torque, Coulomb friction torque and variation of road condi...

Advances in electronic technology have had a profound impact on the design and development of mod... more Advances in electronic technology have had a profound impact on the design and development of modern vehicle systems. These advances have provided the basis for a research into active vehicle control paradigm with the aim of improving vehicle safety and its dynamic performance. The vehicle stability control (VSC) concept has recently been born in response to such a research challenge. Its refinement is looking for an algorithm able of integrating vehicle dynamics control (IVDC) by way of coordinating the active front steering (AFS) system and direct yaw-moment control (DYC) system. Thus, when the vehicle is in the normal driving situation, the AFS system is involved for handling enhancement; however, as the vehicle reaches the handling limits, both the AFS and DYC systems are integrated to ensure the vehicle stability. Recent research into VSC has indicated that the IVDC concept may be able to enhance the handling and stability of ground vehicle by controlling the main two control objectives, yaw rate and body sideslip angle, effectively in severe cornering manoeuvres and the steady-state condition, and several control strategies have been investigated to design an IVDC system. However, most of these control methods have not been focused on improving the transient response for vehicle yaw rate and sideslip angle tracking controllers in the presence of vehicle dynamics uncertainties and external disturbance. Therefore, further improvement of the transient response for the tracking controllers is still the most needed research topics. This study is aimed at identifying the best robust control method able of providing a fast transient response in finite time while controlling the vehicle in actual driving situation and under the presence of external disturbances. More precisely, it: ï‚· Formulated a vehicle dynamics model that captures the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of a ground vehicle to permit a realistic evaluation of vehicle stability. ï‚· Designed and developed a DYC strategy which focuses on a common problem of actuation of all wheels braking system; and ï‚· Integrated advanced types of terminal sliding mode control method in order to enhance transient responses of tracking controllers. The proposed control system is capable of improving the transient responses characteristics including rise time, maximum overshoot, and settling time, of the tracking controllers with good robustness against uncertainties and external disturbances and also reducing the chattering phenomenon. A further step would be towards focusing on integration of the stand-alone controllers using the control allocation technique. Moreover, findings from this study can be further improved through the implementation of the proposed control structure on vehicles for experimental testing in a real time. ii STATEMENT OF ORGINALITY This work has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself. SEYED EMAN MOUSAVINEJAD iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been completed without the help of my supervisors, Prof. Ljubo Vlacic and Dr. Yong Zhu. I express my deepest gratitude to Prof. Ljubo Vlacic for his guidance, criticism, encouragements and logistic support throughout the research. Special thanks must also go to Prof. Qing-Long Han for the advice and direction gave me throughout my publications. I would like to thank my dearest darling wife, Samira, for her moral support and constant love. I would express a deep sense of gratitude to my parents for their moral support and self-sacrifice throughout my whole life. I offer sincere thanks to my elder brother, his kind wife and my lovely niece, Ayla, who always strengthened my morale by standing by me in all situations, and finally I would like to thank my best friend Amir. iv PUBLICATIONS Mousavinejad, I.E., Zhu, Y., and Vlacic, L. (2015). Control strategies for improving ground vehicle stability: state-of-the-art review.

Until 1960s, control systems consisted mainly of mechanical or analog electronic devices exchangi... more Until 1960s, control systems consisted mainly of mechanical or analog electronic devices exchanging information among system components, i.e., sensors, controllers, and actuators, via wired communication. However, recent advancement in computer and communication industries have led to the growing use of Internet, embedded systems, wireless and digital communication technologies in many industrial control systems and transformed them into Networked Control Systems (NCSs). A defining feature of an NCS is that it consists of a number of devices implemented distributively so that system information is exchanged through a shared communication network. In light of many distinct advantages of NCSs including flexible architectures and less installation and maintenance costs, the development and application of NCSs have been recently boosted in a wide range of practical areas and critical infrastructures including transportation systems, electrical power systems and smart grids, remote surge...

IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2019
This paper studies an attack detection problem for a networked leader-following multi-agent syste... more This paper studies an attack detection problem for a networked leader-following multi-agent system subject to unknown-but-bounded system noises and quantization effects, where an adversary launches malicious cyber attacks on agents' measurement outputs aiming to distrust the leader-following consensus. An effective distributed attack detection algorithm is firstly developed for each follower such that the attack can be identified at the time of its occurrence. The core of the algorithm lies in a set-membership filtering approach from which each designed filter can provide an ellipsoidal state prediction set and an ellipsoidal state estimation set. Whether a filter can detect the occurrence of such an attack is then determined by the existence of intersection between these two sets. Furthermore, a convex optimization algorithm is established to solve out anticipated consensus protocol and two-step set-membership filter by resorting to some recursive linear matrix inequalities. Fi...

2017 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), Dec 1, 2017
This paper is concerned with cyber-physical attack detection problem in networked control systems... more This paper is concerned with cyber-physical attack detection problem in networked control systems subject to limited communication bandwidth. This constraint arises when an attack detection system is located at a remote site and so the required signals, measurement output and control signals, need to be transmitted over a digital communication channel. Therefore, data before being sent to the remote site must be encoded and converted from analog signals to digital signals by using quantizer. A quantizer maps the amount of information from a continuous space to a finite set which is compatible with the limited communication bandwidth. Considering the quantized measurement output, a detection algorithm by means of a set-membership filtering approach will be proposed. The algorithm consists of a prediction ellipsoid set and an estimation ellipsoid set updated with the quantized measurement output. The detection method depends on the existence of intersection between two sets computed by the filter. Simulation results for some possible physical and cyber attacks are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Jun 1, 2018
This paper is concerned with cyber attack detection problem in a platoon-based vehicular networke... more This paper is concerned with cyber attack detection problem in a platoon-based vehicular networked control system. In such a system, the information among vehicles is transmitted through a shared wireless communication network and also each vehicle has access to its own information measured by local sensors. These kind of systems are highly vulnerable to cyber attacks and therefore, cyber-security issues need to be properly addressed to ensure the safety of the systems. Among various cyber-security aspects, reliable attack detection is of utmost importance as the ability to detect cyber attacks in a timely manner can reduce the damage to the systems. Therefore, we present a cyber attack detection algorithm that is capable of detecting attacks violating both measurements and control command data. This algorithm is based on an ellipsoidal set-membership filtering approach which consists of two sets: prediction ellipsoid set and an estimation ellipsoid set calculated through updating the prediction ellipsoid set with the measurement data. The detection method depends on the existence of intersection between these two sets computed by the filter. Simulation results for some possible cyber attacks are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2021
This paper is concerned with the problem of distributed joint state and sensor fault estimation f... more This paper is concerned with the problem of distributed joint state and sensor fault estimation for autonomous ground vehicles subject to unknown-but-bounded (UBB) external disturbance and measurement noise. In order to improve the estimation reliability and performance in cases of poor data collection and potential communication interruption, a multi-sensor network configuration is presented to cooperatively measure the vehicular yaw rate, and further compute local state and fault estimates. Toward this aim, an augmented descriptor vehicle model is first established, where the unknown sensor fault is modeled as an auxiliary state of the system model. Then, a new distributed ellipsoidal set-membership estimation approach is developed so as to construct an optimized bounding ellipsoidal set which guarantees to contain the vehicle’s true state and the sensor fault at each time step despite the existence of UBB disturbance and measurement noises. Furthermore, a convex optimization algo...

IET Control Theory & Applications
In this study, a novel output feedback model predictive control based on ellipsoidal set-membersh... more In this study, a novel output feedback model predictive control based on ellipsoidal set-membership state estimation is proposed for systems with unknown but bounded external disturbances. The set-membership state estimation is utilised to estimate the current system states for the optimisation of model predictive control such that the actual states are not required. Ellipsoidal set-membership estimation guarantees that the real system state lies in the ellipsoid originated from the estimated state. The control inputs computed by solving the optimisation problem recursively regulate the system state to converge to a domain containing the origin. All the quadratic matrix inequality conditions are conservatively approximated as linear matrix inequality conditions such that the optimisation problems can be solved by using semi-definite programming. System constraints are analysed over all the prediction horizon and transformed into linear matrix inequalities for the direct incorporation into the optimisation. Simulation examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
This article is concerned with the resilient tracking control of a networked control system under... more This article is concerned with the resilient tracking control of a networked control system under cyber attacks. The attacker is an active adversary whose aim is to severely degrade the tracking performance of the system by launching deception attacks on the sensor-to-controller communication channels and denial-of-service attacks on the controller-to-plant channels, respectively. First, a concept of resilient set-membership tracking control is presented, through which the system's true state is guaranteed to reside in a bounding ellipsoidal set of the reference state regardless of the existence of attacks and unknown-butbounded (UBB) noises. Second, in the case that full information of the system's state is not implicitly trusted in the presence of attacks, a resilient set-membership estimation strategy is provided to secure the state estimates against the deception attacks. Furthermore, based on a recursive computation of a reference state ellipsoid and confidence state estimation ellipsoids, a convex optimization algorithm in terms of recursive linear matrix inequalities is proposed to obtain the gain parameters for both the desired resilient state estimator and the tracking controller. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated through an Internet-based three-tank system.

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
This paper is concerned with the distributed attack detection and recovery in a vehicle platoonin... more This paper is concerned with the distributed attack detection and recovery in a vehicle platooning control system, wherein inter-vehicle information is propagated via a wireless communication network. An active adversary may launch malicious cyber attacks to compromise both sensor measurements and control command data due to the openness of the wireless communication. First, a distributed attack detection algorithm is developed to identify any of those attacks. The core of the algorithm lies in that each designed filter can provide two ellipsoidal sets: a state prediction set and a state estimation set. Whether a filter can detect the occurrence of such an attack is determined by the existence of intersection between these two sets. Second, two recovery mechanisms are put forward, through which the adversarial effects of cyber attacks can be mitigated in a timely manner. The recovery mechanisms depend on reliable modifications of the attacked signals required for the computation of the two ellipsoidal sets. Finally, simulation is provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in both detection and recovery phases.
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Vehicle System Dynamics, 2016
2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2015
As a result, an effective VSC strategy is required to enhance the transient response so that the ... more As a result, an effective VSC strategy is required to enhance the transient response so that the vehicle is able to follow the desired motion characteristics in a fast performance.
ABSTRACT Nowadays, Electric Power Steering (EPS) system has been developed and has been widely us... more ABSTRACT Nowadays, Electric Power Steering (EPS) system has been developed and has been widely used in produced cars. By the advent of Steer-By-Wire (SBW) systems auto-industries are striving to achieve the purposes of ESP by the new introduced system, ...
Steer-By-Wire ( SBW ) has several advantages of packaging flexibility , advanced vehicle control ... more Steer-By-Wire ( SBW ) has several advantages of packaging flexibility , advanced vehicle control system ,and superior performance . SBW has no mechanical linkage between the steering gear and the steering column. It is possible to control the steering wheel and the front-wheel steering independently. SBW system is composed of two motors controlled by ECU. One motor in the steering wheel is to improve the driver's steering feel and the other motor in the steering linkage is to improve the vehicle maneuverability and stability. This paper shows a new approach at modeling of SBW system by Bond Graph theory. The mechanical parts , the steering wheel motor and the front wheel motor will be modeled by this theory. The work in the paper will help to guide further researches on control algorithm of the SBW system .

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014
The electric power steering (EPS) system was developed and the steer-by-wire (SBW) system achieve... more The electric power steering (EPS) system was developed and the steer-by-wire (SBW) system achieves the purposes of EPS. The advantages of SBW are packaging flexibility, advanced vehicle control system, and superior performance. No mechanical linkage exists between the steering gear and steering column in the SBW system. The steering wheel and front-wheel steering can be controlled independently. The SBW system consists of two motors controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU). One motor is in the steering wheel and develops the steering feel of the driver and the other motor is in the steering linkage and improves vehicle maneuverability and stability. Moreover, the active front steering (AFS) system can be added to the SBW system. AFS reduces the difference between actual and estimated vehicle yaw rate. Up-to-date information from the steering wheel enables drivers to identify road conditions through the tire force, which should be fed back to the steering wheel. Furthermore, several control algorithms related to the vehicle and motor can be used together through the self-aligning torque, which is fed back to the steering wheel. This study proposes a method to control the vehicle yaw rate through an SBW system. This control method is based on a PID control method for the steering-wheel-motor controller, as well as on a sliding mode control (SMC) method for the front-wheel-motor controller and yaw stability controller. The SBW system is modeled using a bond graph method. Results imply that the controllers are robust enough when in contact with nonlinear properties of tire and road conditions. This study is expected to guide further research on the SBW system. sion is removed because of the absence of the steering column. Moreover, using the active front system (AFS) system improves vehicle stability, dynamics, and maneuverability.
2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 2015
As a result, an effective VSC strategy is required to enhance the transient response so that the ... more As a result, an effective VSC strategy is required to enhance the transient response so that the vehicle is able to follow the desired motion characteristics in a fast performance.
Papers by Eman Mousavinejad