Advanced Journal of Theatre and Film Studies, 2023
TfD is the acronym for Theatre for Development – a development practice that utilises performance... more TfD is the acronym for Theatre for Development – a development practice that utilises performance as a participatory tool in awakening the consciousness of the disadvantaged in the society for real action in finding solution to their problems. The importance of TfD, therefore, as a vital Development Communication tool cannot be overemphasised. However, the demands of contemporary TfD practice in an era of electronic culture inundated with varying degrees of challenges ranging from constraints in time and distance, inadequate availability of human resources and production facilities among other socio-economic and technological challenges now transcend solo stage performances alone. Although the stage has incontrovertibly remained the ‘mother’ performance medium as evidently appropriated in TfD; change and transformation of the society has, however, necessitated the expedient digitilisation and aligning of TfD communication with the electronic media for the animator, facilitator, and practitioner to interact at a larger scale to be able to make meaningful impact through the process of mass communication. The discourse is an attempt at reinforcing the evolution of Intersection Performance TfD Theory – Intersection Performance Technique [IPT] – birthed to offer a new performance approach in TfD practice aimed at a more effective realisation of performance objectives, to make it relevant to the realities of our time. IPT, therefore, is a radicalising development communication approach which emphasises a set of techniques that utilise potentials of other genres and media apart from the stage to put the animators' message across. This technique which utilises modern technology facilities is designed to enhance TfD performances in order to effectively bring issues in performance and development communication contexts to the clarity of participating audiences; as well as facilitate the realisation of the overall goals of TfD initiatives, as a problem solving enterprise.
The crucial role of a director as a creative interpreter of the playwright's idea cannot be overe... more The crucial role of a director as a creative interpreter of the playwright's idea cannot be overemphasized; neither is his indispensable intersecting roles in harmonizing the dynamics of the elements that converge to give rise to a theatrical production experience. The study appraises the ramifying dynamics in the integrated and collaborative efforts involved in realizing a successful play production experience, not only in the academic environment, but also in all play production contexts; and essentially focuses on the peculiar challenges encountered by trainee student directors as well as the possible prospects accruing from a successful navigation of such challenges. Through qualitative analysis, these ramifying dynamics and associated issues are critically explored using Oluseyi Ogungbesan's Okonkwo as produced and staged in Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Auditorium, Gregory University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria as paradigm; and a platform to not only reinforce, but also universalize the collective challenge encountered by trainee student directors in the academia at large, and the auspicious prospective vistas which the courageous embattling of such challenges, and triumph thereof, can hold up to them in advancing their directorial visions and development, as well as practice and professionalism.
The study explores the importance of literature, especially children's novels, as vital instrumen... more The study explores the importance of literature, especially children's novels, as vital instrument in educating Nigerian children. It is an exploration that takes full recognition of the significant position of children not only in the family and society at large, but also as future generation and leaders of tomorrow as well as potential flagbearers of the nation which should not be taken for granted. Through detailed textual and contextual analysis and qualitative research approach, the study x-rays Ifeoma Okoye's literary creative prowess in expressing her concerns for the proper education and development of the Nigerian child using No Supper for Eze and Village Boy as paradigm. The works are based on experiences which children encounter in their daily lives and therefore can be readily identified with. As a result of the author's creative employment of cohesive plots, themes, styles and characterization in her stories as avenues for inculcating moral lessons to children, the novels amply demonstrate powerful didactic ways of imparting essential lessons of hard work, courage, bravery, ambition, determination, honesty, encouragement and perseverance in children. The selected works educate children from their domestic milieu which is a befitting starting point for their early education and seek to didactically propel them towards effective integration into the society, while at the same time enrolling them as potential flagbearers of the nation.
American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
This study investigates the contemporary environmental risks of air pollution and heat waves, the... more This study investigates the contemporary environmental risks of air pollution and heat waves, their causes, and their impacts in Pakistan. The research aims to find out the reasons behind the response challenges despite introducing policy programs such as National Climate Change Policy Framework and initiatives like The Billion Tree Tsunami. This study has used a qualitative research approach by adding a case study analysis and an environmental expert’s opinion. The key findings have revealed that compared to the past, the nature of causes behind rising air pollution and intense heat waves has changed. Heavy traffic flow, stop-and-go traffic phenomenon, uncontrolled emissions, and rapid shifts in rainfall are the principal factors that harm Pakistan’s environment. From the expert’s point of view, the study also reveals that the response mechanism is facing hurdles due to institutional dissonance and lack of capacity building. Further, the findings suggest that a multi-layered approa...
Examples in Alternative Theatre practice across most nations in African as in many other develope... more Examples in Alternative Theatre practice across most nations in African as in many other developed/developing nations of the world which has come under various names but commonly referred to as Theatre for Development because of its role in addressing people's development, abound today. Similarly abounding are testimonies on its impact from earliest practices-from the
The concept of development communication is a clear pointer to the interrelationship between comm... more The concept of development communication is a clear pointer to the interrelationship between communication and development and the fact that the process of communication can be effectively applied to achieve development purposes. In development communication, the major aim of communication is to bring about the process of development. Theatre as a communicative art is a highly dynamic and powerful conscientisation medium, and as such, integral to communication, as it is to development, establishing its importance and unique role as an invaluable development communication instrument. Anchoring on the truism of the above statement, and reinforced by the participatory development communication model, the paper refocuses the Esuk Ewang and Ibaka Communities of Mbo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria's Environmental Theatre for Development Project, to highlight the true nature of theatre in the context of development as well as the interrelationship between communicatio...
Effective communication is essential for mass mobilization for food security goals achievement in... more Effective communication is essential for mass mobilization for food security goals achievement in Nigeria. For any development programme or task to be accomplished in the community, there must be a conscious and effective use of existing resources of the mass media. The fact that the whole world, including Nigeria is facing the hydraheaded phenomenon known as economic meltdown cannot be overemphasized. One sure way of mitigating this rising phenomenon is to ensure sustainable food security in the nation by laying emphasis on the development of agriculture and agro-allied sectors. The study seeks to drive the need for community radio initiatives that explore sensitization and enlightenment programmes on issues that are geared towards mobilizing the citizenry for food security. Historical and library research methods were employed for analysis in this study. The study submits that there is a significant relationship between food security and media in development, should community radio be given serious attention.
The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and its associated health and socio-economic cons... more The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and its associated health and socio-economic consequences evidently triggered off global concern among governmental and non-governmental bodies towards sensitisation efforts on what the masses need to know/do in order to stay safe amidst persistent spread of the virus. The study was aimed at critically examining the crucial role of ‘information’ in shaping a people’s perception of [and of course response to] their social environment and its configurations, with particular reference to COVID-19 pandemic. Case study and qualitative research approach was employed in this study and explored through critical survey of “The Marginalised Ears” TfD and PV intervention documentary project of Theatre Arts Department, AE-FUNAI, Nigeria, carried out in four communities in Southeast Nigeria to assess the impact of COVID-19 media reportage on rural dwellers, especially the aged and most vulnerable, who may not have access to electronic media. Findin...
American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 2022
Studies have clearly shown that there are numerous health benefits accruing from breastfeeding, n... more Studies have clearly shown that there are numerous health benefits accruing from breastfeeding, not only to infants but mothers also. However, adherence to breastfeeding practice remains a key challenge facing mothers and maternal health providers. The study which adopted survey research approach critically examined audience response to media campaign on the importance of breastfeeding in Arochukwu community of Abia State, Nigeria to determine the factors that actually militate against its practice as an ideal, healthy and accepted norm. Structured questionnaire was the principal instrument of data collection. A number of 185 respondents were randomly selected from seven health centers in the area, representing the population of the study. The data obtained were analyzed using tables and simple percentage calculation and graphs respectively to elucidate on the findings. Findings reveal that civilization/new cultural ideas were contributory to the decline in breastfeeding rate in Arochukwu. It was also found that there was a huge influence of the effects of social perception and lack of education resulting to mothers' neglect of breastfeeding practice in the area. Hence, the study concludes that the media and stakeholders in the health sector need to do more to effectively make mothers appreciate and appropriate the invaluable benefits of breastfeeding practice. It further recommends that conscious efforts should always be made by media campaigners to appropriately select and utilize suitable media channels for effective realization of objectives; more so, in the present context of addressing this key challenge of non-adherence to breastfeeding practice facing mothers generally, and particularly young mothers.
The study is aimed at a retrospective examination of the interventionist educational broadcasting... more The study is aimed at a retrospective examination of the interventionist educational broadcasting effort of the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State, Nigeria in mitigating the worrisome challenge presented by Covid-19 pandemic with the total crumbling of educational activities in the state. Survey research approach is adopted in this study, while anchoring on Crisis Intervention Theory and relying primarily on observational indices and relevant literature analysis of the qualitative research methodology. Hence, in consideration of the significant position which education occupies as the livewire of many nations and the urgency with which to tackle this great challenge that confronted it, with half of the world's school and university students in many nations already affected by class closures, many well-meaning individuals and organisations had concernedly raised a clarion call for an electronic (online/distant) learning option as possible solution. However, with the startling digital divides between the rich and the poor which rendered computer/internet use at home inaccessible to so many young people, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, coupled with other attendant challenges like constant power supply, it was only apparent that effective online teaching and learning option remained but a far-cry. It was in cognisance of this rather disheartening reality, therefore, that the interventionist educational effort of the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia (BCA), which the study refocuses, became not only imperative, but also laudable as a viable option in contending with the prevailing emergency and challenge which COVID-19 pandemic presented at the time.
Desperate situation, as the popular maxim holds, calls for desperate measure. Overwhelmed with gr... more Desperate situation, as the popular maxim holds, calls for desperate measure. Overwhelmed with great fear of their speedily looming annihilation in the hands of the indomitable Israelites in the course and actualisation of their 'Mission Promised Land' mandate, in so dire and tragic a fix that unless a corresponding swift action is taken, the ensuing catastrophe would only be better imagined; the Gibeonites had to invoke their skillful mimetic instincts apparently as a last resort in successfully averting the sweeping danger and destruction that confronted them. It was an extreme desperate move to ensure that they were not only spared from their impending annihilation as a nation, but such that also guaranteed their continued survival. Anchored on Ronald Rogers' protection motivation theory (PMT) and critical textual analysis, the study x-rays the ramifying implications of the Gibeonites' contrived overture towards the Israelites in their dogged command actualisation mission, through a mimetic lens; an overture through which they were able to secure a rather sly treaty from the Israelites in becoming their ally-a kind of positive ongoing relationship-and more so, in averting their apparently looming and almost inevitable destruction. The study is not only a salient commentary on the universality of human error in judging things by their outward appearance, but it also casts a remarkable didactic reflection on the universality of the nature of the 'integrity' of human relationships and the necessity for extreme caution in all levels of human interactions and undertakings.
Received: February 20, 2020 Accepted: February 27, 2020 Published: March 31, 2020 Volume: 2 Issue... more Received: February 20, 2020 Accepted: February 27, 2020 Published: March 31, 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 The success of every business, media management inclusive, depends on the managers' ability to recognize and adapt to socio-political, economic, cultural, and technological as well as other prevailing dynamics of the host environment. The implication of the foregoing is that for the media to succeed in the discharge of their functions, the imperative for effective management cannot be overemphasized. In other words, a good knowledge of journalism, as much necessary as it is, is not enough prerequisite for effective management of media organizations, especially in a prevailing depressed economy like ours. With their strategic location as the Fourth Estate of the Realm, the media industry in Nigeria has no doubt continued to grow in size and responsibility. Such growth in turn inevitably places higher demands on effective management of the industry. Against this backdrop, especiall...
Breakthroughs in science and technology have no doubt brought about tremendous enhancement of eff... more Breakthroughs in science and technology have no doubt brought about tremendous enhancement of effective communication process; validating science and technology’s invaluable role in human communication activities. This positive trend which has brought about the development of satellite as a Space Technology has proved greatly instrumental in laying the foundation for effective communication structure by guaranteeing the availability of speedy access to real-time data and geospatial information which have similarly proved impactful on virtually all human development effort. The Federal Government of Nigeria, fully aware of the implication of the above in its aspiration towards the attainment of rapid and sustainable socioeconomic development, took conscious steps to facilitate the launch of NIGCOMSAT-1, to key into this auspicious communication technological trend. Hence, the role of NIGCOMSAT: the first communications satellite for Nigeria, which was successfully launched into the o...
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been introduced to virtually all aspects of hu... more Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been introduced to virtually all aspects of human endeavour. The developments in the areas of ICT application have become very rapid especially with the need for all broadcast stations to become digitalised. This study investigated the availability, accessibility and influence of ICT tools in programme production; and thus evaluated the options available for programme producers in utilising ICT facilities to facilitate the processes as well as improve contents of the programmes in the broadcast stations in South East Nigeria. Four sets of population – broadcast stations (33); programme producers (271); select audience (infinite), and programme production managers (33) – were studied. A sample of 30% was randomly selected and studied from each population. The study adopted mixed methods research design in a triangulation of survey, observation and content analysis. Finally, the data were descriptively analysed and thematically e...
Democratisation from time immemorial has been a people-oriented phenomenon. While development in ... more Democratisation from time immemorial has been a people-oriented phenomenon. While development in the context of this discourse points to change – positive change, which involves the improvement of the quality of people’s situation/condition; considering Alternative Theatre in the light of the above topic, therefore, implies the galvanising of the consciousness of the people towards active participation in addressing their development needs and aspirations. This simply emphasises the planning of activities aimed at directing this process of change essentially from the perspective of the people. Through the platform of Alternative Theatre – a veering from the conventional theatre tradition, this paper highlights the instrumentality and effectiveness of a remarkably burgeoning and diversifying performance tradition in democratising this development process.
The creation of a believable reality in a film story requires appropriate application of both vis... more The creation of a believable reality in a film story requires appropriate application of both visual and auditory elements to achieve an effective communication. Thus, the film medium is a vital instrument in the hands of man for the transformation of his natural world and the projection of his ideal world to other human beings. Film is one of the fascinating and easiest means of communication in Nigeria, due to its wide range of audience consumption. Hence, the audience invariably accentuates the reality of the filmic experience. The concept of audience in film studies highlights a collective of people who are responsive to film viewership. The audience is necessary for filmmakers’ profit, and as such filmmakers construct their film very specifically in the hope of pulling substantial audience turnouts, which readily predisposes the filmmakers’ product to be predominantly audience-driven. Through the films produced, the audience is educated and entertained. This is therefore an obv...
This study is sequel to “Trends in the Development of Alternative Theatre Practice: The Ahmadu Be... more This study is sequel to “Trends in the Development of Alternative Theatre Practice: The Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Example”. Unarguably, development in trends in the practice of Alternative Theatre in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria has been established from the foregoing study to have been dictated and directed by emergent constraints/limitations in the process. It is this transitional development, therefore, which was initiated on the platform of the Samaru Project, and then progressed into the Community Theatre, that ultimately gave rise to Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance [NPTA], a Non Governmental Organisation [NGO] that is not, however, bound by the university thrust to work with communities, using theatre as a tool for development. This study, therefore, focuses on Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance [NPTA] as a further dimension in trends of Alternative Theatre practice in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, to examine its role in the vanguard of The...
Advanced Journal of Theatre and Film Studies, 2023
TfD is the acronym for Theatre for Development – a development practice that utilises performance... more TfD is the acronym for Theatre for Development – a development practice that utilises performance as a participatory tool in awakening the consciousness of the disadvantaged in the society for real action in finding solution to their problems. The importance of TfD, therefore, as a vital Development Communication tool cannot be overemphasised. However, the demands of contemporary TfD practice in an era of electronic culture inundated with varying degrees of challenges ranging from constraints in time and distance, inadequate availability of human resources and production facilities among other socio-economic and technological challenges now transcend solo stage performances alone. Although the stage has incontrovertibly remained the ‘mother’ performance medium as evidently appropriated in TfD; change and transformation of the society has, however, necessitated the expedient digitilisation and aligning of TfD communication with the electronic media for the animator, facilitator, and practitioner to interact at a larger scale to be able to make meaningful impact through the process of mass communication. The discourse is an attempt at reinforcing the evolution of Intersection Performance TfD Theory – Intersection Performance Technique [IPT] – birthed to offer a new performance approach in TfD practice aimed at a more effective realisation of performance objectives, to make it relevant to the realities of our time. IPT, therefore, is a radicalising development communication approach which emphasises a set of techniques that utilise potentials of other genres and media apart from the stage to put the animators' message across. This technique which utilises modern technology facilities is designed to enhance TfD performances in order to effectively bring issues in performance and development communication contexts to the clarity of participating audiences; as well as facilitate the realisation of the overall goals of TfD initiatives, as a problem solving enterprise.
The crucial role of a director as a creative interpreter of the playwright's idea cannot be overe... more The crucial role of a director as a creative interpreter of the playwright's idea cannot be overemphasized; neither is his indispensable intersecting roles in harmonizing the dynamics of the elements that converge to give rise to a theatrical production experience. The study appraises the ramifying dynamics in the integrated and collaborative efforts involved in realizing a successful play production experience, not only in the academic environment, but also in all play production contexts; and essentially focuses on the peculiar challenges encountered by trainee student directors as well as the possible prospects accruing from a successful navigation of such challenges. Through qualitative analysis, these ramifying dynamics and associated issues are critically explored using Oluseyi Ogungbesan's Okonkwo as produced and staged in Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Auditorium, Gregory University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria as paradigm; and a platform to not only reinforce, but also universalize the collective challenge encountered by trainee student directors in the academia at large, and the auspicious prospective vistas which the courageous embattling of such challenges, and triumph thereof, can hold up to them in advancing their directorial visions and development, as well as practice and professionalism.
The study explores the importance of literature, especially children's novels, as vital instrumen... more The study explores the importance of literature, especially children's novels, as vital instrument in educating Nigerian children. It is an exploration that takes full recognition of the significant position of children not only in the family and society at large, but also as future generation and leaders of tomorrow as well as potential flagbearers of the nation which should not be taken for granted. Through detailed textual and contextual analysis and qualitative research approach, the study x-rays Ifeoma Okoye's literary creative prowess in expressing her concerns for the proper education and development of the Nigerian child using No Supper for Eze and Village Boy as paradigm. The works are based on experiences which children encounter in their daily lives and therefore can be readily identified with. As a result of the author's creative employment of cohesive plots, themes, styles and characterization in her stories as avenues for inculcating moral lessons to children, the novels amply demonstrate powerful didactic ways of imparting essential lessons of hard work, courage, bravery, ambition, determination, honesty, encouragement and perseverance in children. The selected works educate children from their domestic milieu which is a befitting starting point for their early education and seek to didactically propel them towards effective integration into the society, while at the same time enrolling them as potential flagbearers of the nation.
American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
This study investigates the contemporary environmental risks of air pollution and heat waves, the... more This study investigates the contemporary environmental risks of air pollution and heat waves, their causes, and their impacts in Pakistan. The research aims to find out the reasons behind the response challenges despite introducing policy programs such as National Climate Change Policy Framework and initiatives like The Billion Tree Tsunami. This study has used a qualitative research approach by adding a case study analysis and an environmental expert’s opinion. The key findings have revealed that compared to the past, the nature of causes behind rising air pollution and intense heat waves has changed. Heavy traffic flow, stop-and-go traffic phenomenon, uncontrolled emissions, and rapid shifts in rainfall are the principal factors that harm Pakistan’s environment. From the expert’s point of view, the study also reveals that the response mechanism is facing hurdles due to institutional dissonance and lack of capacity building. Further, the findings suggest that a multi-layered approa...
Examples in Alternative Theatre practice across most nations in African as in many other develope... more Examples in Alternative Theatre practice across most nations in African as in many other developed/developing nations of the world which has come under various names but commonly referred to as Theatre for Development because of its role in addressing people's development, abound today. Similarly abounding are testimonies on its impact from earliest practices-from the
The concept of development communication is a clear pointer to the interrelationship between comm... more The concept of development communication is a clear pointer to the interrelationship between communication and development and the fact that the process of communication can be effectively applied to achieve development purposes. In development communication, the major aim of communication is to bring about the process of development. Theatre as a communicative art is a highly dynamic and powerful conscientisation medium, and as such, integral to communication, as it is to development, establishing its importance and unique role as an invaluable development communication instrument. Anchoring on the truism of the above statement, and reinforced by the participatory development communication model, the paper refocuses the Esuk Ewang and Ibaka Communities of Mbo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria's Environmental Theatre for Development Project, to highlight the true nature of theatre in the context of development as well as the interrelationship between communicatio...
Effective communication is essential for mass mobilization for food security goals achievement in... more Effective communication is essential for mass mobilization for food security goals achievement in Nigeria. For any development programme or task to be accomplished in the community, there must be a conscious and effective use of existing resources of the mass media. The fact that the whole world, including Nigeria is facing the hydraheaded phenomenon known as economic meltdown cannot be overemphasized. One sure way of mitigating this rising phenomenon is to ensure sustainable food security in the nation by laying emphasis on the development of agriculture and agro-allied sectors. The study seeks to drive the need for community radio initiatives that explore sensitization and enlightenment programmes on issues that are geared towards mobilizing the citizenry for food security. Historical and library research methods were employed for analysis in this study. The study submits that there is a significant relationship between food security and media in development, should community radio be given serious attention.
The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and its associated health and socio-economic cons... more The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and its associated health and socio-economic consequences evidently triggered off global concern among governmental and non-governmental bodies towards sensitisation efforts on what the masses need to know/do in order to stay safe amidst persistent spread of the virus. The study was aimed at critically examining the crucial role of ‘information’ in shaping a people’s perception of [and of course response to] their social environment and its configurations, with particular reference to COVID-19 pandemic. Case study and qualitative research approach was employed in this study and explored through critical survey of “The Marginalised Ears” TfD and PV intervention documentary project of Theatre Arts Department, AE-FUNAI, Nigeria, carried out in four communities in Southeast Nigeria to assess the impact of COVID-19 media reportage on rural dwellers, especially the aged and most vulnerable, who may not have access to electronic media. Findin...
American International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 2022
Studies have clearly shown that there are numerous health benefits accruing from breastfeeding, n... more Studies have clearly shown that there are numerous health benefits accruing from breastfeeding, not only to infants but mothers also. However, adherence to breastfeeding practice remains a key challenge facing mothers and maternal health providers. The study which adopted survey research approach critically examined audience response to media campaign on the importance of breastfeeding in Arochukwu community of Abia State, Nigeria to determine the factors that actually militate against its practice as an ideal, healthy and accepted norm. Structured questionnaire was the principal instrument of data collection. A number of 185 respondents were randomly selected from seven health centers in the area, representing the population of the study. The data obtained were analyzed using tables and simple percentage calculation and graphs respectively to elucidate on the findings. Findings reveal that civilization/new cultural ideas were contributory to the decline in breastfeeding rate in Arochukwu. It was also found that there was a huge influence of the effects of social perception and lack of education resulting to mothers' neglect of breastfeeding practice in the area. Hence, the study concludes that the media and stakeholders in the health sector need to do more to effectively make mothers appreciate and appropriate the invaluable benefits of breastfeeding practice. It further recommends that conscious efforts should always be made by media campaigners to appropriately select and utilize suitable media channels for effective realization of objectives; more so, in the present context of addressing this key challenge of non-adherence to breastfeeding practice facing mothers generally, and particularly young mothers.
The study is aimed at a retrospective examination of the interventionist educational broadcasting... more The study is aimed at a retrospective examination of the interventionist educational broadcasting effort of the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State, Nigeria in mitigating the worrisome challenge presented by Covid-19 pandemic with the total crumbling of educational activities in the state. Survey research approach is adopted in this study, while anchoring on Crisis Intervention Theory and relying primarily on observational indices and relevant literature analysis of the qualitative research methodology. Hence, in consideration of the significant position which education occupies as the livewire of many nations and the urgency with which to tackle this great challenge that confronted it, with half of the world's school and university students in many nations already affected by class closures, many well-meaning individuals and organisations had concernedly raised a clarion call for an electronic (online/distant) learning option as possible solution. However, with the startling digital divides between the rich and the poor which rendered computer/internet use at home inaccessible to so many young people, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, coupled with other attendant challenges like constant power supply, it was only apparent that effective online teaching and learning option remained but a far-cry. It was in cognisance of this rather disheartening reality, therefore, that the interventionist educational effort of the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia (BCA), which the study refocuses, became not only imperative, but also laudable as a viable option in contending with the prevailing emergency and challenge which COVID-19 pandemic presented at the time.
Desperate situation, as the popular maxim holds, calls for desperate measure. Overwhelmed with gr... more Desperate situation, as the popular maxim holds, calls for desperate measure. Overwhelmed with great fear of their speedily looming annihilation in the hands of the indomitable Israelites in the course and actualisation of their 'Mission Promised Land' mandate, in so dire and tragic a fix that unless a corresponding swift action is taken, the ensuing catastrophe would only be better imagined; the Gibeonites had to invoke their skillful mimetic instincts apparently as a last resort in successfully averting the sweeping danger and destruction that confronted them. It was an extreme desperate move to ensure that they were not only spared from their impending annihilation as a nation, but such that also guaranteed their continued survival. Anchored on Ronald Rogers' protection motivation theory (PMT) and critical textual analysis, the study x-rays the ramifying implications of the Gibeonites' contrived overture towards the Israelites in their dogged command actualisation mission, through a mimetic lens; an overture through which they were able to secure a rather sly treaty from the Israelites in becoming their ally-a kind of positive ongoing relationship-and more so, in averting their apparently looming and almost inevitable destruction. The study is not only a salient commentary on the universality of human error in judging things by their outward appearance, but it also casts a remarkable didactic reflection on the universality of the nature of the 'integrity' of human relationships and the necessity for extreme caution in all levels of human interactions and undertakings.
Received: February 20, 2020 Accepted: February 27, 2020 Published: March 31, 2020 Volume: 2 Issue... more Received: February 20, 2020 Accepted: February 27, 2020 Published: March 31, 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 The success of every business, media management inclusive, depends on the managers' ability to recognize and adapt to socio-political, economic, cultural, and technological as well as other prevailing dynamics of the host environment. The implication of the foregoing is that for the media to succeed in the discharge of their functions, the imperative for effective management cannot be overemphasized. In other words, a good knowledge of journalism, as much necessary as it is, is not enough prerequisite for effective management of media organizations, especially in a prevailing depressed economy like ours. With their strategic location as the Fourth Estate of the Realm, the media industry in Nigeria has no doubt continued to grow in size and responsibility. Such growth in turn inevitably places higher demands on effective management of the industry. Against this backdrop, especiall...
Breakthroughs in science and technology have no doubt brought about tremendous enhancement of eff... more Breakthroughs in science and technology have no doubt brought about tremendous enhancement of effective communication process; validating science and technology’s invaluable role in human communication activities. This positive trend which has brought about the development of satellite as a Space Technology has proved greatly instrumental in laying the foundation for effective communication structure by guaranteeing the availability of speedy access to real-time data and geospatial information which have similarly proved impactful on virtually all human development effort. The Federal Government of Nigeria, fully aware of the implication of the above in its aspiration towards the attainment of rapid and sustainable socioeconomic development, took conscious steps to facilitate the launch of NIGCOMSAT-1, to key into this auspicious communication technological trend. Hence, the role of NIGCOMSAT: the first communications satellite for Nigeria, which was successfully launched into the o...
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been introduced to virtually all aspects of hu... more Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been introduced to virtually all aspects of human endeavour. The developments in the areas of ICT application have become very rapid especially with the need for all broadcast stations to become digitalised. This study investigated the availability, accessibility and influence of ICT tools in programme production; and thus evaluated the options available for programme producers in utilising ICT facilities to facilitate the processes as well as improve contents of the programmes in the broadcast stations in South East Nigeria. Four sets of population – broadcast stations (33); programme producers (271); select audience (infinite), and programme production managers (33) – were studied. A sample of 30% was randomly selected and studied from each population. The study adopted mixed methods research design in a triangulation of survey, observation and content analysis. Finally, the data were descriptively analysed and thematically e...
Democratisation from time immemorial has been a people-oriented phenomenon. While development in ... more Democratisation from time immemorial has been a people-oriented phenomenon. While development in the context of this discourse points to change – positive change, which involves the improvement of the quality of people’s situation/condition; considering Alternative Theatre in the light of the above topic, therefore, implies the galvanising of the consciousness of the people towards active participation in addressing their development needs and aspirations. This simply emphasises the planning of activities aimed at directing this process of change essentially from the perspective of the people. Through the platform of Alternative Theatre – a veering from the conventional theatre tradition, this paper highlights the instrumentality and effectiveness of a remarkably burgeoning and diversifying performance tradition in democratising this development process.
The creation of a believable reality in a film story requires appropriate application of both vis... more The creation of a believable reality in a film story requires appropriate application of both visual and auditory elements to achieve an effective communication. Thus, the film medium is a vital instrument in the hands of man for the transformation of his natural world and the projection of his ideal world to other human beings. Film is one of the fascinating and easiest means of communication in Nigeria, due to its wide range of audience consumption. Hence, the audience invariably accentuates the reality of the filmic experience. The concept of audience in film studies highlights a collective of people who are responsive to film viewership. The audience is necessary for filmmakers’ profit, and as such filmmakers construct their film very specifically in the hope of pulling substantial audience turnouts, which readily predisposes the filmmakers’ product to be predominantly audience-driven. Through the films produced, the audience is educated and entertained. This is therefore an obv...
This study is sequel to “Trends in the Development of Alternative Theatre Practice: The Ahmadu Be... more This study is sequel to “Trends in the Development of Alternative Theatre Practice: The Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Example”. Unarguably, development in trends in the practice of Alternative Theatre in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria has been established from the foregoing study to have been dictated and directed by emergent constraints/limitations in the process. It is this transitional development, therefore, which was initiated on the platform of the Samaru Project, and then progressed into the Community Theatre, that ultimately gave rise to Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance [NPTA], a Non Governmental Organisation [NGO] that is not, however, bound by the university thrust to work with communities, using theatre as a tool for development. This study, therefore, focuses on Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance [NPTA] as a further dimension in trends of Alternative Theatre practice in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, to examine its role in the vanguard of The...
Papers by Sam Okoronkwo
tool in awakening the consciousness of the disadvantaged in the society for real action in finding solution to their
problems. The importance of TfD, therefore, as a vital Development Communication tool cannot be overemphasised.
However, the demands of contemporary TfD practice in an era of electronic culture inundated with varying degrees of
challenges ranging from constraints in time and distance, inadequate availability of human resources and production
facilities among other socio-economic and technological challenges now transcend solo stage performances alone.
Although the stage has incontrovertibly remained the ‘mother’ performance medium as evidently appropriated in TfD;
change and transformation of the society has, however, necessitated the expedient digitilisation and aligning of TfD
communication with the electronic media for the animator, facilitator, and practitioner to interact at a larger scale to be
able to make meaningful impact through the process of mass communication. The discourse is an attempt at reinforcing
the evolution of Intersection Performance TfD Theory – Intersection Performance Technique [IPT] – birthed to offer a
new performance approach in TfD practice aimed at a more effective realisation of performance objectives, to make it
relevant to the realities of our time. IPT, therefore, is a radicalising development communication approach which
emphasises a set of techniques that utilise potentials of other genres and media apart from the stage to put the animators'
message across. This technique which utilises modern technology facilities is designed to enhance TfD performances in
order to effectively bring issues in performance and development communication contexts to the clarity of participating
audiences; as well as facilitate the realisation of the overall goals of TfD initiatives, as a problem solving enterprise.
tool in awakening the consciousness of the disadvantaged in the society for real action in finding solution to their
problems. The importance of TfD, therefore, as a vital Development Communication tool cannot be overemphasised.
However, the demands of contemporary TfD practice in an era of electronic culture inundated with varying degrees of
challenges ranging from constraints in time and distance, inadequate availability of human resources and production
facilities among other socio-economic and technological challenges now transcend solo stage performances alone.
Although the stage has incontrovertibly remained the ‘mother’ performance medium as evidently appropriated in TfD;
change and transformation of the society has, however, necessitated the expedient digitilisation and aligning of TfD
communication with the electronic media for the animator, facilitator, and practitioner to interact at a larger scale to be
able to make meaningful impact through the process of mass communication. The discourse is an attempt at reinforcing
the evolution of Intersection Performance TfD Theory – Intersection Performance Technique [IPT] – birthed to offer a
new performance approach in TfD practice aimed at a more effective realisation of performance objectives, to make it
relevant to the realities of our time. IPT, therefore, is a radicalising development communication approach which
emphasises a set of techniques that utilise potentials of other genres and media apart from the stage to put the animators'
message across. This technique which utilises modern technology facilities is designed to enhance TfD performances in
order to effectively bring issues in performance and development communication contexts to the clarity of participating
audiences; as well as facilitate the realisation of the overall goals of TfD initiatives, as a problem solving enterprise.