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Entries by tag: things that make me die inside

In like a lion...

I really have no words, but I had to share.

Last night, Wiccy looked across the room at me and said, "So, y'know, the Blue Jackets' practice tomorrow is open to the public..." Now, in all my 29 years on this Earth (age adjusted for self-denial purposes) I've learned enough to know where this was leading. I replied, "So, I take it you want to go?" And I heard back, "Only if you do." She didn't actually bat her eyelashes, nor did she bounce up and down like a kid in a toy store begging for some shiny, new toy, but that may be only due to her not feeling all that well at the time.

And since it had been just over a week since our last hockey game, it was easy to agree to go. It wasn't as easy to actually go, since I only got about three hours of sleep. She got a little bit more than I did, but we both were able to get going on time. Seeing as how this was a Thursday morning, there weren't a lot of people in the stands (practice was held in the smaller rink called the Ice Haus attached to the arena). And even though it really was just the team running drills for an hour and a half or so, it was a lot of fun. The team is coming off a 4-0 win over the Nashville Predators the other day, so they were kinda loose and in a good mood and it was rather obvious.


Afterwards, we wandered over to the North Market for lunch, which was delicious. I had some BBQ, that I had to save a bit of and just now finished. It was a nice morning and early afternoon.

And then we came home, and I had the Fluxx promo pack in the mail. Which along with the recently released Pirate Fluxx, I am one happy Looney Labs addict right now.

Now in a complete change of topic... Making the rounds of the Internet the other day was a trailer to a movie that came out in 2004. Somehow I never heard of it, which I find unbelievable. It's a movie where Gary Oldman played the dwarf/little person (whichever the proper term is) of Matthew McConaughey. I mean, seriously, how did I not hear of this? I shall share this trainwreck with all of you:

Read more...Collapse )

Finally, to cleanse the palette after that...

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Okay, I've taken up enough of your time.


Battlestar Galactica is getting the big-screen treatment. Universal Pictures has confirmed blog speculation that Bryan Singer, director of Valkyrie, will take on directing and producing duties for a BSG movie. Glen Larson, who created original series back in 1978, will produce as well. The film is not expected to be a continuation of current popular television show that’s running on the SyFy network but will be a complete re-imagining of the sci-fi lore that was invented by Larson back in the 70s.

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So anyway....

It's been a while since I've made an actual post. And today I was thinking that I'd make a post, if only to talk about TV, 'cause I've been watching a bit of it lately and had some thoughts on it. But then tonight's episode of Lost went and broke my brain. So until my brain recovers, you're stuck with this:

Really? Are you freaking kidding me?Collapse )

So, how was your Hump Day?

Seriously, What the Fuck?


George Clooney tofu: Are you effin' kidding me?

Um, come again? PETA, the animal-rights group best known for throwing blood-red paint on the fur-encased Anna Wintours of the world, would like to make a George Clooney-flavored tofu. The name? CloFu. In a letter addressed to the dashing star (who, yesterday, made my Thursday night TV a lot more exciting), PETA explained that they’d got their hands on a gym towel soaked with Clooney’s sweat, and that thanks to some wacky technology, they could harvest said perspiration into something akin to the meat flavoring that turns up in instant gravy. “Of course your fans would swoon at the idea of eating CloFu,” the letter explained. “But what interests us most is that we would attract many people who don’t try tofu because they worry that it would be bland or that they wouldn’t know how to cook it.” Now, I am a vegan-ish vegetarian going on 20-plus years of a meat-free diet, but even I can’t deny that this is a) nothing more than PETA's latest attempt to grab headlines (mission accomplished!); and b) GROSS! I do not want to eat tofu that is infused with Clooney’s, or for that matter, anyone else’s sweat! I am perfectly happy to keep my tofu in the fridge and my Clooney on the screen. If ne’er the twain shall meet, a happy herbivore shall I be. Thank god Clooney seems to agree. “As a mammal, I am offended,” he said. (Leave it to him to be funny when responding to such ridiculousness.)

What’s your take? Are you as grossed out by PETA’s latest publicity stunt as I am? Or does the idea of throwing a CloFu steak on the grill have you all hot and bothered? If the latter, are there other celebrities whose essence you’d like to see infused into tofu or other forms of mock meat? A little Viggo Tempeh for lunch? How about some Jackman Seitan?

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Long time no update, eh?

Well, I've been quite the slacker this past little while. A bunch of stuff has been going on, and I've just let it go on by without comment, mostly due to sheer laziness. It's so much easier to play on Facebook or Twitter than to come on here and yammer away about stuff. Or so it's seemed lately.

But I don't want to fall out of the habit of updating, or one of these days I'll just fade away from LJ and that would be bad. So, this will probably be somewhat long and rambling, since there's plenty to chat about, I guess.


Wait, who likes eating black top?Collapse )



Eet! Eet! Eet!Collapse )

Zzzzzz.......Collapse )


'With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red...'Collapse )


'Wait a second. We're not going to Guam, are we?'Collapse )

A Little Bit of Everything Else...

And now comes the point in the post where I'm going to post up some Pop Culture type news and such, and possibly comment on them.

Blue sky on Mars?Collapse )

Really? Do we really need this? Is there honestly not a single new idea left?

This time, I'm rooting for the Nothing.Collapse )

Again, is this really necessary? Are there no more books left that haven't been turned into movies that we have to go back to ones that already have been?
Flames. On the side of my face...Collapse )

Seriously, no. No, no, and again, NO. Not that this is a big surprise, but just why?

This one's for Beans:

And for those of you who hadn't heard, and were wondering, yes, Supernatural will be back next season. You will not be denied your Winchester boys fix.

And I think I'll end things there, as this has already consumed quite a bit of my night and I should be getting to bed. Work tomorrow and all that. But at least I'll be Kentucky bound in the afternoon.

Brain go 'splodey?

This has got to be one of the most cracktastic ideas in the history of ever...

So, Jesse 'The Body' Ventura as Mr. Darcy?Collapse )

And here we all thought "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" was as far as one could go with things. Oh, how wrong we were!!

So, so very wrong...


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