I hate roller coasters. Always have. The heights, the speed, the sense of not having any control. Just hate 'em. I especially hate when life decides to act like a roller coaster. And I know that ups and downs are part and parcel of this thing we call existence, but when they all bunch together in a series of rapid hills and valleys, I just hate it. Deaths, births, crisis upon crisis. I'd just like life to slow the fuck down for a bit. Give me a couple of months to catch my breath, get my bearings again, that sort of thing. I know it won't happen, but it would be nice.
The city decided to do some maintenance on the water main in our area, or something, today. So they shut off the water to our complex. Six hours without, and about half an hour of that left as of this writing, and I'm sitting here trying to tell my innards that they do not need to use the bathroom when in fact they really could do with a visit. Let's hope the city workers finish on time!
Not sure why, but I got a huge increase in the number of userpic spots about a week or so ago. Like 250+ all of a sudden. So naturally, I had to try to fill all those spots, even though I'm never going to be able to use them all. And of course, all of the old icon communities I used to visit have been dead for at least a decade. So I had to make them myself. Nothing fancy, since that's well beyond my skill set. But I'm happy with what I've cobbled together. Just need to post more to use some, I guess.
I think that's all the rambling I've got in me for today.
As the name implies, social media is as much as society makes of it. So even if one does come back, the interactions would be wildly different, provided there were any interactions at all. *pictures…
Yeah, I don't do much on social media these days either. It's funny, though, every so often I see people commenting on how they miss LJ, and I'm like "it's still here." But I understand why most…