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Thinking In Exposition

All Mirth and No Matter

Account with the “Professional” package enabled

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Journal created:
on 6 August 2004 (#4095365)
on 16 March 2025
Ohio, United States
52, aberrant, academy awards, ancient egypt, angel, animaniacs, aquariums, aquarius, arrowverse, babylon 5, baseball, batgirl, battlestar galactica, birds of prey, blue beetle, books, bookstores, brave new world, brooklyn nine nine, browncoats, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, changeling: the dreaming, chrononauts, columbus crew, comic books, comics, community, conventions, count of monte cristo, crouching tiger hidden dragon, d&d, dark ages, dark ages: fae, dark ages: vampire, dark matter, dark sun, dcu, delta tau delta, doctor horrible, doctor who, dragon con, dragoncon, dulahan, dungeons and dragons, eureka, exalted, film noir, firefly, fluxx, forgotten realms, france, gail simone, gaming, garbage, george perez, get shorty, green lantern, green lantern corps, hamilton, history, les miserables, looney labs, looney pyramids, lost girl, love and capes, lucifer, mage: the ascension, manhunter, mcu, memento, monty python, movies, much ado about nothing, mummies, muppets, mythology, nanofictionary, nationstates, nhl hockey, origins, origins game fair, owod, pathfinder, pepsi, philadelphia eagles, philadelphia flyers, philadelphia phillies, photography, pinky and the brain, planescape, pushing daisies, reading, roleplaying, rpgs, sci-fi, serenity, shakespeare, singin' in the rain, smirk & dagger, smirk & laughter, soccer, spelljammer, star trek, star wars, t-shirts, television, that thing you do, the guild, the scream, tim minear, tiny titans, trivia, tv, vampire: the dark ages, vampire: the masquerade, veronica mars, warehouse 13, werewolf: the apocalypse, wonderfalls, world of darkness, wraith: the oblivion, wynonna earp, zoos

Rating position
